
"Bloody hell..." Archer groaned, wincing slightly at the soreness throughout his whole body. Everything hurt, from his knees, to his elbows, to his shoulders... even breathing was painful. He coughed, rolling over and hitting the ground, cursing in Gaelic as he hit his head, muttering under his breath. "Oh jeesh, this hurts," he said with a scowl, slowly lifting himself up, examining his surroundings. Next to him lay Valer, blood dripping from his head, trickling down a bloody rock. "Dammit," Archer hissed, dashing to his side.

He rested a cool hand on his forehead, frowning in concern, thinking quickly as he looked over the wound. The rock had struck hard, and Valer let out a violent cough, which made Archer wince as he glanced around hastily, diving for the sharpest object he could find. He fumbled with it in his chained hands, struggling to get the pointed edge to the exposed part of his wrist, dropping it multiple times. After a while, he gave up, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration, gritting his teeth in anger. "I'm just failing you over and over again, aren't I?" he said, burying his face in his hands, "I can't even get out of these damn things... I'm supposed to protect you, not the other way around!"

Furious with himself, he stood, pacing animatedly, eyes on the sky. Through the shimmering stars and dark clouds, he could see a form, falling through the air. He squinted, trying to make out the details, but all he could tell was that it was a girl that was falling towards the ground. Archer reacted on instinct, dashing forward and holding out his arms, her form crashing into them heavily. He let out an oof, staggering forward, somehow managing to keep his footing. Panting, he lifted her up in his arms, glancing down to her, then freezing, his jaw dropping.

She was, well, beautiful. Her long, glossy hair framed an elegant face, eyes closed, dark lashes brushing her cheeks. Her skin was flawless, smooth and silky, and Archer held back the urge to touch it, taking her in with his awestruck gaze. Along with her beauty, something about her was familiar, staggeringly so. He knew her, he had to. There was no way he would feel this nagging sensation in his gut if he did not know her. But, he couldn't remember. He couldn't remember ever meeting her...
The girls hair fell to the side. Cain landing ontop of valer. "gahh" Cain rolled off of valer and onto a small rock. HHe hit his head prety hard then rolled over again. "tsk..taht hurt" HHe tried to get up but fell back down laughing a bit. " A small rock..knocked me out." His smiled faded as he began to snore. His wings flew out hen covered his body like always.

Kanin's eyes slowly opened. It was blury and she could only see white."h..huh"SHe blinked several of times before looking up toward her side. She squinted her eyes then opend them fully."wh.." Her eyes widend as she saw herself being held. She screamed out but notto loud as she struggled knocking them both down into the snow. She fell on her side as she winced a little. She slowly sat up looking at her hands. She wasn't cold but her body showed it.

She looked over toward the man that had caught her and glared a bit. She didn't trust anyone at the moment. Her mind was in jummbles and she was learning thing that sound strange." who are you..and where is cain, and rei." SSShe remebered a few things, cain and rei. even lavador, but only pieces about him. A good bit still were missing, and the crimmson girl explained things slow so she could understand.
The mountain grew quiet, only the sound of hard breathing broke the silence as Rei stood, his head resting against the cold mountain. His palms gripped the wall, his feet spread wide as his body covered Luntra and Seara. He let out a large breath as he pulled back, his eyes looking to the left, as blotches of snow fell from his hair. His body pushing the snow that had built up behind him. Cain and Kanin were gone.. The prisoners too. He scanned the area slowly, his eye's dropping down over the gorge as he leaned back.

He tisked then turned back to Luntra, his eyes watching her carefully as he removed his palms from above her. "You okay.. " He asked lightly as he shook his body, snow falling from him. Blotches of crimson red in the snow from his back. The jagid rocks had dug into his long slender back, though he didn't seem to notice as he pulled away. "Cain.. " He whispered lightly as he looked up at the sky, his eye's narrowing in suspicion. "We need to move and find the others.. " He turned away quickly his boots tracking in the deep snow as it lifted high above his knees. Seara still clenched in his hands, a crimson trail following from his light wounds.

The great force of Cain's body caused Valer to heave forward, a hard cough coming from him as Cain fell to the side. Valer turned slightly, his body collapsing down once again on his stomach as he wrench forward, pain vibrating in his every move. Blood soak the pure snow, like dye on the carpet as blood dripped down his brow. He lifted his hand, eyes trying to focus on it as he tried to retract his form. Pain consumed him again as he dropped his hand, long wings spread out on the white snow, there span stretching farther then ten feet each.

He grunted slightly as he rested limply in the snow for a moment, his eye's trying to focus over and over, as pain seered in his head. He couldn't revert his form? This ugly monstrous form would not go away. Perhaps he was to weak to push it back? His wings moved slightly as he rolled his shoulders, there long spans resting on the light, cold snow. A dark figure fazed slightly in his vision his mind speaking instinctively. "Marcus?... " His eyes straightened, as the figures blurry form became clear, his eyes widened as Cain appeared threw the blurry vision. Valer let out a sigh of relief, his head resting in the snow, his eye's flickering in and out of the blackness of his mind.

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"I'm fine..." Lunatra whispered, her voice trailing off as her eyes followed Rei. Blood dripped from the wounds on his back, and she frowned, concern flickering in her eyes. Don't do it, she scolded herself as she stepped forward, reaching out her arm and lightly touching his shoulder. He's the enemy! Her thoughts were swirling as she spoke, hardly believing that she was even doing this in the first place. "Rei..." she said softly. Shut up, she scolded herself, just shut up before it gets any worse... But she couldn't shut up. She couldn't stay silent. "You're bleeding," she said with a sigh, her gaze flickering to the wounds on his back, then back to him, "At least let me patch you up before you bleed to death."

There was no room for argument in her voice, being as stubborn as she was. Carefully, she took Seara out of his arms, resting her against the rocky wall, then turning her attention back to Rei. "Sit," she ordered, placing her hands on his shoulders and forcing him to do so. She then gently pushed him forward slightly, examining the wounds, a slight frown crossing her lips. She ran her fingers across them, biting her lip as she tried to figure out how the hell she would bandage them when his shirt was still on. She could just wrap the bandages around the shirt, but it wouldn't be as effective. Plus, she needed to get a closer look at the wounds and make sure they weren't infected. "Er... I need you to... uh... take your shirt off..." she muttered quietly, her face burning red.
Rei stopped, tracing back to Luntra as she spoke. Her hand's reached for the girl as she lightly pulls her from his grasp, his eyes watching her carefully. "We don't have time for-" She pushed him down to sit, his sentence being cut off as she did. Her light touch caused him to shiver slightly. He wasn't used to people touching him, her warm figure tips melting his very stance. He huffed slightly, his arrogant voice sounding as he crossed his hands. "Just make it quick.. " He sat silent for a moment, Luntra's nervous voice breaking the silence.

"Er... I need you to... uh... take your shirt off..." He glanced back at her, his eyes watching her blushing face. He turned back his eyes flickering as he scratched his head, a large sigh being let out. He huffed, his hands crossing as they gripped his shirt, his thin clothing being pulled from his back. His long muscular back showing as he held the shirt still wrapped in his arms, in from of him. His slight six pack showing on his lower abdomen. His skin flawless, pale like the snow, every inch of his body covered in mucscal as he sat.
Her face went even redder as he pulled off his shirt, looking away out of habit. Her hands shook slightly as dug through her bag, pulling out a roll of white bandages and gauze, remaining silent as she began to unroll the bandage, taking a deep breath before turning again to face him. She felt frozen, her eyes glued onto his back, flickering over the cuts and scratches. Those seemed to just emphasize his beauty, a beauty of his own. Her eyes ran over him, drinking him in before she shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. Snap out of it, she told herself repeatedly. He's the enemy.

Yet Lunatra pushed that voice away, pushed away the sense of reason in her mind, for once in her life, not caring what was logical. For once, she let everything just happen, and she had no idea how long it would last. Her fingers stopped shaking as she went back to unwrapping the bandage, every once in a while, glancing up to Rei. He was the enemy. She shouldn't feel... whatever this was, towards him. She should despise him, hate him, leave him here to die while she went to find her brother and Lavrador. That's what she should do, but couldn't seem to be able to do.

Sighing, she leaned forward, beginning the process of wrapping the wounds, her fingers occasionally lightly grazing his skin. She tried to avoid as much physical contact as possible, focusing solely on the constant, soothing motion of wrapping the bandage around his torso, covering his wounds. She tried not to think about the elegant pallor of his skin, she tried not to think about how muscular his body was. But a part of her couldn't help it, couldn't help but admire him wistfully. And, when she reached the end of the bandage, she paused, her fingers beginning to shake once more as she moved around to face him, the end being on his chest. She tied the two ends together in silence, letting her trembling hands fall to her side once she was done.
Rei sat silently, his body still, as she carefully wrapped her arms around his waist with each pass around his abdomen. This was all unnecessary to him, it wasn't bad and would heal soon enough. But for some reason he let her, his back moving with every breath he took. She climbed carefully over him, her small body resting in his, rather large lap, her hands shakily tieing his bandage. His eyes watched her curiously as she shook out of control. He couldn't tell if she was cold or nervous, her chattering teeth meeting with this ears.

He tilted his head slightly and leaned forward, his forehead touching against hers, her face becoming redder as her eyes meet with his. "You okay?.." He asked, his face not even a inch from hers, his hands still wrapped in his shirt gently grazing her cheek as he felt her tempature. She was acting strange, her nervous emotions showing with every breath she took. "Luntra?.."
Her breath quickened as he leaned in, his forehead touching against hers, heart thudding in her chest. He was so close, not even an inch away. It was driving Lunatra crazy. She wouldn't, she wouldn't do it. His hands grazed her cheek, sending a shudder through her body. Don't do it, she thought to herself. Her face was beet red, her eyes glued onto his. Don't do it. She was sitting in his lap, he was so close, his forehead touching hers... she couldn't help it. She closed the distance between them, her lips meeting his.

She had no idea how he would react. She had no idea why she was doing this in the first place. It seemed like everything was screaming at her to stop, to pull away. But then there was that small voice in the back of her mind, the one that was reckless, the one that was crazy, the one that urged her to make this move. And, she didn't feel an ounce of regret, an ounce of doubt. She just prayed that this wouldn't end terribly.
Rei smiled at Luntra's beet red face, his eyes watching hers carefully as his warm smile confereted her. He slowly went to pull back from her, his eyes suddenly catching her movement as a warm body pressed against his, warm luscious lips pressing lightly against his. His eye's widened in surprise, his hues slowly shifting blue. He lost his breath, his mind lost in the heavy snow that surrounded them. She felt to warm, so nice.

Rei scrunched his eyebrows, his form pushing forward as he wrapped, his able hands around her torso, pulling her closer. His icys blue eye's shifting to match the snow as he tongue brushed against hers. The tempature quickly dropped, there breath visible in the cold night air. The snow and mountain snow besides them began to freeze over, his eyes glowing as it slowly iced over.

His hands slowly moved up to wrap around her neck, each hand gripping gently as he pushed her down into the snow, his body laying on top of hers. His hand's iced over, the tempature burning against her skin. He had gotten caught in the moment, his powers veering out of control. His hand touch began to ice over her neck,his iced eyes pulling away as he let her breath. His breath showed lightly in front of him, his lost mind suddenly pulling back as he quickly pulled away form her. His hand covered over his mouth and he breathed, his body short on breath.

His eyes widened as he looked down on her, stumbling backwards. What did.. What did I do.. He thought as he backed away, his mind lost in the winter storm. His eye's slowly shifting back to green as his face became red. What the hell.. He kissed her.. He.. He glanced down at he neck, frost bite nipping at her fragile skin. He grinded his teeth at the site. What did he do? 
Lunatra wrung her hands through his hair as he pulled her closer, her body pressing against his. She didn't feel the air around them go cold, his frosty hands on her neck, gently pushing her into the snow. All she felt was warmth, warmth from his cold hands, warmth from the chilly breeze. She didn't feel the ice crawl up her neck, she didn't feel the frostbite beginning to sweep over her. It wasn't until that he pulled away that the chill hit her, shaking her body. She let out a pained gasp, jerking upright, her teeth chattering as she wrapped her arms around herself, squeezing her eyes shut. Her breath was frosty, and pain shot through her chest with every breath, bringing tears to her eyes. She gritted her teeth, holding them back, her whole body trembling. She would not cry, not matter how much the frostbite hurt. "R-Rei?" she whispered, her voice hoarse. Fear filled her as she wrapped her arms tighter around herself, fear that he left, fear that he regretted every last moment. Why was it bothering her so much anyways? He was the enemy. Right?

"Bloody hell!" Archer cursed, falling backwards as the girl thrashed out of his grip, sending both of them to the snowy ground. "For Christ sakes, woman, a simple thank you would do." He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head and shaking out the white flakes. The chains rattled as he dropped his hands into his lap, watching the girl curiously. She glared at him, which made him smile the slightest, a twinkle glinting in his eyes. "Archer," he raised his hands, indicating to the chains, "Weak, human, prisoner boy, as Rei seems to love rubbing in my face. And Cain just landed over there," he jerked his head towards him, eyes flickering worriedly to Valer, "Rei is with... Lunatra... Ah, bloody hell." He managed to get to his feet, stumbling slightly over the chains attached to his ankles. He looked over to Valer, then over to the girl, chewing on his lip. "I have a rather odd favor to ask of you... In order to help Lavrador."

((Here he is! xD GoddessOfGod Darktanion))
"..Archer.." She remebered that the little her was talking about him. How she had acrush. She could see why. He was built, and he looks handsome to, ah and his hair. She shook her heas then looked oward lavedor. "ah lavedor is he wounded." She couldn't help but hear the chains. She looked over to cain, sleeping then let out a sigh.

She walked over and smiled a little. " ofcourse i will help lavedor, but let me help you first." She knelt down toward the chains. She couldn't use her powers freely but she had strength. She gripped the chain with her two hands then pulled them apart with all her might. "CCCClank. The chains snapped, somefalling off to the sie. She smiled a little then stood back up. "my name is kanin"
Rei's teeth gripped together with great pressure as he muttered. "Damnit.." The side of his fist hitting hard against the mountain causing some wet snow to fall on top of him. His head looked down at his feet, as wet snow plopped on his head, his eyes clenched shut. What the hell did he do? He reeled around and looked to seara, his hands quickly moved throwing his shirt over his head, securing it in place. His hands gently grabbing Seara, the turning and walking back towards Luntra.

In one swift motion he grabbed Luntras arms and pulled her up into his grasp. His arm holding her close, wrapped carefully around her waist. "We need to go.." His eyes glazed the mountain side as he spoke, he couldn't look at her, his eyes watching everything but her. He grunted and pushed forward, his soft voice quiet as he pushed past her "sorry.." Pulling Luntra behind him. He gulped, his dry parched throat making it hard.

Luntra's clattering body bothered Rei, but he pushed the dislike out of mind. As Luntra stumbled behind him, a vile burned hot in her pocket, Marcus sounding voice echoed in her mind as she remember what he said. "Kill Rei.." Marcus had placed a vile in her pocket, it's contense getting slightly hot almost her, as so remind Luntra she must get Rei to drink it. Rei peeked over the cliff side. It would be to difficult to get down that far. They had to of fallen a couple thousand feet. Rei huffed again, Cain would bring them up, the best thing to do is to wait .. He glanced around, his eye barely catching a glimpse of Luntra before jerking away. "We need to find a place to rest.."

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Lunatra stumbled along behind Rei, shivering as she wrapped her arms around herself, her gaze constantly looking up to his back. He refused to look at her, instead looking everywhere else, everywhere except for at her. Her heart sank to her stomach as she bowed her head, hair covering her face. What did she think would happen? That this would be some fairy tale and everything would work out? No, instead he flinched at the sight of her, barely even speaking to her. He was probably horrified by what just happened, disgusted by the intimacy of the situation. Lunatra flinched at these thoughts, biting the inside of her cheek to hold back tears. She was foolish for thinking anything else would happen. And why did she want this in the first place? He was the enemy. She was supposed to kill him.

At that thought, her hand went to her pocket, the heat of the vial burning through the thick cloth. The vial Marcus had given her, telling her to make sure Rei drank it. Her hand clenched into a fist as she jerked it away, leaning her head back and staring at the night sky. "We need to find a place to rest..." Lunatra glanced over as Rei, for the briefest of seconds, flickered his eyes towards her, yanking them away just as fast. Hurt and anger flashed in Lunatra's eyes as she opened her mouth, snapping it shut just as fast. But her emotions won over. "God dammit, Rei, will you please just look at me!" She felt like hitting something, like yanking her fingers through her hair. "For Christ sakes, stop flinching away from me. Sorry if it was that horrifying that I kissed you." Her voice cracked slightly, and her Celtic lilt was starting to show. She took a deep breath, controlling her tone, trying to mask the hurt and devastation on her face. Yet she felt like she didn't fully succeed.

"Kanin..." Archer tested the name on his lips, tilting his head and giving her a smile. The name was familiar, though he couldn't quite place his finger on it. He almost sighed in relief as she agreed to help, watching her as she broke the chains entangling him, thanking her and then turning his attention to Valer. He quickly kneeled by his side, picking up the pointed rock he had dropped earlier, pressing it into his skin and sliding it across, wincing slightly, putting the rock aside once the cut was made. He then held his wrist out to Valer, letting the blood drip in his mouth. "Don't even try pushing me away," Archer said sternly, "I'll be fine."
Luntra's sudden snapping caused Rei to stop, his eye's glancing back at her as she stood, an angry look on her face. He grunted looking away again, his eyes tracing the side of the mountain. His eyes widened at the site of a opening, his eye scanning the way up. He grumbled and turned to Luntra, his cold voice, sounding again. "We need to climb up there. Both you and the girl will need to hold on tight.." He ignored her words, bending down to offer his back to her. At least he could look at her now, the cold wind knocked with his clothes as he waited patiently a whisper coming from him. "You don't mean.. anything like that to me.. "

Rei tried to force a cold voice, some emotion still sounding in his words. His cold eyes locked on the ground. She was a solider, a human. That is all, and that is all she could ever be. He cleared his throat as he waited, his patience snapping. "Hurry up.." his voice agitated as he spoke. He needed to push it out of mind.

Valer grunted, his vision sharpening again as a figure approached him. As he looked up blood dripped on his lips, a soft sound coming from the figure. "I'll be fine.." He said.. That same voice, he looked up, his eyes feasting on Archer, his lips craving blood. He slowly lifted his body from the snow, his hands under his shoulders holding him up as he carefully placed a hand over Archer's wound.

Valer smiled warmly, pain striking his throat as he knocked Archer over, carefully crawling ontop of him. His eyes locking with Archers as his voice echoed. "The wrist, its painful.." He said his hand still clenching his wrist. Valer's legs spread as he sat on Archers lap, his form slowly leaning in as his fangs slowly sank into Archer's neck. Incredibly, the way Archer bit him left no pain, only a whirl in his head as he began to drink. Warm blood trickling down his throat. His wings lay limp behind him, there spread in full span behind him, the paper like material of his bat like wings looked as though it would tear on the smallest rock.

The pressure on Archer's wrist stopped as Valer pulled his fangs from Archer's neck, soft eyes looking at his wound as his carefully licked it. Valer rested his head on Archer's shoulder, a sigh of relief coming from him as he rested his eyes. His blood tasted so good, warm luscious blood, he wanted it all.. Valer's eyes widened at his thoughts. No.. No he didn't.. He didn't want it all. He covered his bloody mouth and pulled away from Archer his wings flipping slightly.

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A crack was heard from where cain was. His wings, were cracking but not breaking. A sligh wince of pain made his body wake up. HHe looked at his side that was bleeding. He thought about how he landed and he was annoyed with himself. 'damnit." His wings cracked again, he was wounded do he wasn't able to keep his body temperature up. If his wings didn't go back in he would be in to much pain.

Kanin could hear the crack, she jolted a bit nervously as she looked over. "c..cain." It cracked more but this time cain screamed out. She shook her head walking over to him. "c..cain are you ok." CCCCain looked up toward her and smiled. " good your safe." Kanin let a small smile slip as she touched cain. " Y..your getting cold." Cain chuckeld. " odd isn't it..i shouldn't be but imwounded so.." Kanin had huggedh im tightly, trying to transfer her heat to him. Even if she had lost her memories, she didn't lose her personality. She didn't like seeing people in pain, so she helped him.

"princess..Princess please no need." Kanin shook her head roughly as she sighed. "will you tell me...about me, " Cain looked at her oddly as his wings began to falp, sliding into his back, disppearing. HHHe was warming up, then his wound slowly healed. "..Kanin..." Kanin hugged him tighter" I remeber only names..i know archer, you rei lavedor." Cain smiled as his eyes drafted close. " I will tell you soon, but let me rest." She looked down at him as he slept , then looked back toward archer. " Are you cold..archer"
Ark walked down the the halls, two men on his tail and he pushed two rather large door's out of his way. The shadows flashing as light hit his face. Ark is a youthful-looking man, his appearance about 34 years. Sharp facial features with a pointy nose, narrowed eyes and full lips. Out of all the Black Hawks (Arks Army), Ark has the palest skin tone, almost white when compared to others. His hair is neck length, wavy and pale blue. His eye color is violet but the rims of his irises flash red whenever he uses magic. The Imperial Army has been shown to take advantage of Ark's attractiveness, using pictures of him to attract more females into the military. Many women in the Barsburg military have a crush on him. Ark is nearly always seen in his Military uniform, which consists of a black, ankle-length overcoat with gold trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck-guard. Like his subordinates, Ark wears black trousers, knee-length black, buckled boots and white gloves.

His uniform has a small half mantle hanging off his left shoulder emblazoned with the Barsburg Military insignia, and on his right he has a golden epaulet and shoulder boards as an indication of his high rank. Ark's uniform is more decorated than those of his subordinates, a major difference being that Ark wears a peaked cap which is trimmed with gold and has the Barsburg Military insignia in the centre. Anger swept over Ark as the door's swung open, his eyes meeting with the Oracle. "What is the meaning of this.." His tone was cold and short, his purple gaze feasting on the oracle as though they threaten to snap his neck. Even the men besides him shivered, there eyes watching the oracle carefully as he stood, his head barried in books. King Ark didn't need to explain, the oracle knew exactly why he had come. His threatening aura causing tension in the room.  
The oracle looked up with more of a smirk than anything. He was always the one who wanted to egg the king on, tempt him to do harm, see how mad he could get. He decided to test it today, using cain, and curing it with the known princess where abouts.

The oracle rose from his chairand his books. He bowed, his hands stretched out wide. " My dear king , welcome to my humble home..the meaning of this, let me guess do you miss your boy cain. "He walked from behind the desk. He whispered a spell toward the garuds so they couldn't hear their conversations. he hated them, they were his ears and eyes. " your precious cain has been sent on a missoin, why of all peopel are you worried. Do you share a feeling for cain, not including he is your best man in your army no."
Ark let out a large breath his eyes sharpening. A sudden this thrust of his hand hitting the bookshelf causing all the book to fall from there places, his purple hues filled with anger and he grinned his teeth. His men looked to each other then back at Ark, his dark aura suffocating the room. "Don't not test my patience Oracle.." He hissed at him, his other hand wrapping around the oracles throat. "Where is he..."

His irises glowed red, anger in his eyes as he threatened to strike the oracle down. Ark was serious, his presents alone brought the feeling of death, the fact he hadn't killed the Oracle immediately was a miracle in itself. His boots twisted slight against the dirty ground, his grip tightening around the oracles throat. No one dared challenge him.
the oracle clapped his hands. In Kanin' s voice a girl was behind the king. " hi papa" She gigled. The oracle loved this, his games were to fun for him as he put his hand on the king's. " I have great news for you and secrets totell, that even you weren't even told. but let me give you a spoiler. Kanin is alive."

HHHe chuckeld loudly as the girl ran about the room. The oracles black eyes looked into the kings." I will tell you more but first you must get rid of your dogs, and stay for lunch, " HHe waited for his anser. HHe would have to say yes he couldn't possibly refuse
Ark's grip tightened at the sound of his daughter's voice. "Don't mock me.. " He threw the oracle back, his body crashing down against a wooden table, its frame snapping. "You dare play your mind tricks on me?.." His fangs showed as he spoke, his eyes shading deeper in a purple hue. He walked over and gripped the orcals shirt pulling his upper body from the ground. "Explain yourself Oracle.. Or die.." His coarse claws beckoned at the Oracles throat, his long sharp claws cutting into the Oracles neck as he breathed.

His men took a step back, they had never seen someone taught the king so. They both moved to the side as the little girl ran past, her body fading into nothing just outside of the door. They both glared at the disappearing figure as there eyes flickered back towards the king. If he didn't stop now.. The oracle would surely die by the Kings hands.
"about a wekk ago, i had sent cain on a mission since he was doing nothing but cleaning up yours mess." The oracle pushed the king away brushing his suit down. " Your daughter the princess we swore died eions ago is now alive today, she has always been alive. Just liek you cain barged in here iwth the same look and i told him like im telling yoiu know. kanin is alive"

Her mind and body have been altered into what is a vampire. Making her bilieve she's always been that way, even gave her a family to go along with this setup. I have been looking more into this, and there is another evil at work here. There is a war comming soon king, and your daugher may be the key. " The oracle pushed him aside as he grabbed the orb.

"our current situation is a mess right now. Rei followed him out of curiousty, so now he is tagged within the mission. A snow fall happend seprating the party, leaving cain wounded. I can onl show you the happening but not afterwards, kanin must fall asleep for me to see, but here." The orb enlarged and showed what happend before. "I'm happy to seethe king again." AAhh nooo KANIN KANIN." Cain grabbed a hold of himself as he began to fall, trying to reach out to rei. The oracle looked toward the kin to see if he would show any signs of emotion.
Ark's eyes sharpened as the pulled away from the oracle, his eyes carefully watching the ball. He breathed out threw his nostrils, eyes laying emotionless as they sharpened. He gritted his teeth, quickly turning from the Oracle and pushing his men out of the way. His cold loud steps echoing farther and farther away. The two men glanced at each other then back at the Oracle before turning to follow there King.

His daughter was alive. The feeling of anger boiled over him as he barked at his men. "Bring me Frau..." He marched off quickly as his men bowed slightly and split off in different directions. He would not allow his daughter to die a second time, nor his men. His fist gripped at his side, the sound of stretching fabric sounding as his gloves stretched. His hand suddenly hitting the wall besides him, its exterior cracking, slithering up like spiderwebs.
His words were like a knife to her gut. Hurt flashed in her eyes, followed by anger, and then, nothing. Her face was stony and unreadable, her expression unfazed. Yet her thoughts were spinning, leaving her light headed and dizzy, a sick, ill feeling twirling in her stomach. She didn't want to have to sit in a cave, trapped in an awkward layer of uncomfortable silence, thinking of nothing but her foolish stunt.

Her eyes traced the rocky, steep wall they would have to climb, dismissing Rei's crouched form, barely sparing him a glance. When she finally spoke, her tone was cool and smooth, as if nothing what so ever had passed between the two. "I'll go gather firewood," she said, not a trace of emotion in her voice, "Then I'll meet you at the cave. And yes, I'll be able to find my way back." She quickly removed her bag from around her shoulder, handing it to Rei.

"There are some berries and fruits in there. Make sure you feed Seara when she wakes up. Also, make sure you change your bandages in an hour. Think you can manage that?" Her going for firewood had been a statement, not a request, and she left no room for arguments, nor did she give him a chance to reply. Instead, she spun on her heel and trekked her way up the mountain, towards the large pines covered in layers of snow. She kept herself controlled and put together, waiting until she was positive she was out of sight to sink to the ground, her face falling in her hands.

For the first time in years, Lunatra let herself cry, sobs racking her body as she curled up in a ball, cheeks stained with tears. She felt weak, idiotic, and foolish. Foolish for wanting something she couldn't have, foolish for entangling herself in such a web. Her life, her emotions, were spinning madly out of control, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

After a while, the tears stopped, and she sat in the snow motionlessly, Rei's coat still around her shoulders. Her whole body felt numb, inside and out. The vial burned in her pocket, and she soon pulled it out, staring at it blankly. The poison Marcus had given her, with precise instructions to kill Rei. Like that was going to happen. Using all the force she could muster, she flung the damn thing at the nearest tree, watching it shatter into pieces.

What Archer had expected was Valer taking as much blood as he needed from his wrist. What he hasn't expected was to be pushed to the ground, Valer climbing on top of him, fangs digging into his exposed neck. There was no pain, only a hazy, drugged feeling slipping across his eyes, slow to vanish once Valer was done. Faintly, he heard Kanin say his name, and he raised his hand, giving her a thumbs up. "I'm good," he said, his words slurred slightly as he fought back nausea from the blood loss.

((Darktanion I was thinking Marcus could find Lunatra and get pissed at her :P for refusing to kill Rei :P ))
(( gonna wait till I'm home at 730 to make my reply. Cause ur gonna shit pants with what I have in mind ))

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