Volanda Academy for Fairies

Within moment everyone had paired up and Rosa's hopes of getting a station were almost in her reach until the teacher stopped her.

"I think your Rosa, why don't you go partner up with that girl, her name is (insert Rhi'a's character's name here)," the teacher said pointing across the room the room to another fairy. Sighing Rosa nodded and made her way across the room.

"I'm Rosa, do you mind if I partner up with you?" she asked in a small voice.
Tessa listened to the teacher in boredom. The music was blasting in her ears and she was bobbing her head up and down slightly.

She looked up and met a few student's gazes, and some of them even winked back at her. She rolled her eyes and tapped her desk slowly.

"Boring..." She mumbled under her breath and than stared at her Ipod, switching the song to Fergalicious by Fergie.
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She made sure her hair was kept away from her face completely before she started to do anything. Before she got started, another fairy walked up to her. Like she had thought, it was a question about partners. "Certainly," she said in a gentle voice. She could almost sense the unease around Rosa, as she introduced herself. The purple-haired fairy extended her hand, saying, "I am Maria."
Lillia smiled as she ran out the door. Her fist day or at least the classes part was over with! And it went well, she decided. But the day wasn't over quite yet and the young fairy was determined to make a friend. She had chatted with others, but she didn't have too much time to socialize. She went out into the courtyard and stretched. She looked around the area and spotted someone. A girl was yawning by a tree. Lillia decided to talk to her.

Illiana heard a voice. She opened her eyes, and saw the female fairy whom the voice belonged to. "Oh, hi!" she replied, lifting the upper half of her body off the ground with relative easy. She crossed her legs, again paying no mind to her attire, and rested her elbows on her knees, her head in her hands. "I'm Illiana. What's your name?" She smiled widely, her eyes sparkling. How lucky! She's made two new friends today, and and she hasn't even done almost anything yet!
Glad to not have disturbed or angered the girl.

"I'm Lillia! It's nice to meet you Illiana. Hehehe. Our names are kind of similar." Lillia sat down across from her new friend. "I am new to the school so I'd thought I'd get to know some people."
Illiana laughed, too. "Wow! That's kind of cool." she said. "Nice to meet you, Lillia! I'm new, too! Yeah, I'm trying to meet more people, too. Did you meet your roommate yet? Mine seems nice, but she's kind of quiet. I hope I don't end up bothering her..." He smile dropped for a moment as she thought about it. Most of the other performers thought having such an energetic kid around was fun, and it made them happy. But, she has been told by people she talked to before and after shows that she could be a bit...overbearing, when she is especially hyper. "Oh well!" she said, her smile returning. "If she thinks I have too much energy, I can always try to tone it down a little bit!"
Lillia nodded.

"I meant her only for a little bit. I got lost and didn't get to my room until close to the bell." Lillia shrugged. "But I'm sure I'll see more of her later." Lillia was already beginning to like Illiana. She was glad that she wasn't the only one who had too much energy around here. "So you're new too? What do you think of the school? I like it a lot. The people are nice and the boys are cute." Lillia giggled. "Right," she said, nudging the other girl with her toe."



Mako looked up from his almost finished homework to see the librarian. "You're not going to sit in here on your first day. It's beautiful outside. Go. Do homework there. Do it later in your room. But don't spend your first day here."

Mako grinned. He and the librarians had become friends his second year here. "And what? Not get to see your beautiful face and watch you yell at new students? Nah."

She glared at him. "Out."

"Fine fine. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Mako sighed as he walked out into the courtyard. He saw people around, most chatting in groups. He was tempted to head to his room. The only person who would bother him there would be his roommate and he wasn't sure where he might be.
Victoria finished her homework and packed up her things. It had only taken her twenty minutes or so to finish, but it hadn't been too much. She took her things up to her dorm. She decided to walk around the grounds. It had been over three months since she had last been on the grounds and she missed the beautiful scenry. Plus it was her last year, so this would be the last year she would see it.
Rosa shook hands with Maria and glanced at the ingredients list quickly. Her hair was already swept into a sloppy side braid that kept most of the hair out of her face however she still needed to wash her hands. "Are we each making our own omelet or just one between the both of us?" she asked softly. She would just take it one conversation at a time and if it got awkwardly silent so be it.
Caydehl resisted the deep desire to yawn.

He was sitting on the hard floor in an odd place beside the fountain, with a sketchbook on his lap and a pen in his fingers. Beside him his bag sat open and on the page before him were several faint rough hand sketches of faceless people, the lighting and shading on each hitting the characters from a different angle. He should probably have been doing homework instead, but there had been enough lessons for one day.

He'd been schooled from the momment he was able by a home tutor to ensure his education met his parents standards, Volanda was simply a change of scenary. A place of revision to go over what he'd already learnt prior to attending and then later, what he'd already covered during the holiday period. He rarely paid attention to the lessons anymore, and throughout the day whenever a teacher had highlighted him, asking a direct question, he had responded honestly and without the slightest hint of interest, telling them: 'no idea', 'i couldn't tell you' or 'who knows'.

That wasn't about to change. His grades were above average, his work well written, he even participated during graded discussion, there was nothing more they could ask of him, his poor attitude in class a result of boredom.

Listening to the calming sound of the running water for several more momments, Cayde lowered and turned to look as his hand came up, fingers tips drawing through the water almost tenderly. His own magic responded upon whim at the contact and cupping his hand he scooped the water in his palm.

This was his homework. He thought to himself, frowning at the clear fluid as he watched it slip between his fingers before placing the tip of his index into the fountain pool once more, and he watched the water surrounding it ripple faintly and swirl idly with magic.

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Maria pondered this question as she washed her hands. She figured there was enough space for each of them to work independently in their station. She shrugged and said, "I suppose we could each make our own." Was she sure? No. But she didn't want to make Rosa too uncomfortable.
Bo wandered the campus Pippa by his side. The dog had originally been his but when Rosa came along the wolf hybrid had shifted it's attention to her. They still had a connection with each other but only when Rosa wasn't around. As they walked past the library he saw his roommate out of the corner of his eye. Oh what was his name...Mako. He figured now would be a good time to get to know him. They had only glanced at each other this morning before going separate ways. He walked towards the fairy despite his black wings' desire to fly. "I'm Bo, your roommate we really didn't get a chance to introduce ourselves this morning," Bo said extending his hand.

Rosa checked the ingredients, there was enough space for them to work alone but not enough food. "Never mind, I think the goal is to get us to work together," she said pulling out a chrome bowl with black rubber on the bottom to prevent it from slipping. It wasn't too big but it was big enough for two to three eggs and all the additions.
Illiana nodded vigorously to the inquiry about her also being new. "I like it a lot! This is actually my first time going to a school in general. It's really fun to be around other people who are learning the same things I am. Plus, I get to make new friends who I won't lose in a week or two!" Her smile got even wider as she said that. She was very excited to now have freinds who she would be able to see every day of the school year, for all her remaining years in school. To the questionabout the boys, she tilted her head. "Everyone is very nice, that I've met so far. But my mom ays I'm not allow to like boys yet. She says I can when I have a place to live where I will stay for a long time, but not yet." Then, Illiana's eyes blinked and widened. It wasn't until that moment that her mind put the pieces together that she was going to be at this school for a few months, and would be back again next year, most likely. "Oh!" she said quietly to herself.
Mako blinked at the hand and then took it. He smiled and nodded.

"I am Mako. It is a pleasure to meet you Bo." Mako looked his roommate over. He didn't get the feeling that Bo would be a disurptive roommate and that made him like Bo better even if he didn't know him yet. "I'm glad they didn't decide to stick me with an obnoxious first year, no offense to them. I just find it harder to study around them, though I spend most of my time in the library anyways.


Lillia nodded and then giggled. "Well I'm sure there will be no harm in just talking about them right?" Lillia stretched and then looked at Illiana seriously. "So what are your powers?"
((oh yeah, the only oocs I will post here are for when I have an annoucment. So anyways. I will be skipping to night time soon, so people will be able to get to know their roomates))
Illiana giggled. "No, I guess not." She blinked between responses. "I can make fire in my hand, and I can make weapons appear with my mind." she said, smiling, proud of herself. "The other performers were really impressed when they found out I had special powers, especially ones that can work so well in a performance. Usually, it takes a lot of training to get put into the show, especially for swallowers, but I got put into the main show pretty quickly, since they didn't have to worry about buying the equipment and the danger was slightly lower when I was using my abilities than for swallowers who don't have anything special about them. Plus, it might have helped that my mom's been one of their scrobats since she was 16. What's your powers?"
"Well I can see in the dark and hide in shadows," Lillia said. She had used her power a lot as a child, mostly in playing hide and seek. It was fun to use, but she also got in trouble for "cheating". Lillia was on and off about whether it could be considered cheating or not. It also helped her in the dark. "I was never scared of the dark as a child." Lillia paused. "They also told me I can use Spirit, but I am unsure." Lillia had thought she might have seen ghosts as a child or had healed someone, but she was unsure. The healing would make sense for Light element as well, but the ghosts, not so much. "I don't know if it's true or not."
Victoria passed by few other students. She reconized the one girl as her roommate. She hoped she had the chance later to talk to her. She felt back she had fled so fast, she just hated being late to class. She continued walking taking in the sights. ------------------------------------------------------ Sam sat up from laying on the grass in the school's courtyard. The courtyard was starting to get a bit too crowded for his taste. There was only one club going on today and he knew it wasn't a very popular club. He stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants. He headed back up to his dorm.
Illiana's eyebrows raised. "Those sound like cool powers!" she replied. "I wish icould see it the dark! But...I'm sorry, bit I guess I don't know much about faeries, since I didn't know I was one until over the summer. What kind of powers are Spirit, exactly?" She tilted her head to one side.
"Oh." That caught Lillia off-guard. She herself was half-blooded, but she had grown up with her fairy mother and other fairy children. Was it possible that other half-bloods could have remained with their human parents? Lillia wanted to ask more on the subject, but she surprising held her tongue. She didn't want to offend her new friend just soon after meeting her. "It means I have extraordinary healing capibilities. I can also see and talk to ghosts."
"Cool." Illiana replied, impressed. She had always thought her powers were cool, but Lillia's sounded even cooler! They wouldn't make much of a performance, probably, but someone like that would be really useful around the circus, for when people got hurt. Still, she was glad for her own powers. She couldn't imagine doing any other type of performance, or - horrors- not being part of the circus at all, other than the backround jobs a lot of newbies and performers kids got stuck with when they were young.
Bo nodded, "First years can get kind of annoying," he said sticking a hand in his pocket. "Your right they aren't all obnoxious but there is something about them. So you like the library, is it nice here?" he asked searching for conversational topics.
((I wasn't going to type an ooc here, but I honestly have no idea how to cook an omelet...so that's another reason for my posting issue))

"I'm not surprised," Maria answered. Of course the teacher would try to get them to work together. It was the first day of school, and not many people would know each other except for the ones who'd made friends with each other in previous years. "Is this your first year?" Maria asked, trying to figure out a little more about her cooking partner.
(Same, I looked it up online it's kinda like making scrambled eggs.)

Rosa nodded while reading the instruction and then looked back at the ingredients, "So we are supposed to make a ham and cheese omelet, the ham needs to be chopped and the cheese needs to be shredded. Do you want to do that or prepare the pan?" she asked figuring if she stuck to just talking about cooking everything would be easier. However the girl had just asked her a question, it was kind of natural to ask her one similar, "Is it you first year too?" she asked. Rosa was technically a first year student but Bo had tutored her over the past year so that she would be ready. His parents had home schooled him for the most part and he had done the rest.

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