
The King pressed his lips together, pushing the young child's gentle touch away. Ark grumbled. his hand pushing himself slowly to his feet, his hand holding his weight against the wall as he walked forward, cursing the Oracle once more as he ignored the other "Cain". His limp form edged to a large bed, draps hanging from the ceiling.

"Oracle.. Get out.. GET OUT!" He yelled loud, his roar shaking the room. His irises illuminating a faint ray of crimson. The King never trust the Oracle, it was Cain who insisted he join us. A decision Ark left to Cain, and regretted now more then ever. ((Just for you GoddessOfGod Only for you would I have him call for his name ;P ))
"is it painful..mister."The teenaged boy walked closer, the oracles eyes laid within the fake cain. " do you want to see..him the real me." The teenaged boy laughed as he walked around. "i can do it for just..have to fall asleep mister ok." CCain chuckeld as he clapped his hands together leaning down, with his finger point toward him . " i can make it know jsut say it, say yes."

The real cain was still sleeping, his wound fully helaed and his body temperature back to normal. The oracle had entered his mind again but with less pain." cain you regret" Cain who was sitting down in the black room looked around. " ..i do not regret it.. youve helped me , why ask." The oracle could only laugh. "nothing..will you be willing to do a link." Cain tilted his head, tired of this dream, he wanted to wake up but hecouldn't not yet. "what is this link." The oracle appeared as a crow beside him. " with your king of course." Cain looked away, this could probably mess with his head more, he thought oh well. " sure"
The King thrashed his head, his eyes locking on the false Cain. "Leave you damn wench! .. I trust nothing you do. Get out.. " He hissed, he winced again sitting on his bed, hunching over the side of the bed, his hand both placed on his temples as he rubbed them. His eyes traced the floor, a long cut in it wood, beneath his feet. His eyes lightened at the small cut, a smile coming from him as he covered his eyes.

The hat fell from the his head, dropping to the floor, his short light blue hair glistening in the light of the window. This Oracle was a trick, wanting him to sleep. He hoped the Oracle would die, be torn into a million pieces and suffer for eternity for messing with his mind. His hands fell from his hands head as he huffed. "Leave Oracle, I will not let you tamper with my conscious so easily... "
"sorry but you have no choice , the other party has already accepted." The raven touched cain's head with a smile making cain appear in the kings bed room. The teenaged cain slowly and swiftly trailed over to the king touching him and smilng. " here is ." Cain blinked several of times as the teenaged one stood infront of him. " waht magic is why is ther a teenaged me." The raven looked over and cawed. " you not be surpriesed by this, i made a smaller you." The oracle sighed as he looked theother way. " all the same, anways i leave you to it..i must see to cain and lavedorar."

CCain watched s the image of the oracle left. "..wait how long am i entrapped in this..ORACLE." He sighed rubbing the back of his head, flicking away his balck hair. HHe looked over towardt he bed and saw the king. "a..ark." cccccain shook his head as he closed his eyes. the oracle, is caniving, he would play a trick on him like this, and of all the people it is the king. Cain looked up with a glare. " well..aren't you one of his of those fake creations he made. Are you here to tell me the future or take me back to my painful past..i don't care anymore."
The armored man had stood up from since the two generals had looked down upon him. He was skeptical, a bit more to the pink-haired guy, on wether they were good enough to be in their rank. He trusted them for the time being and only hoped they could take care of the girl effectively.

"I shall lead you on to the girl." The man declared to the two. He spun around and with somewhat rushed steps out of the King's chamber. He didn't exactly guide them outside of the dimly lit castle, but when they were fully out he started. "This way" and "That way" were his main guiding words, and he pointed out where he had stumbled upon the girl. "It wasn't that long before she killed the circus owner and exited this way... I doubt she would get far, since she was bound by leg chains. She might have taken them off though. Do you need me to show you to anywhere else, or give you any other details?"

Meanwhile, Cry was wobbling through town, bringing several stares to herself. She identified many of the people around here as useless and inferior, so it would be a bit of a purposeless effort to go ahead and do anything to them. Right now she was just wandering, looking for something to satisfy her basic needs, and as she came across a certain stand she found what she needed. Assorted raw meats were placed on display. The larger more defined chunks were hung on string from the top of the stall. Cry could identify them all; pig, goat, elk, and a little cow. It was time to pillage.
Ark gritted his teeth in anger, the Oracle insisted on playing with his mind over and over. He lunged to the side grabbing a beautifully vase, its frame painted with vibrate colors, angels painted, there hand reaching towards the sky as the sun peeked threw the clouds. "GET OUT!" He yelled violently. His grip was tight around the vase as the King stood, whirling around in one swift motion the vase being thrown violently towards the teenage Cain. The vase hit hard against the wall, shattering only inches from Cain's face. It's beautiful painting shattered into a million pieces.

Ark dropped to his knees in front of the bed. He moved to quickly, the Oracles presence causing him to veer off balance and collapse. He panted, his face dripping sweat once more and the King tried to push the Oracle out. The King wasn't very good at mind games, unlike vampires dragons were not very good at altering minds. The best a dragon could muster is to alter memories, and even then it was magic. Never a natural born power.
Cain looked at him curiously. Odd he didn't act like one of the hencmens or creations. Could this really be king ark. Honestly he was happy to see him. Ever since the journey, his memory of him became fuzzy. HHHe smiled a bit, not wanting to accept the oracle's , well gift he thought." are you ok my king." Cain used a saying the king was familiar with, to at least give him a hint it was him. Cain walked toward the king kneeling down toward him as he put his hand on the kings forehead. " king is the pain to much."

Clearyly the king was no good with , minds. Seeing how he was having such a hard time. He was used to the oracles magic, but it took him a while to get used to his mind triicks. " my king do you want some water." He was abit hesitant on his question. This was a dream right. Could he get him drinks or food, this was troublesome. " Kanin is all right and she will return home soon. " He thought maybe the mentiong of her would cheer him up at least, since it didn't seem like he wanted him there.

The oracle added another piece to the puzzle. He put a lock of lavedor's hair at the bottom. " know time for you." He moved around on the cliff as he began the process of entering the mind of otehrs. He spoke a few hymns then shook his hands toward the sky, then clapped them toghere. The fire spreading acrossed the globe as he took the form of kanin. He found the weakest spot of his mind then entered it , masking his presence but letting him know there was someone there. " hi lavedor." The small gril's voice echoed.
The two generals smiled, Caster glanced down at Mikage his smile getting bigger as he spoke. "You ready?.. " The young boy laughed viciously, his laugh sinister, like a evil force. "Lets go get her.. " Mikage crossed his hands behind his head, his head pushing back against them as he stretched, a wide evil smile on his face as he pranced forward. Caster turned to the solider leaning down a bit to be more at his weight. "That will be all then.. Good work.. " Caster then walked silently, followed Mikage, his hands tucked deep in his pockets, his form relaxed.

"Caster! What we gonna do with her?.. " Mikage asked in a whinny voice as they shuffled threw the crowd. Caster looked down at the boy and ruffled his hair, a small laugh coming from him. "Depends.. " The little boy laughed volitaly. "I cant wait! Ive been iching for a fight.. " The young boy smiled as they pressed forward. 
The King flinched as Cain spoke, his voice so familiar. The King grinded his teeth, it was easy for the Oracle to look and see what things were real to him. It was just a trick. He would not give into the oracle, his tricks and treachery would be his end. Cain lifted his hand slowly, touching Ark, a smile on his face as he gestured for water. The King snapped again, he lunged forward knocking Cain to the floor, his red iris becoming more intense as a black flame caught the drapes ablaze.

His finger's gripped tightly around his neck, his fingers attempting to strangle the "illusion" The drapes fell to the ground behind him, there blaze lighting up the room as the King once again shouted. "Get out! Oracle.. " His hold and grip was tight, like a bolder that sat on top of Cain and wouldn't budge. He didn't believe his own mind, nor did he believe his daughter was alive. It was a lie, and Cain was just to naive and fell for it.

Lavrador looked up the mountain, looking for the best way up. It would be difficult carrying this man. His train of thought broke as a voice sounded behind him, slowly his head turned to look at a young Kanin. He glared at the figure, his emotion un-showing as the girl stood before him. This must be the force that was pushing on Cain and Kanin... He didn't move, only looked to the girl as he held Cain. There was no point in responding, even in his mind his language could not be heard. So he waited for the girl to speak, giving her a chance before he attempted to push her out. 
((Leeps getting Goddesss and Noir confused because your pictures are so similar >.> ))
Cry eyed the various meats like a hungry dog. She took in the bloody scents of the animals freshly gutted and chopped, and a few of them were seasoned, making a bit of drool appear at the side of Cry's mouth. She slurped her saliva back inside her mouth, then snatched out some pig liver from one of the boxes at the front. The flesh caved in a bit from the force of her hand and a little of the remaining juices oozed out of the liver, now making not one but two of her ligaments dressed in blood. She bit into the liver and devoured it without caring for another thing around her. "Hunting in town... Easy."

The woman and her husband that had ran the stand looked at the girl in anger and disgust, "That's three hundred coins, pay up!" The woman sneered. The husband stood over the woman like a strong outer coat, watching over her and protecting her. And that also meant assuring that the lady infront of them payed for what she took. But something was odd about the girl and for now he decided to wait until others decided to assist in the matter.

"Inferior." Cry blurted out as she chewed on the raw meat. It made a very squishy sound in her mouth and in a few seconds she had scarfed down the whole thing. She gulped, grabbed another piece of meat, and ate it in the same way as she did the other. "Someone, please stop this monster!" Shouted the woman running the stand.
Cain's eyes wavered as he was pushed on to the ground, getting strangled. His eyes tearing up as he saw his king. What has the oracle his mind. HHe moved his hands to release some of the pressure but it wasn't enough. ",k,,ing." He had to think. Something that woud let him know it was him, not an illusion. Think canin think...if this continued he would have proabaly woken up, but he didn't want to, not now. The king in front of him. He grimaced as he tried to say something.

"r,,remember..taht the forest..i was there, on the floor." He coughed a little trying to push him off. " you were there with two i was alone and you called out to me." He continued tos quir,.his nails digging into his skin. " and i turend around..and called out to king.You tooke me in and gave me a hug teling me it wil lbe alright. I would swear my loyal to you and serve you." He moved more his eye color fading a little. " can't you remember , its me..king please." His struggiling slowed down, as he was losing his breath. His hands fell from where they were to the floor as he cougehd more.

The small canin smiled as she walked closer. " you look like you know what i am.don't you remeber me , im your best friend..i saved you one time..when someone pushed you out of the kings window..i took flightand saved you." She chuckeld as she laidotu her hand fro him to take. " please..would you shake my hand." The girl scotted closer as she laughed. " w..will you."
The womens protest suddenly stopped as Mikage and Caster pushed threw the crowd, there presence alone deterring the women. Mikage smiled letting down his hands that rested behind his head as he trotted forward. His small voice sounded as he pranced over to the girl, his pink hues locking with hers as he bent forward to peek at her. "Raw meat? Don't you think that is a little excessive?.. " The boys voice though child like had a hint of death in it. Like every word was a threat. His evil grin sending chills down all the humans backs. His hands held each other tightly around his back as he looked to her.

Caster's smile was much lighter as he placed a coin pouch of money on the stand,smiling brightly at the women. "Our apologies miss. She seems to be extremely hungry.. " Caster looked down at the girl, his warm smiled offering her warmth as he outstretched his hand. "You better come with us.. " His voice was playful yet gentle, the exact opposite of the child besides him to gave a nasty look of dissatisfaction. 
Ark's grip was tight, Cain's words barely reaching him as the rooms blaze spread. Cains words muffled in the air as he spoke, his throat heaving with difficulty as he spoke. Ark's eyes widened as Cain spoke, his words touching him. The way he spoke was not.. like the Oracle. The red iris faded as the flames behind him disappaited. "C- Cain... "

He quickly released his grip from Cain, as his hands fell to his sides. Ark grasped at his head once more. "It's all your fault! I told you.. That man.. " His words were jumbled as he spoke, his mind trying to grasp back to reality. "Damnit Cain! Cain!" He yelled out for Cain, his eyes shut tight. Embers sizzled behind them as the curtains flames slowly became nothing, smoking embers filling the room, causing Ark to cough on the thick smoke.

Lavrador took a step back from the girl, his eyes narrowing. He knew this trick all to yell. Marcus had used it all to much. By grabbing her hand he would be allowing her access to his mind, the ability to tamper with his being. His eye's narrowed at the girl, he bent down his finger tracing in the snow, letters that soon formed words. The young girl looked to the indented snow as Lavrador took a step back. "I will not fall for your tricks.. Leave.." He watched the Oracle carefully, his eye's watching the younger Kanin. The clock kept ticking, the night sky falling every so quickly.

(( CharChar45 is gonna have A LOT to read! Haha

Cain laid on the floor, his eyes a little faded than usual. "..he..he was like family to me." When cain wasn't near the king and he had no work, he would spend his times with the oracle. He showed him tricks and taught him magic, that's why he was able to beat rei in the arena. The oracle waas lik and uncle. ".ii. didn't mean to hurt you." The amrks from his hands were on cain's neck. He coughed more as he gave off a small smile. " i'm sorry."

The girl blinked and gave him a stern look. " you know..well lucky for me i don't have tp play games." The girl stepped back crouching down looking up at him with her red crimson eyes, that glew brighter. " look here yoiu know what you are...what your destined for..why you must be killed..hehhe it'sa good think you know kanin..she is the key to your survival." The oracle laughed as the girl tilted her head to the side. ((lol char so does,and i plan to change my avi)
"Someone! S--" Something had came that had caused the woman to stop what she was doing. She turned to where she had gotten the odd feeling from, and two males appeared. One, very child-like and seemingly cold, the other just the opposite. The child had sent chills down her spine, and she slowly backed away from the stand along with her husband who had ironically felt the same way.

"Raw meat? Don't you think that is a little excessive?..." Cry stopped scarfing down the meat and cocked her head over to the voice that dare stood against her. Noticing... No, feeling who it was, her grip on the meat loosened, and she gave the two newcomers a blank stare. Not inferior. One of the two had slowly came her way, pulling out a bag of coins and placing it on the stand. The woman took the money and retreated back, nodding.

Cry saw the man look at her next. He stretched out his hand. The gesture was especially new to Cry, and she first mistook it for a declaration of war. "You, Who?" She asked, demanimding to know who he was. If he was here to enslave her again, she wasn't interested.
Ark hit the ground with his fist, blood dripping from his hand as the marble floor cracked, sharp edges splintering, digging into Ark's hand. "You trust so easily Cain! Everyone is family to you! Stop... Just stop.. " He gritted his teeth as he pushed himself off Cain. He faced the wall, his hand touching the wall and he rested his hot head against it, blood smearing from his hand as it brushed the wall, his palm pressing against it.. His voice became more calm, a whispering tone. "Stop.. Or you will become .. just like me.. " Ark thought Rohan was family, that the vampires were his brothers, and in the end he was betrayed, losing everything dear, and taking his revenge out on that wretched race.

Lavrador's eyes narrowed as the girl spoke, her cold yet playful voice causing him discomfort. He leaned down once more his hand sweeping away the words he had already written then writing again. "You work for the Dragons.. So why you would want me dead... is obvious.. " He paused for a moment in his writing, his emotions coiling up as he glared up at the girl for a moment. "Come kill me... " This was unlike Lavrador, his words taunting the Oracle to try and get him. Perhaps is was the sudden rush of blood he hadn't had in years, or perhaps it was Archer being back at his side. Though it was uncertain if it was exactly, whether his taunting was serious or not.

Perhaps his uncle had more of a hold on his personality now. then before, or perhaps it was less. Either way he took his step back again, his eyes sharp as a slight smile came to his lips. Yes, he was taunting the Oracle. He brushed aside the mention of Kanin. She was a dragon, and they had been apart for a long time, people change. Perhaps the Oracle wanted Lavrador to stay by her, because in the end she would mean the death of him. But then again.. Did he really care?.. Did he really.. He looked to Cain, his eyes softening. 
Caster looked at her in surprise as she spoke, her formatting of words was off. Perhaps she was sheltered? Mikage quickly interrupted bouncing around "Oh Caster cant we just- ' His words cut off as Caster spoke. "I am Caster.. This is Mikage. We came here to help you. " His gesture was genuine, a warm smile still laying on his face as Mikage crossed his hands, a look of anger on his face as Caster dismissed him. Caster's hand stayed put, still offering it to her as the bloodied meat soaked her hands, blood covering her mouth.

The crowd had gathered around much thicker as they watched for a scene to break out. Much of the citizens deep in the kingdom never saw the site of battle, the city was too protected. Steel gates and concrete walls protecting them from the darkness. They all stayed loyal to their new king, and in return lived peacefully. There thick uniforms shinned in the light as the gold trim caught the citizens attention. The crowd began to whisper of their rank. The Black Hawks, King Ark's seven generals that command his army. It was rare to see them outside of the castle walls. Yet they were thrown off by such a small child wearing the uniform. Mikage showed signs of annoyance as the people spoke, Casters glance keeping him at bay as he bit his lip unhappily.

C h a t N o i r

"Help?" The man's position did not move. His hand was still there, and gradually Cry was getting to the idea that it was there for another reason. His facial expression of kindness proved it quite well. But Cry was now confused. Of all the people she actually knew, there were the ones that would abuse her and those who would be afraid of her. Nobody would talk to her despite her having a bit of knowledge with English; she understood it well but had problems speaking it. But the man, who had enough power that was quite noticeable and the gall to approach her... She didn't know much in the world. Why not trust someone again?

Putting her animalistic thought process away, she lightly sniffed his fingers and grabbed his arm with both hands, mindful not to make it a tight grip. She looked up at him once more, with her sharp eyes that had shown expectancy. "Admits... Lost. Confused. Help..."

((Sorry, I was conflicted between having her go into a fit and this. ;; ))
Caster smiled at her as he spoke, his head tilting slightly as she spoke. Caster pulled her closer as he shot a glare at the surrounding crowd, his viscous look scaring them away, as they quickly dispersed. Just as quickly as they dispersed another man approached them. It was Frau, is gold trim uniform matching theirs. Caster looked over to him curiously as he spoke. "Caster, i've been looking into a certain situation. Seem's Rei and Cain are trapped in the pass.. With the princess.. " Casters eyes sharpened. "The princess.. impossible.. "

"I thought so to.. " Frau looked down to the girl, her bloodied hand causing casters hands to become cloaked in blood. "The Oracle is interfering, we need to go retrieve them. The King does not trust that man.. " Caster nodded then looked down at the girl, his lips parting as he tried to figure out what to do with her. "There is another thing Caster.. " Caster pulled his attention off the girl, his eyes flickering up towards Frau. "Rei brought a interesting prisoner.. " Casters eyes narrowed at Frau, Mikage interest becoming peeked as they spoke. "Lavrador.. "

Caster was taken back, his head tilting in curiosity. He looked down to the girl, his knees bending so he crouched down to her height. "Whats your name?.. " He asked as Frau watched them both carefully.
"You should rest some more," Lunatra said softly, her Celtic lilt dancing off of her tongue, not even bothering to hide it anymore. She felt numb, both emotionally and physically, her mind blank, unable to process anything, her skin unable to feel. She barely noticed what she was saying, the words rolling out of her mouth, gaze far away, her voice there, yet not there. "Sometimes I wonder... why me? Why was I worth saving? What did you see in me that made you defend me..." her thoughts trailed off, spoken out loud, though not intentionally, "I was just a child... young, defenseless, and scared..."

She then seemed to realize that she had spoken out loud, snapped her mouth shut as she closed herself off. She pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs, eyes steady on the horizon. A soft breeze ruffled her hair, sending shivers across her body as she wrapped his coat tightly around her body, eyes flickering to Rei briefly, then back to the sky. She thought about Archer, thought about their lives as kids, running around in fields and playing with sticks. And she was risking his life, because she couldn't seem to keep her mouth shut. She bit her tongue hard, the salty taste of blood filling her mouth as she sat silently, hoping the physical pain would block out the mental.

Archer looked over to Lavrador in worry, stepping towards him, trying to figure out who he was talking to, what he was doing. For once, he wished he had Lunatra's ability of going into Lavrador's mind, and seeing everything from his eyes, from his point of view. But all he could do was sense his thoughts, and his thoughts were confusing, giving Archer a headache. He massaged him temples, trying to make sense of the twirling thoughts, a jumble of what seemed like nonsense. A girl... an illusion... a trick of the mind... Archer frowned, slowly putting two and two together. Lavrador was seeing an illusion, something only he could see, a trap, of some sort. It was all confusing and Archer shook his head, raising his hands to his temples.

((Darktanion GoddessOfGod sorry if i missed any fine points... just let me know if i did, and i'll edit my post :P ))
He smiled at her gesture, "Rest huh?.. " He sighed as he looked down. He could not rest. His eye's widened as she spoke, his mind just now noticing the accent. He spun around his eyes locking with hers as she spoke of when she was a child. His mind went blank, acting on instinct he lunged at her, his hands wrapping around her throat, his body sitting on top of her torso, his grip tightening around her neck as he bit down hard on his teeth. "You.. How long has your memory been back.. " His voice turned cold, cut throat as he demanded an answer, his hand beckoning at her throat as he threatened her.

His mind was fuzzy, it was hard to keep things straight, she remember, yet she.. what.. Although his mind reeled, dizziness swaying his mind, he still kept his grip on her, his cold eyes piercing threw her soul. "How long!" He demanded a reply, his hand shaking as they tightened more around her throat.

((Gonna wait to reply with Lavrador till GoddessOfGod replies ;P CharChar45 ))
"enough." Kanin was infornt of lavedor and behind the illusion. The little girl looked back as kanin glared. Her eyes piercing through the illsuion. "..kanin." Kanin put he hand on the illusion and tightend her grip. The little girl began to scream. " leave him alone..leave cain and everyone else alone." She snapped, the illusion shattering, into dust. Kanin looked up toward lavador and gave him a saddend look. " sorry I never knew."

She held her arm as she looked away. " You must feel..betrayed. by me." She saw how the situation was. Her family trying to take him in, bringing prisoner. She looked like the bad guy." She knelt down in the snow and wrote out five words. " i will never betray you." She stood up again staying where shewas.

Cain moved his eyes toward ark and gave a faint smile. "..Don't be in pain my king..i would never lie to you, she is on her way.." The link between the two were breaking , and his mind would fade making him wake up. " my ..king." His hands began to fade along with the bottom half of his legs.
Lavrador took a step back, his face looking surprised as Kanin pushed out the Oracle, his instinct causing him to step back as the image shattered. He winced slightly as she spoke, his soft movement drawing in the snow. He looked down in the snow, his eyes tracing her words. His eyes filled with sadness as he looked up to her, a small smile being offered on his face.

He bent down one last time, his hand writing slowly, frigid cold snow collecting on his finger as he moved. "I missed you.. " That is all he could write, although his trust was shaken in her, this was the truth. He missed the people who he loved, his childhood friends. Forced into the darkness for so long, perhaps even if Kanin would result in his death.. Perhaps it was ok. As long as he would enjoy the light for just a little longer. His smile became deeper his hand still holding Cain securely on his shoulder. He glanced over at Archer who gave him a weird look. "Archer?.. " Lavrador spoke again, his voice singing in curiosity as to why Archer gave him such a look.

Ark turned around and looked to Cain, his eyes widening as the illusion slowly broke down. Ark kneeled by the illusion, his eyes slowly tracing the vanishing form. He lifted his hand and brushed Cain' cheek, his hand fazing threw. "Be careful Cain.. " The King looked to him worried. Their was something bigger happening, he could feel it.

GoddessOfGod CharChar45
A sudden force knocked her to the ground, pushing her breath out of her lungs as she let out a surprised gasp. Hands tightened around her neck, and she clawed at them wildly, eyes wide as she choked for air. Rei sat on top of her torso, his voice, threatening to kill her if she refused to speak. She was grasping at straws, different emotions flashing in her eyes as he kept her pinned to the ground. There was anger, but no hate. There was disappointment, there was the slightest bit of fear. She wanted to protect her brother, but...

"When I went to get food. Since then." she spoke bluntly, managing to force out the words, her eyes intent on his face, voice calm and... accepting. Maybe, once he took away her memories once again, the swirling emotions would be gone, the emotional pain would fade away to the back of her mind. She could be become calm and controlled once again... "When I first regained my memories, I hated you..." She don't know why she blurted out these words, why she decided to even mention this, but she did. And she wasn't finished. "But.. For some reason, I couldn't keep hating you... even now, I can't hate you, and I gave up trying. Because, there's no point in trying... because... I don't want to hate you..."

Cain gave the king a smile as he closed his eyes. " of course my king." He was happy the kin wasn' t in much pain anymore, and besides it was time for him to wak up any who. The body vanished leaving cain to slowly wake up. HHe yawned as he looked toward the floor. Im off the ground, he questioned then looked toward the one that was holding him. "He slid from lavedors clutches and landed gracefully on his two feet.

More determined to get back to the kingdom he looked aroudn the party he was with. "well now.." Kanin turned her attention toward the awoken cain and smiled. " your awak cain." Cain gave her a bowe and wiped off his shoudlers. " natraully" Kanin looked back toward lavedor once more with a confident look. "..we have to get back up the mountain as fast as we you trust me lavador." She glanced back toward archer. " you trust me."
Archer let his eyes fall shut for a moment, separating his thoughts from Lavrador's, the wind picking up slightly, ruffling his hair. He shook it out of his face, eyes opening as he looked between the three, his gaze falling onto Lavrador. "I'm good... It's just been a while." A small smile flickered across his lips, his attention turning to Kanin as she spoke.

He felt like the answer was obvious, but not in any way that was mean or cruel. He would trust her with anything, from holding his knife as he chased after his sister running through the meadow, to entrusting her with a piece of his heart. "I trust you.." he whispered softly, giving her a gentle smile.

((GoddessOfGod Darktanion I'm blank on what to do for archer x.x sorry :/ ))
Rei's eye's widened as she spoke, a almost painful look on his face. "I don't want to hate you.. " His grip slowly loosened around her neck, a tear streaming down his right cheek, the tempature dropping again, just as the tear froze, it fell from his face. its small drop falling to the ground and shattering. In the moment it shattered his hand gripped moved, his hands instead gently holding her neck as his lips pressed against hers.

His cold lips turned hers purple as the caves walls froze, sheets of ice becoming thicker and thicker the longer her held her. His green hues sheeting with pale blue color. He couldn't help it. Hearing those words. For all his life he had been cold, teaching her to be strong. To be able to protect her self from the world. And yet despite how cruel his was, how vicious, she still didn't run. Even knowing the truth. Despite everything?

Lavrador stumbled backwards slightly, Cain pulling himself out of his clutches. He looked over to Cain and Kanin as they spoke, again taking a step back as Cain looked back at him. Kanin's kind voice reached towards Lavrador, at first he didn't respond, his mind being cut off by Archer as he spoke. "I trust you.. " Lavrador looked down at the deep snow, unlike Archer he didn't. His feelings were intense, he was sure Archer would be able to feel it. But he pushed away his doubt and nodded at her, his eyes looking to Archer uncertain.

Even if his faith was shaken, he had not choice but to trust her. Besides, if she wanted him dead why not just let the sun turn him to ash. He stood in his place, not taking another step, waiting to see what Kanin had in mind. The oracle wasted a lot of time. And they fell a very far distance. They wouldn't be able to climb in time now.
Lunatra's arms wrapped around his back as she pulled him closer, her lips pressing against his, hands entangling in his hair. His touch was gentle, holding her up instead of forcing her down, turning the air around them frosty and cool. Yet she felt nothing cold, all she felt was warmth, warmth from his body, warmth from his lips. She held on tightly to this warmth, not ready to let it go.

Archer gave Lavrador a slight nod, indicating that it was okay to trust her. Although she was the dragon princess, and still did not completely remember everything, she was still Kanin, the Kanin from their childhood, the one they grew up with. And, although Archer could feel Lavrador's intense emotions, he trusted her, and it would take a lot to break that trust.

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