Volanda Academy for Fairies

Illiana slipped in shortly before the club started. She stood in the back of the group, listening carefully. She was happy that she didn't actuallt have to worry about being purposly injured by the club activities, though she had no doubt the school wouldn't want the students getting hurt. When the teacher in charge was done talking, she went over an poked around in the pile. She knew she didn't need to, since she could make her own weapons, but she thought maybe they had some weapons she didn't know about. She finally decided on a long and thin sword, like the kind she used when she first started swallowing swords. She stepped away from everyone and began swinging it around a little to get use to the feel of it. She chuckled to herself and made a little dance out of it, like she sometimes did during shows. Although rapiers were not as impressive as some bigger swords, their shape made them a lot easier and more fun to dance with.
Sam stood up and went over to look through the weapons. He picked up a two handed sword and looked it over once. Shaking his head he put the sword back and pulled out a one hand sword. He then put on the gear Edgar instructed everyone to put on.
Tessa practically sprinted down the hallway, her eyes wide with irritation. Her hair flowed gently behind her as she increased in running speed.

"Crap.. I hate this.." She snapped to herself as she glanced behind her and groaned irritably. She stopped running and glared at a huge black and white Great Dane trailing slowly behind her.

"Hurry up, Nico! We need to get inside!" She spat, tugging at the dog's leash angrily. But he wouldn't budge. She pulled again, but ended up falling hard onto her back. Nico barked loudly and wagged his tail as if that was amusing to him.
Lillia put on her gear. When she had choosen Fight Club, she had gotten some weird looks, but she thought it sounded fun. And with all the people in it. She looked at the weapons as people picked them up or put them back down. She stared at a rack of daggers, but then turned to some swords. After testing a longsword, an axe and a staff she paused.

She looked at the daggers again and took one, a slightly longer one. It would suit her good enough.


"It is my last year too," Mako said. He smiled. He found another senior like him. He was glad he came to talk to her. "Now that I think of it I might have seen you around before."
'I could never forget such a pretty face,' he wanted to say but he did not.
Victoria shrugged. "You might have." She thought for a moment. "Maybe we are in a club together?" She suggested. She's been in pottery, photography, and book club her entire time at the school.
[ooc: Okay so I usually refrain from describing detailed sword movement because i suck at it so i'm going to state beforehand that Caydehl's sword style involves 'spinning' the blade rapidly by the hilt, shifting rapidly from standard to reverse grip and back at times and manipulating the air caught/created by the rotation to his advantage to speed/power his attacks ....... basically quick, blade often a flurry like he's training for an audition on starwars <- best example i have XP]

Pushing himself to his feet, Caydehl dusted himself off, stretching his spine with arms above his head, idly waiting for the initial gathering to die down somewhat before making his way to the front of the hall. He looked over the assembed weapons with a practiced glance, disregarding the majority before selecting a one handed blade, sliding fingers slowly either side of the metal.

Satisfied he moved away to the far end of the hall, rotating the blade idly, easily, where the people were fewer and there was more room to manouvere to stand opposite a dummy ready to 'test' his choice, and looking at the blade in his hand blankly his eyes moved up to stare at the dummy in consideration as though wondering where to begin. After a long momment in which the dummy did nothing but stare back he finally and casually raised his weapon.

The point angled toward his 'opponent's' feet he crossed his free hand over his body to shield the base of the blade before drawing his arm/hand back as though unsheathing, drawing the hilt higher, a fine visible vapor emitting from the blade as it passed beside his open palm that progressed from base to tip before removing the hand. . . The air about him suddenly shifted as he did, drawing in as he flicked his wrist to rotate the sword back in a quick and fluid downward arc, a blast of frozen air striking the dummy opposite him, tearing at it with biting force
as he recaught the sword by the hilt in full circle.

It would do.
"I have never joined a club until this year but I am in a few now," Mako said. He felt like a loner at times avoiding clubs because he felt they interefered with school work. "I have spent most of my time here either reading or working. It has always been my haven in this school. Like a second dorm room."
Tessa groaned in anger when her Great Dane still would not move.

"NICO! GET YOUR LAZY A*S UP!" She exclaimed, tugging at the huge dog's leash, and finally, he stood up. But he was running. She screamed when he literally dragged her across the grassy field and in a complete circle.

"HEEL!" She screeched and he did. She sighed and brushed the grass off her shoes and than gave the dog a death glare, but he just stared happily at a bug on the ground.

"Stupid dog.." She murmured and than walked him back to the school, hoping no one saw that little fuss.
Victoria smiled. "Well I am sure whatever clubs you have joined you'll love. The clubs here are amazing." She sounded a bit like a nerd but it was true. She understood his feeling about the library being like his heaven. She had her own sort of heaven too; the garden at night. Most people would think it weird or even creepy that Victoria loved walking in the garden late at night. She figured her love of seeing it at night came from her element Moon. She loved walking around in the garden with only the moonlight lighting up her path.
"I hope you are in with me," Mako said. He smiled at the way it sounded. "I haven't made a lot of friends here and you seem like a good person. I am enjoying our talk so far anyways." Mako shrugged and looked at the desk. "That is if you don't mind being friends with me. I'm sure I'm not anyone's first choice."
"Maybe we will be in spome clubs together. Which ones are you in?" Victoria asked. "Why wouldn't I want to be friends?" She asked. "You seem like a nice guy."
Dressed in the safety equipment, Aiden moved over to the side of the gym with the remaining weapons. Nothing in the weapon selections appealed to him at first. When he was about to go without one he noticed a bright pair of Katanas lying in a case at the far end of the pile. Opening the case, Aiden removed the Katanas from their sheaths and studied them carefully. They were well crafted, medium length Katanas with a fire-breathing Dragon inlay on each hilt. The most interesting feature of the Katanas was that they were made of copper, but not any copper Aiden had ever seen before. It was something much strong and they had an odd feeling to them. These blades are spelled. Aiden thought with awe. And I think I know the purpose. Taking a breath he slowly rose his body temperature. Feeling the heat rise, Aiden slowly transferred it to the magic blades. They began to glow and give off a slight hum as he continually increased the heat flow to them until small flames started licking up the sides of the blades. Aiden smirked. "I knew it." Normal copper could conduct heat very well but there was no way any normal blade could withstand the heat was he emitting through his palms. These blades were made for fire users. Deciding on his weapon Aiden returned the Katanas to their sheath and positioned the straps on his back. He practiced removing them from over his shoulder to a smooth attack position. The transition was easy enough, the Katanas were like an extension of his arms. "Yep, today is definitely going to be interesting."


Eva sat back on the bleacher, stroking Peony's soft petals. The hybrid plant made a purring sound in her arms. She studied the different fairies in Fight Club, each seemed to have their own unique talents. She winced as she saw the girl with the whip vines. I really hope my brother doesn't fight an earth fairy... That thought was quickly forgotten when Eva saw the move Caydehl made with his sword. "Oooo, fancy! You never cease to surprise me Mr. Enigma."" Eva said with a smile, though she doubted he could hear her all the way from the bleachers.
Illiana did a few little spins and artfully slashes, before stopping to refocus herself. She was about the go over and start slashing at a dummy, when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. "Woah! That's awesome!" she said, going over to the boy with the glowing swords. She kept a safe distance away, but kept looking at the katanas.

"That's so cool! I've never seen anything like that before!" She didn't say it out loud, but she was wondering how cool it would look, if she could manage to include something like that into her swallowing act. She wasn;t even sure if it was possible, but if it was, they'd have people lining up down the block for a show!
Sam went back to the bin after pulling on all the saftey gear. He wanted to see if he could find another sword light the one he had. His sword was lightweight and he could easily use two at once. It didn't take him long to find an idential sword. He pulled it out of the box and walked over to a dummy no one was using. He swung each sword at the dummy, working his rusted skills from over a long summer. He swung each sword a few more times before he was satisfied. He then turned and looked at the other club members. He was hoping someone would want to spar with him.
His concentration broken, Aiden looked down at the person standing near him. Oh it's the Twirl Girl. He thought as he lowered the heat level around the blades. Too content with his new weapons to be irritated he just shrugged. "Yeh, they're cool." Aiden said neutrally. "They were forged in the times of the old fairy wars when clans and elements fought against each other. Their spelled to enhance Fire Fairy magic" He returned the Katanas to their sheath and eyed the girl in front of him. "I'm Aiden Latona, who are you?" He said pointedly. He probably could have said that a little better but his people skills were a working progress. Baby steps. He thought, Besides she came to me.


Eva looked back at her brother to see he was talking to another member of the Fight Club, the dancing girl with the knives. She grinned and hugged Peony to her chest. "Yay, he's doing it! He's making friends. I'm so proud." She said as she bounced her pet plant in the air. She calmed down and tried to focus on their conversation. "I can't read lips," Eva muttered. "I hope he doesn't screw this up..."
Lillia didn't do any moved with her new dagger but she watched the others. She wasn't that good of a fighter but she loved watching others do it. Besides this was the biggest club and she could heal injuries if any occur, even pretty bad ones. So she felt that she could do some good even if she was a bad fighter. She gripped her dagger but looked around the room still ready to burst with excitement.


"I am in book and photography club," he said remembering them. "What about you?"
"I'm in photography club and book club too." Victoria said surprised. "I'm also in pottery club." She was surprised they were in two clubs together.
"Nice to meet you, Aiden!" Illiana said, oblivious to the tone of his voice. "I'm Illiana. That sounds really cool. I wish I knew more about faerie culture." She shook her head, but smiled again. "If they're something like that, I doubt I'd be able to get ahold of anything like them. Hm...I wonder if I'd be able to replicate them..." By the end of the sentence, she had begun to mostly talk to herself. Her fingers fidgeted on the handle of the rapier, as she thought about it. Maybe, when the club was over, she'd see if she could look them over a bit. If they were something rare and fancy, they might be too complicated for her to recreate, but she wanted a challenge. "Anyway! I'm glad I met you. I hope we can talk again sometime!" she said, snapping from her thoughts. She rocked back on her heels as she spoke, carefully using the sword to keep her balance.
"Then I made some good choices with my club selection," Mako said, flirting just a little bit. He was having a good time talking to her and she seemed to as well so he hope she didn't mind him flirting.
She smiled a little. She didn't pick on the fact he was flirting. "If you need any help you can ask me." Victoria told him.

Caydehl glanced about the hall, spinning his weapon idly in slow lazy circles in the similar fashion of a yo yo, release and catch, catch and release, before stopping in his search, raising and resting the blade against his shoulder as he recognized the boy from the previous morning. Unsurprisingly his weapons were alight with small flames and Cadehl smiled unsurprised at the display. 'Flame on', also known as Aiden, wasn't it?

He frowned briefly at the recollection of the boys name and he found himself automatically looking up toward the bleachers a distance away, scanning the faces until sure enough, he located Eva sitting there watching her brother with a look of utmost concentration. His expression soon shifted from curiosity to amusement as he continued to watch her and he raised his free hand to his mouth as he turned away smothering the smile at her antics to look back her brother and discern the cause to find Aiden now talking to a girl.

Judging from Eva's behaviour, her brother clearly didn't socialize enough and he guessed she was waiting for him to mess up.

Looking away Cayde dropped his hand the smile still ghosting his lips before glancing back up at the bleachers with a shake of his head, the smile returning as he confirmed once more that it was a pant on her lap; she was the only fae he had ever seen to cradle one like a puppy-, before looking away and about the hall once more, tapping the sword against his shoulder as he spotted Sam practicing on a dummy.

His movements looked practiced, if a little sluggish as he warmed up and Caydehl couldn't help but once again wonder how the other handed himself in battle... he could always find out.

"Sam" He called out no sooner had the notion entered his mind, lowering his weapon and his were innocent enough if not for the challenge in his smile "Practice with me?"
Aiden raised an eyebrow at Illiana's odd behavior. She's quirky but she's cute. He shrugged, "It was nice meeting you too." He said politely. "If you ever want a brush up on Fae History just check out the school library. They'll have tons of information." Not knowing what else to say, he turned to leave. "Be careful and try not to get injured today. See you around." He said over his shoulder with a quick wave of his hand. That was the most interaction Aiden had with another person at this school without being annoyed, he thought with awe. He smiled slightly, surprised that he actually did want to see her again.

He moved to the other side of the gym where Caydehl and Sam where practicing. He crossed his arms and stood aside to watch their interaction. If they start fighting I definitely want front row tickets to the show, He thought. Aiden raised an eyebrow at both Fae. I wonder who'll go down first.
Sam returned his roommate's smile when he approched and asked to duel. "Sure." He said grabbing his swords. ((sorry this post is bad but my brains been on school, work, and skyrim lately))
Lillia frowned as she saw people talk but she thought she could just go over and talk to someone. She played with her dagger throwing it from hand to hand. She wasn't afraid of injuring herself. She could heal herself as well as others. She would be fine.


"So what do you do besides clubs and schoolwork," Mako asked.
Happy that some real action was about to take place, Eva smiled. "Whoo Hoo! Go Cayde!" She yelled excitedly. She pulled a Volanda flag from her purse and started waving. Peony chortled happily on Eva's lap and fluttered her petals.


Aiden raised an eyebrow at his sister. Cayde, so that's his name, he thought as he turned back to the fighters. Aiden focused on the two competitors, impatient for the match to start. Then again he was always impatient regardless. "Lets see what you got Sleeping Beauty." Aiden said good-naturedly.

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