War in Regar (IC)

"Oh," Cas said disappointedly. He took her hand and got on her guide. Hopefully the person they were looking for had been here longer.
Flower petted BC. He started running fast. Flower held onto his mane to keep from falling off. She looked around and then set a hand on her clanging sword. She quieted it. When they got closer to her scent BC slowed down. They rushed past a guy eating an apple. Flower didn't give to much attention to him. Once Nadia was in sight BC stopped.
Flower got off of BC. "Nadia...." She sighed deeply out of relief. "Geez girl you worried me sick." She said and then looked at Knight and back at Nadia. "What's going on?" She asked.
Nadia turns slightly. "FLOWER!!" she yells as she hugs her "i missed you so much" Agile licks BCs cheek as she mised them as well.
(Pardon the long intro, I promise my future posts wont be this long :P In any event, hope you enjoy.)

“I don’t want to hear it.”

Aeradom and Lily had been flying non-stop for the past three days. They were en route to the border, looking for shelter from the oncoming hordes. He knew that it would be only a matter of time before the Orcs turned their full attention to these forest, and he was sure he was going to be ready to exact his vengeance on them.

“You did all you could, you need to stop beating yourself up Aera,” Lily responded in her typical soft inflection.

Aeradom, as hard headed an Angel as there ever was, would hear none of it. “It’s my fault! Had I not convinced them that they could fight back, they wouldn’t of been caught in that death trap! And I wouldn’t be running like a crow at the first sign of trouble!”

Lily surged ahead of him, blocking his path and glared at her. “Only an idiot would have stay and fight a battle you darn well knew was lost!” She shoved her finger pointedly in his face. Lily was never one to hold back, and especially when it came to the safety of Aeradom. He had saved her from a pack of hunters when she was much younger, and she wasn’t going to let the person she thought of as a father throw his life away so casually.

Just then, a thunderous roar echoed from the forest below. Aeradom looked down at the sight of the sound and saw a ball of steel hurtling up towards them. “Incoming!” He quickly wrapped his wings around Lily and curled up around her, shielding her with his body.

The shell flew up and exploded just before impact, charring and burning his wings. Aeradom cried out from the feeling of himself being caught on fire. Once the blast had dissipated, he opened up and looked down on the location where the projective had come. His wings spread open, his eyes turned from blue to a ball of yellow as he began to tap into his reserves. Within his hand formed a spear of pure light, so strong it lit up the night sky. Aeradom cried out in anger, fueling his power with his anger and launched the spear straight at his target.

A blazing comet streaked down from the sky and hit true on it’s target, detonating on impact and devastating the Orcish company that was foolish enough to fire on the Archangel. The shockwave carried out from ground zero, sending a gust of wind through the forest that caused the mighty oaks to bend. However, that last shot had taken more out of him than he had expected. A look of exhaustion was painted across his face, his breathe heavy and labored.

He felt a small hand shove on his shoulder, snapping his attention over to Lily. “We have to go now!” Lily said in panic. It was then that he realized that his right wing was still on fire, eating up along his wing. Aeradom angled his body in the direction of the river, knowing it couldn’t be far now.

But the damage was too severe, and after only a short time he began to lose altitude. Lily looked on in horror as she watched her surrogate father blaze across the night sky, a second comet that streaked down towards the sky. Once he reached the canopy, his body began to impact to trees, bouncing him around from side to side like a ping pong. His body crashed to the ground in another loud impact.

Aeradom laid there in the crater he had created. Small fires burned all around him. None were large enough to last more than a few minutes; the dirt that was thrown up from his impact had served to put most of them out. There was a hole now in the canopy now with broken limbs and trees that marked the path of his descent. He turned and looked at his right wing, all but burned off, and wondered if he would ever fly again.
Cas jumped off the lion and looked in the same direction as Flower. There was 3 people there, 2 boys and a girl, as well as their guides. He wondered which one of these was the one they were looking for.

Lala heard a loud rumbling coming from nearby. She flew over to the sound, with Alucard close at her heels, and was amazed to see a huge crater and many small fires scattered about the area. She peered down and asked, "A-anyone there?"
Nadia looked at the man and walked over to him "well now who are you?" she asked with a smile.

Kathrine was standing on the head of her guid.they had been bickering about her flash backs for some time "Shut up ya big headed no brain snake!"

She snaped as they came to a stop to see the angel and Kathrine cartweeled of the snakes head and lands on one knee.She stood up and walked over to him with a larg grin on her face.
Aeradom stood up slowly from the cratered, silhotted by the flames the leaped up behind him. The fires from his wings had fizzled out by name, but his clothes were now in tatters. He looked out and noticed the Succubus and the Dameon slowly approaching him. He stood tall and flexed out his one wing, determinded to now go down without a fight.

"State your purpose now! I have not time for the children of darkness!" His hand rested on the pummel of his sword, his eyes glowing yellow as prepared to defend himself, but secretly feeling vulnerable for the first time in his life without his ability to fly.
Kathrine starts to look slightly upset at the fact he wanted a fight and she was insulted."What did i do Mr. Craby?" her snake hisses at him slowly as Kathrine paces.
His gaze turned from the Succubus for a brief moment to focus on the Daemon, examining her. Aeradom had actually believed that she had come to try and finish him off in his weakened state; his paranoia was indeed running high.

"My pardon miss, I've..." Aeradom's gaze turned to looked at his once proud wing, now only a stubble remained. "... had a bad day. Still that doesn't excuse my rudeness... the name is Aeradom, commander of the 5th order of the 10th legion. And you are?"

His hand continued to rest on his pummel. However, Aeradom did relax his other wing, since it was unlikely he could make aerial get away in the shape he was in anyways. For the moment, until he could determine the Succubus' intent, he would remain cautious.
Lala was trembling slightly. "I-I'm sorry. I just heard . . . and . . . well, I wanted to see if anyone was hurt." Alucard began barking at the angel, but Lala silenced him. "Are you hurt?"

Cas put out his hand and said, "Isn't it rude to ask someone's name without revealing your own? But I'm Cas and this is Jirou."
Aeradom looked over at the Succubus, and at her remarks he dropped his hand away from his sword, standing fully relaxed now. Angels had a tendency to "smite first and ask questions later". But in his current state, he was neither in the mood or able to be smiting anyone.

Concerning her question, he simply looked back at the stub that was his wing and then looked back at her before retorting, "I'm fine". They bitterness of the after taste of the answer couldn't be mistaken.
Azania's ears twitched slightly, so did his bat's. Slowly he began to walk in a seemingly random direction, the bat followed and meeped at him, "yeah, what was it?" he asked, the bat did what looked like a shrug. Azania jumped up into a tree and started looking around, he saw a large crater with a singed person standing inside of it, clearly the source of the loud noise that his vampire hearing picked up. Carefully he jumped down from the tree and his bat landed on his head, standing with it's wings over it's body like they were arms and they were folded and it stood at a slight angle, it was clearly trying to look bigger and tougher than it actually was. Azania looked around at all the people, "this some kind of party?" he joked, flicking his bat in the belly, knowing it would be doing something stupid.
"What do you think!" Kathrine snaped as the basilik hissed at her "zip it."

The snake backed off as Kathrine liked at the vamp" Great more people."
Lala was still a bit wary of these people. She was not good with strangers, but they were probably refugees of the war. "Welcome to the river. Well, at least the forest by the river," she shyly remarked. She would've said more but a voice from above interrupted her. She looked up to see a boy and a bat.
Flower smiles as she hugs her and then hugs back. She looks at BC who chuckled at Agile. "Hello Agile." He slightly rubbed his head on hers in a greeting and then sits down. Flower looks at Nadia. "Missed you to."
Azania glanced from the girl with the snake, to the man in the crater, then at the girl who was looking at him, "oh sorry, are we interupting something?" he asked, looking down and going a little red.
"A Vampire, a Succubus and a Daemon... what is this? Some sort of.." Aeradom bit his tongue, not wanting to further antagonize the three before he had time to recover. His eyes scanned from side to side looking over the three.

Suddenly, Lily made her descent from above the canopy and stopped just between Aeradom and the others. "If you want him, your going to have to go through me!" She said strongly, but quickly that strength went away when she noticed the small creature on the man's head. "BAT!!!" She screeched and flew behind Aeradom, standing on his should and wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Keep it away!"
Lala let out a soft laugh and turned to the fairy. "Aren't you pretty?" But then Alucard began running for the bat. She grabbed tightly onto his collar and tried her best to hold him back, though he was pulling her along slightly. "No Alucard! Not everything is food!"
"Get him! Bite his head off," Lily screamed! Aeradom turned his head and shushed her and whispered something to her. She nodded and flew over to his good wing and flee up behind one of the feathers and hid there.
Azania sighed and put the bat back in his pocket, "looks like you'll be in there, sorry buddy." he said, ignoring the meeps of anger and little bites of his fingers. He glanced back up at everyone and rolled his eyes, flicking his pocket quite violently. After he flicked his pocket the meeping stopped, but he knew the bat was still alive because it kept wriggling about.
After calming Alucard down, Lala looked at the angel. He seemed really hurt. Mustering all the courage in her, she said to all of them, "If you're new here, I have a cottage nearby. It's not big, only 2 bedrooms. And it isn't right beside the river, where it's safest. But is is close enough so that we won't get attacked and I'm sure people can sleep in the living room. I have running water and some first aid supplies . . . If that's okay. I-I don't want to force any of you. It's just it'll be hard to get a room at an inn this late and the real estate agencies won't be open til morning."

(Also, missnoblerose, did you see Cas' response to Nadia?)
"Your a strange one Succubus." Aeradom smirked. The truth was though, he could use a shelter for the night to recover. And he wasn't so prideful as to decline so gracious an offer. Slowly he stepped forward and placed his hands on the edge of the crater, lifting himself up to come up to eye level with the group.

"I'll stand watch, I don't require any sleep." He remarked solemnly. From under his wing, he could feel a feather being tugged on. His wing unfolded and Lily looked up at him, hungry and tired. After a moment of thought, his gaze returned to the Succubus. "My... friend could use some food and water though, and somewhere to sleep if you wouldn't mind."


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