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Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

[iv'e been on holiday for the week which is why in UK time I've been staying up til midnight making up for it, real sorry but now I can commit more time to the RP. again I'm really sorry]
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Deep within the forest, somewhere secluded, is where arcsidian makes his camp for the night. The smell of fire, ash and freshly cooked haunted meat. He reviewed his plans for tomorrow over and over again, going through every possible scenario though he is not a very creative person, but he does know the minds of his enemies. So he took a bottle of ink and a feather from his backpack and starts writing a letter.
Draco left the hall confused, "Brutus couldn't do that, then again it isn't out of character. And why was he looking for royal guards?" Draco's head swirled with thaughts, he wondered if it was worth tracking him down. Draco debated this for some time, but his choice was clear. Draco went to every tavern in the city, making as big a scene as possible and then for good messure, he camped in the middle of the forest, but dare not go to sleep.
Arcsidian garbs the meat stick but as he goes in for the bite something catches his attention. He drops the meat on the ground and takes his crossbow out in high alert. someone or something is nearby, he puts the fire out and sharpens his ears. Someone else is sharpening their sword! As slowly as a man his size could walk, he draws near the source of the sound one step after the another. With the stranger in his sight, he recognized the delicate carvings and the imperial symbol on his armor and shield! this man is a royal guard!
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Arcsidian couldn't believe his luck! then again he is not a very lucky person of late so he was careful in making direct contact. He remembered the letter he wrote earlier! he attached it to one of his crossbow bolts and shoots the arrow right between his legs! the content of the letter is:

Of all the troubles and the suffering I went through, I shall not speak! But I will give you a warning!

Play the merchant's game for now, believe it or not you need him. But greater concerns exist. A war is being fought of which you are oblivious about.

Who killed your king? I do not know but I know about the "People" behind it.

The king you seek audience with will be assassinated two days from now. His brother in law would seize the throne and wage war on Talon. Your precious kingdom will then be erased. Talon needs a worthy king now more than ever.

Save the king at all costs!

Meet me at the Grand bazzar of the town at midnight. I will hand over the proof you need.
Draco leant on a tree grinding his sword, then whistling through the air a crossbow bolt landed above his head, Draco drew the sword in shock and diving behind the tree. He looked at the bolt and saw the note, read it, got up and left. Draco was quite proud of his handiwork
The next day Draco stood outside the bazzar and waited for what he hoped would be a lead
It is passed midnight, the full moon roams the sky. A shaded figure stepped away from the shadows and into the moonlight. Arcsidian takes a few minutes to look around and to make sure he is not followed. And then he decides to proceed. He is now a few meters behind him.

"What do they call you knight?"
[sorry 11:30 in England this is the last post for tonight]

"Draco, the second knight of five, or was Draco, the second knight of five" Draco spoke solemnly "Anyway I have a question for you, why help me save this king and why do you need a royal guard to stop the assassination?"
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"The royal guards are widely respected and have already earned the peoples trust. Putting one of you on the throne would be easy." Acrsidian took a few steps closer towards draco, "Saving that king would stop a deadly war for which this land is not ready for yet, of the other consequences of this action I can only make assumptions." He is now only two steps away from draco." Arcsidian could see now that draco is quite at ease. "Very trusting!" arcsidian thought! "not a good sign!"

"I assume for now that the king could help you face the opposition back here. to help put one of you on the throne."
"are you implying you want me on the throne?" Draco resented the idea but didn't show it
Brutus decided to go greet the new men of his arriving shortly when he arrived at the border he saw all of his new men"i hope i don't need to use them soon" Brutus thought
Arcsidian grabs a scroll from his chest pocket and hands it over to the guard. "Study this information well, it will help us stop the assassination. and then you might have a chance at seizing the throne."

Just before he leave arcsidian looks back and says "I wouldn't let the merchant in on our plans. Your colleagues are in danger."

After which he disappears into the shadows. Arcsidian is thinking to himself, saving the king is the easy part, destroying the merchant and the rest of oppositions in Talon will not prove to be easy at all. He simply could not think about any scenarios that doesn't end in a horrific war.
[Does brutus has any reasons to help them stop the assassination or will he try to stop us?]

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