
It took a moment for Archer to process what the man was saying to him. He had caught the imprisonment part, which he oddly saw as opportunity. If his sister was a prisoner as well, he would have the chance to find her. This caused a slight spark in his eye as he stood, glaring at the man threatening him and ordering him around. For now, he would listen, for now he would do as he was told. For the sake of his sister. He made his way over to the vampire, kneeling by his side and giving him an empathetic look. Then, carefully, he helped the vampire sit up, flinging an arm around his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you out of here," he whispered in the softest of voices, barely audible to his own ears, "I'll get you some blood later, I promise." His lips didn't move as he spoke, and he heaved the vampire up, grunting slightly under his weight. But his help and assistance towards the vampire, although forced upon him, was genuine. He always liked vampires, for reasons he did not know. What made them monsters? What made them worse then the humans who killed those who remained peaceful? How were those men any better?
He walked past rei, not caring for the company he was bringing along. He trusted rei, so the decision didn't bother him much. hhhhe walked ahead loooking for a place to stay. Upahed w as a cave shrouded by trees and bushes. " RRRei would this not seem comfortable, if not i bilieve their is an inn up ahead in a village. He glanced back at him.

Kanin began to move around a little. Her hair falling to her other shoulder. CCCain smiled as her heart was at a nromal beat, and she had turned back to normal. Almost breaking out into tears, he thought about if she gained ehr memories aswell. The oraaacle would be pleased to here of this, and the king would welcome her home with open arms and a feast.
Rei walked carefully behind archer and Valer, his presents weighing over them. This part if the forest was thick, so it was easy to avoid the light. Archer held most of Valers weight, his pants from exhaustion breaking the silence. His head rested against arches chest, his wounds slowly healing. This healing rate was unusual for a vampire this weak, the embered cracks slowly disappearing as he walked, it's spider effect dimming as the shadows cooled his wounds.

Rei eyes traced Valer suspiciously, his attention turning to Cain as he spoke. His hands carefully held Luntra, her hair dancing in the air as he looked down at her. "I sent Luntra here with a solider fleet. They must be near by. It's to troublesome to travel during the day.. So for now we will stay here... " he glanced back at Valer and Archer. "We should get supplies before we leave as well. We should walk, if there are more creatures here they might attack.. " Rei moved forward, his foot raising and kicking Archer forward towards the cave, his gesture clear as he held Luntra carefully.

He had a calming yet cold demeanor, his mood more directed towards Valer then Archer, although his mood towards Archer was still disstilling. He carefully followed them to the cave, his eyes scanning its interior. No doubt for any escape roots that Valer or Archer might try.

His close inspection of the cave came up fine, his form carefully bending over and placing Luntra on the ground. He carefully rummage threw her pockets, his head swiftly tilting the side towards Archer. His head directing them to sit in the back.
The cave was cool and damp, it's breeze chilling Archer's sweaty skin. He stumbled forward after the man kicked him inside, barely keeping the vampire upright. He gritted his teeth, taking deep breaths to control his energy level. He needed to be moving in order to help the vampire, but he couldn't be caught. His mind was swirling with thoughts when he heard her name. Lunatra. His sister. "I sent Lunatra here with a solider fleet." No, Archer thought, freezing midstep, his back stiffening. She was sent here with a fleet. No, she wasn't imprisoned. She was brainwashed.

Archer bit back his anger, making his way to the back of the cave and gently placing the vampire down. Beads of sweat smeared his forehead, which he wiped away with the back of his hand, not daring to look at the man. His sister. They had his sister. She fought with them, not against them. What else did they do to her? What lies did they tell her? His eyes flickered over to the man and his sister, her face scrunched in pain. Burns scarred her arms and torso, her shirt in shreds from the flames. His face softened at the sight of her, his gaze moving back to the vampire. Resting a hand on the vampire's forehead, Archer made his decision. He would convince her. He would make sure Lunatra discovered the truth.

"Bloody hell, this hurts," Lunatra muttered, wincing slightly at the immense pain in her arm and torso. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, her whole body flinching at the action. She squeezed them shut again, then let them open, taking in a sharp breath from the burns snaking up her side. "Do I look as terrible as I feel?" she joked dryly, resting her head against the stone wall as her gaze swept over Rei. She scanned the room, seeing the boy and the vampire in the corner, too exhausted to even give them a sneer. "Where's Seara?" she asked quietly, her vision blurring slightly. She shook it off, forcing herself to fight through the pain, focusing on the moisture of the cave's ceiling.

((Sorry, writers block x.x))
Rei moved slowly, his gentle touch grabbing a vile from her pocket. Her voice broke the silence, causing Rei to smile nicely as she woke. Her voice was hoarse, the sound of pain and exhaustion pushing threw as she scanned the room. "That girl you were with?.." He paused for a moment his head tilting slightly in curiouslity. "She took off running.. Luntra.. Do you know that girl?.." His voice was polite, kind in its nature as he spoke. His hand grabbing a blade from his side. The blade could catch anyone's attention, its sharp exterior was not metal, but glass. He grabbed the handle and pushed the top off, his hand carefully pouring the vile's contense into blade. Its yellow, and white swirl's disappearing into the handle then dripping down the inside of the blade. Small amounts of the liquid dripped out of the tip, a small hole allowing it to flow threw.

The smell of intense garlic filled the cave, causing Valer to wrench forward trying to cover his face from the smell. Rei carefully popped the handle back into place as he looked at the blade, its contense swirling nicely in the hollowed blade. Rei then looked to Luntra, his smile still present as he waited for her reply. Rei held the blade tightly in his hands. This blade was just one of many thing's created to control or kill vampires. Its hollowed glass blade filled with garlic and silver. And with just the right application can be used as an amazing tranquilizer, or if to much, cause a very painful laid out dead. It was obvious who he intended to use it on. Rei couldn't allow Valer to get to much strength. And with his body healing at a exponentiation rate, it concerned Rei.

It would be easier to just weaken him, at least until King Ark himself did away with him. Rei glanced over at Valer, who was hunched over on the ground trying to avoid the intense smell of garlic. His eyes slowly moving to Archer. He spoke, his eyes still locked on Archer, but his voice directed towards Luntra once again. "You realize what bloodline that girl was right? .. We will need to seek her out before we leave .. We cant have healer's like her healing .. trash like them.. It would be bother some.......... Hey.." Rei's voice redirected to Archer, his voice not even done talking to Luntra. "Weren't you looking for someone? ... " He questioned Archer, his hands twirling this icy blade against his finger tip, a look of suspicion in his eyes as he spoke.

((Your fine ;P Dont know what writers block your talking about CharChar45 ))
"I found her hiding in a burning church, so no, I do not know her," Lunatra said, slight confusion passing her face, "Why?" She paused, tilting her head, staring at Rei curiously as he let the yellow liquid drip down the blade. The stench of garlic filled the air as she wrinkled her nose, her brows scrunching together. She did not like the smell of garlic, which was odd considering she was around it so much. For some reason, it bothered her, bringing back bad memories she could not fully process. A man, not a vampire, but a man, laughing as he dragged his sword through a woman's chest. A little boys cries as he called for his sister...

Lunatra shook her head, immediately regretting the movement, for it left her light headed and breathless. She didn't know where these... images were coming from. Probably just her imagination running wild, because he parents were killed by vampires. Not men. And she had no brother. Right? Her eyes flickered over to Archer, more confusion dancing across her face. Her head was spinning, with multiple memories that, when combined, made no sense. Her mother and father helping vampires? No... they were hunters... but she could see both. Both sides of the story, and she had no idea where they were coming from. And the boy? He appeared on occasion, always laughing, always smiling, always playing games. But Lunatra didn't know him. Or maybe she did?

Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Archer. He seemed familiar... it was as if Lunatra knew him already. But today was her first day meeting the foolish boy. Or was she the foolish one? Suddenly, she was uncertain, her gaze uneasily flickering towards Rei, then back to Archer. She felt comfortable with the boy, but Rei seemed highly unfamiliar, although she had trained with him for years. She found herself edging away from him, moving towards Archer and the vampire, finding ease in their presence. Then she seemed to realize that Rei was speaking to her, and she blinked blankly, slowly processing the words.

How he spoke of Seara angered her. Her eyes narrowed as she clenched her hands into fists, lips pursed in a thin line. "She's just a child," she snapped, her voice hoarse, yet strong, "Barely eight years old. And she is bothersome? What nonsense is that!" A slight Celtic lilt begun to show in her tone that had not been there before, that had not been there since she began training for King Ark. Not since... not since... she frowned, trying to think of the memory. But it was blurry, unintelligible. Nothing seemed to make any sense, everything was upside down. And Lunatra... who was she now?

"Hey, weren't you looking for someone?" Archer looked up and glared at the man as he spoke, setting his lips in a thin line. He did not say a word, but instead turned his attention back to Valer, sitting in front of him like a guard dog. For a moment, his eyes flickered to Lunatra, slight desperation hidden behind the stony stare, slight hope behind the dread. She seemed confused, looking between Archer and Rei, shaking her head as if trying to make sense of her thoughts. And, Archer was shocked to see that when her gaze met his, it was gentle and soft, not cold and harsh as if he were scum.

And when she spoke, his jaw nearly dropped in surprise. That's when he knew she was definitely his sister, the little girl he once knew. Her Celtic accent was beginning to show, when it had been absent before. And the way she spoke, with passion and ferocity, as if her point was already proven... just like Mam had. Archer couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight, his eyes glinting in excitement. Slowly, his sister was coming back.

((so, i thought it would be interesting if Seara's healing magic cured some of Lunatra's altered memories ^~^ maybe Rei can have a potion or something to solve the issue, but it shows Archer that she truly is his sister, and brings out her true self :P just an idea ^.^ Darktanion))
((Archer and Seara ^~^))





((Darktanion yup, basically :P ))
Rei's warm gaze icened as Luntra spoke, her rebeliious attitude annoying him. He stood up, his stance erupt as he walked over to Valer and Archer, his icy glaze unmoving as he grabbed Valer's dirty white locks. Rei forced his head back, his neck stretching back and he lifted him to his knees. Rei looked at him silently, his eyes examining the ever disapating wounds. He clenched his teeth in dissatisfaction, and he lunged his glass blade into Valer's torso. Its sharp exterior ripping deep into his rib cage. Valer's eye's widened a look of immense pain, as Rei forced the blade to the side snapping the handle, the blade being left, trapped in his rib cage.

Rei release Valer's hair, the look on his face cold, not a shred of regret or sympathy as Valer fell to the ground, his hands clenching his stomach. His head reeled as the feeling of barfing hit him, his body shaking as his veins slowly pulse a deep purple. His body curled into its self, a tear of pain and desperation falling from is blue hues. If Valer could cry out in pain he would, the intense feeling of burning slowly consuming his entire body.

Rei stood unfazed and turned to Luntra, his once warm gesture turned cold even to her. Like her rebellion had angered him and he, instead of lashing out at her decided to lash out at Valer.

His cold gaze watched Valer's crippling form as he said in a silent, calming voice. "Welcome to hell.. Lavrador.. " He turned back toward Luntra, his foot steps heavy against the cold ground as he spoke. "You speak as though I intend to kill her.. I only intend for her to be on the correct side.. Control your emotions Luntra.. " He kneeled down besides her, his hand stretching out to touch her forhead. His gentle touch betrayed his icy stare, and his finger seemed to glow a light blue, the pain in her body slowly disapating, the wounds on her flesh vanishing. Dragons unlike Vampires were very magical, each bloodline having a special ability. King Ark's bloodline to control black flames, just as his was to heal and manipulate ice. A dragon of the coldest variety. This is what made Rei stand out from the rest, his cold will and intention masked by his calm and nice gestures.

His gentle touch slowly brought her back,, Body and mind.. Back to what he wanted. He smiled as he pulled his finger away. "So you'll go get her right Luntra?.."

Valer panted on the ground, his throat locking as he clenched his torso, the garlic and silver quickly thrashed threw his system. Lavrador, such a familiar name wasn't it, its familiarity echoing in his mind. Valer didn't know it yet, but Lavrador was his real name, the name given to him by his mother. Rei cleared his throat as he looked to Cain, his form sitting at the front of the cave, Kanin held safely in his arms. He cared very much about the princess, and although Rei knew her significance, he didn't understand the infatuation Cain showed towards her. In the end she was just a child.

(( This way him saying his name will make Archer realize he knew Valer ;P I've decided my own character is an ass. Lol. CharChar45 ))
A small scream passed her lips as Rei waltzed up to the vampire, digging the dagger in his torso, snapping the blade. There was no emotion in his expression, just an icy coldness, harsh and unrealistically cruel. When he turned to face her, she scrambled back away from him, hitting a wall, fear dancing in her eyes. Her memories were coming back at full force, leaving her head spinning in dizzying circles. "S-stay away from me!" she shouted, her Celtic accent clear as day now. And, just before his finger tapped her forehead, her memories, her true memories, completely came back.

She remembered hiding underneath the stairs, sobbing silently as King Ark's men raided the house. There taunting laughs as her mother scream and pleaded, begging for them to stop. Her father, shouting and grunting as he swung his blade, just to be knocked back and stabbed in the chest. Lunatra, shivering in fear as footsteps approached her, slow and heavy, a voice, icy cold, calling her name. "Come out little girl... then maybe we'll let you live..." She had curled up tighter in a corner, biting back tears as the face appeared...

As fast as it had happened, Lunatra returned to the state Rei wished her to be in. Her memories of the past few minutes had been altered, making her believe Rei had simply just healed her, requesting that she help them find the girl, who was a healer. All of the memories that flashed in her mind for that brief moment were now gone, replaced by the memories planted there. What she was made to believe, yet what she believed. Her face became calm and controlled once more, not the hysterical, confused mess it had been. "So you'll go get her, right, Lunatra?"

Lunatra stared at him blankly for a moment, hesitant on answering the question. She understood it was her duty to bring traitors and such to the king, but Seara seemed so... innocent. Rei had said he was not planning on killing her, but was simply going to show her the right side to be on. Yet, what exactly did that mean? "Under one condition," Lunatra said smoothly, her gaze unwavering, "You must swear that absolutely no harm will fall upon her. None of any kind." The Celtic lilt that had temporarily returned was now gone, replaced by her cool words. Yet, underneath the icy exterior, lay a small piece of light, a small piece of warmth that not even Lunatra knew about.

Lavrador. Archer nearly choked when he heard the name, spinning to face the vampire in shock, his eyes wide in amazement. In a flash, he was next to the vampire's side, one hand resting gently on his side, the other searching for the location of the wound. If he could pull the blade out, then manage to give him some form of blood, Lavrador could regain his strength, which would make this journey slightly easier until Archer figured out a way to escape.

At last, Archer found the wound, his breath coming out quickly as he moved as fast as possible, hoping Rei did not spot him before he could get the blade out. "I'm sorry if this is painful, my prince," Archer whispered softly, pausing for only a moment before finding the blade and yanking it out in one, fast movement. He then tucked it away in his boot, planning on getting rid of it at a later time. He then picked up a sharp rock, spinning it in his hand before pressing the point on his wrist, slashing it across his flesh. Blood leaked from the wound as Archer held it out to the vampire. "Drink, and don't argue either," he ordered in a voice barely audible in the cave, "Hurry."
Cain sat in the corner looking down at Kanin. He brushed a lock of her hair away, as he breathed cool air onto her forehead. She has changed so much, he thought. He was upset with himself, that he never tired to look for her, outside the borders of the kingdom. He sighed as his train of thought changed to her clothing. The ones she wore were, ripped and just rags. She needed something new. He got up and began to walk away. " rei watch Kanin..I need to get fetch her a change of clothes."

He glance at rei then walked out of the cave. The nearby inn was a little far off, so he took of into the air. Only his wings appearing. While away, kanin's body laid rested by the back of the cave. She was sleeping soundly, and she was fine. Her head was in pieces, and she was in a deep dream. Her eyes twitched a little, as an image appeared in her head. A dream maybe she thought. She was small and she was in a garden filled with roses. Her hand was out as if she was holding something, or someones hand. Her eyes twitched more as she strained to see who it was. But nothing was there

(I was thinking she gained some memories from her sleep)
Valer's consciousness wavered, his hands still clenching at his wounds. Archer quickly moved his weak hands, his grasp wrapping tightly around the end of the blade. His movement was rash but quick, the pain in his stomach sending ripples of pain up his spin. Archers soft voice was even hard for him to hear, the sound of his voice soothing as he spoke. His words echoed in him mind, his throat still clenched as he grasped on to Archer. Prince? What was he saying? Valer's mind reeled, the pain blocking out his rational thoughts. The smell of blood quickly reached his sense, his mouth watering at the intensely sweet smell.

Archer's warm flesh hovered in front of Valer, his rationality gone, his mind didn't think twice. He quickly grabbed Archer's wrist his large fangs bitting deep into his veins. His bite was hard, the warm blood seeping down his throat quickly as the intense pain slowly began to fade. His conscious mind slowly unwinding, his realization forming back to reality as his thirst became satisfied. His eye's that had faded to the darkest of colors slowly began to light up as he sucked more and more blood.

The feeling of human blood felt so good, it felt so... No.. Valer's expression snapped to attention, his mind realizing what he was doing. He quickly pulled away from Archer, his hand covering his bloodied lips, as though he had said something he never intended to. A look of regret swept his face, his body trying to instinctively stand, but fell again to the ground, his legs shaking. He hadn't taken enough blood to allow such movement, and the garlic and silver still slithered in his system. Archer's blood helped his pain, but his body still proved useless. His nails clenched into the dirt, his mind hating himself for acting so irrationally. He was scared he might have taken to much blood, he was scared he might become an animal. Prince.. Who's a prince.

Rei smiled at Luntra, his pleasant gaze faltering as Cain let his leaving, known. "You know I would never Luntra... Where has your trust in me gone?.. " Rei's attention moved as the sound of a thud echoed in the cave, his gaze shooting toward Archer and Valer suspiciously. His eye's sharpened as he looked at them both, his gaze concentrating on Valer as he lay cripples on the floor. Rei couldn't help but think he was naive trying to move with such toxins in his system. HE smirked at Valer's pained posture then turned to Luntra once more.

(( GoddessOfGod I'm cool with that ;) Good plan. CharChar45 I've been spelling her name wrong 0.o ))
(( Btw Goddess are you gonna have her remember everything or only fractions at a time. ))
Stopping before he entered the village, his wings folded in, as he ficked his hair onto his back. He walked through, in more of a lean as he looked about the area. Females stopped to stare as he was handsome than others are, but only due to him being part of the dragon race. He stopped by a shop that had dresses and short wears. "mmm well..i guess she could wear this."

He walked in and walked toward the back. Taking the clothes of the mankien that seemed to match kanin's body size. He walked up toward the register and handed her the clothing. The lady couldn't help but stare, and of course indulge herself into a conversation. " um hello my name is sharen and you are." Cain looked at her curiously and let out a sigh. " Good evening sharen, my name is Cain." Sharen rng up the clothing and put it in a bag. " Do you come here often."

Cain snatched the bag away from her and growled. " look her you lower life form, if I came here often, I do believe you would have known my name. I can smell you, your fumes. I am not interested in low bloods like yourself. Not even my type to be exact." He walked out of the shop and toward the forest. Annoyed as his hair began to spike up. " the nerve of some humans."
Archer held his breath as Rei looked over to them, focusing his attention solely on the vampire, slightly dizzy from the blood loss, but nothing too severe. He would survive, and would be fine after some rest. Rei didn't seem to notice anything, which made Archer sigh in relief. The blood hadn't been too much, but enough to give Lavrador a little more strength, without looking too suspicious. With some rest, he should hopefully feel better soon, if not perfect. "Get some rest," he whispered, leaning his head against the cave wall, eyes wide and alert. "You need it."

"I'll find her," Lunatra said simply, disregarding his question of her trust in him. It was simply the matter of the innocence of the girl. And the fact that Lunatra had grown attached to her, grown to care for her, even though she barely knew her. She felt the urge to protect her, to shield her from everything, to keep her away from this war. "Would you like for me to search for her now?" she asked, arching a delicate brow and pursing her lips. She was still oddly hesitant on this matter, but decided to do as she was told, for the sake of the girl. If Rei found her... she shook off the thought, keeping her face emotionless and clear.
Kanin's eyes twitched more as she saw two men come from behind her. One was a king, one with dark hair. The other was invisible and all she saw was a smile. What was this she thought, it couldn't be her memories. A flash of light passed as her old ones barged in as if it didn't want her to remember. A lady with blonde hair and pale skin was kneeling beside a small child. Was it me she thought. The lady brushed back her hair and smiled, hugging her. Kanin's eyes twitched more as her heart began to race.

The mother looked toward the door as she heard footsteps and armor. Solider .the soldier , is it them. The child was embraced by a man with black hair. Kanin began to go into a traumatic state. Two memories being crammed into her head, but they were only fractions.

Cain who was still a distant away, was looking over the clothes he had picked put. A bit disapproving, he shook his head and took a step then flew into the air. Walking was pointless so he flew.

Back in the cottage the oracle , read into more things as he searched. As he began to flip the page, to a sorcere that knew of magic, to replace ones mind and body. The page began to burn a crimson fire. The oracle jumped back afraid of this book. "impossible." He ran toward his bookshelf and grabbed another, but that book was set ablaze. "someone doesn't want me to keep digging into this matter..sadly for them, I am a stubborn one."
Valer looked up to Archer, his relaxed posture telling him he was fine. He sighed with relief, his eyes resting as he laid face down on the ground, his head tilted slightly resting his cheek on the hard ground. He blinked pushing his body up, his form slowly edging towards Archer. His hand reached towards Archer's hand, pulling it towards him, his eyes examining the wound. It was deep, he winced at the thought of losing control. He looked at Archer with sad eyes, his finger slowly traced the ground between them, his sharp animal like nails carving in to the ground. "Sorry.. Does it hurt..? " He looked back up to Archer waiting for him to read his writing, a look of exhaustion in eyes.

Rei stood slowly. "Yes, better now. We will be meeting up with your men tonight, then head back to the King. You have till dawn... " He turned away from her, his eye's tracings the cave. He looked to Kanin, his silent steps coming closer to her as he looked her over. Her face scrunched as though she was fighting. A dream perhaps? He huffed then sat across from Arch and Valer, his eyes resting shut as he took in a deep breath.
As cain entered the cave he looked around toward the others. He scrunched up his nose toward valer, and only found archer a tool. He walked past them and took a seat beside rei, with the clothing in his lap. He yawned a little exhausted from today. He used to much energy on the way here, and had to much stress from all that was happening.

He opened his eyes and looked at rei. " How are you rei." He studied rei. He was attached to him and the king. The only two who he would express any emotions he had hidden . Kanin was getting restless as the two began to collide. The picture where she was holding hands with someone was in the same image of when she was being held by a man. Gun shots were hear, and the mother jumped backed while the children who were holding hands looked back toward the king. Her eyes tightend as the door barged open. Flames rushed in front of the image making it bright, and her once again her mind in a black room. This dream was weird, and It was far from over.
Rei re-adjusted his weight as Cain sat besides him, his right eye squinting open to look at Cain. He smiled closing his eye's once more as Cain spoke. "It's been quite a day. Finding the princess, human traitors to our kingdom and... " He glanced over at Valer, who sat next to Archer, his hand tracing the dirt. "Lavrador.. " Rei looked back to Cain. Cain knew of Lavrador, the only heir to Rohan. The one person in the royal family who escaped, except for his shameful father. "Can you imagine how happy Ark will be? Perhaps he will take his revenge... " He laughed at the thought.

Rei didn't like Vampires, though his hatreds source was unclear. He cleared his throat and looked to Cain, a warm smile on his face as he yawned. "You better sleep Cain, I will keep watch.. " He got up quietly and moved to the mouth of the cave. His calm expression lighting up from the sun as his arm's crossed tightly across his chest.

(( After your post Char I shall time skip ;P ))
Cain nodded his head as he watched Rei walk off. He was happy he was here at least, but the mention of the king's name made him a little bit more happier. He let out of the blue, without warning the king. He hoped he wasn't in a horrible state. He laid his body down toward kanin who was lying still. He smirked as he closed his eyes, his wings covering over his body like always.

Kanin still slept but her dreams were a mess. Still standing In a black room, she began to hear voices. Then another image passed through this one she knew. It was her running off into the forest. A pained expression on her face as she moved through the trees, deeper into the forest. Then things began to skip. Her growth, the friends she made in the forest. Then it stopped to where she was holding valer's hand. As he wrote out his name.
Archer looked over to Valer as he examined the wound, wincing slightly at the sight of it. He didn't even bother looking down to see what he wrote, for he already knew what it would say. "It's fine," he whispered, lips barely moving, "And it doesn't. I've been trained for this." His eyes followed Rei as he sat across from them, glaring at him as he sat. Carefully, he let his sleeve fall over his wrist, hiding the wound as he rested his hand in his lap. His gaze was sharp and emotionless, trained onto Rei's every movement, for he saw him as the bigger threat.

Nodding slightly, Lunatra stood, brushing the dust from her pants, strands of hair falling in her face. She quickly undid the braid, letting her hair fall loosely to her waist, shaking out all of the leaves and dirt that had gathered in the tangled knots. And, instead of redoing the braid, she let her hair remain that way, running her fingers through the silky smooth strands. It was a rare occurrence for her hair to be down, for it easily got in the way, but Lunatra didn't care. It felt... free, and she liked it.

She grabbed her bow from the ground, slinging it over her shoulder along with her sheath of arrows, adjusting the straps to where they remained in place. She then made sure her dagger was safely at her belt, tapping the hilt with her fingers, letting the tips graze the smooth silver. The blade itself was tarnished from constant use, but the hilt was a shimmering piece of metal, looking almost brand new.

"I'll be back," she called out over her shoulder as she waltzed out of the cave, barely sparing Rei a second glance. She then broke into a light jog, heading towards the trees, letting the shadows wrap around her, caressing her skin. The golden rays of the sun slowly faded away, and soon, she was completely alone. She slowed into a walk, admiring the lush green atmosphere of the forest, her hands running across the mossy tree trunks, taking in the moisture.

"Seara?" she called out softly, brushing a strand of dark hair out of her eyes, curiosity flickering in them. She had no idea where the girl would of run off to, and she knew the consequences would be severe if she didn't return on time. Sighing, she massaged her temples, getting slightly desperate. Being punished by Rei was not exactly the most pleasant thought, so she would much rather find the girl quickly. She continued forward, stepping over fallen branches and broken stumps, the humidity sending sweat down her neck. "Seara?" she called out again, pushing back a bushel of leaves.

This time, she heard a reply. It was soft, weak, barely audible in the quiet rustle of leaves. "Miss?" Lunatra found herself running forward, leaping over rocks, ducking under the trees, until she finally reached a small clearing. It was lit with golden rays of sunlight, dancing amongst the grass as the breeze ran through it smoothly. And, in the middle of the meadow, lay Seara, clutching her side with tear stained cheeks. In a flash, Lunatra was by her side, muttering curses under her breath as she examined the wound.

It was deep, and covered in dark red blood, dripping into the ground and staining it scarlet. This was no accidental wound. Seara had been attacked, on purpose, probably because of the line of healers she came through. "I swear I'm going to kill whoever did this," Lunatra muttered, yanking off her cloak and wrapping it tightly around the girl. "Come on child, I know someone who can help you." She then ran back towards the cave, faster then before, clutching the girl tightly in her arms.

((for the time skip, Lunatra will be back, and someone needs to help Seara, at least for my characters :P sorry if i messed anything up x.x))

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