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Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

[brutus wants to stop the assassination because he has the kings support but it wouldn't harm him to much if he died]
[ok sounds good it would be great if brutus takes all the credit for saving the king. that way we would have no choice but to stick with him since we need him in that case. what do you think?]
Draco took the scroll and left for the horse and cart to save the king, he didn't know how or what he was going to do, but he did know that he would do what he could to stop the assassin. As he travelled thoughts lingered on his own agenda he knew where the first knight of five was, he decided he'd instead of reporting on this mission's success or failure personally he'd send a courier to deliver word and go find the knight.
(Lol I swear my notifications are just broken. I have no idea how to jump back in or what has happened since I've been gone.)
(well! so far we are about to save a king! not the would be king but someone else! feel free to join in as the head of the assassins!)
Draco got off of the cart in a city not so different to Talon, but different at the same time. The city had what looked liked a keep. Draco walked towards it.
Anya had received her next target. She had already killed three people this week, but she saw this as a good thing. Perhaps she would be promoted soon. When one of her men handed her the paper, she raised an eyebrow. "Okay then. We're killing a king. Let's head to the north." The men nodded and started packing up their things.
On the outskirts of the city whose king was about to be murdered as a part of a gruesome and dark plan, Arcsidian sits in a cave staring mindfully at a piece of paper while smoking his pipe. finally he wraps it up and puts it and his pipe in his backpack and grabs his sword and leaves the cave. The scroll he handed to draco had all the information regarding the assassination in full detail. "Tonight at midnight, the fate of the realm would be sealed."

Arcsidian keeps thinking though, the merchant would most probably tries to warn the king and avoids risking any of his men. however arcsidian knew of the methods that the cults assassins usually employ. "Even if the king puts the entire army on high alert it wouldn't make much of a difference." while hoping that draco might have some friends to help them in this.
Brutus finally arrived and thanks to who he was he got brought straight to the king he told the king that his life was under threat and to trust no one.
Draco entered the throne room and saw Brutus, Draco picked up the pace, the king looked scared, Draco walked even quicker, his speed verging on running. Draco made eye contact with the king.
Brutus saw Draco enter "ah good king this is an ex--royal guard Draco" Brutus hoped Draco wouldn't say that Brutus didn't get this information
On a road, a man walks. He walks slowly, taking his time and enjoying himself. It might be unsettling for some, seeing someone like him smiling as he walks. The man's long black bangs cover his eyes, making it easier to look around without people knowing. Occasionally a large avian shadow passes overhead. The man smiles and keeps walking to the north, humming a tune.
It wasn't long before she and her men arrived in the same city that the king was in. Anya hopped down from her horse and looked around. "What do you all say to getting some drinks? It's not midnight yet. Too early to spill blood." She laughed and the men grinned as they all headed to a bar.
It is the busiest time of the day and Arcsidian is doing his best to attract no unwanted attention. Finally stops in front of a brick wall where a strange diagram is painted with chalk. Arcsidian take a look at the piece of paper he was checking back at the cave. The diagram on the paper and the one on the wall are identical except for the red dot marking one of the curved section of the diagram on paper. He plays a little with the brick signifying that portion of diagram and then takes it out with ease. He has what he was looking for. Another letter from Rolath his spy friend.

"From what I could discover the king is all alone in that castle! no matter how many soldiers he puts around him. He has lost the authority over the Military and royal guards already. They all answer to their future king now, the brother in law. This is a full scale coup so god bless! A sophisticated one at that too! the people would never go for him if he murder the king in cold blood hence all the cult drama that follows."

Arcsidian puts the brick back on its place and walk away thinking I'm going to need a good assassin!
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Draco gave Brutus an angry look, but it wasn't important. "my lord I am here to protect you"
" WE are hear to protect you, my lord" Brutus then thought about it "where are your men, my lord?" the king responded with "the betrayed me for my brother-in-law i believe" Brutus wide eyed asked to talk to Draco in private

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