Volanda Academy for Fairies

Did this guy just dismiss us? Aiden's hackles rose and his eyebrow began twitch again. "Well that was completely useless." He said as he turned to leave. "Come on Eva, lets leave Sleeping Beauty to his nap."

Eva nudged her brother, her glare clearly telling him to Be Nice!

Aiden glared back, Why should I? He's a jerk!

Eva rolled her eyes. She turned back to Caydehl. "We did hear some of the students opinions earlier. I kind of thought it was just a weird rumor. Has any serious information been given? I couldn't quite make out what the announcer was saying a while ago." She said with a sweet smile towards Caydehl. Smiling helps, it always gets answers....I think
Rosa nodded, "I agree with Illiana's lets walk together in a group and Pippa is coming with us," Bo shot her look when she added the part about the dog. "I really don't care what the teacher's think I'll say she makes me mentally and emotionally stable around crowds or something but she is coming with us. You leave we have to change," she commanded pushing her adopted brother out of the room. Rosa tended to take command when things go bad and almost thought more rationally. Instead of withdrawing into herself she analyzed the situation so that she and whoever around her was most likely to be okay.

She quickly changed into her uniform and when Bo appeared at the door ready to go she had Pippa on leash and an armful of books. They set off to class together only splitting off when they had to.

(Sorry if this a bit godmodish I can change it if you like but I am just trying to keep up :P )
(Nah, it's fine. :) )

Illiana changed into her uniform as soon as Rosa pushed the boy away, and followed after them to class. "By the way, I'm Illiana!" she told the boy as they walked. Since he seemed to be important to her roommate, she thought it a good idea to officially meet him.
Caydehl couldn't help it, a brief laugh escaped him then, and he smiled. Not unkindly. But it was nonetheless a smile that questioned the target's intelligence, curious as to how their mind worked and leaning toward the girl, he rested against the arm on of the chair. Mildly amused. The boy had it right in a sense, asking him the same question twice was useless.

"Rewording it won't change my response." He stated simply.
This guy must be of a noble family. Eva thought. Didn't that just figure with all her history dealing with her own noble family. She should have probably left right then but she couldn't help herself. Something about this guy struck a nerve with her. Despite his condescending tone she found him too interesting to let be. Just like that her focus changed from today's events to the boy in the armchair. She was not leaving until she either figured him out or drove him crazy.

"Well then, how about we change the subject." Eva pulled up a chair and sat across from Caydehl. "My name is Eva Latona. Who might you be?" She said with a polite smile. She raised a questioning eyebrow, daring him to answer. Did you really think I'd give up so easily?


Aiden watched the situation unfold as he leaned on the door frame of the common room. With an inward sigh he picked up a magazine and began to flip through it. There was no way to stop Passive Aggressive Eva, you just let things play out. He smirked, I bet Sleeping Beauty's wide awake now.
((sorry skipping to after school.))

--- Merged Double Post ---

It was another beautiful day and Victoria sat outside on the fountain edge. She finished her homework quickly, since only being the second day, she didn't have a lot. Today there were two clubs, drama club and arts craft and design club. She wasn't a member of either club.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Classes seemed to take forever to Sam. He didn't pay much attention to the classes. His mind was elsewhere; the student that had been attacked. He wondered what could have happened. If the boy had really lost his powers, the question was how.
((ok rhia and if anyones characters arent in either drama club or the art club let me know, because Victoria and Sam are both in the courtyard and open to talk to someone.
((Like with the MDNA RP, this is just a quick blurb. Though the MDNA thing turned out to be a bit longer than expected.))

Maria walked quietly through the halls to drama club. She was unsure what play they were putting on this year, but she was hoping it wasn't A Midsummer Night's Dream. She would be fine with it either way, but sometimes humanity's perception of fairies was a bit skewed. Especially when they were considered bloodthirsty. That was not the case.

Aria was in her office.

Edgar was in his classroom, cleaning up the assorted mess from the day's practice.

((Ok, super writer's block on the adults, there...))
Illiana stood outside her classroom, rocking back and forth on her heels and toes. She tried to appear as if she was just standing in the hallway, being her usual, carefree self. Really, though, she was searching the crowds for someone she knew. She decided to walk, since it might seem wierd if she stayed in one place for too long. She wandered towards the courtyard, like she did yesterday, thinking there were probably a bunch of other people there, if they weren't in their classes, so it would be a good place to be around other people. She stepped out of the school into the grass, and look around. She smiled when she saw a girl by the fountain, and smiled, glad she could make a new friend. It was bound to help her feel safer, and maybe help her forget about what she heard last night. She skipped over to the girl. "Hi! What's your name?" she asked, stopping in front of the girl.
Victoria looked up when the girl spoke to her. "My name is Victoria." She replied with a smile. She was happy someone came to talk to her. "What is your name?"
Isabella had been quietly walking around campus when she heard voices near the fountain, her destination. Isabella peered from behind the corner of the building to see two other girls sitting on the fountain. Isabella longed to go sit with them but told herself no. It was only the second day and she needed to stay invisible for as long as possible.
Glancing briefly and catching sight of the smirk that adorned the boy's face, Caydehl returned his attention back to Eva who had pulled up a chair seemingly determined and he watched her briefly, head tilting curiously before eyes flicked upward to the teacher behind her that had begun to usher the idling students to their lessons. Looking back at her he smiled, picking up his bag as he pushed himself to his feet stating as he moved away:

"Maybe start with that question next time"


The Arts, crafts and design club never had been a large one, it's participants and official group activites few. For Caydehl it was an opportunity for quiet and relaxation as well as a place to define and further practice his magics away from potential onlookers. Everyone was usually to engrossed in thier own creative bubbles to bother much or disturb those surrounding them and so it was that he lay across one of the the worn leather sofas that furnished the room along with the variety of tables, chairs and canvases, without comment, one ankle crossed over the other with his eyes closed. A bowl of ice cold water on the wooden coffee table beside him.

(Ooc: it's midnight, i'm tired, but i figured i should at least post before bed. Sorry for the quality ^^'')

"It's nice to meet you too Illiana." Victoria said as Illiana sat down. She thought of her roommate's name, Lillia. The names sounded a bit alike. She heard someone else nearby and looked up to see another new girl she hadn't seen before. "Hello, do you want to join us?" Victoria offered.
Isabella bit her lip and stepped out from behind the building. She smiled slightly and nodded. She sat by the girls and began to play with the clear water of the fountain. ¨I'm Isabella.¨ She spoke quietly and glanced at the other girls. Isabella's hair tickled the back of her neck and she pulled the long blue strands into a ponytail.
Victoria could tell the girl was nervous. "It's nice to meet you Isabella." She smiled at the girl trying to make her feel welcomed. "I'm Victoria and this is Illiana."

Okay, I'm going to post this in all my RPs, but it needs to be said, though I feel a bit odd reiterating it in each rp.

I will not be on a lot this week. My sister is going in for surgery, and I can't stay home, so I'm going to a friend's. I'm going to be at school, plus my iPhone gets crappy service at her house, and I won't have my own computer to use most of the time. I feel really bad about saying this, but I'm not too worried about my sister. She's always going in for surgery...

Anyhow, I won't be on for a day or two, except for perhaps a quick post here and there. If I'm not on, Sage can control my characters for something that needs a response if you guys don't wanna wait for me. I feel really bad about leaving you guys hanging, though. I'll hopefully be on Thursday night, bu if not, I will definitely be on on Friday night. Sorry again :( ))
Isabella nodded ¨Victoria...¨ She tucked the name away in a corner of her memory. She took her hand out of the water and dried it off on the deep blue denim of her jeans. ¨So, what element do you specialize in?¨ She asked, desperate for conversation and not awkward silence.
Mako headed to the library. He had dealt with enough rumors about what might have happened his morning and he just wanted some peace and quiet. He slid into a desk and brought out his homework.


Lillia headed to where the drama club was meeting. She was certain she was late.

"I'm sorry!! I tried to get here faster," she said once she arrived.
The school days rushed by, which as far as Rosa was concerned was fine. All she had to do was a little horticulture and then she was done. Her teacher wanted her to pick a place in one of the courtyards and cultivate a small garden. She had already found her spot, a small corner with predictable sunlight and easy access to water. Rosa knelt down running her hands across the soft grass, first things first was to toss the dirt making it soft. She dug her fingers into the ground and whispered encouragement to the ground, asking politely for it to comply. Slowly the ground began to shift turning in small waves around her hand exposing the fertile soil.
((I talked to Lost_In_Paradise, Eva and Tessa are roommates! Also Eva is in Arts, Crafts & Design Club, Aiden is in Fight Club, and they both are in Music Club. @ Gemini, I am not stalking your character I promise :o I just like Arts and Crafts.))

"ARGHHH! This is so not fair!" Eva growled as she left the common room and exited the dormitory. "That stinking teacher ruined everything!"

Aiden shrugged as he kept pace with his sister. It was better the teacher than him. "At least you didn't get scowled for your wardrobe." He said. Aiden still hadn't changed out of his faded jeans and Flame On! t-shirt from this morning. "I don't see why you care so much about that guy anyway."

"Because he interests me and I don't get it!" Eva said exasperated. "His demeanor, his looks--which are familiar by the way, and his nonchalant attitude. That guy's an enigma with a highly intriguing nature and I'm going to figure him out. Even if I have to use some crazy Jedi mind tricks!"

Aiden chuckled. "May the Force be with you."

"Yeah, Yeah" Eva said as she pushed her brother in the opposite direction. "Go be useful and figure out the room situation. Also sign us up for music club before its to late." She took his map of campus and flounced away."I'm headed to Arts, Crafts, & Design club, bye!"

"Fine, I'll take care of...Wait!!!" Aiden said looking back at his sister. "Where am I suppose to go? You took my map." Unfortunately he was talking to empty space because Eva was already gone. "Great, thats just great!!!" Aiden grumbled as his eyebrow began to twitch for the third time. He walked in the direction of the fountain


Eva waltzed into Arts, Crafts, & Design Club and glanced over the whole motley crew. She spotted Caydehl half a second later. "Well if it isn't Mr. Enigma.....is he sleeping again?" Eva studied his relaxed posture for a minute. The force is strong with this one. Eva rolled her eyes. "Jedi Mind Tricks indeed." She decided to steer clear of him for now and focus on her art work. Sitting on the opposite side of the room she filled a table with colorful jewels, glass lens, a brass tube, mineral oil, and other items. "Now, what kind of kaleidoscope are you?"
(ooc: lol! I thought he was the only one in the ACDc (<- you love it) hence the nap. But now that you put it that way X3 ...... )

Raising fingers to his face, Caydehl massaged his eyes gently, tracing his brow and drawing them around the outside of his cheeks before drawing them together over his mouth to muffle the yawn that escaped him. Pushing himself upright his palm pressing into the cushion, he sat there for a momment leaning some of his weight against it, the other curling about his neck, easing the stiffness that had developed there.

His element was quick to respond to his discomfort, wrapping about his wrist, and probing at the barrier that was his skin in it's effort to sooth and Caydehl couldn't help but smile as he negated the whimsical magic before looking up at the clock. He'd almost fallen asleep, dozing for the past twenty minutes, and reaching toward the bowl of still water he drew his finger tips through it breaking the surface... He felt nothing.

Sighing he removed them, flicking his hand to dry as a short concentrated blast of air cocooned it speeding the process and he looked up taking in the other students in the room. He smiled as he caught sight of the familiar girl moving back and forth across the room, carrying her selection of materials to the already brimming table and he pushed himself to his feet. Stretching arms above his head and dropping them as he made his way lazily toward her.

"... what kind of kaleidoscope are you?"

He heard her say, increasing in volume as he finally moved to stand beside her, and leaning across to pick up the glass lense he held it up to his eye, closing the other to look through it at her.

"It doesn't exist to answer that yet." He said and lowering the lens, glanced once more over the tables contents. Reaching out to stir the beads, watching the rippling effect of colour as he added with the barest hint of fun to his tone. "You seem to enjoy asking pointless questions -he carefully plucked a moss green gem from the selection, examining it-, and if i didn't know better i'd say you were following me."
"Hi, Isabella! Nice to meet you!" Illiana said chherfully, swinging her legs a bit. "I have fire and metal powers! What about you?" she said, assuming the question was for both of them. She glanced back and forth between Isabella and Victoria, waiting for Victoria to answer Isabella's question, and for Isabella to answer hers.
((sorry I haven't added it yet, I'll try to add it when I have more time.)) "My powers are air and moon." Victoria replied. ((sorry writers block. this is what happens when you are planning a party and trying to write a book at the same time))

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