Volanda Academy for Fairies

"My powers, my elements are blood and fire." Sam told him. He wondered what his new roomate would say. Last year he ended up having to get a new roommate because his got terrified when he found out about the blood element. He hoped that wouldn't happen again.
"I'm in Drama, Fighting, Music," Lillia said, checking them off on her fingers as she listed them. "Oh! I'm also in Pottery." Lillia smiled. "I'm glad we share one club together."

Lillia looked at Victoria with a serious look then. "So what do
you think of the boys here?"
"Oh that's cool. I've been a member of the pottery club for years. It's a lot of fun." Victoria told Lillia. She laughed at Lilliams question. "Boys?" she chuckled. "Well, I guess they are a lot like any other guys you'd meet in any school. I don't really have a crush on anyone or anything though."
This time he couldn't hide the suprise. Growing up he had been told about those wielding the Blood element and the laws within the royal and upper houses that decreed should one be in possession of it they would be removed. Personally he had never had an opinion on the subject, the fae wielding the element it had little choice. It was something they were born with, and like all magic it was dependent on the one wielding it surely. However amongst many it was treated as a curse that should be purged annd was fully aware that the Royals had rejected one of their own due to the superstition. The disowning of the 'flame-haired prince' a major pubic affair within the inner sanctum...

Caydehl's eyes flicked up to Sam's hair then. He was a full blood fairy; red headed, and about roughly his own age, thus the right age, give or take a year. He was also in possession of the ex-prince's elements.

"Did you hear of the prince?" He asked, voice and expression settling then in to one of genuine curiosity.
Hearing his room mate mention something about a prince made him feel a bit uneasy. He wondered if he meant him, the prince disowned from his own family because of the blood element. "What prince?" he asked, afraid of the answer. The were other princes, since there where seven royal families. Maybe he meant one of them.
Cayde's head tilted a fraction.

Something had changed, the atmosphere growing all of a sudden tense along with his sudden changing of the subject, the awkwardness starting with Sam's elements becoming more so upon the mention of the prince. Now as he examined Sam's response there was no way, he decided, that the other did not know to whom he had been referring, he was almost certain of that.

"I think you know which I'm taking about" Caydehl replied levelly, closing his sketchbook and and tossing it onto his bedside as he stood. Though as he reached skyward, stretching out his back after sitting for so long, he explained regardless if only to see the effect it had. "The Prince of Blood and Fire, stripped of his title and birthright when abandoned by the royals"
"Y-yes." Sam replied uneasyly. Had he figured him out? ((im writing an essay for english so my brainpowers all there))
Lillia nodded. She hadn't developed a crush yet either. She had a feeling her mother might not approve and also that she may not make the best impressions on guys. Still there was a great selection.

Lilla looked at her homework. "So what are your powers? I have Dark and...Spirit."
"My powers are air and moon." Victoria replied. "Yours are dark and spirit?" She asked amazed by the spirit element, "I heard spirit users could read auras and talk to ghosts. Can you do that?"
Tessa looked around as she quick walked down the hall. Her eyes were glowing bright blue and could be seen from miles away.

"Oh crap.. I totally forgot my book.." She mumbled angrily, than quickly whipped around and ran back to her dorm.

(Sorry I've been gone so long xP)
A brow raised, pulling upward ever so slightly as he took the others stuttered response for confirmation.

For some so publicly renowned and in possession of the infamous Blood element, Sam certainly did not live up to the surrounding hype. For one thing, Caydehl decided, he lacked the confidence. He had been only young when it had happened, but it was a major event of history that he had been forced to understand once his private studies began, and, being of a similar age, he had always wondered what had happened to the prince. It was dissapointing really, he was almost to normal.

"Your reactions give you away," He said removing a book from his drawer. Sitting back on his bed he leant back against the wall drawing a leg up, flicking it open to a book marked page as he continued. "Perhaps you should work on that if you intend to keep secrets? i'm not the only one who will notice the coincidence afterall."
Illiana smiled and nodded at her roommate. "That's good. I'm glad you had a productive day!" she said to her cheerfully.

(Bah. Sorry for the short post after being gone two days. I had school stuff to do, and I'm still a bit tired... ^^; )
Sam sighed. "I'm that rejected prince..." He finally admits. "My aunt takes care of me now and because of the element, neither of us are able to attend any royal events or anything. We are stripped of our titles."
"That's what it generally means to be rejected," Caydehl murmered lowly, unable to keep the thought from slipping as he turned the page, and he shook his head almost immediate as though to negate the stray comment and releasing a sigh of his own.

"Your 'family' are creatures of tradition and habit, one of the perks of attending here is that i'm not forced to attend the same repeated ceremony's with each new year. You're not missing out."

His brow furrowed thoughtfully as he tried to recall his history lessons. "I'd thought only one royal in possession of the Blood element."
A 1977 Chevrolet Camaro pulled into the back entrance of Volanda Academy. Aiden parked in front of dormitories and rested his head on the dashboard. He was pissed. “This is freaking unbelievable! We missed the whole first day!” He said staring up at the school with a grimace.

Eva rolled her eyes. “I told you we needed to leave a day early, but you don’t seem to listen very well.” She said as she inspected the giant potted plant in her lap.

“Yeah whatever,” Aiden said absently as he got out of the car. He moved to the trunk and started unloading their luggage.

Eva got out of the car with her pet plant in one arm. She turned around to survey Volanda Academy. “Isn’t this place amazing?! I love it here already.” She said smiling, slightly in awe of the campus.

Aiden looked around also. “It’s great, better than I was expecting.” With a half-smile on his face he slung the bags over his shoulder and picked up the suitcases.

Eva pinned her brother with a hard glare. “You are going to be nice, cordial, and non-confrontational while we are here. You are not going to cause trouble for us. I refuse to be a social pariah in this school!” She gripped Aiden’s shirt collar and pulled him down to her eye level. “Got it?”

“Fine” Aiden said through gritted teeth as he removed Eva’s hand from his shirt. “Let’s go.” He said as he headed for the dorm, Eva trailing behind him.
"I've never talked to ghost before although my mother thinks I might be a late bloomer with the power. I think I might have seen ghosts though," Lillia confessed. "A lot of my old friends thought it might be scary seeing or talking to ghosts, but I don't think so. Ghosts are just like us 'cept their dead." As for the second part Lillia thought about it. "I was told I have incredible healing powers as well, but I've never had the chance to prove it one way or another."

"But yours sound awesome, especially moon."
Rosa sat there awkwardly unsure what to do next. She wanted to take a walk get out of this room, stretch her wings. "How strict is the curfew?" she asked wanting to test limits. If she could slip out and just fly around, get a feel of the air without Bo slowing her down she might actually relax.
Sam sighed. "Yeah maybe I would not enjoy it." he agreed. He was not very fond of being the center of attention anyways.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"I guess some people would be scared by seeing ghosts." She said. If she could do that, she would love it. Although she would probally wish to help the spirits find peace. "Oh yeah, moon is a really neat element I think." she smiled, "I love when it is a full moon. I feel so full of life." She hated new moons though. She had absoultly no energy then.
"Note taken" Caydehl responded and his eyes flicked up to his room mate, his reply letting the other know he understood he was making him uncomfortable with his questions, and Caydehl was once more reminded the other was not how he'd imagined he would be.
Illiana shrugged. "I don't know. If you want, we can go explore a bit, and say we were looking for the bathroom, if we get in trouble." She blinked her large eyes, thinking. "Oh wait...that might not work, since we already know where the bathroom is...hm..." She closed her eyes, and thought. She had never had problams like this before. Although her mother had a few rules about when she had to be in bed if they had a show in the morning or something, she never had a full on 'curfew' before. The circus was like a bit, close-knit family, so she was usually allowed to wander to different people's trailers like most kids might go over to their neighbor's or an aunt's house, as long as she went to bed at a decent time and didn't make a nuisance of herself. The other would just watch her to make sure she didn't accidentally wander in the wrong directions, and make sure she wasn't getting in touble. "Hm...maybe you could just try going? It's our first day, so they can't expect us to know exactly what all the rules are...right?" She tilted her head to one side, quizzingly.
Illiana obviously planned on coming with her. Rosa wasn't sure how she felt about that, on one hand if she came that might get to know each other a little better but this could back fire and end up in more awkward silence. She nodded quietly listening to her suggestions, "Your right, if the administrators catch us we can just pull the newbie card," and with that she stood up pulling on a pair or yoga pants and a loose tank. "You have any idea where we can just fly without having to dodge stuff?" she whispered. Rosa wasn't sure why she had dropped her voice but somehow it felt like it was the right thing to do at that moment.
Illiana shrugged again. "I really only went to class and the court yard today." she said, blinking. "The court yard is relatively wide open, though. Other than a few trees, you wouldn't have to dodge much." She understood some might consider the area a bit small, but she found it pretty big. She blinked again at the mention of flying, but didn't say anything. She wasn't very experienced with flying. Then again, she didn't realize she had wings in the first place until over the summer, when she extended them without realizing. She had tried it a few times, but she wasn't good enough yet to work it into her act. (Oh, but what an act it will be once she does!) It was still a relatively new concept to her. She wondered whether she should follow her roommate, and maybe get a bit more practice in, or wait until a different time. Ah, who cares if she was inexperienced. Everyone is the first few times, right? She sat up and used her arms like a catapult to throw herself off her bed. Then, she dug her puffy-looking pants and shirt out of her bag and threw then on over to shirt/nighgown, a wide smile on her face.
Lillia thought about what it would be like to feel power at a certain time and powerless at another. She really couldn't, but she nodded at Victoria.

"Well I can't wait for this year. I hope it's going to be amazing. I was excited to come here and so far it's been great. I made awesome friends!"

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