Volanda Academy for Fairies

Eva and Aiden walked down the dormitory hallways. "How much farther until we reach our rooms?" Aiden huffed as he shuffled the bags on his shoulders. It felt like they'd been walking for hours.

"I dunno," Eva said. She trudged down another hallway taking in everything as she went. "I'm just walking." She said, bouncing her pet plant in her arms.

Aiden stopped abruptly and stared at his sister. "So your telling me we've been aimlessly wandering these halls! That we're just walking around in circles!?"

Eva shrugged, "Pretty much, yeah. You angrily marched in here and I followed you. I thought you knew where we were going." She side-stepped her brother and kept walking. "We might as well keep taking the scenic route. We'll find our rooms eventually."

Aiden's left eyebrow began to twitch but he said nothing as he kept pace with his sister. This is ridiculous!
"I'm sure you'll like it here." Victoria replies. She enjoyed her time at the school.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((If you read the idea fourm you will understand this post, if not you'll find out along the way.)) It was pass curfew and a lone figure roamed the halls. They concealed themself in a dark cloak. A stray student hurried down the hall, to find the bathroom. "Ah!" The student yelped, seeing the figure. "I'm sorry, I had to go to the bathroom." They begin to hurry back to their dorm when the figured grabbed them. When they let go of the student, they disappeared into another hall, leaving the student laying uncousious, with all their powers drained.
Rosa told Pippa to stay making her lie down on the dog bed. Of course the dog would hop onto her bed by the time they got back. Turning she opened the door of their dorm peeking out of their room. Their was a dark shrouded figure in the hallway, she quickly shut the door feeling as if something sinister had touched her. "Um, I think there is something, I mean someone out there," Rosa whispered. A few moments later she heard a small yelp and then a soft thud as if a heavy bag had been dropped to the floor. Pippa growled softly from her dog bed. "Did you hear that?" she asked a chill passing down her spine.
Illiana's eyes widened, and her smile dropped. She was about to say something when she too heard the yelp, and a sound as if something was falling. She nodded, then stammered. "I...I'm sure it's nothing... Maybe someone just fell?" She gulped, having difficulty trying to be her usual cheery self. She was never too big on ghost stories, and this was even worse than any creepy tale, because it might be real.
Victoria woke up the next morning and looked out the window by her bed. She saw a few cars parked outside, including an abulence and police car (im going to say fairies in this rp can hav human jobs) 'What's going on?' She wondered while changing into her uniform and quickly brushing her hair. She pulled on her backpack and left her dorm, hoping to find out what was happening. It didn't take her long to find out what happened. There was a large crowd gathered around the the dorm lobby. "What happened?" Victoria asked a girl standing nearby. "A student lost their magical powers. They said they were attacked by a hooded figure." Victoria's eyes widened. 'How could someone's powers disappear?' She wondered.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Sam watched as a few mededics wheeled the student out of the dormroom followed by the student's parents. The story of the hooded figure seemed a bit far fetched to him. 'Probally just was doing something he shouldn't of' he huffed under his breath.
Lillia didn't wake up until after Victoria had left. She put on her uniform, but she heard a commotion. Following the buzz of her fellow students she found Victoria and heard things about what happened.

"Victoria. Did you hear what happened? I heard a lot, but I don't know if any of it is true."
"I heard that a student was attacked last night by a mysterous hooded figure." Victoria told Lillia. "Supposibly he lost all his magic." She had a hard time believing the story. The school was very protected. It was impossible to get in if you were not a student, teacher, or an important person.
Caydehl frowned, leaning against the stair banister as they wheeled the boy out. He could hear the others even from up here, 'whispering' in fevered pitches and trading theories of masked figures and demonic prophecies. Perhaps they were right, perhaps not, perhaps it was simply a spell gone wrong or a prank, though what kind of magic could leave you dry he didn't know. Pushing himself upright Cayde made his way down the stairs and out of the dorms, watching the cars pull away and remaining staring thoughtfully after them before shaking his head and finally looking toward the school building. Would there even be any classes after what had happened.
"That makes no sense. Loosing his powers? Is that possible?" Lillia shudder to think of it. Her powers were apart of her, at least Dark had been. Spirit sounded awesome too. She couldn't imagine loosing them. "What kind of person would want to do that?"


Mako looked out his window at the crowd. He didn't want to go out there. Someone was attacked, yes, but he couldn't do anything to help. And he didn't want to deal with all the noise that the crowds would make. What ever happened would surely find it's way to his ears. That would be certain. It didn't have to be now.
"Tch" Biting back the verbal retort at the announcement, Caydehl made to begin the short trek toward the school but he found himself unwilling, rather he turned and returned to the dorm, collapsing into one of the soft arm chairs in the common room, head leaning back against the cushion eyes closed. He did not feel like attending classes today and although it was busy now he knew it would be empty soon enough as school began.
"Let's not go out, I am sure it was nothing but let's just avoid trouble," and with that Rosa slipped back into her bed. The figure was probably just an administrator nothing scary. He probably taught the dark arts and that he was so spooky looking. Theses reassuring thoughts ran through her head over and over again but they didn' t not seem to help.

Rosa woke the next morning early and very tired. She really didn't want to make a run for the bathroom until she was sure everyone was awake. She did her homework quietly in her bed trying not to wake her roommie.

Bo awoke to find his roommate looking out the window. It seemed oddily loud that morning, "Is it always this noisy?" he asked standing up and stretching his arms over his head.
Mako turned to look at his roommate and shook his head.

"Something happened to one of the students it appears," Mako said. "But I believe classes are still on. We will probably learn more then. Either from the teacher or other students."
(does Lost_In_Paradise have a roommate for Tessa yet?)

Eva brushed her hair as she stared out the window. What's with all the commotion? She dressed in her school uniform bright and early that morning, excited about her first day of school. Unfortunately today might not be as great as she was expecting. Eva surveyed the ambulances, the cop cars, and the upset fairies. I'm guessing this is not a normal occurrence..... She looked to her twin brother who was putting on his black sneakers. "Your not dressed in your uniform."

Aiden stood, running his fingers through his hair. He was wearing faded jeans along with his favorite black t-shirt. It had a picture of the Human Torch, a superhero from the Fantastic 4. The character shouted Flame On! while immersed in fire. Aiden stuffed his wallet into his pocket and headed towards the door. "I'm not going to class right now. I'm going to figure out this room situation and find a map of this place."

Eva nodded, yesterday they finally found Aiden's dorm room and decided to call it quits for the night. Eva couldn't crash in her brothers room forever though, she had to find her own room. They both headed out the door and went down stairs to the front of the dormitory. It seemed everyone they passed by were talking about what happened last night. Eva saw someone lounging in the common room and decided to get some answers. Aiden proceeded behind her. "Hey sleepy dude!" Eva said as she reached Caydehl's armchair. "Do you know what's going on?"
Illiana didn't sleep well that night. Everytime she fell asleep, she had nightmares about ghost stories some of the other circus kids or kids she'd met on the road had told her. She finally fell into a dreamless half-sleep shortly before dawn. However, the commotion in the hallway caused her subconsious to create daydreams. SHe gasped and sat up in her bed, looking around. It took her a few moments to remember she was in school, but she began to calm down a bit when she noticed Rosa was awake, so she wasn't alone as she was when she woke up over the course of the night. "Oh...good morning Rosa!" she said, forcing a smile as she looked over at her roommate. "How did you sleep last night?"
Bo shook his head, "I gotta go check on my sister next door," he said quickly. He pulled on a shirt and retied he pajama bottoms before slipping out of the room. Most of the commotion was in their hallway. It looked as if whatever happened to the student had happened a few feet from his room. His heart was pounding, what if ROsa had tried to slip out last night and got hurt. He knocked rapidly three on the door tapping his foot.

Rosa sighed, "Not very well and you?" she asked but she already knew the answer. Illiana had tossed and turned all night and she might have even heard a few yelps. As she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair a loud knocking came from her door. Rose jumped and looked at Illiana, she wasn't expecting anyone this early in the morning. Walking over to the door she answered it and there stood Bo. He let out a sigh of relief and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank God it wasn't you," he whispered into her hair.

She pushed away, "What happened? What do you mean?" she asked ice running through her veins.

"A girl was hurt last night in this hallway," Bo said. Rosa froze then turned to look at Illiana he face completely white.
Illiana was about to explain her nightmares, but didn't get the chance to before Rosa went to open the door. She sat curled on her bed, the fear she had felt all night returning as the boy in the doorway told Rosa about what had actually happened. She bit her lip, trying to not cry. Part of the reason she was usually so cheery was because of the way she use to be teased when she was younger about crying over ghost stories. She swallowed a few times, but didn't want to say anything. Although she knew it was probably stupid to ask if it was ghosts or shadow creatures, it was the only thing she could think of at the moment. "Are we still having class?" she asked the boy, her voice quavering. She hoped not. Not only was she still exhausted, but she didn't want to be walking around the school after what happened, since she didn't want to be alone, but would feel weird asking someone to come with her everywhere she went. She would make due if she had to, though.
Bo nodded, "Yeah...Hey are you guys okay?" he asked taking a step into the room. Rosa sat down on her bed not sure if they should say anything.

"Um we may have seen the thing that hurt the girl," she said quietly.

"What do you mean you saw the thing? It was a fairy right?" he looked across the room between the two girls. He realized he didn't even know Rosa's roommates name but that would come later.

"I mean it didn't look like a fairy?" she whispered her eyes flicking between Bo and Illiana.
((im going to skip to after classes soon, just heads up. sorry if i skip too fast sometimes))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((also i said the student was a boy that was attacked))
"Oh, okay." Illiana said, skimming the floor to find her bag, so she would have something else to think about. She didn't have anything to add to the conversation after that, anyway, because she'd been too far away from the door to actually see the person who attacked the boy. The more information she got about it, though, the most she hoped she never saw it. "Um...do you guys want to all walk to class together? I...I'm kind of too scared to walk by myself." She chuckled slightly to herself, not looking up. Even though her fears were kind of legitimized now, she still felt silly asking.
"...Do you know what's going on?"

The voice came from beside him, directed at him. He could practically feel the owners eyes watching him, waiting for his reply and opening his own with a sigh, Caydehl turned to face this new disturbance, focusing on the young girl for what seemed like an age before looking at the similar featured boy over her shoulder.

"I don't." He said, and lifting a hand he pointed lazily toward the crowd of students. "But they have all sorts of opinions about it"
((HECK YEAH! Drama club ^_^ So much fun to be had :) ))

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Up, and dressed. Unbraiding, combing, and slipping hair into a ponytail. A normal enough morning routine. Except for the screaming in the hall.

It was no matter. Maria would find out what was going on eventually. Straightening her uniform and slinging her bag over her shoulder, she left her dorm room and walked to her first class.

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Aria had watched over the poor boy until he was taken out of the school. It was awful, having your powers disappear like that. Gathering her composure, she walked off to her office.

Would this happen again? Aria had never thought someone could have their powers stolen, but it stilll happened. What would happen to the poor student?

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"All right guys, let's get to class! Go on," Edgar said, shooing kids down the hallways. He shook his head sadly. In the night, a boy had lost his powers. What would happen to that kid? Did he feel empty inside? He walked down the hallway towards his classroom, wondering about his current experience here.

He shrugged it off. Maybe it'll get better...of course it will! Nothing to worry about! If it just gets worse we can fix it!

Perhaps others would think Edgar a bit naive.

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