War in Regar (IC)

Lala smiled, it would be nice to have company for a change, though she was pretty sure that sleep would help his injuries, but she didn't want to upset him. "Sure, I have plenty of food." She turned to the daemon and vampire. "What do you guys say? Don't you need a place to stay for tonight?"
Azania nodded at the muffled meeps from his pocket, he too wanted to stay in the cottage to make the bat shut up, maybe he might start and turn into the right thing when he needed it. Although he knew that no-one would want a blood sucking vampire in their house. He thought about the cave and how close to inhospitable was. He opened his mouth to speak, but sharply closed it again.
Lala saw the boy begin to say something but stopped. What if he didn't want to stay with a succubus. What if he was afraid she would kill him. She quickly plurted out, "I-I promise I won't feed on you! I had trouble controlling it when I was younger but I'm good with it now! I feed on orcs now, not a pleasnat experience but it fills me. I-I-I" She started to panic a bit, she was babbling again. How embarrassing. But she couldn't leave someone to sleep in the streets because her kind are known for sucking the life essence out of men. She continued to babble until Alucard brushed up against her leg. She stopped and began staring at the ground while playing with the hem of her skirt. "Uh . . . um . . . I'm sorry."
(Huh? I don't know if I can do your character justice but I guess I can wait. I don't know about the others though.)
Azania sighed a little, the last thing he wanted to would be to upset someone, but could he be sure he thought that he would probably need to say that he wouldn't drink anyone's blood, but what would happen when he started to need it and the other side of himself came out. He kept his head low and didn't say anything, ignoring the furious meeps and struggling from his pocket.
Aeradom began to walk past the succubus when she began to stamer, he turned his attention to her and glared into her eyes. Although the others couldn't see it, his eyes began to glow and was transformed into glowing orbs as he spoke ominously, "I have judged you though to have a good soul, despite your nature and thus will not harm you. I assure though, if you should try something, you wont live long enough to regret your foolish action. "

He paused briefly and looked back at the Vampire. Muttering under his breathe, "I'm protecting a vampire from a timid succubus... perhaps I should get some rest.." He said as he walked past her.
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower smiles as she hugs her and then hugs back. She looks at BC who chuckled at Agile. "Hello Agile." He slightly rubbed his head on hers in a greeting and then sits down. Flower looks at Nadia. "Missed you to."

........ ugh I got a headache! anywayes repost
(Its OK)

Katherine pauses as everything around her turns black and white.

"No please don't not now!" She closes her eyes trying to stop the flash back.

(BTW you can see and hear every thing she dose or says you just can't see what she dos)

When she opened her eyes she falls to her knees.

A bloody 10 year old boy stood in front of her "it was not my fault! "

She yells at him and he whispers "it was I died because of you."

She looks down as tears run down her face.

The snake fry's to hide her slightly by wraping around her.
Azania looked up at the girl, "if you don't mind, I'd like to stay too. You know only if you're alright with a non sleeping, blood sucking person and a cheeky bat living in your house." he said, scuffing the dirt with his shoe, wondering if he had left anything of real value in the cave. He smiled to himself when he realised he had nothing of value in his cave, but chances are he would be staying in it for the foreseeable future.
Lala's face lit up and she grabbed his hand. "Of course it's okay. If you don't mind a hellhound trying to eat your guide." But she saw Katherine fall to her knees and scream. "What's going on?"
Kathrine was still seeing the boy when she turn to the Succubus.

She stands and turns looking around as if people surounded her.

Her basilisk hissed as she screams then covers her face like a scared child

Soon she ran into a tree yelling at it as if it was a person.

Then it was over she blinks as the green comes back to the trees and everything was OK.
Azania giggled slightly, "I hope you don't mind that my guide might turn into a hammer and smack your guide on the head; or turn into a feather then get eaten anyway. I don't really mind either." he said, making the bat in his pocket wimped a little, "awwh you know I don't mean it." he said, putting a finger in his pocket and tickling the bat, not really noticing what was going on with Katherine. He hadn't realised before, but the Lala was very pretty, well she would be since she was a succubus.
Aeradom stopped to turn and looked over at the strange woman. Slowly he approached her and rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Child, are you alright?"

In the meantime, Lily came out from under his wings and fluttered over to Lala's shoulder. "Don't mind him he's really a nice... what I mean to say that he's just a big... Well... he's never killed anyone unprovoked. Hmm that's not true, there was that one time..." She glanced over and smiled innocently, trying her best to reassure her, already taking a liking to the Succubus.
Lala giggled. "Don't worry, I won't die so easy." She raised up a thin arm as if showing off a muscle. "I'm a lot stronger than I look."
"Oh I know!" She said confidently and glanced over at him. Lily leaned in and cupped her lips so that only she could hear her whisper. "Best not to let him know, males get so touchy about such things."
Tskanza sighed slightly and waited. His bat climbed out of his pocket and flew over to Lilly, flying around her head and making stupid noises. Tskanza ran over and plucked the bat out of the sky, "oh I am so sorry about this little idiot; I think one day I'm going to get something to keep him in, like box full of deadly snakes." he said, smacking the bat off a nearby tree, then putting him back inside his pocket, knocked out.
Agile likes the mans hand happily "I'm Nadia pleased to meet you never seen you around here before you new


Kathrine looks at her."you dident see him?"
Lala had a puzzled look on her face. "See who?" She wondered what had freaked the daemon out so much, but it was late and they should get indoors soon. "We should probably get home. Do you think you can walk?"

Cas nodded. "Yes. I just got here a little while ago actually. Have you lived here long?"
"If need be I'll carry you," Aeradom said in a comforting tone. He had been standing for the past while, letting her adjust with his hand on her shoulder. "It isn't safe around here, we really should leave, if any of the Orcs survived my strike, they'll know where I came down and come looking for me."
"I.. its nothing. Katherine snaped trying to sound demon like as she stumbles to her feet but the flash left her rather weak and she triped falling on the angel."damn it I'm stronger than this. "

Nadia smiles "I lived here for 170 years."she says proudly

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