
CCain gritted his teeth as a circle appeared around his index and middle finger. ".you are deeply confused, and will be a hassel on theroad..excuse my rash actions." She touched Kanin's forhe the circle disappearing. She blinked several times beofre falling into CCCain's arms. HHe picked her up then set her on a horse.

A sharp pain crossed his mind as he fell back clenching it. Steam came from his nostrols as he winced in pain. The oracle who was searching had contacted him through a different tool. "..Cain what are you doing..hurry we back, we have an issue at hand." CCCCain looked up trying to focous. Whispering lowly he responed. " Do not tamper with my brain, oracle..i will kill you." The oracle scoffed as he crossed his arms. " look now, no time for arguing, and whining there is something wrong."

CCain shook his head roughly as he looked toward the sleping Kanin. " what is wrong..i have secured the princess, what more do i need to do." HHe continued to strap her in, now brushign the side of the horse. " ..there is another work at play is not just us, or the vampire king alone..there is another. He creating a devious plan." Cain laughed a little as he covered his eyes. " How do you there proof." The oracle paused fora moment. " know better than i do, taht the books i hold are nothing more than magic and old stories..but the day when my books catch fire ,when im trying to find something..does that not tell you something.I'm just saying careful..I know you are strong but you lack on your toes." The voice faded and the pain was gone.

He rubbed his head then walked toward the front of the horse. Kanin sleeping silently now, her mind once again in the state of a black room. Crouched down. " Kanin..Kanin sweety come here..we have a gift for you." Kanin looked up and saw her two parents. The humans who lived in the small house. She smiled as she stood up and ran towards them holding their hands laughing.
(lol yes that froce is marcus..and the oracle would look into that, while cain will become paranoid, he then would go to rei for comfort. While this is going on kanin will have her flash back of when she was a child , in the home of humans)))))))
Marcus stood still, the wind picking up throwing his cloak about. His cloak was left open, long black sleeves hanging down his long arms, stopping just after his wrists. The cloak hood laid gently behind his head, its hood filled with air pushing against Marcus neck as he grinned. His long luxurious lips, light against his skin as his tongue traced his lips. Two men shifted in the darkness behind him, blood thirsty eye's glowing in the dark. The two men stood on each side of Marcus, there bodies shaking with uneasiness, there blood lust consuming them as they held back. Fangs peeking threw there lips as they hissed, there backs hunched forward as the beconded at Marcus awaiting his order. Marcus smirked, his eyes looking to the sky. His cold lifeless voice sounding as he spoke. "Oracle.. You should learn your place.. "

He rolled his head, his neck cracking as he moved. "Patience my brothers. You will have your meal soon. " He stepped forward, his eye's glazing over the camp. Jet back white's narrowing as his crimson eyes watching them. No one would take what was his, not even Rei. Marcus laughed under his breathe before turning and walking from the camps view, his over eager followers thrashing behind him as they followed his lead, there violent natures showing as they ached for blood, for death.

CharChar45 GoddessOfGod
"A-Arch..." The voice echoed in his mind through the vivid dreams, causing Archer to wince slightly, digging his nails into his palms, cold sweat breaking out across his forehead as shivers shook his entire body. Pained gasps passed his lips as he curled up in a ball, scrunching his face together. Although his injury had been healed, the crushed vertebrae had left him feverish and ill, completely unable to defend himself or Valer. Every time he tried to open his eyes, tried to make sense of what was going on, it left him dizzy and breathless, forcing him go shut his eyes once more. And, as he went in and out of this faze, dreams, nightmares, plagued his thoughts. Images flickering and out of his mind, frightful and horrifying, making him want to scream and thrash. But he stayed curled up in a shivering ball, face in visible pain.

"Now, each of you have an ability with one of the elements." It was his mother speaking now, the golden rays of sunlight shimmering off of her porcelain skin. That was one trait neither of them got from her, the beautiful pallor of her complexion. "The question is, which element is it?" Lunatra's hand shot up in the air, and she waved it around wildly, which their mother smiled at as she gestured for her to speak. "How do we know which element we can control?" She asked, her eyes glittering in excitement. "Which element do you feel closest with? For me, it was fire." She held out her hand in demonstration, a small ball of flame swirling in her palm. She then blew it out, letting her hand drop by her side. "Fire is controlled by passion and anger. Water is peace, prosperity, and calm nature. Earth is stubbornness and strength. And air..." Her eyes landed onto Archer as she spoke, "Air is courage, bravery, and fierce loyalty."

The next day, they were supposed to learn more, to study deeply into these mysterious elements . But that day never arrived. For, that night, they were attacked, their home robbed, parents murdered brutally. And Archer had run, unable to help is sister, unable to find Lavrador. He had failed. He had failed as a son, as a brother, as a guardian. And now, he was failing again. He couldn't even protect himself, let alone Valer or his sister... He was utterly useless. He felt defeat, guilt and hopelessness sweep over him as he went in and out of a restless sleep, fever shaking his whole body.

Lunatra nodded hastily, quickly and gently placing Seara on top of a horse before spinning on her heel and breaking into a light jog. Finding food wouldn't be too difficult, and she could also gather some food for Seara as well. It was as she was packing a bag full of berries that she spotted the man. It was a simple blur, one that immediately caught her attention. Being as curious as she was, she took a step towards him, his back turned to her as he began walking away, strolling past the trees with his fists clenched at his side. Lunatra followed him silently, scrambling up the nearest tree and jumping from branch to branch, not making a sound. She kept one hand on the hilt of her dagger, eyes narrowed and lips pursed as she followed the man, footsteps light and lilt.

((Darktanion she's chasing Marcus btw :P and also, I have an idea... I think it would be interesting, but it depends on if it would be in Rei's nature.)) 
((Ah, dammit.... Gonna edit my post now...))
Marcus stopped for a moment, his eye's scanning the forest. The two men on his heels stopped suddenly, there eyes caught on Marcus as he smiled. "Nor, Flint savatoge the bridge... Make sure the only path is the mountains.. We will need to lengthen the journey.." He looked to the man on his left, there eyes connecting as the two men quickly took off, there speed like cheetahs running threw the plains. Marcus watched them closely, his eye's turning slightly as he scanned the forest. The sweet smell of sweat came to his nose, his teeth showing as his smile widened.

He let out a short laugh as he spoke. "Come out, come out were ever you are.. " He turned his body fully to face the forest, his hand pushing back his curly short black hair. His crimson eyes glimmered in the darkness and the moon lite up the forests path. His steps coming closer to the smell, the smell of a human. He licked his lips as he tilted his head to the side. This scent was familiar. He eye's sharpened as his smile slowly faded from his face.

Rei watched Luntra carefully, his eye's tracing her as she ran into the forest, her form slowly disappearing into the shadows. He looked over to the small girl, her skin drenched in sweat as he approached her. He lifted his hand gently, his fingers grabbing the girls hair as he wrenched her head backwards. His other hand held the vile, his thumb throwing it from its place. He slowly began to pour it into the girl's mouth, his gentle pour sharpened his eyes, as he watched her carefully. Just as he began to pour the vile a great forced reeled into his back, his form being thrown forward into the horse. The vile falling from his hands, shattering on the hard ground.

Rei grinded his teeth, his body swiftly turning to see who had pushed into him so hard. His eye's widened in amazement, as the person who stood behind him.. Was Valer. His hands chained together with a long chain dragging on the ground. His body was hunched forward as he panted, it was so hard to move, the feeling of burning consuming his every senses as he stood quietly. Rei scrunched his nose, his anger boiling as he grabbed Valer by his neck, his grip slowly becoming stronger around his fragile neck.

Valer clenched his eyes shut, Rei's touch sending both of them into an illusion. Words lighting up there surroundings, a soft incessant glow in the darkness of the night. "Don't kill her.. I will ...sustain that womens memory.. " Valer's crimson eye locked with Rei's as he tilted his head. "Ahhh, you want me to spare the child's life?" Rei spoke coldly, his grip causing Valer to wheeze as he dropped to the ground. "I am impressed you can move... That dose would kill any other vampire... Shame really. " Rei dropped down with Valer, his grip tightening more as he leaned in towards him, his soft whispering voice sounding in Valer's ear. "Let's make a deal.. Shall we?.."

Rei's words were quiet and muffled, at the end of there conversation Rei pulled Valer up from the ground and wrenched him towards the horse, his body hitting hard on the ground, his hands trying to catch his fall. "Stay still kid. Were leaving soon. " Rei turned his eyes watching Cain as he winced. "What is it Cain.. " He said talking towards him.

(( Whats your idea lady? CharChar45 GoddessOfGod ))
((Hmmmm, yes this could work. Luntra show him kindness or save his life kinda thing. Make him warm up to her. I was also thinking about having Marcus give her he memories back, and tell her not to let them know she has them back. Use her kinda thing. What do you think?

((I like it! I'll be posting here in a minute btw :P Darktanion)) 
Lunatra's breath quickened as Marcus called out, a vicious grin on his face. She kept herself hidden in the branches, her eyes narrowed as she deciphered their plan. They were going to destroy the bridge, leaving them to the mountains. But why? Silently, she backed away, quickly turning and leaping to the next branch, not caring at all on how much noise she was making. What mattered was getting to Rei and warning him about the bridge, preferably as fast as possible. She ran as fast as she could, soon hitting the ground lightly on the balls of her feet, weaving her way through the trees, brown hair flicking wildly behind her. Camp was in sight. The question was, how far would she get before Marcus caught up? How much longer did she have?

Slowly, Seara's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurring temporarily as she raised her hands, rubbing her eyes and squinting slightly. She processed the scene around her, spotting the vampire laying on the horse opposite of her, the man, Archer, shaking violently with fever in front of her. Without thinking, she raised her hand, letting her fingers graze his forehead, brushing away beads of sweat. His whole body shuddered for a moment as a gentle white glow surrounded him, bringing the color back into his cheeks, relaxing his tense body. The pain seemed to vanish from his face, absorbed by Seara as her face paled slightly, dark circles framing her eyes. Shivers shook her body as she trembled, teeth chattering violently. Yet she still forced herself to slide down quietly from the horse, dashing over to the vampire, reaching for his hand. She took it and squeezed her eyes shut, giving him some of her strength. She wasn't able to get rid of the sedation, but weaken it slightly, making the length shorten. It would last for only a few hours rather then a few days.
Marcus smiled again at the sound of twigs and branches snapping, a form rushing threw the trees. His form, a clear as day that stood in the moon light, suddenly vanished. Leaving no trace of his existence. The girl ran hard and fast, her breath seeming to delay her run and she sprinted. Her form suddenly stopped, as a hand wrapped around her torso the other around her neck. Marcus stood behind her, his face bent down as his nose took in her scent, his eyes closed as he took in her aroma.

"Ahh.. I know this blood, the guardians? Who would have thought the bloodline lived..." Marcus long snake like tongue traced her neck as he laughed. "Your memories.. altered. Interesting.. " He quickly pulled her around to face him, his hands holding tightly around her wrist as he bent down next to her ear. "Your going to help me. I'm gonna give you back those memories.. And in return you will do exactly as a say..." He opened his mouth wide, his fangs sinking into her neck as his eyes glowed. Each memory her mind held trapped released, like a thousand waved coming to her. He pulled away from her, her neck untouched, no blood, no wounds, like he never touched her.

He backed away as he smiled licking his lips of the blood. "Remember what I told you girl.. No one must know.." With a sudden gust of wind he vanished, the trees moving with the wind, a soft whistling sound coming from there branches.

Valer coughed as he hit the ground, dirt smearing against his face as he pushed himself up. His attention moved as soft hands pulled at his. He looked over as the young girl held his hands, her form glowling. His eye;s widened as he quickly pulled away from her, his hands waving in front of her gesturing no. This girl was to weak, if she healed him she might get really sick. He backed away from her his eyes watching her carefully, ready to dodge if she decided to come closer.

(( CharChar45 ;D I'm gonna pretend he told her what to do, which we will make up as we go. And I assume you wanna keep the little girl alive? ))
A small scream passed her lips as Marcus wrapped one arm around her torso, and another around her neck. She flinched as his tongue snaked across her neck, struggling fruitlessly against his grip, barely listening to his taunting words. "Let... Go... Of... Me... Dammit!" she hissed in between clenched teeth, thrashing wildly. His words made no sense. Her being the blood of the guardians, who had all been killed so long ago. That was impossible. And what did he mean by her memories being altered? As he spun her around to face him, hands still on her waist, she glared at him gritting her teeth as he bent down and whispered in her ear, telling her that he would return her memories, and, in exchange, she would do exactly as he said. "What do you mean..." She started to ask, but never got to finish. Because, at that moment, his fangs sunk into her neck.

A cry of pain passed her lips as they pierced her skin, her eyes widening in shock as images flashed through her mind. The pictures moved so fast, yet painfully slow, showing her every detail of her life, of her true life. Her and her brother playing in the meadow. Lavrador carrying her around the castle on his back. Her mother singing soft lullabies when she awoke from nightmares. Her father gruffly telling them tales from when he was a boy. Hours and hours of training, Archer playing with his knives, Lunatra practicing with her bow and arrow. Their mother teaching them about the four elements, a lesson she was never able to complete. Then came the worse part. Blood splattered on the walls, limbs scattered amongst the floor. Lunatra crying, sobbing for her her mama, for her papa, for her brother that she couldn't find anywhere. Then a man came, scooping her up into his arms, grazing his fingers against her forehead, altering her memories.

With a choked gasp, Lunatra stumbled back once Marcus was not holding her up any longer, hitting the ground with a thud. She was light headed and dizzy from the waves of memories, shock shaking her whole body. For so long, she had been trapped, trapped behind this... Thing Rei had created. This woman he made, calm, cool, and powerful. One who didn't lose her temper easily, who didn't express passion often. And now this was the part Lunatra had to play, a part she couldn't break. The obedient girl who listened to Rei's every command. It disgusted her, having to do this, but she had no choice. Her mother had once told her that her path would be the most difficult. And it was. She not only had to protect Lavrador, she had to protect her brother, and the healer girl. She accepted this fact, and slowly stood, brushing herself off calmly, watching as the vampire seemingly vanished in thin air. Keeping herself composed and cool, she made her way back to the others, a bag of food slung around her shoulder.

((Darktanion yup, I want the girl to live lol xD and sounds good to me!))
Rei's head turned as he heard the sound of the horse becoming uneasy. Valer began to trace back from the girl his hand's telling her to stay away. He huffed slightly, his long slender fingers grabbing the back of her shirt pulling her back from Valer. "Girl.. You are not to go near him.. Understood.." His eye's gazed down on her like a pile of bricks, his intense glare cold and heartless as he looked back to Cain, still awaiting his response.

Valer let out a breath his hand instinctively outstretched towards the girl as Rei pulled her away, his soft eyes watching the girl as she pulled at his grip. Rei had become short with her, pulling her back to the other horse, his eyes moving to meet with Luntra's as she walked to them slowly. Luntra soft cool gaze calm, and collective as she carried the food. "Luntra.. Take care of this.. I will not be a babysitter.." He barked at her angrily as the girl struggled against him.

Valer looked up to Luntra, his eyes tracing her movement as she walked slowly passed him, his eyes widening as a breeze threw her scent towards him. Marcus? Valer shook his head trying to figure out why Marcus scent lingered on Luntra. What did he do? Valer looked to Rai then to Cain. Cain seemed to be muttering to himself, his eyes off focused as he hissed. Cain's voice was low, hard to make out as he spoke, his irritated voice sent chills down Valer's back as he finally pulled his attention back to reality, his eyes filled with concern. But concern for what? Rei too seemed to sense Cain's distraught mind, his arm flinging the girl into Luntra then turning to Cain once more.

(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod ;D ))
Scowling, Seara stuck her tongue out at Rei once his back was turned, holding her thumbs to her head and making rather immature, rude gestured at him, then letting them drop at her sides before he could turn around and see her. She stuck out her lower lip a bit, crossing her arms stubbornly over her chest, glaring ferociously at the man, or at least as ferociously as an eight year old was able. It was almost comedic, watching the anger on her facial expressions, but also very clear that she did not like nor trust the man. He was cold hearted and cruel, traits that Seara strongly disliked. But, she could do nothing about it except secretly heal the vampire whenever the opportunity arose, or at least when he desperately needed it. Yes, using her powers too much was indeed quite dangerous, but she knew what lines not to cross. That much she had been taught in her short time of training as a healer, before they had all been hunted and killed. The thought made her face darken, and she shook her head, rubbing her eyes and turning to face Lunatra.

There was rage in Lunatra's eyes as she glared at Rei's back, one hand resting on Seara's shoulder, the other clenched into a fist at her side. And, just as fast as the anger appeared, it vanished as she turned to face Seara, a warm smile spreading across her face. "How are you feeling, child?" she asked, her Celtic lilt dancing off of her tongue like music. She gave a nervous glance towards Rei, then focused once again on Seara, raising her hand and resting it upon her forehead. A small frown crossed her face and, when she spoke again, the Celtic accent was gone, replaced by the "normal" voice she obtained with her altered memories. "You're burning up," she whispered softly, concern flickering in her eyes, "You should rest some more, until you get your full strength back." Her eyes flickered to Rei, then back to the girl. She lowered her voice, speaking in barely a whisper, her voice her true one. "Don't worry about Lavrador. I will take care of him." She gave Seara a smile, who stared at her for a moment before nodding, a grin crossing her face.

((Darktanion :P ))
(( And on that note i'm passing out. I want to wait for GoddessOfGod to reply anyway. Can't believe she's not on 0.o Anywho once she replies we shall continue ;P Nite nite CharChar45 ))
HHe glanced back toward Rei and shook his head. " Nothing but ..informtaion. Stay on your toes rei, we are not the only ones out here..or the only ones who have a plan." HHe turned back around petting the side of the horse. His wings felt cramped, he's never stayed in just a human form for so long. He wanted to release them, but wanted to wait till the night.

Laying on the horse, her dreams were like reality, a smile planted on her face. "Kanin, we got you berries, from the forest." Kanin her small self ran up to the mother and smiled reaching up to it. " give me give me." The father had stepped out of the bathroom and chuckeld. " Now now ask properly Kanin, we've raised you better." As she was about to say something, a small girl the smae size was now beside her. SShe had long black hair though and crimson eyes.

"No you didn't" She said in a cute voice. The other kanin tunred to her shocked by waht she said. The crimson eyed girl pointed to he two then looked at kanin. " That's not ma and papa." She looked back toward the parents. The were smiling. "y..yes they are." The crimson eyes girl shook her head no and giggled. " Ther imposters.thieves, they aren't real." Kanin began to back up a litle. " momma.." As she said her name, the mother shattered like glass. "papa" The father looked then shattered as well.

"see I told you." The crimson girl turned her head, then her hand out for her. " come on."kanin shook her head no furiously then pushed the crimson girl onto the floor. She ran toward the door and flung it open. Running out, she ran into a middle of a raid by the soilders. She screamed out falling onto the floor. The crimson girl walked out laughing. She stopped by kanin and looked down at her. " If you don't snap out of it you'll break." She looked toward the gaurds who were taking children and families. "Kanin looked up at her. " Who are you." The crimson girl turned arund, a rush of clouds passing them.

Kanin screamed again, as she was now in the sky. Thecrimson girl frowned. " enough screaming..this is only a dream and i am you." Kanin stopped screaming and looked back up at her. " How are you and i'm me." the crimson girl put her finger to her chin, in thought. " Well you that voice in the back of your head thattells you whats wrong and right..and besides your not you..your nothing." Kanin stood up patting herself off. " I am notnothing I am kanin, one of the s class vampires." The crimson girl chuckeld. "no no your are a drgaon and not just any dragon..your a princess. "
Rei scruned his eye brows at Cain, his eyes moving to scan the forest as his eyes sharpened in suspicion. "Let's move.." Rei whirled around his eyes setting on Luntra as she comferted the small girl. He let out a large breath and moved towards Valer. Valers eyes watched Luntra carefully his eyes widening as she whispered to the girl. It was that name again.. Lavrador .. It rang in his ears like a thousand bells sounding, his eyes tracing Luntra as he sat dazed, his mind lost in its self. The incessant bells finally stopped, his body being suddenly yanked up by a strong force.

Valer snapped to attention, his body losing balance as he accidentally ran into Rei. Rei tisked, grabbing Valer why his clothes and pushing him forward. The sound of hard metals clanking against each other as he moved. Rei bent over gracefully and grabbed the long chain, his and wrapping it tightly around the hilt on the saddle. His long chain giving him only enough room to walk a few inches from the horse. Rei grabbed the hilt, his weight shifting as he pulled himself onto the horse. His approach carefully as he slide Archer onto his lap.

Valers hands chained tight against the horse his wrists being forced to rest against Rei's leg. Rei glance over to Luntra as a man brought another horse. "You'll take the third Luntra... " Rei turned to face his front, archer was laying across Rei's lap, his cold eyes watching him carefully as he pressured the horse forward. It's sudden movement catching Valer off guard as he stumbled, barely catching himself intime to move forward.

Valers head spun for a moment, each cell in his legs burning with each steady place. Valer clenched his eyes, his mind trying to push the feeling out. Each step was like a thousand needles that pierced his feet, his pace faltering as he walked, constantly hitting against the horse. The horse thrashed its head for a moment, his eyes still filled with dissatisfaction.

GoddessOfGod CharChar45 
Pokes goddess it is night :P ))
Lunatra flinched slightly at Rei's order, looking over to him nervously before moving her gaze to the horse, keeping one hand on Seara's shoulder. Carefully, she led the girl to the mare, running her free hand across the mare's back, cooing softly as she lifted Seara onto the saddle. She glanced over to Rei, who was now holding Archer in his lap, Valer chained to the hilt of the saddle. She frowned slightly, letting out a soft sigh as she returned her attention to the horse, lifting herself onto the saddle, making sure Seara was secure in front of her. "Keep a grip on the saddle," she said softly, gripping the reins tightly in her hands as she gently nudged her heels into the horse's side. It moved forward smoothly, trotting up beside Rei, Lunatra looking over to him, concern dancing briefly in her eyes for Archer and Valer, but quickly vanishing before Rei could notice.

She winced as Rei nudged his own force forward, watching as Valer stumbled forward, barely catching himself. Seeing Archer unconscious in Rei's lap was not much better, and she held back the urge to break their chains and run. The two people she was supposed to protect were now both prisoners, and it was her fault. Guilt and regret filled her as she bowed her head, gritting her teeth in anger. How had she been so stupid, so foolish? She had let these men control her for years, altering her memories and making her believe lies. She had worked for the very men who had killed her parents, leaving nothing but blood and gore behind. It infuriated her that she fell into this trap, that two of the people she cared about most were chained, injured, and exhausted.

Screw what that vampire said, she thought angrily, clenching even tighter onto the reins, this is my mess, and I'll clean it up. Of course, now was not the time. Both Arch and Valer would be unable to get far, and Lunatra knew she wouldn't be able to go with them. She would help them escape, have them take Seara as well, and stay behind to suffer the consequences. Her mother had once said that sacrifice was an element of water. That all peacemakers are willing to risk themselves to see peace, to see their loved ones safe. And Lunatra knew that it would be her role in protecting the two. Her path was more difficult, but Lunatra would never trade it for Archer's. This was her duty, and her duty only.

((Darktanion I was thinking Lunatra would help Archer and Valer escape and have them take Seara with them, as mentioned lol xD and she stays behind to deal with Rei :P and is probably defying Marcus at the same time.))
The walk was long, miles and miles threw the forest, then the valley, the soft sound of crickets echoing softly in the night. The horses movement was steady, Valer barely keeping up with it as he huffed. Valers mind began to space out, his eyes glazed as he walked. Valer steady pace sudden stopped, his glazed eyes looking up as his mind reeled back. Rei tisked once more his eyes laying on a gorage. Two post lay on each side, frigid ropes cut on both sides, like a bridge had once stood there.

Rei's eyes narrowed as he looked to the empty gorge his eyes tracing it. If they didn't have so much baggage they would just fly across, but unfortunately they did. Rei gritted his teeth and swiftly pulled the reins, it's sudden movement again causing Valer to stumble. "Looks like we are taking the mountain.. " Rei glanced over at Cain, then to Luntra, a smile sweeping his face. "We need to hurry. It's a longer path.." He gestured the horse faster, not even checking to see if Valer could keep up. The griping pace caused him to stumble more as he quickened his pace.

The path to the gorge was long, it's narrow paths tretorous. It would be dangerous, and they would have to leave the horses behind at some point. The mountain frost bit at there noses as they closed in, soft cold snow layering the mountain side. Rei let out a deep breath, the frigid cold hitting his nostrils. A place like this was just like home. It's cold uninhabitable rocks made him smile. Rei looked to Luntra his eyes matching with hers. She seemed off, her silent demeanor making him suspicious as he slowly Unmounted the horse. "From here its by foot... The paths on this mountain will barely fit us... " he carefully unwrapped Valers chains, his hands moving to grab Archer. He threw Archer down towards Valer. Valer grunted slightly as he caught Archer, his body weight causing them both to fall. Rei didn't even look to see if they were ok, as his hands steadily pulled the saddle from the mares back, throwing it to the side.

Rei then removed the reins from the horse and hit its butt, the horse became startled running quickly away, his large hoofs fading in the darkness. Rei turned to Luntra and threw her a key, his eyes looking down to Archer and Valer. "Undo the chains on him.. He will be carrying this piece of human scum.." Rei's gesture was clear. Valer was to carry Archer the rest of the way. Which wasn't possible with Valers hands chained. Rei moved toward Cain his gaze watching him carefully. "Cain.. U have her right?" His eyes moved towards Kanin.

(( CharChar45 .nods. :D )) 
((We should have then escape closer the kingdom though. It would give Rei and Luna allooonnnneeee time. Lol ))
The cold bit at Lunatra's face as she shivered, the snow dancing against her skin. She had given Seara her coat, wrapping it tightly around the girls shoulders, leaving herself freezing, her teeth chattering from the icy cold wind. During the long journey, Seara had fallen asleep, her heated forehead resting against Lunatra's chest, the steady beating of her heart calming her dreams. Lunatra kept one hand on the reins, and the other wrapped around the girl like a shield. Her hands were chapped and dry from the cold, and moving them the slightest was painful. She winced as they came to a stop, yanking on the reins and slipping down from the saddle, stumbling slightly in the show, her feet numb in her boots. She could barely walk, but knew she had to suffer through, and refused to take her coat from Seara. She didn't need her strength, but Seara did. She needed all three of them strong, and the plan was unwavering from her mind.

She barely caught the key as Rei tossed it to her, her fingers slipped over it as she struggled to get a grip. At last, she managed to hang onto it, walking shakily to Valer, adjusting Seara so that she was on her back, feverish skin burning against Lunatra's neck. She kneeled next to Valer, reaching for his hands, grabbing them gently and helping him to his feet. Carefully, she fumbled with the lock on his chains, slipping in the key and twisting it, the cuffs falling from his wrists and landing in the snow. For a moment, Lunatra held onto his hands, giving him a slight, warm smile, before turning on her heel and facing Rei. She kept her face smooth, cool, and controlled, although she was shivering violently, the breeze nipping at her nose and cheeks. She swung Seara around into her arms again, holding her close and trying to take in her body heat.

Archer woke up as soon as he hit the ground, a string of curse passing his lips as he rolled, the snow gathering in his hair. He tried to jump to his feet, but was dragged down by his chains, leaving him stuck on the snowy ground. "Bloody hell..." he muttered, shaking the white flakes out of his hair, his body still weak from his earlier fever. Letting out a huff of air, he sat on the ground, arms crossed stubbornly over his chest as he scanned the scene around him. They were on a mountain, letting the horses go, watching as the mares galloped off, saddles stripped from their backs and on the ground. Lunatra had just undone the chains from Valer's wrists, letting them drop to the ground and pocketing the key, holding on tightly to the girl. She looked freezing, her teeth chattering violently as she absorbed the girls body heat, her lips blue. Archer frowned slightly, but wasn't able to do anything considering he couldn't get up. "Stupid damn chains," he muttered under his breath, letting out a huff.

((Darktanion ok :P sounds good to me! ^~^))
Cain turned around and nodded his head. " She seems steady, she's sleeping right now." HHe dented his brow, worried about her. She had been sleeping more,and longer than others. Cain brushed it off and smiled. " I'm more eager to meet the king. " He missed the king, it was only natrual since he was always beside him.

The crimson girl took her hand and smiled. "..Your lost and need helping find your way." The oracle smirked. "now lets help princess along her way." The oracle was tampering with her mind, but only to help her. HHe created The real kanin from memoreis cain had held. Using his magic and his memoreis he . had thought of a plan to bring them back, less painfully then then the others were. The oracle clapped his hands together, the crimmson girl following. " Lets start from the beginning."

The crimnson girl tugged her along, not changing the smile that was planted on her face. "y..well our name is Kanin, and you are the drgaon princess. You were born at night, during the th ball of the kings ruleing. Your mother ..wait our mother died of an illness a month later. Ther cain and rei..along with the king and his men raise you." Kanin looked up confused, trying to take in everything she was saying. " w..wait i'm confused." The crimmson girl looked back annoyed. " can you be confused.."

Kanin pulled away jher arms then crossed them. " I just expect me to biliev this..all this boul your trying to feed must be a friend of marcus." The crimmson girl clenched her fist. Steam came from her nose as she slaped her. " I am trying to help you gain back what you lost..and yet your being a royal priss. Stop thinking about yourself and open your cant stay in a false dream anymore." The crimmson girl grabbed her hand agin and continued to walk. " Cain.he is your gaurdin, the tall black haired know the one who gave you the vile. HHe has always been with you. " A tall image began to appear beside the,. " then their is rei..your instructor on spells and used to have a crush on him, till you met archer and Lavrador."

She tilted her head. " L..Lavrador." The crimmson girl rolled her eyes as she nodded her head. " You and Lavrador are closer than you know..and so is archer, you probably haven't seen him yet, but he's ther with you." The crimmson girl stopped and pointed toward a lake. " you have to remeber" Kanin looked in the water and saw her black hair and crimson eyes. She gasped covering her mouth as she backed away. " you are no vampire." SShe looked at her eyes, how different they were. "say it with me..I am not a vampire."
Valer sat quietly, his hands stretched in the air as Luntra unlocked his cuffs. The heavy cuffs fell quickly to the snow, sinking deep into it. A feeling of surprise swept over Valer as Luntra helped him up, his eyes widening as he moved, his feet to support his weight. He took in a deep breath threw his nose, his nose scrunching as the clear potent spell of Marcus came to him. He took a step back from Luntra instinctively, his eye's watching her as he tilted his head. Valer didn't trust anyone who had Marcus's tainted smell on them. Yet he looked at her concerned as she shivered. Did he know her? His mind ached at the thought.

He shook his head and turned to Archer, his body crouching down in front of Archer, his hands slipping off his coat and placing it on his shoulders. The coat was thin, and probably wouldn't make much of a difference but still, Valer wouldn't need it. Valer sighed, his hands pulling Archer's chains over his neck as he heaved Archer forward onto his back. It was acquired to looked at, Valer was much small then Archer, yet his strength betrayed his appearance.

Rei watched Valer carefully as he spoke. "Human.. We haven't come to a understanding.... yet.. So you'll have to remain in your chains.. Don't be to difficult, or you'll just make it harder on your.. friend..." Rei looked over to Luntra, her cold purple lips shivering as she held the small girl. Valer re-adjusted Archers weight as he walked slowly past Rei, his eye's locking with his. "Your gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul.. " Rei heard nothing as Valer's words echoed in his own mind, Rei smirked. "You better be happy I can't hear what you just said.." Rei hissed at Valer was he walked forward, his eye's tracing him.

Rei gritted his teeth as he looked back towards Luntra. He quickly unbuttoned his coat and let it fall from his shoulders, as he carefully walked over to Luntra, his eyes watching the ground as the heavy coat plopped down on her shoulders. It's weight was heavy, throwing her slightly off balance yet, warm, thick and soft, instantly warming her. He refused to look at her as he spoke, his eye's looking the other way like an embarrassed child. "I'll carry the girl.. I'm warmer.. It will be difficult for you to carry the weight of the coat and her.." Rei still looked away, awaiting her response. Dragons were always extremely warm, his body was probably 105 degrees. With him holding the girl she would warm up faster.

Rei seemed odd, his gesture less cold, as he eyes looked off frustrated. Piercing his lips as he waited his hands out stretched for the girl. This time his request was not a demand, he more asked which was unlike Rei. Valer sighed as he walked, his legs shaking, not from the cold but from the sharp stinging that hit him with every step. He stayed silent, his mind blank as he huffed threw the snow. Before them was a rough path, jagid walls, and thin paths. Valer worried slightly, this was dangerous.. Even for those who were not human.

(( GoddessOfGod FYI I edited your post. Valer is a made up name, your character as a child would know Valer as Lavrador ;P CharChar45 I was thinking it might be fun if we do a avalach or something to separate them. )) 
(( GoddessOfGod CharChar45 .points to shoutbox. ))
Lunatra stiffened as the heavy coat fell on her shoulders, causing her to stumble forward, clenching onto Seara tightly as her balance swayed. Almost immediately, she caught herself, her feet naturally finding the easiest position to stand in to where she could support both the weight of the jacket and the girl. Warmth spread throughout her body, burning away the shivering cold that had attacked her skin only minutes before. Color returned to her cheeks, and the blue faded from her lips, returning to their natural pinkish color. The blood flow returned to her fingers and feet, and she was able to move them without experiencing too much pain, although it did still hurt slightly. She turned to face the person who gave her the jacket, opening her mouth to thank them. But, just as quickly, her mouth snapped shut, her eyes widening in shock.

Behind her stood Rei, his gaze averted away from her, focused intently on the snow-covered ground, hands outstretched as he offered to hold the girl. Lunatra was stunned. He had asked, not demanded. His voice was, for a change, genuinely warm and gentle, when before it had seemed almost forced. And, he had given her his jacket, which shocked her the most. In their training, he had always been about the survival of the fittest, teaching her to suffer through cold weather without a jacket, saying that he expected her to survive on her own. And here he was, his jacket around her shoulders, arms outstretched as he offered to carry the girl, stating that he could keep her warm.

At first, Lunatra was hesitant, her arms tightening around the girl as she held her closer to her chest, eyes narrowed and suspicious. This could just be a small part of his grand plan, of tricking her into trusting him, into believing that he was being trustworthy. In the end, she would just be trapped once more, trapped in a body of a woman she was not. But she also needed Seara strong. Rei could keep her warm, and she would heal faster, which would make the escape much easier. So, slowly, Lunatra stepped forward, placing the girl gently in his arms, then quickly stepping back, wrapping the coat tighter around her shoulders.

"Uh... thank you..." she muttered awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably. The fur lining of the coat was warm against her icy skin, and she couldn't help but snuggle into it, taking in it's warmth, her breaths not as chilled as they had been. "We should continue moving," Lunatra said abruptly, turning on her heel and facing the others, beginning to trek up the path of the mountain, her thoughts swirling. He's the enemy, she reminded herself harshly, digging her nails into her palms, He is the enemy. He will hurt Archer and Lavrador, and not feel an ounce of guilt... He's the enemy, he's the enemy... 
((Darktanion sounds good to me! ^~^))
Rei pulled the girl close in to his arms, his body heating hers as he walked forward, his hair being blown in the cold, snowy wind. They walked for what seemed like hours, fog banks covering there path as that pushed threw the storm. The path kept receding, its fine line getting smaller and smaller. The path outskirted the side of the mountains. leaving but a foot to walk on, cold winds threatening to push them off balance.

Valer carefully edged against the wall, his shoulder rubbing against it as his clothing slowly ripped from the jagid rocks. Valer panted, his eyes hazed as he walked. It was so painful, his blood still boiled, the feeling of knifes stabbing him in the heart over and over as his pace slowed. Every once in a while letting out a cough.

Rei watched Luntra walk his eyes carefully tracing her as she edged on the side of the cliff. The sound of rocks crunching against each other caught Rei's attention as one came crashing down, its edge gazing Luntra on its way. Her balance became swede as she became swept backwards. Rei tisked, quickly outstretching his hand and pushing her back against the rough wall, his other hand still holding the girl. "Pay attention.. " He yelled, his bark frustrated and worried, all at once.

His voice echoed in the small gorge, as he let out a heavy sigh. The sound of shifting moved towards Rei as he looked up, his eye's widening as snow came crashing down the mountain side. Rei didn't think, he quickly lunged forward his body pushing Luntra and the girl against the side of the mountain as he yelled. "Cain.." The snow hit with great force, Rei grinded his teeth as several rocks hit along his back.

Valer quickly looked up, his eyes feasting on the dangerous snow tumbling down. Valer quickly went to lung forward, his knees giving out causing him to collapse. His eyes widened as the snow hit hard, his breath being taken from him as it pushed them back, ther bodies being thrown from the cliff. Everything was .. black.

Valer grunted, his hands feeling soft against something on top of him. He slowly opened his eye, the bright white sky slowly lighting up, as his vision faded once more. His wings lay, spread on the white snow, his long claws gently placed on the body that his hands protected. His black angel like him folded over the body as snow slowly covered them. Blood seeped down Valer's head, his head turning to reveal a large rock beneath him as he coughed.

(( That's Archer on top of him. Goddess not sure if you want your chara to fall to, but whatever you wanna do. being that they are with dragons they probably wouldnt. Btw is your dragon fire based? ))
The path was small and dangerous, precarious to balance on. Gritting her teeth, Lunatra slowly edged her way along the cliff, her breaths quick and rapid as she avoided looking over the side, her heart pounding in her chest. But then rocks tumbled down the edge of the cliff, pushing up against her. Her body swayed as she began to fall backwards, panic filling her as she looked down. Her hands flailed out wildly, eyes widening in fright as she saw the fall off the cliff. Her face paled as she stumbled, her heel at the very end, when a force of weight suddenly pushed her back, pressing her against the wall. "Be more careful!" Rei snapped as Lunatra stood their, her whole body shaking violently as she nodded numbly.

Dazed, she began to continue forward, not even hearing another rumble, one much louder then the first. She barely looked up as the snow began to fall in a wave of rocks and ice, a small yelp passing her lips as Rei shoved her back, guarding her body with his own. Instinctively, she rose her arms to cover her face, flinching away from the shower of snow, burying her face in Rei's chest. She didn't even realize fully what she was doing. She had simply sought protection, and found it. It took her a moment to realize the position she was in, with her upper body turned towards Rei, eyes squeezed shut as the sound of the avalanche faded away. And, immediately after realizing this, she yanked back, taking a step away from him, a whirl of mixed emotions.

He's the enemy, she reminded herself once more, keeping her face calm and controlled as she examined the damage. Valer and Archer were missing, which sent a shot of worry through her, a fear that they did not make it out alive. And now was not the time to check in, for Rei was standing right in front of her and would wonder what she was doing, standing their stupidly with her eyes closed. He would probably think she was mad, mental, or worse. Not that she cared what he thought. She honestly didn't. Right?
"Damnit..REI" Cain had reached his hand out toward rei. He was falling , since he was hit head on with the falling snow. HHe clenched his teeth, his wings not moving for him to take flihgt. He looked to his side and saw the horse and Kanin falling to. " shi..shit." He tried to reach her, but the snow fell in between them. "KANIN..WAKE UPPPP..KANIN" Cain scremaed out toward kanin, who was falling father than he was.

Kanin's body flew downward faster than Cain's and her body became hidden by the snow. Cain hugged himself and tried to flip his body. His body not moving the way he watned he fel lto. His eyes full of sorrow as he saw the image of rei disappear. He clenched himself witin his hands as he screamed out. " DAMNITTTT" (SOrry its short

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