
A long silence lingered after Adrienne spoke, crimson eye flickering as he spoke. "Do as you wish.." He replied, a grin sweeping his face. Casters eyes narrowed as he walked back into the cave, his soft voice echoing. "What is it you are really doing my dear?.." He cocked his head to the side slightly, as Frau walked next to him. As usual his hands folded in disapproval against his chest. Frau eyed Archer for a moment leaning down and whispering "newborns.. Are generally born hungry? Yes.." His eyes narrowed as he gaged Archers reaction.

Arks body felt heavy, his pasty fingers barely holding onto the beast as he fought past the pain that soared in his body. Labradors eyes widened as the beast took a suddenly sharp turn to a avoid a tree. Both Ark and Lavrador being tossed from the beast. Ark rolled into the cold snow, his mind barely conscious as his heavy body sank into the snow. Lavrador barely caught himself, looking up slowly as snow fell from his hair. Sudden pain hit him as Ark passed out, his skin beginning to melt away against the sun. Lavrador quickly backed up, hit skin finding safety under the shadows of a tree. He glanced over at Ark, his back deep in snow as his breath vented clearly from his lips. He was to far to grab, his body sparkling in the sun. The beast circled around his head dipped low as he sniffed his master.

The sound of crunching branches could be heard from beneath the beasts feet, his feet knee deep in snow. He gave out a snarl as it nudged Ark, it's eyes flickering back to Labrador who took shelter under the tree. Lavradors knees were locked against his chest, his head resting on them as his eyes completely zones out, his mind wander into the nothingness of this world. A world full if betrayal and yet, yet for some reason, despite all the hate that people threw at him, he still loved them.
"Kanin please stay here, and comfort with the others, we wil lbe back when you reach the kingdom. Kanin nodding , understnading she walked back, her fist clenched. " you bring back my knigt safe and sound." SShe walked intot he cave and spotted archer. Giving off a small faint she slumped down beside him on his otherside and crossed her legs.

Hamin forcefully grabbed the top of cain's head. Now that knain was out of sight he opend up his mouth wide, his jaws cracking more than it had last time. With screams coming from his mouth, he slowly began to swallow cain. The illusion back at the king's castle smirked up at ark. " why not...i think it would be an eye opener for cant be a protecter if you don't know what really happend..or is to nievie about the world." After consuming him hamin vanished leaving nothing but his and cain's sent. The illusions body now becoming more vivid and real hamin wiped his mouth. " was my fault he grew up this way, why not reteach him."

Hamin sat down holding his stomach to where cain had landed. " He has always had the emotions of sharin, i despissed that ..emotions are weak. He needs to learn to control them which he clearly can't..taking on that new information you handed out and about rei being ark..i think that kind of put him out of wack no." His stomach buldged making him cough as he groaned. Pushing in his stomach with his hand he let out a sigh. 
Darktanion CharChar45
Archer soon let Lunatra go, smiling softly at her, then turning to Kanin, slinging an arm over her shoulder and pulling her close. "Missed you," he muttered softly into her hair, leaning his back against the wall. His ears twitched as he heard Frau ask Caster about newborn vampires being thirsty at first. He had noticed it as well, how the thirst hasn't clawed at his throat yet, how it hadn't led him to attack anyone. He figured it was Lavrador's blood, which was special, from what he had heard. There was a reason he was assigned to be his guardian. Not only was he King Rohan's son, he also had properties about him that could win abused in the wrong hands.

"What I wish to do is no concern of yours," Lunatra said coolly, her gaze sweeping over Caster and Frau, "My path is different then yours, and I expect you to respect that and mind your own." She strapped her bow to her back, making sure it was secure, then adjusting her coat, pulling it tightly around her shoulders. It would be dark soon, and she wanted them to leave already, so her going off on her own would be much easier. She could keep Archer behind easily, she had planned for that. She had not planned for this.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment

Sorry it sucks, typed it out in a rush x.x and Oitetment I swear I'm not ignoring Cry, just haven't found a way to fit her into my posts.
Caster stayed silent, a warm smile on his face as he turned away. "Cry lets go.. We are leaving.. You too Princess.. " He made his way out of the cave, his eye's watching the sunset slowly. Frau huffed, turning quickly away from Archer and Lunatra and walking out. His eye's glanced towards Caster then back to the dark cave. "Is this wise Caster? .. To leave him.." Caster gave Frau a gentle smile turning his eye's to the direction that Ark had taken off in. "No.. " Frau watched him carefully as they both waited for Cry and Kanin, Frau tapping his foot impatiently.

The darkness quickly moved over the forest, hitting Lavrador and Ark first. The moment the light diminished Lavrador jumped up slowly and walked over to Ark, his hand touching his forehead. The beast growled at him slightly as Lavrador lifted the king up, swinging the King's arm over his shoulder. He pulled the King under the tree and carefully let him rest against it. He again touched his forehead, a sigh coming form him as he moved. His hand grabbed onto his sleeve, carefully ripping it from his shoulder. He set it in the snow, its material dampening from the wet snow. The carefully place it on his forehead. He would be okay before long, just as his fractions had. It just took longer for him, right?

Lavrador stood, carefully walking past the beast, who eye'd his every move. He touched the tree besides him and smile, then disappeared into the darkness of the forest. The wolf flicked its tail, walking over to Ark and laying besides him. Lavrador moved quickly, his form coming to a sudden halt as a scent came to him. He closed his eye's, his form being cast in front of Adrienne, who stood angrily waiting for Lunatra. Word's lite up in her mind behind his form, His eye's sharp and threatening. "Leave, you will not harm them... "

Ramzi came to a sudden halt, his form launching out of the tunnel and landing in the snow. He glanced up waiting for the women, his eye's tracing the darkness. He grunted, his hands crossing as he waiting impatiently. "Hurry up.. Seems the group is splitting up.. If we don't hurry you would have failed already... " He shifted his weight in the wet snow, his eye's moving to the forest as he took in it's scent. He could tell Lavrador had parted from the rest, but did Veloren want them to get Lavrador or join the group? He sighed in contemplation.

The fake Ark coughed slightly, pulling himself from the floor, his hand supporting his head. "This isn't good.. Mikage huh?... " He made his way back over to the alcohol and consumed it, his breath making a delighted sound as he swallowed. "Nothing is really that way we want is it? " He smiled laughing slightly as he drank. "Does this mean I can have my name back?" He laughed again at the thought, his hand placing the glass back down.

(( Sunset hits Lavrador and Ark sooner then the cave cause they are miles away. :P So it's still light for you! ))

CharChar45 GoddessOfGod Harusun Oitetment
Cry stayed at the base of the cave, staring out at the snow like it were a show on TV. She was waitin patiently for whenever she needed to leave to go wherever. As far as she knew, things were nearly over here. She turned her head to look inside and see Lunatra packing some things. Was she going somewhere, too? Cry turned back around, she rubbing her eyes slightly. She was tired and did not sleep much.

Caster approached her sooner or later and told her that they would be leaving. Cry nodded, stood up from the ground, and started to walk forward, but she turned around to look at Lunatra and Archer. "Bye-bye! See soon?" Cry tried to wave at them, a gesture still new to her. She continued forward, turning back to Caster and Frau, as she caught up with them.
.Jumps into thread yelling. Do over! Check it guys. We have been having issues integrating new character because the story line is so developed. I also think alot of us have changed the original personalities of our characters to meet those new chara needs. So I say do over. Lets start the rp over, where everyone is starting. What do u guy think?!?))

CharChar45 Harusun GoddessOfGod @oitetement
guhhhhhhh alright i have a beeter way of posting ..ill have knain be introduced on the night ofh er kdinap, so ill start of with that..her kidnapping, and ill change cain's personailty 
Why not instead of starting over a rich and involved characters that have these bonds together.

The GM creates an event in order to pull all new players.

Like say have the main bad guy and his troupe meet up with lavrador and his group and that makes a forced event that all characters participate in and the new players and characters have a huge involved and complex plot point that brings all the people together.

Just have something that all the players would be apart of.

Throwing it all away would be silly
That was were it was going if we don't restart. I would be 2 different battle scenes. Your guys choice :) I call a vote. Humor, your vote don't count :P bitch!
(( **Looks over the thread nonchalantly

Honestly I do not care. I would prefer restarting (because instead of going with my original character plans I altered her quite a bit, which you guys pointed out, and my original plan wasn't gone for) but I really don't care. I'm not going to put down my greedy vote to delete all of your progress...~ ))
Starting over sounds good, but at the same time, humor had a point with the bonds and all of that.
Those bonds would develop again, in different scenes and events. We would slow it down. So that Lunatra didn't "suddenly" fall for Rei. It's like she's always been in love, not suddenly. In gonna change Lavrador a bit too. He will never lose his memory. :P it will be fun! I just think it jumped to quickly!

Now >.> .stares intensely GoddessOfGod .
vote for restart i want to change cain personality and have hamin appear more by the king like his secraery or something and i aslo want to have kanin close to archer since they didnt get to be by each other and mmmm im thinking about having cain like frau only cuse hes the serious one lol omg fan girl scream

Restart it is ;) I'm still keeping my same intro though. Cause it was perfect for him :P Although he still has his memory. Never lost it, personality is alittle different, still mute etc.

And hey Goddess, is Kanin still gonna lose her memory? Or are you changing it so she knows everything? Etc. ?? Put up new thread to restart. Make sure anythign drastic you wanna change just put up a note so we dont assume. A great example is Lavrador knows everything, but still goes by Valer in hiding etc :D ))

PS Kingdom name is Raggs :P

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