Volanda Academy for Fairies

Isabella nodded "Interesting. I have water powers." To prove her point she had a dragon from the water in the fountain. It breathed mock 'fire' that was really water. With her talent she can change the colors of water and she changed the 'fire' to a bright orange. She grinned as she let the water splash back into the fountain. She was truly happy when she used water.
Victoria watched the water dragon with awe. "That's amazing!" She told Isabella. She thought that it was beautiful.
Illiana whipped around to watch Isabella's trick. "Woah! That's really cool!" she said, jumping to her feet and balancing on the edge of the fountain. "People would pay so much to see something like that." she said, looking into the water. She loved this school! The people here could do so much cooler things than the circus people, and they didn't even need to train, barely.
(sorry, I've been on a plane for the last several hours X D ))

Eva’s concentration broke as looked up from her work to stare at the person next to her. “Well hello there Mr. Enigma, you look well rested.” She said politely. She didn’t know whether to probe him for information or focus on her project. She didn’t have the energy for both and decided she could always hassle him later……Then she processed what he said. She stared at him with an arched eyebrow. “You are wrong on all accounts. I do not ask pointless questions. You are just evasive and uncooperative. I am not following you. We are simply in the same place, at the same time, because you had the good fortune of picking a club that I enjoy. Besides, you don’t concern me enough to pursue.” Eva had the craziest urge to stick out her tongue childishly to emphasize the point. It wasn’t true but she didn’t care. This guy really does irk me, I’m acting out of character. “As for the kaleidoscope that's more complicated to explain. My kaleidoscopes always have a presence before I create them. I use natural materials that still have a connection to the earth; they resonate with me when I’m around them.” Eva said as she passed her hand over the gem Caydehl held. She smiled as she watched it begin to glow brightly. “I just pick the ones that attract me the most and go from there.” She looked back at Caydehl. “You never did tell me your name, or was that also a pointless question?”


Aiden trudged around the campus wandering aimlessly in some direction. “Now why does this feel familiar?” He said sarcastically. After half an hour he found what looked to be the main office of the campus. “Now we can finally set some things straight.” He said to no one in particular. He took the steps two at a time, anxious to get this over with. They better not give me any grief about my clothes. Aiden thought, overly irritated.
Isabella blushed furiously at the comments her blue cheeks turning even darker. She nodded "Thanks..." she said as she dipped her fingers in the water. She swirled it with her index finger. The water flashed with different colors without Isabella even noticing. She cursed herself for showing off and pulled her hand out of the water.
Victoria smiled. "You are really talented." She remarked, watching the water. "I can shift my air element into shapes, but I can't do any effects like you can." To demistrate, she formed a small bird made of air who fluttered around a bit before disappearing.
"Wow!" Illiana said, sitting back on the edge of the fountain and watching Victoria's trick now. She imagined this was how people felt when they visited the circus. She couldn't remember really well, but she knew this was similar to the way she felt when she was first old enough to watch circus rehersals. She had been so eager to learn one of the skills some day, unaware that she had her own powers and wouldn't need very much training, once she got older. "Oh! I can swallow swords and eat fire!" she said, since they were all seemed to be sharing what special tricks they could do. She paised for a second, then added, "Well, I can make them appear, too. But I usually 'eat' then soon after, so I don't usualy think too much about that part."
Victoria looked at Illiana with surprise when she mentioned being able to shallow swords. She relaxed a bit when Illiana explained what she meant. "How did you discover you could do that?" She asked. "Wouldn't that be dangerous, even with powers?"
Illiana giggled slightly. "Well, my mom's a circus performer." she explained. "After I figured out my powers, all the other performers thought that, if I decided to stay with the circus, that being a swallower would be the most obvious option, since I wouldn't need any equipment, and can use my abilities to give myself safety percautions that normal people can't. Like...I can extinguish a flame I have in my mouth or change the shape of a sword I'm swallowing, if I can tell there's something going wrong. There's still some dangers, of course, so I went through almost the same training as a normal swallower, but...I guess they kind of assumed I was safer than normal performers." She tilted her head, thinking for a second, then laughed again. "All circus performers are a little weird, but I think I'm the first person with real powers they've ever had to deal with."
"Caydehl, Cayde" He relinquished easily without fight or complaint as he repeated his response from the previous evening.

He held up the glowing bead between forefinger and thumb, rolling it gently over the tips thoughtfully and illuminating the skin with its strange green hue before glancing sideways at the irritable girl beside him.

It wasn't that it bothered or affected him, rather Eva's premature irritation regarding everything up to this point had amused him, though perhaps she was just waspish like that, and his recent 'nap' had indeed left him feling somewhat well rested. He felt light, high from waking and it spilled over into his interaction making him more open.

"I wasn't being evasive" He said closing his hand, his fingers and palm easily encassing the still litten bead. He opened it moments later with a sudden release of pale fog as the humid air met cold to reveal a sudden fragile ring of sharp barbed ice surrounding the small object now embedded at it's center, and Caydehl smiled slightly, observing the miniature spectral display of colour created by the light's reflection against the ice's edge. "I just didn't have an answer for you"

"The boy in the attention seeking attire, you're related... ?" Caydehl asked looking back at her, a statement just as much a question as he referred to the obvious similarities between Aiden and Eva, and he covered his palm with his free hand warmly, cold wet drops slipping out between the cracks to trail over his skin before falling to the ground below as the ice within began to melt. "... Are you and he always so sensitive to honesty?"
"So they were not terrfified of your power?" Victoria asked. She knewsome humans were afraid of the powers fairies possessed if they found out about them. That is why she never used her powers when she was amougst humans.

--- Merged Double Post ---

@14hca14 [MENTION=1652]Moonstone[/MENTION] [MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] [MENTION=1867]AlwaysStuckInLimbo135[/MENTION] [MENTION=1862]Gemini[/MENTION] [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] [MENTION=1093]jabberwocky19[/MENTION] @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ [MENTION=1871]BabyRockFox[/MENTION] [MENTION=1621]TheMomo890[/MENTION] [MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION] [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] - I have updated the first page. If your character doesn't have a roommate, wants to be in a club, or I have misplaced them somewhere please post here to let me know!
Illiana shook her head. "Nope! Circus performers meet all kinds of people with freaky talents and stuff all the time, so they aren't surprised by stuff like this easily. They probably viewed my powers as a useful talent, like being able to learn the tight rope easier or...one of those guys at carnival side shows who can put nails in his head. My mom dated one of those guys once. He was really nice." She paused for a second, realizing she was getting off track. "Anyway, what most humans would view as scary, the people in the circus my mom and I are in just saw it as something they could use in the shows, to keep it interesting. Even though we all care about each other like a huge family, we are still always looking for ways to attract new spectators, and bring back people who have seen us before." She smiled and swung her legs. It felt wierd talking about herself and her circus family like this.

(Illiana's name starts with an I, not an L. ;] )
((Gah! Okay will fix it in a bit))

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Yeah, I guess people that are used to seeing strange things wouldn't be startled by magic." Victoria agreed. "And the humans would just think it was part of the act. Like a special effect."
Illiana nodded wildly. "Exactly. When I was younger, and first learned about my abilities, my mom use to joke about how she was glad we lived with a bunch of freaks, because it meant she didn't have to worry as much about what people would think." She continued to swing her legs and smile.
((Just giving a heads up, im planning on switching the day soon. let me know if thats okay!))
(sorry guys I've been traveling this week and computersare scarce. I'll be back to normal by Monday. @Sage:Iwasn't sure when you were going to approve Eva's roommate staus. I just sent Aiden to the main office looking for Eva's roomate to keep him busy. Writersblock.)

"Caydehl..." Eva said staring at his hands in awe. "And you’re a water element, I knew you looked familiar." She studied his face."You’re from a noble family aren’t you? Freemantle right? My grandmother used to mention your family often." Usually because she converted your ranking in society. Eva thought but didn't mention. "Aiden and I are twins. We were raised by our grandparents, Fredrick and Bellemere Anthos of the Noble Earth Fairy Families." Eva turned back to her work and passed her hand over several decorative objects. Once they glowed, she picked out the ones that resonated the best with her mood and sorted them into groups by color. “We are not sensitive, we just don’t like people giving use condescending tones. It tends to upset us.” Eva said matter-of-factly. “Other than that we’re perfectly fine…well I’m fine. I think my brother stays in a permanent state of PMS.” She said with a smile. She picked up a crystal gem and made it glow. The prism in the gem let off similar affects as Caydehl’s ice magic, displaying a spectral of colors. “At the risk of asking another pointless question, Are you always so distant and indifferent to everyone you meet?”


Aiden left the main office, mission accomplished and headed back to the dorm.
(ooc: essay alert, i'm on a ini red bull high X3 Sorry!)

Caydehl responded somewhat guardedly to the Wasp's first questions, making no comment or addition to her guessing of one of his elements or of his household and instead merely nodding, a frown flashing across his features as he averted his gaze back to the objects on the table. He did not appreciate being known for either of those things and it unsettled him, though he quickly reigned it in as he felt the faint unsteady rippling of the air with it, not wanting to provide her with more than she knew already.

Listening to her speak he nodded in reference to Eva's grandparents and her own heritage thinking back to his lessons of the Earth fae as he watched her work, and the corners of his lips pulled up slightly in amusement at her percieved treatment from him even as he nodded in understanding, becoming more pronounced at her reference toward her brother. It quickly dissappeared at her next words however, his eyes kept busy by her process of creation until now suddenly shifting their focus to the Wasp beside him.

"Are you always so distant and indifferent to everyone you meet?”

It was... direct, to say the least...

"Often enough." He finally answered after a few momments looking away.

He'd briefly considered lying, though taking into account Eva's reaction in the dorm, he didn't think she'd buy it. Even so his tone made it clear that he had chosen the answer carefully, not wanting to provoke further investigation while providing her with as much of an honest answer as possible.

"For before..." He continued. "... i didn't mean to cause offense. although -he continued with a slight smile, moving the conversation from himself- your reactions were entertaining"

Eva rolled her eyes heavenward. "And now my behavior amuses you." She shook her head. "I guess that's a start. At least I got a smile out of you." Eva smirked. “I bet I can get you to burst out laughing by the end of the week.” She decided not to talk about his family right now, turning instead to continue her work. Evasive, she thought. Caydehl is definitely evasive but I still have my Jedi Mind tricks! She took a brush and started painting different beads with mini flower petals. She took a glass wheel and dropped a few of them inside. She added gold glitter and mineral oil, creating a sparkling solution. She sealed it and attached it to the front of her brass rod. “So Mr. Enigma, have you ever heard a Knock Knock Joke before?” She said teasingly.


Aiden got back to the dorm and crashed in his room. He decided it might be a good idea to get some sleep before dealing with his homework.
"It's within my capacity to laugh"

Caydehl stated simply, clearly amused by the statement as he leant forward to examine more closely the designs she had begun to paint upon the beads before her. Humming in recognition he pulled back to lean against the table top, his fingers spreading over it's surface as he angled his body to face her and the object in her hands to more easily observe.

Hadn't he afterall, laughed in the dormitory that morning? Then again, the laugh had been directed at her, not with, the cause of amusement accidental and unwitted. He smiled, perhaps it didn't count?

"And i'm not that bad..." He said tilting his head in consideration of the question, lifting a hand idly and using fingers to turn the end of the rod in her hands toward him curiously before releasing and picking up the gold glitter. Pouring a small amount into his open palm for examination and turning it this way and that in the light as he continued. "...believe it or not, I'm sure i even told them when i was younger."

He looked at the Wasp, responding to her question once again with a simple one of his own.

"Why were you in the male dorm?"


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