War in Regar (IC)

Nadia screamed in shock."Get off." Her hands glow blue the same blue as the stone that man gave her.soon she sends the vamp flying in the air.As the glowing dies down she Rushes over to him."Im so sorry I did not mean to do that."
Azania laughed a little bit, whilst rubbing his head and sitting up, "ouch." he said, taking two bits of sharpened bone out from his teth, his teeth were still sharp, but nowhere near as sharp, "don't worry, you won't feel a thing." he said, lightly putting his teeth into her neck for but a second, then pulling back out again, "t-thank you… sorry." he said as if he was a different person, "when I'm hungry I always get like that…" he said in a little voice, looking down slightly and poking one index finger with the other in a kind of I'm really sorry and nervous right now way, "I didn't mean to scare you like that..." he said, his voice getting even smaller.
Flower blinks and then sits down looking down. She blinked and then looked up. She was unsure of what to do. She sat calmly in the house and then frowns silently petting DC.
She places her hand where he bit a green glow heals it."uh y-yeah um."she pauses and looks at him"do you need more?"
Azania looked at her slightly confused, "n-no… I'm fine." he said, grinning slightly. That moment a small brown bat flew down on to his shoulder and looked at him, folding it's dark grey pointed wings around it's small body; making a V shape with it's head in the middle do it was visible, then it began to meep at Azania, "no she's not a blood source." he said, it meeped again, "no I don't want her to be a blood source." he replied, it meeped again, "no I don't fancy her!" he hissed, looking like he was going to smack the bat off his shoulder, it meeped again, "I don't care if you think she smells nice!" he said, then sniffed slightly, "you are right there though." he said if he had forgotten she was next to him. He glanced at her in a bit of shock, then grabbed the bat and shoved it in his pocket, "er ignore him." he said, trying to drown out the muffled meeps.
She looked rather confused as she scratches the back of her head"I think I'll go now." She slowly gets up then takes off running.Her mother always told her to run if you see a vampire so she did.it was hard to run in a long white goddess like dress and she feel rolling down a hill.geting scrapes on her face and a gash on her arm she slams into a rock at the end knocking her self out.
Azania sighed and jumped back up a tree and began to walk in the same direction as her. He noticed a hill infront of him and looked down it and saw the girl she was either sleeping or knocked out, although it was unlikely that someone would just go to sleep in the middle of a forest. He could smell blood so she was definetly not sleeping. He jumped down off the tree and landed with grace next to her, a few muffled meeps came from his pocket and he pulled his bat out, "what?" he hissed to which the bat meeped, "how many times am I going to have to tell you this? We are NOT going to live next to the river where everyone else so no we can't just steal her house. she ran because I'm a vampire; everyone runs when they know." he hissed, shoving the bat back in his pocket. The bat made a few more muffled meeps, "I don't care if that hurt; you're getting on my nerves." he said, carefully picking the girl up and carrying her to an open cave. He walked into the cave and set her down on a makeshift hammock. He walked over and flicked what looked like a lever made out if anything and everything; when he did so vines dropped from the top of the cave and covered the enterance, which was quite a distance from the actual part of the cave that had his belongings. He climbed up onto the roof hanging upside dowb, holding onto the roof with his feet and pulled a box down into which he put his bat, then tied the box back to the roof by a thread and stayed hanging for a few seconds, watching the girl. Moments later he dropped down and began to pace the room; the girl was in the only hammock in the cave so he just filled in the time doing nothing.
In Nadias dreams she was calling Agile to help her.Haveing no idea if it would work she opened her eyes.The first thing she did was sit up and stard solding the vampier."how dare you make me get hurt.you should be ashamed of your self."She crosses her arms and jumps off the hammock.She looks around abit confused."either im dreaming or you kidnaped me two...."
Azania laughed slightly, "you fell down a hill and hurt yourself, your were knocked out. I thought it'd be a nice thing to do instead of leaving you out in the cold dark forest for insects to come and nibble on your fingers." he said, looking at her and smiling.
"oh no Agile must be looking for me..she could get killed."Nadia paces worrying about Agile."you have to find her.please..."Meanwhile Agile is in full blown panic trying to find Nadia in the dark forest.Nadia walks over to him her eyes shimmer in the little bit of lite in the cave."i will do anything just please find her."Her voice was soft and kind yet still has a tone of worry.
Flower was back at the house worried sick herself. She sighed and looked down BC gaurding the door. She sighed and held her head. "Man...." She looked around still pretty panicked. She sighed once again and then looked at the floor. SHe didn't know what to do.
Azania nodded, "what does she look like?" he asked jumping back up on the roof, hanging by his feet and grabbing the box with his bat in and pulled the bat out of it, "we'll find her." he said, dropping from the roof and landing in his shoes which he needs to hat off to hang from the roof.
"she will find you dont worry.just dont hurt her.." she kisses his cheek for good luck and hands him a green stone."take this it should help you stop her from eating you." she smiles and whispers in his ear. "thank you."
Azania glared at her in shock and confusing, then rubbed his cheek with his sleeve, the bat in his hand made a sort of oeeeooo~ noise and Azania flicked him in the belly, "shut up you." he hissed, then took the stone from her hand, "please don't do that again." he said, rubbing his cheek with his bat and walking out the cave.
Nadia was slightly worried about what she did to make him so upset.when he was gone she take out a silver flute and play a song not just any song she was calling knight her brothers dragon of death.Shadow heard the song and nodded at knight to go.when the dragon got there Nadia sent him to help find Agile.by then Agile found the vampier and pounced on him.she opened her wings showing how much tougher she was.
Azania's bat jumped out of his pocket and landed on Agile's nose, spreading it's wings in a sort of mic take, then tried to bite Agile, but Azania grabbed the bat and stuffed him back in his pocket and held the stone out at Agile, waiting to see what it did.
the stone had no effect on her as she just tryes to bite his hand off but the stone did catch the dragons eye.Knight flys over Agile knocking her off.he lands in between the the two like police leting out loud roars at the two.Agile growls in protest but backs down when the dragon snaps at her.
Azania glared at the dragon and let out a little scream in fear, then started moving back in an attempt to get away from the two.
Castiel stumbled through the forest. He was tired and hungry. Jirou, his swallow spirit guide, landed on his shoulder for a rest.

"Lucky . . ."

He spotted a house in the distance and lit up. He ran up to the cabin and banged onto the door. Hopefully this was the place he was looking for.
Flower heard someone knocking and opened the door looking at him. She seemed slightly disapointed it wasn't Nadia. She looked at him with a small smile. "Um hello?" She looked at him wondering why he was here.
Knight gets rather angry and growls at him to stay.Agile growled to but the dragon get really mad and spreads its wings showing who's boss.Agile curls up whimpering. Knight walks over to the man and roars at him angrily the strong stench of death was in his breath.
Azania screamed loudly at the dragon and held the stone in front of his face, backing up as quickly as he could.
Cas saw a girl before him. After catching his breath, he asked her, "Is this the river where angel pray? Please tell me it is."
Agile and Knight paused Agile takes the stone in her mouth then takes off runing to the cave.Meanwhile the dragon growls getting even more angry at him for moving so in result the dragon lifts him up with his mouth from the back of his shirt and let's him hang there

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