Volanda Academy for Fairies

Rosa cut off a small chunk of butter and placed it in the pan. She then set the pan on the stove and turned it onto low. She added a bit of salt since the butter was unsalted. As it started to melt she turned the pan back and forth letting it coat the whole thing. As long as she kept it moving it wouldn't burn. Once it was properly greased she turned of the burner and set the pan on a different one. Rose would put it back on the other burner later.

"It's nice, I am getting used to the crowds," she said quietly.
Mako nodded. He could see Bo was reaching for a topic.

"The library is very nice. There are plenty of books on many subjects, both for school work and reading pleasure. I know because I have spent many days in there just reading. Not the most social activities, but I tend to spend my time...studying and well by myself mostly. But the library is good for both those things. If you need a break from people or need a place to study for hours, it's the best place to be." That or on the roof, but Mako didn't let anyone know he had gone up their some nights. It was a secret pleasure of his being under the stars to just read or relax or think. "The librarian is nice as well. A bit nosy, but she's okay."

Mako shrugged. "But the library is not everyone's favorite place. Do you have anything you like to do?"
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"That's good. It gets easier, I suppose," Maria said. Perhaps she should ask this girl. It was a simple question, though it confused many. Why wouldn't she know what was going on in the fairy world? Perhaps because she never asked, and her parents didn't tell her anything.

She wasn't even sure if her parents were still alive.

That being said, she wouldn't ask anyone that this year. It led to questions she didn't want to answer. For now, grating cheese and commenting on the school was fine. After finishing with the cheese, Maria started chopping the ham.
((so sorry if I make anyone mad by this but I am going to skip to later in the evening, probally nearing bedtime. People should be in their dorms. Oh and I fixed the homepage so now it isn't as crowded!))

--- Merged Double Post ---

It was about 9pm now and was officality curfew for the students at the school. Victoria stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She went out into the main part of the door, having forgot her clothes and grabbed a long tshirt and pair of black sports shorts. She went back into the bathroom and dried herself off before changing into her sleep clothes. She brushed her waist long burgendy hair in front of the steamed mirror. When she finished getting dressed, she tossed her old uniform into the hamper and hung up her towel. Each student was given enough uniforms for the school week. It was very convient, and in Victoria's option, more hygenic than having only one or two uniforms and having to wear the same outfit multiple times a week. After she was done, Victoria steeped out of the shower and tunred to her roomate. "Hey, did you want to take your shower now?" she asked Lillia.

Sam finished taking his shower and was now laying on his bed trying to finish his homework before bed. He hated having homework on his first day back to school. He didn't get the point of it. He hadn't made an attempt to talk to his new roomate yet, and he figured he should try to get to know him a bit. "Hey, I never caught your name." he said to his new roomate. "What's your name? I'm Sam." He wasn't good at introductions.
((You posted Rosa and Iliana twice under roomies, Sage ;)

Also, I went and read your idea thread. When is that going to come into effect? Also, do we have a headmistress/headmaster?))

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Cooking club had been fun, Maria thought, and she had still managed to somplete her homework with little trouble. However, in between showering and preparing for the next day, Maria hadn't had the time to practice. She sat on her chosen bed, looking longingly at the harp she had purchased with what money she'd earned and saved, resting in its little corner on her side of the room.

But now was not the time. It was after curfew, and some students actually tried to sleep at this time. Not at this point in the school year, usually, but one could never tell. Instead, Maria focused on braiding her hair, still damp from her shower.

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Her job for today was over.

The nurse had no reason to stay in the office, and she rose from her seat. It had been a long day, but she had learned more of the world of healing, human or not. Rising from her seat, she stretched before adjusting her nameplate. Nurse Aria Nadia...it seems almost unreal, the young nurse thought before locking up her office and walking off to her sleeping quarters.

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With a snap, Edgar's book shut. The life of a teacher wasn't exactly what suited him, but he did enjoy passing on what he had learned to others. There was just so much planning behind it...

He headed off to bed. There was no use staying up all night trying to discover the meaning of teacherhood. He would simply have to continue his planning tomorrow. Especially since he might be heading the fighting club this year.

((poor little Edgar sitting in a class all alone...which reminds me Sage, is Edgar a decent choice for leading the fight club?

I keep telling myself to post ooc in the ooc thread, and it always seems to end up here...))
((I will fix the front page tommorow (going out to eat with the family, plus the computer makes things easier) and its okay, sometimes the occ boards become very unactive. anf yes, I think edgar is the perfect teacher for the fighting club, i kinda assumed youd us him. as for what was posted in the idea thread, that is going to start happening real soon))
Rosa returned from the shower her robe wrapped tightly around her. Bo had met her at the end of cooking club pestering her with questions about her day. She wasn't a five year old in who wanted to give him a step by step analysis but he had gotten her Stardust and he was trying, so she gave him a run down. He spent a lot of time on her new "friend" Maria. He wanted her to keep in touch and be nice. The whole time she just nodded while Pippa weaved between her legs. "You know she is supposed to be on leash," Rosa cut him off worried an official might get mad. He just shrugged telling her goodnight and walking into his dorm room. And that had been her day now she was faced with her next challenge, getting to know her roomie Illiana. Rosa pulled on a pair of light blue pajama bottoms and a tank top that let her wings hang freely. Pippa was already laying on her bed having already finished her meal.
He had been sitting comfortably ever since returning from his shower a good hour ago, his sketch book propped upon his lap and hand moving quick and sure creating lines and shapes upon the page. It was more doodles really, albeit doodles with purpose, though as he heard the other fairy speak his hand suddenly stilled, eyes flicking up to look at him.

"Hey, I never caught your name ... What's your name? I'm Sam."

That's because I never mentioned it. Caydehl thought to himself, a brow rising slightly at his first words. Out loud however he said: "Caydehl. Cayde... "

Be Confident. Courteous. Open. Regardless of your emotion and/or sentiment. His parents had been strict, with him especially, about that. And so he lowered the book as he spoke, his hand resting atop it, head lifting, straightening. The epitome of an attentive listener at odds with the anti-social behaviour he'd displayed that same morning.

"... How long have you attended?"
Illiana jumped over the bottom of her bed onto her mattress, and spread out, getting comfortable. Since she was not in any clubs, she had decided to get her shower earlier than most of the others, after her conversation with Lillia had ended. Then she had braided her hair, and did her homework until it dried. Currently, she wore a night gown made of a shirt one of the other performers had given to her when she had begun to outgrow her last one, and her mother had altered to make it look a little less 'hand-me-down-y'. Her hair lay like a snake, curving randomly around her head, still in the braid. She closed her eyes and smiled, just relaxing her back for a few moments.

"Hi! Welcome back!" she said, opening her eyes and rolling onto her side when she heard Rosa return from the shower. She raised herself onto her elbow, still smiling at her roommate.
Bo sat quietly in his room going over what he had missed in class. The teachers had been quiet generous by giving him and his sister the day off to get settled. Thankfully his parents were paying for both of them while they traveled the world performing their aerobatic tricks. He had left Rosa's homework on her bed and instructions to just read it over. He had also left her their dinner for the evening figuring he would introduce her to the cafeteria tomorrow.

Rosa smiled shyly at her roommate's welcome, "Um evening Illiana, how was your day?" she asked the words coming out a bit stilted but still there. Bo would be proud, she was making quite an effort. Pippe hopped off the bed and trotted over to the fairy her plumed brown and black tail waving kindly. "That's Pippa you can just push her away if she is bothering you," Rosa said blushing. Her hands fell on the papers on her bed and she looked them over quickly. All easy reading she could do in an hour.
"This is my second year." Same replied. He half wondered if the reason his roomate was acting the way he was, was because he had heard about him. Sam was born into one of the best known royal families. He was disowned when his parents found out that like his aunt, one of his elements was blood. He did not know why, but in his family having the element blood was a crime.
"Great! I think group schools are very inyteresting. And I met another friend in the court yard! She was very nice." She lifted herself into a sitting position and crossed her legs. "How did your day go?"
Lillia laid on her bed, her homework next to her, forgotten for now. She had half-done it, but her mind was distracted by her earlier conversation with Illiana. Did she possess Spirit? It was possible, but Lillia was unsure. Could it have developed later in her life? She had thought that she showed signs of possessing it throughout her early childhood, but nothing definitive would come to find to completely confirm it. She was sure she could test it out. Go somewhere haunted or break a leg or something. Talking to ghosts seemed easier to check than her exceptional healing powers. Besides she didn't like being around people seriously sick. It made her depressed. Ghosts were different. They were already dead and so there was no worry that they wouldn't make it. They already didn't.

Lillia sighed and decided to forget about it. If she had it, she had it. It was better to focus on her new life here. Which she was enjoying so far.


Mako yawned as he entered his room. He had been kicked out of the library, although he had said he was going to leave in a few minutes. He smiled at the memory of the librarian's face when he said that. She didn't believe him.

Mako saw that his roommate was already in the room and waved to him. After their talk, Mako went back to the library to read. He had a book he was interested in in his hand. It was
The Complete Work of William Shakespeare.
(Oh. Sorry.)

Lillia blinked as she heard Victoria say something. She nodded and laughed.

"Sorry. I was lost in thoughts. I didn't mean to ignore you." She started to undress and grab a towel. She then stopped undressing and looked at Victoria. "I'm sorry. I usually undress in my room when I take showers. I don't want to embarrass you or anything."
"That's okay." Victoria laughed back. "I was just asking if you wanted to take your shower now but I guess you already took one. And it's okay, we are both females and I'm straight." She laughed again. "Anyways how did you enjoy your first day?" She felt bad for rushing off like she had that morning.
Lillia finished getting into her pajamas.

"My day has gone really well! I love it here. The clubs sound interesting and I signed up for a few. I can't wait for them. And I made a few friends too." Lillia beamed in excitement. "How was your day?"
"Well that's good." Victoria replied. "I think most of the people and clubs here are really nice." She took a moment to breathe, "My day was pretty good. I got my homework done right after school so I was able to enjoy the weather." She sat down on her bed. "What clubs have you joined? I am in pottery, photography, and the book club."
"It was fine, I figured out the route to all my classes. The clubs are pretty nice here and I found the stables, so all in all pretty productive," she said cracking a small smile. She started to braid her long hair but decided against it letting her wavy brown locks dry naturally.
"This is my second year."

Cayde examined his roomate, head tilting curious. The other had initiated this little conversation of theirs, ('if you could call two exchanged sentances a conversation', he thought), so why now did he appear to be so guarded...

It took him a momment to realise he was staring at Sam no doubt with an empty expression as he tried to work it out, and he steadily schooled it once more gesturing to the pile of school work that was spread out atop the others' bed.

"How do you find it?" He asked, disguising his previous curiosity.
"Find what?" Same asked, looking at where Cayde was pointing. "My homework? Fine, I guess." He picked up the notebook looking at his half completed assignment. He was honestly getting a bit tired and had wished he had done his work sooner.
"Not the homework, that can hang." He replied, the faintest edge of amusement entering his tone.

As usual he had thought it obvious, forgetting that that not everyone followed the same thought process, that others quite simply required specifics to reach a shared understanding. He had however never been bothered or interested in people enough to want to see the point. Even as he ironically found himself somewhat shocked by their lack thereof and impatient at having to explain.

"Volanda" he looked at Sam once more. "how do you find it?"
"Oh." Sam said embarrased. "It's pretty cool." He said while scribbling an answer down in his notebook. ((sorry writers block))
[lol! i'll take is as a compliment in that it means my character has the desired effect rather than i murder inspiration~ X3]

Caydehl watched the other, eyes narrowing in slight annoyance as the air about him drew protectively close, stirring his hair and creating gentle ripples across the surface of his clothes, though he quickly focused on the comforting feeling it brought with it, forcing himself to reason. Sam was clearly uncomfortable and hadn't interupted him intending to ignore momments later, rather his own attitude, perhaps something he had said had thrown him and caused him to withdraw.

Caydehl sighed, inwardly rolling his eyes, the air immediately surrounding his body calming with him as he thought of a normal thing to say that might possibly make it better. It wasn't that he cared about the effect he had on others so much as he and Sam would be sharing the same room for the next year. He would rather it not be an awkward arrangement or one based on dislike.

"What can you do?" He asked, looking down at the sketch book before him, his hand had been automatically moving in circular motion as he'd thought, the pencil outline darkening with each overlap and as he looked he stopped, suddenly remembering what had happened the last time he had made an assumption and adding. "Your powers, i mean."

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