War in Regar (IC)

Flower smiles at them. "That's pretty cool. To bad we humans can't do much magic." SHe said and then looked as BC just starts nervously laughing. FLower roased an eyebrow. "What's up with you?" She said putting her hiar behind her ear. Her pointy ears have never really clicked anything into her mind. She thought she was full human, it was just some odd characteristics. She sat down in the grass her legs still in the water.

BC looks at Flower. "Nothing." He said and then sat down beside her looking at Nadia. He didn't want to tell flower because if the seal could not be fully broken that would just hurt Flower.
"you wanna try it im sure me and shadow can use more magic to hold you two" nadia offered and hopedout taking flower by the hand shadow was all ready to go at a good spot to start.
Flower smiles and nodded. Her own magic started acting up though. Her hair seemed to glow a bit. She didn't notice however.
shadow was looking at the water even if he did see her hair he really didnt care.nadia however was uneased but then shadow held flowers other hand and they got ready "you say go so we dont leave you ok flower?"
BC sighs and then looks at Flower. "Please don't burn them please don't burn them." He whispered really worried about thne increased show of her light.

Flower looked at BC. "Did you say something?" She asked but BC shook his head no and Flower raised an eyebrow. "Um go.' She said smiling.
they all go power slideing across the lake then drop her but nadia and shadow kept slideing but didnt mean to and crashed into a rock wall being hidden by the water fall.nadia got a cut on her arm and shadow got a cut on his forehead wich bleed a lot more then hers.her sweetly picks nadia up and carrys her to a grassy spot then set her down."you ok ?" shadow asked "its just a cut are you?" nadia said back "nothing is flower ok" they walk over to her and checked on her even though they where both hurt
Azania giggled at her, "I can leave; I'm all covered up and something on my face." he said, referring to the cream that he didn't expect her to know about.
(Wow... you miss alot when you dont post for a day :( Sorry about that, I was exhausted all day and had to call it in early :( .)

Aeradom released her hand and looked out in the direction of where the Dark Lord was. He was in no shape to confront him, and even if he was at 100%, he wasn't sure if he could do it alone.

Knowing all that, he turned back and looked over at Katherine. He wanted to be angry, going so far as clenching his fist and feeling the immortal fire burning in his hand. But after seeing what he did, he just couldn't bring himself to strike her. Instead, he just turned and walked back in the direction of the others. He paused and looked back, realizing how vulnerable she was. "Come on, we should see what the others are up to." For the moment, that was all he could manage to say to her.
Flower nods and then looks at her arm. "I'm fine." she said gently touching her arm. When she does light shoots out from her fingertips and heals the cut. In surprise she jumped back and then looks at her hand in shock and confusion. "What the heck?!"
"O-okay then," Lala said. "Is there anywhere you need to go?" (I have no idea what to do now . . .)
Azania shrugged, "not really no. Anywhere you want to go?" he asked, grinning at her.
Lala looked down. Her face was beginning to turn red. After thinking for a while, she said, "There's one place . . . I have to go . . . "
nadia laughs "i got you i used my magic to scare you" nadia was goodat lieing and she huged flower "dont worry about it"

kathrine ran to his side like a girl that just found her parents after being lost in a store.she was a little worried he hated her now and would kill her in her sleep yet she didnt care she felt safe from her flashbacks with him.
BC sighed in relief looking at Nadia and nodding a thank you.

Flower starts laughing. "Yeah....good one." She smiled and then looked at Shadow. "Then I expect you to heal as well?" She said, she didn't mind Nadia's hugs. She rather liked the attention she got from the two. One was sisterly and the other just some flirting from a boy. Although she was still pretty mad about him stealing what she thought would be a romantic first kiss.
Lala couldn't help but smile back but it quickly faded when she thought about where they had to go. She lead them through the forest for what seemed like ages until they reached a cave. Near it was a large tree, and under that was a pile of stones. She placed a few flowers in front of the pile, then turned to Azania. "Azania, meet my . . . brother, Castiel."
Azania had been smiling right up untill they came to the rocks, "oh my… I'm… so sorry for your loss." he said, putting his hand over his heart and looking like he was going to cry a little. It was these kind of things that made him very upset.
Lala gave a weak smile. "It's okay." She looked back down at the make shift grave. "Four years ago today, I . . . killed him . . . Ever since we were little, we were eachother's best friends. No one in the village wanted anything to do with a demon." She turned back to the vampire. "I bet he's happy now that I've made a friend."
Azania opened his mouth to speak, but no noise came out. Slowly he brought his hand away from over his heart and used it to wipe away tears that were forming. He looked around the place they were in then back at Lala and gave a faint smile, "I hope he is." he said.

(waaiitt a second I thought the brother wasn't dead so wouldn't the grave be… open?)
(Well . . . there's an explanation for that, but that would be a spoiler for later on. It's not an open grave.)

Lala saw Azania wipe away some tears. She went to him and placed a kiss under each eye. "All better?"

(Also, missnoblerose and Fire of Hearts, would it be okay for Lala to drag Azania to the same waterfall you guys are at? If not, it's okay.)
(nu spoilerz =3)

Azania smiled at her, "yeah, thanks." he said, giggling a little bit. The bat(who's name I've oh so cleverly forgotten :P ) poked his head out of the pocket and made a few squeaks then went back inside the pocket.
(I am so sorry. In my defense, I was extremely confused by that message and was looking through various posts to see what you meant by help.)

The air seemed to have a heavy aura in it. Lala grabbed Azania's hand. "Come on. I know a place where we can relax."
shadow healed himself and nadia shoved him in the water"Hey!" he yelled grabing nadias arm and pulled her in at wich point she took flower down with her."sorry flower thought you would be better help" nadia teased"hey flower did you know this water was green when we first found this place years agobut with a touch of my- i mean our greatness its this relaxing place i think its safe to say we and now you are welcome here when ever you want any one else whk trys to enter can swim in green slim unless we are here" shadow said and swam over to flower "hey why dont i try to give you a better secound kiss then the first?"
Flower blushes as Shadow asks if he could give her another kiss. She looks away trying to hide her blush. "N-no that's o-ok." She said swallowing hard. But... I never studder what the heck!? She looked at him and then looked down at the water.

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