Volanda Academy for Fairies

His eyes rolling, Caydehl directed his face away from the bleachers entirely ignoring Eva's calling in a 'I don't know you'/'You no longer exist' fashion to instead find Aiden, lips turning up at the corners mischievous. Sleeping beauty, was it?

"I'll let that go because your cute" Caydehl responded easily, purely to shut up and/or freak the socially inept boy out in retaliation before turning away so as not to witness Aiden's response and ruin the poker face.

His smile remained as his eyes refound sam, the rest of his features focusing becoming more defined and holding his weapon out to his side at a low downward angle a swirl of cold air began to curl about the blade; crystalising the metal from tip to base in a fine layer of frost. As it thickened the vapour that exhuded made the winds trail more visible to the onlookers eye, swirling the length of his arm and neck, gradually fading from view.

He had trained against the elements, knew where he stood with the majority. . . blood however, that was a different story. Ironically there had been no lesson to defend against the most infamously dangerous of elements and he felt something akin to excitement at the prospect of finally witnessing it for himself.

Cayde's stance shifted, bracing his weight on his back leg as his body lowered ever slightly, rotating his grip to reverse as he drew his hand back, his free hand shifting to the front. . . He suddenly propelled forward, aided by the unseen force he governed, leaping through the air to close the distance between himself and Sam with impeccable speed in a single step, only to slow just as sudden, disorientingly so, as he neared at the back rush of air that caught and cushioned him just as his foot touched ground within striking distance.

The blade in his hand was already slicing overhead, his arm/hand stopped even as it pushed forward, and Cayde took the stilled momment between to wink at Sam in playful taunt (
'i'll give you a second to catch your bearings and defend yourself.') before his element rounded out his action regaining some of the lost speed as he struck down upon Sam from above.

(ooc: Essay. T_T I can't seem to stop writing essays. To top it off i sucked so bad at describing the scene in my head. sowweeh~)

(lol, at least your essays are funny! ^.^)

Aiden tensed as the hairs on the back of his neck rose. What did he just call me? Aiden thought incredulously. He eyebrow started twitching wildly. Before he could throw back a scathing retort the sparing had already begun. Aiden snarled low in his throat as he watched the match. If he calls me that again, I'll kick a*s!


Eva stopped mid-wave, mouth gaping open. What did he just call him? She thought. He hasn't even called me that yet! That's so not fair!!! She glared at Aiden, more than irritated. Jerk, this is all your fault! I'll kick your a*s! Eva sat back with a huff as she watched the match. Peony, slightly confused, fluttered her petals at Eva to calm her down. "Sorry about my mood swing Peony. The guys are driving me crazy." Eva murmured.

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