Volanda Academy for Fairies

“I slept in my brother’s room last night. I kinda don’t know what room I’m assigned to yet.” Eva said with a shrug. She picked out several shades of orange stained glass shards and set them with her amber beads. She then mixed orange dye with mineral oil and added red glitter. “And I know you can laugh Mr. Enigma, but that’s not the point. Real laughter isn’t meant to be suppressed. The laugh I’m waiting to hear is one that lasts longer than a moment and leaves you grinning for days.” Eva stirred stained glass and beads into the orange mineral oil. Pouring the solution into another glass wheel she attached it in front of the previous one. “That kind of laughter is not at anyone’s expense. It’s a statement of pure joy.” She said pointedly. “When’s the last time you experienced laughter like that, one you didn’t have to hold back?”
[/color]@14hca14 [MENTION=1652]Moonstone[/MENTION] [MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] [MENTION=1867]AlwaysStuckInLimbo135[/MENTION] [MENTION=1862]Gemini[/MENTION] [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] [MENTION=1093]jabberwocky19[/MENTION] @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ [MENTION=1871]BabyRockFox[/MENTION] [MENTION=1621]TheMomo890[/MENTION] [MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION] [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] - I am changing the date since no one has posted in 3 days. its now friday and after school so clubs are going on right now. Please post people, I don't want this rp to die!

--- Merged Double Post ---

'Finally Friday!' Sam thought happily to himself as he rushed through the school halls. Fridays were one of the best days at the school in his option. This was because Fighting Club was held every Friday after school. He had joined halfway through the year last year and he loved it. He arrived out of breath at the doors to the gym, where the club held its meetings. He opened the double doors and saw already quite a few people where there. Most where upperclassmen but he saw a few first years huddled together. He took a seat on the nearest bench and waited impatiently for the meeting to start (( [MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] your teachers could be here if you want))

--- Merged Double Post ---

It was Friday at last and Victoria felt relived. She loved the weekends. Curfew was at midnight instead of 10pm which gave Victoria more time out in the garden under the moonlight. Sadly, it was not nearly nightfall yet and Victoria had hours to kill before she could enjoy the night garden. She walked in the direction of the library. She had a project to work on and Victoria was never one to procasinate. She walked into the nearly empty library and found an empty table to work on. Once settled, she started browsing the shelves for books related to her topic. She loved the quietness of the library on Friday afternoons. Most people were in the Fight Club: a club Victoria had tried and hated, and students wouldn't be out of the club for a couple of hours. Victoria pulled three books off the shelve and carried them back to her table.
((Sorry bout not posting...I'm just not sure exactly what to do for drama...working on something, and then I'll post...))
(ooc: sorry~ delayed, the lead up to easter is always a busy time for me so i get tired and just overall cannot be bothered at all ^^'')

"When’s the last time you experienced laughter like that, one you didn’t have to hold back?"

Caydehl sat on the floor leaning back against the wall as he considered for what had to be the hundreth time since the words had left the Wasps mouth the previous afternoon, his answer.

"A while"

He had shrugged it off, non-commital in his response because even as as he was sure he must have experienced it at some point, in all honesty he could not remember and he was sure Eva had seen it too. The expression on his face at the time taken aback, confused before shifting becoming withdrawn and guarded, his tone not a little defensive.

He sighed as the now familiar image of himself running and laughing passed through his mind before skipping to the strict demand for control that cut it off and he wondered once again if that had been the last time. How old had he been then for his voice to be so childlike?

Caydehl shook his head, bringing back his attention to the present, the past was the past, what was there was no use to him now, and with a sigh he looked about the gymnasium. taking in the students that were gathering. This was his first time attending the fighting club, though even so he was confident in his own abilities and not worried at the prospect of using them having trained from a young age. Rather he found himself.... excited to begin and let loose and it brought a small smile to his lips, a smile that became ever more prominant at seeing the prince among the gathering students.

This he wanted to see.

Rosa rushed from the courtyard dirt still underneath her fingernails and Pippa on her heels. The week had gone by in a rush, she and Bo had arrived, she had gotten Stardust, a student had been sucked of their powers and now her garden was flourishing. She hoped her hard work would be reflected in her grade. Her horticulture teacher had checked by a few hours ago and seemed pleased. Rosa had been filled with pride when her teacher had complimented her, she had accomplished something and now she had impressed her teacher.

Her next focus would be on gaining Stardust's full trust, so far she had managed to groom the mare while she ate. However other than that she struggled. The animal was so stubborn but not mean, the mare never struck out at her she just fled or cowered. When she looked in the mare's eyes she could see the want and need to trust but also the fear of it. She had seen that feeling in her own eyes when she looked in a mirror. It only vanished when she was around her brother.

Rosa's thought's were interrupted when she finally reached the fighting club. Bo stood across the room examining an array of weapons quietly. His week like hers had flown by. His roommate was nice enough but liked to spend his time in the library. Bo didn't mind but he hadn't really gotten to know the guy.
((Ok, let's see what I can do...

I think Maria's actually free for the afternoon...0_0))

Aria bit her lip. It was fighting club this afternoon, and though the students hadn't managed to hurt themselves too much yet, injuries usually spiked on Fridays. Not that many kids actually came to see her. Usually, there was a light fairy there, and they considered it a good test of their powers.

Maria rested near the fountain. Why? Well, mostly because she wasn't the sort to be in a club for fighters, not to mention she had finished her homework. She was enjoying the mostly quiet outdoors when someone with quiet footsteps walked up behind her. She turned to find a young girl, too young to be attending the school. She had that faded look all ghosts had, and was wearing a pale dress stained with her own blood. Her hair was matted, and tangled with leaves and twigs. She appeared to be crying a little.

"Are you lost?" Maria asked the girl, who came and sat on the fountain next to her. The girl said nothing for a little bit, swinging her dirty, bare feet back and forth. "You can see me..." she whispered finally, looking up at the fairy, "And you're...are you my fairy?" Maria smiled gently at the girl, "Perhaps I am."

There would be some people there that could make weapons, and some who couldn't. Edgar groaned, as he thought about what he should be bringing for the group of kids in what had been designated his club.

Perhaps he should just bring a different kind of weapon each week. And this week, since it was the first, bring some of each, and create more for the students if necessary.

That sounded good enough.

Soon enough, Edgar walked into the gym, with a few wooden weapons on his back and a bag, not unlike a gym bag, which seemed relatively unfilled. Placing the wooden weapons on the floor, he opened his bag and started re-creating the weapons he'd brought. There were swords and knives and scythes, assorted axesand spears, and many others. There was, well, everything. The last weapon he'd assembled was a katana, which he swung experimentally in the air to test its weight, making sure he'd made the weapon correctly.

Not everyone had arrived, so he didn't try to catch the attention of the students just yet. Edgar could wait for a few more people.

((And here I thought I was typing something short...well, it's short compared to some other things I've done, but this is longer than usual...))
Illiana walked toward the gym, humming to herself. She didn't really see herself as much of a fighter, to be honest, but thought the club might be fun anyway. The fights would probably just be practice fights, right? So she didn't have to worry about it as much. The real reason she had joined was to get ideas for new weapons to add to her act, but learning a bit of self-defense and being able to do something with her weapons besides swallow them might be fun. Besides, maybe she'd find that being a bit tough would be a good break from the way she usually behaved. A bit of an outlet for unconsiously surpressed feelings, perhaps.
Isabella drifted around campus. She was desperate for something to do. Seeing as she wasn't part of any school clubs she didn't have anything to do after classes. She sighed and returned to the fountain from the previous day where she had met the two girls. She dipped her hand in the water and watched as it danced with bright colors. She smiled and pulled her hand out. The colors faded away and the water returned to the clear light blue it had been before.
The little ghost child continued to swing her legs back and forth. Maria was used to seeing assorted ghosts appear every so often, so she wasn't too startled. "You aren't the kind of fairy that can send me to a ball, are you?" the little ghost asked. "No," Maria said truthfully. The little ghost sighed.

"I know I'm dead, but I don't understand why. There are mean people in the world, but what have I done to them?" The little girl looked up sadly at Maria. "I don't know, little one. I don't suppose you actually did anything, they probably just were being too mean." The girl frowned, but nodded. "That sounds right."
(( [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] are you still in the rp? Victorias in the libray so Mako could take to her))
(I was going to quit but I can come back.)

Mako looked up from his book and saw that he was not alone in the library. It wasn't like he was alone. There were other students here and the librarian of course. But this girl Mako hadn't seen before. He looked back down at his book as if to continue to read, but then he looked back up. Mako debated it and then stood, gathering his things. He then walked over to her.

"May I sit here?"
Victoria looked up from her book when she heard someone say something to her. "Oh. Sure." Victoria said.
Mako nodded and sat down at the table across from her. He opened his open book, but looked over at her's.

"Are you reading or working?"
((Isn't his name Mako?)) "I'm working on a project for history." Victoria replied. "It isn't due until Monday but I wanted to get it done while it was on my mind." She copied something down she found in the book onto a piece of lined paper. "Plus the library isn't normally crowded when the Fight Club is going on."
(Too many RPs. I knew I was going to mix up names eventually.)

Mako nodded. He thought what to say next. He smiled at her. Maybe an introduction would be good. "I'm Mako by the way."
"I'm Victoria." Victoria introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you Mako." She smiled. "So what year are you in? This is my last year."
Eva strolled down the hallway towards the gym carrying Peony. She wasn't part of Fight Club but she thought it would fun to watch her brother kick butt today. He needed a stress reliever. She smiled up at Aiden. "Well it's finally here! Fight Club! You've been looking forward to it all week right?"

Aiden nodded. "Yeh" He said simply. His facial expression was serious, Battle Ready Aiden was is full force. He quickened his pace.

Eva skipped along after him. "Well have fun. Be sure to be nice to everyone, but don't let those upperclassman bully you. Just be yourself and try to make a few new friends while your at it okay?" She said as they made it to the gymnasium entrance.

Aiden raised an eyebrow at his sister. "Eva this is Fight Club. You do know what happens at Fight Club right? People fight in Fight Club. They don't make friends."

Eva shook her head as she cradled Peony. "People can make friends in almost any situation. Right now your in a group of fairies who won't take it personally when you bash their heads in. These are your kind of people and this is your common ground. There is no reason why you shouldn't find at least one friend here."

Aiden sighed, "Okay fine." He said. There was no point in arguing with his sister. He surveyed his would-be opponents around the gym, taking a glance at Caydehl. I never expected that guy to be here. I would have thought he'd be knocked out somewhere. "Today is definitely going to be interesting."

Eva nodded. "Me and Peony will be cheering you on from the bleachers." She squeezed her brother's cheek between her thumb and forefinger. "We wuv u berry much." She said in her baby voice. "So be berry careful."

"And with that, I'm ignoring you." Aiden huffed as he removed his sister's hand from his face and walked away.

Eva moved to sit on the bleachers with a smile. I wonder how long before his eyebrow starts twitching again.
(([MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] did you want your guy teacher to host the fight club? if not ill play an npc))
((oh ok didn't see your post then. feel free to start, most people are here and they can have them arrive late too))
((Oh, geez...between this post, studying, and creating an rp...not to mention the lab I need to finish...))

"All right, people! Listen up!" Edgar called out, looking around at the large group of students assembled in the gym. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Edgar. For today, I don't want to force weapons on anyone. Just pick a weapon, and don't fight over them." He gestured to what seemed a pile of cloth, but as he gestured, a training dummy popped up. "You can test a weapon on the dummys, or spar with your fellow classmates. We have a 'no-touch' rule for sharpened weapons, some safety equipment-" again he gestured, though the pile of equipment (you know, like the stuff they use in fencing, just with some fairy enchantments) simply shuddered, "-and a school nurse as backup. I'll be surpervising if you have any questions."

A kid shouted something about using their elemental powers, and Edgar didn't answer right away. "The only rule I'm giving you guys is not to seriously harm each other. You can use your powers if you want, but you better be in control of them."
Before Rosa could even turn to him, Bo was already walking away and saying, "Nope, you are not sparing with me. We know each's others tricks and you need to make some friends." Of course he didn't pick up a sword he just created one with his metal powers, morphing and changing it until it was a balanced but also blunt, non-lethal weapon. He began to warm up, maybe later Bo would ask if anyone wanted to spare but for now he was content with just going at his own pace.

Rosa sighed and gathered her powers, slowly she began to form vines around her. She whispered soflty coaxing the plants, asking to strengthen and move for her. Once she had a strong thick vine and she began to experiment with her movements, cracking it like a whip or swiping it like a sword. The whole time she stood just watching fending off imaginary opponents without moving from her spot.

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