War in Regar (IC)

(thats up to you) shadow smiled but it wasnt a cocky smile he just liked haveing her next to him without trying to kick his arse.yet he knew he would pay when she awoke so he enjoyed it while he could
Flower opens her eyes. She looks at Shadow and then blushes deeply. "Wh-....what the heck are you doing!?" She sat up looking at him.
"well bc moved and you where cold so i keep you warm." she smiled at her then stood and walked off so she couldnt yell at him
Flower blinked and then looked at BC. She glared and then watched BC run away. She sighed and then got up. She looked at Shadow and then blushed a bit again. She looked at the water and then sighed. "Hey Nadia....you brought some snacks right? I'm kind of hungry."
nadia hops out of the water and walks over to the basket of food nadia had said they where snacks but it was more like a buffet and i dont mean a lot of sandwiches there was a lot of everything
Flower blinks and smiles. "Wow." She giggles. "That's a lot of food. Thanks Nadia." She was going to grab something when BC ran up knocking her over. BC looked over the food for anything he could eat. Flower grabbed her head groaning. "That....hurt BC."
Lala decided to sit underneath a nearby tree. Her eyes turned to Azania whose eyes were stuck on the water. He was her first friend since she arrived here 4 years ago. At least she thought they were friends. A bit unsure of what to do now, she asked him, "Do you have any family?"

(When is sunset going to be? I can't let Cas out until then . . .)
Azania frowned a little, thinking deep for a bit of time, "little kouko(cleverly changing the name to something easier to remember)here." he said, referring to the bat with a point to his pocket. He walked over to Lala and sat next to her, "what about you? Do you have any other family?" he asked, grinning a little.
Lala shook her head. "No. I was adopted but a human family when I was young. I don't remember anything from before that. But I had a mom, a dad, and Cas, so I didn't care where I really came from." She paused for a bit and looked at the ground. "When the orcs raided my village, my parents were killed. Cas and I ran as fast as we could to this place . . . but now he's gone too." She pulled up her knees to her chin.

Cas yawned as he walked out of the inn. He looked at the horizon and the setting sun. Jirou landed on his shoulder and started chirping. "Yeah I know. But this is a big place. How do we even start looking?" Maybe he should try to find those people from before. They were the only people he knew in this place.

(Do you think now would be okay for a sibling reunion? Or maybe later?)
(if you want it :3)

azania nodded, "that's quite a harrowing Story." he said, putting a hand on her shoulder in a reassuring way, then gave a light smile and tilted his head a tiny bit.
(Okay, but there is more to the story than just the reunion . . . but no spoilers.)

Lala closed her eyes and smiled. Azania was really . . . nice. She began to relax before opening her eyes abruptly. "You're sweet," she said.

(. . . what to do now . . . Prowlerz do you have any ideas?)
BC looks at Shadow and then blinks. He smirks and then roars showing his large fangs and gets out his claws. He blinks as Flower hits him hard on the head. "NO!" BC looks at Flower. "I was just going to scare him!"
(non sorry D:)

azania smiled, "you're sweet too." he said. Everything about her was very nice, although she was a sucubuss, but she promised to feed off orcs so she probably wouldn't use her sucubuss powers. He grinned a little, "you know I don't mind if you feed off me because if I drink your blood while you feed then what we take will be replaced with what we give." he said, grinning at her.
Lala laughed. "I don't think it works that way. Besides, a succubus can only feed two ways. And one of them is through lip to lip contact."
Azania sighed in a joking way, "well I tried." he said, giggling at her, "what's the other way?" he asked, grinning a limitless.
Lala's face turned red as she looked toward the side. "Y-you know . . . something more . . . i-intimate." She glanced back at him and saw the big grin on his face. "Y-you knew, didn't you?!"
Azania shook his head, "no I didn't know I thought if a sucubuss was in love then it would feed from that." he pointed out, looking at the tree with a smile.
Lala's face was still red from having to say that. She looked up at Azania again. "A succubus wouldn't feed from someone they loved if they didn't have to. When we feed, we feed off of life force. Which means that every time we feed, we shave years off of our victim's lives. Blood can regenerate if given time, but those years never come back."

Cas had talked to everyone he could in the town square. But for some reason, whenever he described his sister, everyone either looked at him funny, laughed at him, or just hurried away.
Nadia giggles as shadow picks up BC "you are a guide not a idiot! " he yells the throws. BC in the water "DON'T HURT FLOWER!!!!! "shadow growled then layer next to flower puting his head in her lap.
Flower looks at Shadow and then blinks blushing a bit. "You ok...or do you always act so strange and touchy?" She looks at BC who comes out of the water hissing like crazy. He looks at Shadow and then roars. Flower ignored the poor cat and then looked back at Shadow.
"He hurt you. " shadow looks up at her his. Eyes where black and he shifts in her lap soon falling asleep. Nadia raised an eyebrow "don't bother him just eat " she said knowing no matter who much she moved he would just go with but if she moved him off then he would awake.
Flower looked at him and then sighed. "He just had to fall asleep in my lap...." She looked at him and then slightly smiled. She moved her hair so it hid her smile. She looked at the food and then grabbed a sandwich eating. She looked at Shadow. He was so cute. She gently moved her fingers in his hair and then removed her fingers. She looked as BC was licking himself. She smiled at him although he avoided her eye sight, he looked ashamed and very angry. Flower looked back at Shadow and then continued eating her sandwich.
Shadow moved closer to her hand as she touched his hair when she removed her hand he made a pouting noise. Nadia crossed her arms "he never let me touch his hair asleep or not."

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