
Rei couldn't stop her, his tongue held back as he looked away, his green hues looking distressed as his hand covered the emotions that swept over his face. He let out a heavy breath his eyes flickering up as he grabbed the girl, deep rigid claws digging into the mountain as he climbed. His mind was a mess, he couldn't think, he couldn't speak.. He could give her what she wanted.

The sound of shattering glass broke the silent sobbing she let out, a cold, dangerous voice sounding behind her, the feeling of deep warm breath in the back of her neck, her hairs standing up as her skin prickled. "Did you know..." His cold, disheartening voice clawing at her ears as his spoke, his lips only inches from her ear. "If a human drinks a vampires blood, they can temporally borrow that vampires power.. Rapid healing, incredible strength .."

Valer quickly jumped forward to catch Archer as he slumped forward, his teeth grinding as he caught him. He had taken to much blood, he quickly pulled up his wrist, his fangs ripping into it. Blood seeping down his wrist, more blood stained red snow tainting the pure mountain, he carefully grabbed Archers wrist, putting his bloodied wrist against his. There blood intertwining his body turning slightly cold as the color returned to his face. "Please.. I'm sorry I didn't..."

Marcus lifted his hand, his claws gently moving her hair from her neck "-and.. The bloodline power.." He paused for a moment. Then continued to speak as his hand wrapped around her waist pulling her close against his body. "There is also a very handy ability it's allows the vampire.. Do you know what that is?.. " his long fangs ripped into her neck, his teeth biting his tongue allowing his blood to seep into her open wound, her blood turning cold, like a thousand shards of ice being added to her blood. "Mind control.." He said pulling away from her, his hands releasing her as she fell to the ground. "I knew you didn't have it in you.. But you see my dear child.. I do.. " he raised his hand to look at it, her hand moving in sink with his.

Her body became forced to its feet, her mouth forced shut. "Let's go visit.. Your general.." His smiled became wide and her body forcibly moved, his eyes tracing her as she did, a maniacal laugh coming from him as she walked back towards the mountain.

(( part one of evil plan CharChar45 GoddessOfGod ))
Kanin took cain by his shirt anad pulled him quickly toward archer. She groaned as there were three men, one with loss of blood, the other wounded and the other who she was uncertain of.She put cain by archer. "think kanin" She knelt down toward them, cains head on her left thihg while archer on her right. Kanin slit her rist using her nail. She opend archer's mouth and let some slip through.

She used her other hand to transfer heat to canin. His body tunning back to normal as his wound continued to heal. CCain was dreaming about the king and the day he recuited him. HHe was a small fare boy, one with small body muscles. CCain twitched while he turend around."a.aark" Kanin looked at hhim and then let out a sigh.

she looked back toward archer and gave a worried look. Mean while the oracle was busy preparing kanin's next dream. one that would show her more of her past, what her mother looked like . How she became who she was and her first day dealing with flihgt. The fact that she can use fire and wind magic.

"Lavedor come lay against my back." She was used to his name. Valer soon faded fro mher memory as she looked at him. " everything..taht's been happening, its wierd." She let out a sigh as her blood fused withh thiers but she didn't let valers blood touch her. "im sorry..this must be stressing for you"
(( CharChar45 u can post in between part one and two btw :P )) 
Valer pulled his wrist from Archer's, his eyes watching Archer's wrist as the tissues slowly overlaid each other. Raising his wrist he look at his too, his puncture wounds slowly closing as his strength returned. He shifted slightly as Kanin pulled Cain over, her wrist being cut as she placed her hand in front of Valer, her gentle wrist touching his lips slightly. He gritted his teeth once more, his hand grabbing Kanin's as he pushed her down into the deep snow, his eyes locking with hers as he lay on top of her. He was angry. How was she so sure he wouldn't take every drop of her blood. Leaving her riveting form lifeless, sucked try of all its life. He shut his eyes his brows scrunching as he thought of Archer. What if he had done it to him. This person who he knew..

His crimson eye glowed, rage in it as his eyes slowly looked up, his eyes catching on two black forms in the gentle white. There crimson eyes locked with his, a show of there fangs toward him, as there claws extended. Hunger.. He could feel their undieing hunger for blood, there wanting to attack, sounds of heavy restraint coming from them as they stood. Valer stood slowly, his hands and feet sinking in the deep snow as he stood. His white hair hung down in his face, hiding the unknown expression, that might be on his face. They both hissed at Valer, as the carving on this eye began to sizzle like ember's against his skin. So much anger he felt, so much hate. He wanted to rip something part, rip someone apart.

A smile came from Valer as his head lifted, blood thirsty eyes accenting his long riveting fangs. His look alone gave the vampires chills, his anger being felt, like a aura that illuminated off him. Kill.. Kill.. "Kill.." His voice sounded in his head, as his form that once stood above Kanin vanished. The crimson snow that once laid below him slowly covered by the new purity of white. The two vampires looked towards each other, a look of confusion. Like the wind that couldn't be seen or captured, Valer had vanished. They became restless as they scanned the area, there eye's shifting like nervous mice.

The vampires after a long moment stepped forward, saliva dripping from their thirsty mouths as they closed in on Kanin, Archer and Cain. There eye's glistening like blood diamonds in the snowy white air. One raised his hand, laughing manically as he went to strike Kanin, his sharp razor claws veering towards her tan warm neck. Just as quick as the movement started, it stopped, the vampires claws only inches from Kanin's neck. The vampires eyes were wide, his throat seemed cut off as he seemed to have trouble breathing. The other vampire stepped back to look at his fellow vampire, his eyes widening and jaw dropping in surprise. Behind the threatening vampire stood Valer, his right hand lodged deep into his back, cold eyes looking upon the vampire as he twisted his hand, blood spitting from the vampires mouth as it suddenly collapsed upon the soft snow.

The soft white snow became crimson red as Valer lifted his bloody hand, his tongue slowly licking his bloodied hand as he looked to the other vampire. His frightened stance backing away slightly as it shook. Valer smiled, but not a warm smile, but the smile of a crazy man, someone out to kill. Slaughter. "Kill.. " His mind echoed against its shift as he shifted his folded wings, his step coming closer to the other vampire. 
Rei's back leans across the hard surface of the cafe, one leg outstretched as the other, bent slightly up. The young girl lay in his lap as his hand massaged his sinus. A large sigh coming from his as he rested. He regretted his words, making her storm off, he could tell she was angry. Her cold bitter tone, echoed over in his head as he let out yet another deep breath. Rei scrambled slightly as the sound of falling rocks hit his ears. His eyes traced the edge of the cave opening as two hands came into view, there slender form pulling up as Luntra's long slender form climbed over the steep opening.

Rei moved to attention as he shifted the girl out from on top of him, letting her lay on the hard ground as he stood. Luntra swiftly walked passed Rei, her eye's stuck on the floor. He let out a grunt as he turned to Luntra, a look of regret on his face as he spoke. "Luntra .. Look.." He sighed heavily turning from her his steps making his way to the edge of the cave, his glistening eyes looking down. "It's.. it's not you.. I .. I have a wife.. well.." He paused for a good long while, his throat chocking up with difficulty as he tired to find his barrings. "I HAD a wife.. She died a long time ago.. Before you were even born.. I promised everything to her.. Heart and soul.. I can't give you something that someone already took from me.. " He grinded his teeth, his lips parting as his sparkling white teeth showed.

"I can't give you what you want Luntra.. I cant love you.. I'm sorry.. I can't betray her.. " His eyes stayed staring over the cliff, sadness sweeping over him as he clenched a necklace, a small ring wrapped around the rustic chain. Luntra smiled, her steps coming towards Rei as she spoke to him, her soft voice gentle. "It's okay.. I understand.." She smiled at him, her hand out stretching as he offered him a vile. He looked down at it curiously, his eye's flickering back and forth between Luntra and the vile. She giggled slightly as she spoke. "It's medicine, to heal your back faster.. " She grabbed his hand and placed it in his, her smile becoming bigger as she walked away.

Marcus felt Luntra's conscious tremble as Rei looked down at the vile, his green hues smiling as he looked up at her. "Thanks.. " His thumb slowly opened the vile, its contense dripping down his throat. He smiled at her again and threw the vile off the side of the cliff as he spoke. "If Cain and the other's don't return soon, I will need to look for them. Its better if you get some rest.. " He leaned against the wall, his eyes watching the horizon. "Don't worry Luntra.. It will be slow and painful.. You can finally have revenge.. For all your years of being tricked, and for every breath your family didn't take.. " Marcus spoke coldly to Luntra, a smile sweeping his real face as he turned, the smell of blood coming to him. "Ahh.. Seem's my nephew is distressed. Perhaps I should go confert him?.. " He spoke to Luntra could hear. His fangs showing in pleasurable thoughts of controlling Valer once more.. OR should he say. Lavrador.

CharChar45 Part II GoddessOfGod Woot
Before valer could touch the second vampire, the vampires body began to burn. Cain who was half awake was holding out his hand toward him, galring as he winced in pain. " keep your filthy hands away." The vampire screamed in terror as it held its face. The snow melting into water, but then evaporating. Steam consumed the vampire and the area around him.

Cain let his hand fall as he closed his eyes again. He went back to sleeping. His body turnning back to normal. His dream was filled with his past, and who he came to know everyone in the kingdom. His most precious memory was of him and the king, the first day they met. Kanin was looking at lavedor. She wasn't afraid, not anymore. " laveedor"
"Lavrador.. " Valer cringed at the sound of that name, his hands grabbing at his head as he fell to his knees. Kill. Kill Kill. Over and over his mind told him to kill, his boiling rage beckoning at his every whim. He clenched his eyes tightly. The sound of that name clawing at him. The name made him Ache, his eyes shattering the existence in front of him, a lucid dream filled his vision. "Lavrador.. Hey! Lavrador.." His eye's tugged to the left as he was a younger version of himself, smiling as a girl approached him. Her red crimson eyes meeting with his as the young Archer stood behind her smiling. "Come on! " The girl tugged him up from his place, the sudden jolt pulling him back to reality.

His eyes moved to Kanin, his eyes widening as he gazed upon her. She was that girl? He winced slightly taking a few pushes back from her, his hand covering his crimson eye as his head pounded. He was Lavrador? That was who he was? And he knew Archer and Kanin.. And also Luntra.. What was this? Was it a trick set up by his uncle? He paused at his own thoughts, his eyes widening as he stared breathlessly. Marcus.. was his uncle. That man... A tear ran down his face, the realization of his life coming to him. That man he.. He couldn't grip himself. His mind racing, running as fast as it could. The vampire who had screamed in pain slowly drug itself away, its eye's peering back at Cain, anger consuming it.

She watched as the glass shattered against the tree, her body trembling from her crazed emotions, her throat dry from her pathetic sobs. Then came the familiar voice. It was cold, dangerous, it's warm breath at the back of her neck, causing her to stiffen, her whole body tense as she prepared to run. "Did you know..." his voice was disheartening, lips inches away from her ear, "If a human drinks a vampires blood, they can temporarily borrow that vampire's power... Rapid healing, incredible strength..." he paused before continuing, leaving suspense hanging in the air, "-and, the bloodline power."

Marcus's claws hands brushed her hair back, exposing her neck, his other arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her towards his chest. His grip was strong, and there was no way for Lunatra to escape, no matter how hard she struggled, kicked, and squirmed. She barely heard him as he continued, her focus solely on her fruitless hopes of becoming untrapped, wiggling to try to find a way out of his arm. It failed, and he succeeded, leaning in and biting deep into her neck. She felt her personal conscious fade away, her blood running cold as she became a simple voice in the back of her head, unable to control her own body, or speak her own words. She could see, hear, and experience everything through her body, but had no control over it. That job was handed over to Marcus.

He laughed manically as she made her way back towards the mountain, a new vial of poison resting in her pocket. As much as Lunatra fought against his supreme control, it was useless, and just a waste of precious energy. Soon, she gave up, watching in defeat as she herself climbed up the cliffside, reaching the cave, eyes glued to the ground. She could only watch as Rei explained why he couldn't love her, why he couldn't just give his heart away anymore. The reply the false Lunatra gave was the only thing she would of actually said. Everything else was not her in any way shape or form. The way she giggled when handing him the vial, how she acted like such a... girl. Rei, out of all people, should realize that this person wasn't her, but yet he fell for the illusion anyways. Once Lunatra gained herself back, she would smack the crap out of the idiot.

Don't worry, Lunatra... it will be slow and painful... You can finally have revenge.. for all your years of being tricked, and for every breath your family didn't take... Internally, Lunatra winced as Marcus's voice echoed in her mind. She wanted him to shut up, she didn't want to think about it. Mention Lavrador made it worse. Her temper flared, and she snapped at him, her words like a scream in his mind. Hell no. You already are taking Rei, you are already killing him, leaving me to watch. I will not, and I repeat, I will not let you lay a finger on Lavrador! I don't care what you do to me, because you won't be able to stop me from protecting him from you. The anger brought out something powerful within her, a dormant gift shoving Marcus out, returning her to her senses. She gasped in surprise, her face going deathly pale as the truth hit her hard in the gut. Slowly, but surely, Rei was dying. And it was her fault, her fault for being so weak. She opened her mouth, preparing to tell him the truth.

Lavrador was losing control. He had given Archer strength with his blood, but was now raging mad, his eyes glowing crimson, the desire for blood, human blood, tearing through him. Kill, kill, kill... he thought repeatedly, the words echoing like a haunting chant in Archer's mind. It was terrifying, in a way, to see him in such a state, a state of darkness and evil, something Archer had never seen in him. He had always been gentle and kind, smiling easily, staying by Archer's side through everything he'd been through. And now here he was, the desire to kill pumping through his mind. And Archer was determined to help him the same way Lavrador had helped himself repeatedly.

He lunged forward, grabbing Lavrador's arms and gripping them tightly, his gaze meeting his. "Remember that time when we were three," he began, the story floating off his tongue like music, "Lunatra had just been born and we were sitting in the field, just the two of us, near the lake. We were talking about the future, about how we would travel the world together, see everything that needs to be seen. Back then, our dreams were huge, our hopes always glittering in our eyes. Think about those hopes, Lavrador. Those dreams of travelling the world, with your guardian and friend by your side. Because, even as we grow older, even as our lives darken, hope never fades. Find that hope. Remember that time by the lake."

((Darktanion GoddessOfGod))
Rei sighed his eye's tracing back to Luntra who looked strange, her eyes filled with distress. He tilted his head, his eyebrows scrunching together as he looked to her. "Are you okay?.." He asked walking closer to her, his hand grazing her cheek. His soft touch comforting her as he smiled. She still seemed dazed, his eye's narrowing as he pulled away. "Better rest... Looks like you need it... " He turned around, his body siting down by the mouth of the cave. His leg hanging over the edge as he rested his head against the wall. He felt tired too, his eye's zoning out into the white abyss, so beautiful. It reminded him of home.

As Luntra went to speak, Marcus thick cold voice screeched in her head, like nails against a chalk board. "If you tell him.. He will know you regained your memory. All your life, all the truths taken once again. You wont know your brother, or Lavrador. You will lose everything.. And for what? The man who took your family from you.. You soil your family name.. " MArcus voice slithered like a snake in her mind, its very existence beckoning at her throat. "Tell Rei.. Not only will you lose your memory, but I will make sure your brother dies too.. " He smirked, his cold nature sending shivers down her spine.

Lavrador's eye's widened. He instinctively tried to pull away form Archer.. Yet he couldn't. His grip was strong, his eye's locking with his as he spoke. Lavrador did remember, he remembered everything. Archer, Luntra, his parents.. Ark and Kanin. All the things that had been taken from him. He remembered it all. And.. His .. uncle. Lavrador shivered at the thought of him. His head plopped down on Archers shoulder with great force, tears streaming down his face as his claws slowly receded. His wings slowly swallowed back into his shoulder blades. His crimson red hue slowly fading from its intense glow.

"Archer... " His voice sung like a harmony towards Archer, his tense form, loosening as he slumped down slightly. Just as his mind calmed again another voice rang in his head. "Ahh, don't calm down now.. It was just getting interesting. " Marcus cold voice rang against Lavradors, causing him to shutter. "Come now Lavrador.. kill him.. " Lavrador gritted his teeth his voice slightly more intense, his voice, chopped, almost like his spoke only parts of a song. "You go your way.. I'll meet you in hell.. It's all these secrets that I shouldn't tell. I've got to run away... It's hypocritical of you... Do as you say not as you do... I'll never be your perfect boy... I've got to run away..." His voice cut off for a moment as he pulled away from Archer slightly, his voice lighter this time. "I'm too young to be taken seriously. But I'm too old to believe. All this hypocrisy, and I wonder If I was a mistake. I might have nowhere left to go... But I know that I cannot go home. These words are strapped inside my head and they tell me to run before I'm dead.... I Chase the rainbows in my mind, and I will try to stay alive... and maybe the world will know one day.. Why won't you help me run away.." He looked up to Archer, sadness in his eye's as the red faded from him marking. "Archer.. Help me run away... "

CharChar45 GoddessOfGod
Lunatra averted her gaze as Rei grazed her cheek, his touch comforting her, in many more ways then he would ever expect. Then his eyes narrowed as he pulled away, telling her to get some rest. She wanted to tell him everything, of how Marcus was using her, of how that vial had been filled with poison, one that would slowly kill him, and he would not even realize it at first. Of how Marcus had given her memories back, of how she had hated Rei at first, but saw something... gentle within him. And that gentle nature is what had caught her attention.

Then Marcus's voice echoed in her mind, causing her to wince, her fingers flying up to her temples as she squeezed her eyes shut. Yes, she had managed to regain control of her own body, but she still couldn't keep him out of her head completely. When it came to the part about losing her memories again, that he would take them away, Lunatra was pained, but still willing to speak, even if it cost her such a sacrifice. It would mean Rei would still have a chance at living. And, somehow, she had forgiven him for altering her memories. She wasn't quite sure why, but she just couldn't bring herself to hate him. She opened her mouth once more, ready to speak, but froze as Marcus's threat slithered through her mind.

Tell Rei... not only will you lose your memory, but I will make sure your brother dies too. At that, her mouth snapped shut, her face paling as her hands shook. A mixture of emotions swirled through her, anger, fear, rage... and she kept her mouth shut, shakily making her way to the very back of the cave, letting the shadows wrap around her like a blanket. My brother has nothing to do with this, you sick bastard, she hissed to Marcus, her hands clenching into fists, nails digging into her palms, Leave him out of it.

Archer held onto Lavrador as tears streamed down his face, his head landing on his shoulder. The wings swallowed back into his shoulder blades, and soon it was the boy Archer knew, not the creature he fought to control. And, as everything came back to him, Archer stood there has his rock, as he had always been. This was his job, as Lavrador's guardian. Be there for him when in need, whether it be mentally or physically. As the eldest, Archer was assigned this task, and Lunatra... her path was hers to choose.

Archer listened as the conversation flooded in his mind, scowling at Marcus's cruel comments, demanding that Lavrador killed him, killed his own guardian. Not once did Archer flinch away in fear, for he knew Lavrador, and trusted him to the highest degree. And as Lavrador asked for his help, asked for him to help him run away, Archer smiled, nodding. "Of course, Lavrador."
Marcus strong voice echoed hard in her head, his sinister laugh causing her to shutter. "What will you do?.. Will you take your revenge.. Ha.. Don't make me laugh girl.. " His hoarse voice faded out of her mind as he turned. His teeth sheeting against each other as Lavrador spoke to him. He grunted slightly. "You cant run from me Lavrador.. " A grin swept his face and he walked forward. There was no doubt in Marcus mind he would have Lavrador, and he would win this war. Even if it meant chaining Lavrador up and using him as a blood bank for his army.

As the night continued Rei's breath began to quicken, his eyes glazing over the horizon. It would be dawn soon, if Cain didn't hurry.. They would be separated for another day. He sighed, his head feeling slightly dizzy as his hand brushed the floor. He lifted his hand slowly, his palm resting on his temple as though his head was spinning and he wanted to stop it. He gave out a soft cough, before turning his body over, his hands folding underneath his head, his heavy eye lids slowly falling closed.

Lavrador smiled at Archer, his emotion's slowly calming as he pulled away. Archer's hands still gripped his wrists. Lavrador tried to pull away but his form was suddenly stopped. "Archer.. I cant.." His gesture was obvious. Archer's hands were holding Lavrador in place, his body wanting to pull away. Lavrador looked at Archer for a moment curious, he's stronger then Lavrador would have thought.

Lavrador's smile faded as Marcus voice sounded in his head once more. "You can't run from me.. " He pushed his voice out of his head, his eyes clenching as he tried to ignore him. It was hard to push him out. Although Lavrador would never want to admit it, Marcus had a strong hold on him. Marcus was so cruel, doing things to him he would never forget.. and never forgive. He had been able to avoid Marcus for so long, but he knew it wouldn't last didn't he? He glanced over to Cain and Kanin, Cain unconscious on the floor. Should he help the dragon... Or run.. His mind was torn. These dragons only wanted to use him to didn't they? He didn't know who to trust.. no one except.. He looked to Archer his head tilting slightly. "Please.. Don't betray me too.. " His eyes showed a hint of sadness as his voice sang, his white hair turning brown from the dried blood.
The oracle gritted his teeth as he stood in the center of his cottage. His hands spread out as he was towring over a globe. Each angle of the globe was surrounded by something that symbolized them. Kanin had a locket that sat on the left side of the globe, while cain had a knife rom when he was young, that sat to its right. And at the tope was a still crimson flame that was for ark. The oracles then swung hsi hand together clapping them. A blue and black spark wavered as it despersed into the globe and the thre pieces.

"This is taking far to long," A pain shot through kain's head, making her clench her ears as she knelt down onto cain's side. Cain snapped awake holding his head as he curls up in a ball, The pain that would hit ark, would make him sit down. The oracle wanted to attempt something, that he had only done to one person at a time. The oracle only smiled as he then blew flames over them all, creating small imaged to help him with his work. Standing before the oracle wasthe smaller version of cain and kanin, while ark was kanin and cain together holding hands. "now off you go." They all bowed and disappeared.

He walked back over to his desk and flipped the pages to, five. " rei..your fine for now, but like all great mages, i must collect the data." The oracle was never on one side, but he veered more toward the drgaons then any other race. They were intresting and held great knowlege."ill still be helping you..but i have my own gain." HHe chuckeld as he room went dark, and a caw came from behind he desk. The oracle wasi in the middle once more, his eyes looking over the current situation.

The first to hit was Cain. Stll lying on the ground in a feetle positoin he opends his eyes wied then closes them shut. BBefore dazing out he could hear the laugh of rei. Opening his eyes again he was now in a dark room that soon lite, into a forest, with bodies lying on the floor. "you boy come here." Cain turned around, only becasue he knew the voice. But instead of him walking the smaller him stood infront of him with his hans out. " Cain." The small boy smiled as he looked over to the king who had called for him. The smaller boy waved then looked up. " lets put your emotions straight..with loose emotions means a disfunctional kingdom." Cain's eyes widend , those words..he knew all to well. He looked up toward the sky and screamed out. "GET OUT MY HEAD ORACLE"
A tall thin man walked threw large wooden doors. His strong hand pushing them to the side as two guards stood watch. The man walked quickly, his head bowing as he approached the King. Ark's eyes traced the figure, his head bowed in respect. "Stand.. " He demanded, the man immediately lifting from the ground his head lifting up to look at the king, black hair laying against his grey eyes. His short hair accenting bangs as they fell just out of his face.

The Kings words were short. "I do not trust that Oracle. You will look into this. IF anyone gets in your way.. Kill them.. " Frau bowed his head against and turned away, not a word of reply as the large doors slammed shut behind him. The Kings cold eyes sharpening as he turned to walk. Sharp pain entered his body as his balance swade, his hand coming up to his head.

The guards looked at him concerned approaching him slowly, there voices soft. "Sir, are you okay?" Ark grinded his teeth, his purple irise glowing red as he concentrated. The orb that sat in front of the Oracle swirled red clouds, its glass like exterior cracking like small spider webs, the sound of crunching echoing in the small home. The Kings angry voice sounded, his hissing voice charp against the Oracles ears. "Oracle, you dare try to tamper with my mind... You sign your own death sentence.. " The small cracks began to snap becoming larger as the orb threatened to shatter. "Interfere again and you will die Oracle.. " The kings voice came to a sudden stop, the orb suddenly shattering throwing shards of glass everywhere, small pieces cutting the Oracles cheeks. 

Anger shot through Lunatra as Marcus taunted her, spinning around and swinging her fist back, slamming it against the cave wall. Pain shot through her knuckles as she heard a crack, yanking her hand back and jumping to her feet, holding it to her chest. "Bloody hell, that hurt!" she cursed, wincing as she gritted her teeth. At first, she was just filled with anger, pacing impatiently in the cave, her eyes flickering over to Rei. Concerned, she paused in midstep, turning and walking to him, kneeling by his side. She rested a hand on his forehead, her heart sinking as it came off as feverish, his sleep restless, eyelids heavy.

Lunatra closed her eyes for a moment, resting her face in her hands, clenching and unclenching her fists. This was all her fault. It was her fault that they couldn't cross the bridge, her fault that Rei was dying, her fault that her mind was weak. And, oddly enough, she thought back to when her mother was teaching them about the elements, explaining the traits of each. "Water is an element of healing and peace," she had explained, staring at her reflection of the lakewater, running her fingers through the ripples. "Yet, it has moments of intense emotion, a giant wave in a storm, a period of immense and deadly power..."

Almost immediately, Lunatra jumped to her feet, not even thinking, just moving. She skidded down the cliffside, landing on her feet as she moved quickly through the trees, taking seemingly random twists and turns, her breath coming out frostily in front of her. Then, at last, she reached her destination, not quite sure on how she knew where it was in the first place. Instinct? Or just a hunch? Shaking her head, she quickly dropped her jacket to the ground, kicking off her boots and socks, now standing barefoot in the snow with nothing but trousers, a white cotton shirt, and a corset on. Hesitantly, she stuck on toe in the water, flinching at the icy coldness.

"In order to fully understand your element, you must surround yourself with it," her mother had once said. And this was exactly what Lunatra planned to do. She took another step into the water, the waves lapping at her ankles as she shivered, taking a deep breath before diving under completely, the water sweeping over her head. At first, she resisted against the pressure, trying to gasp for air, choking on the water. But then, she moved with the water with grace and ease, her body flowing with the pressure, floating her upwards when she needed air.

Her clothes clung to her damp skin as she stepped out of the lake, arms wrapped around herself as she shivered. She wasn't quite sure why she decided to do this, why she decided to swim in the icy waves. Something about water drew her in, something about it amazed her. She held out her hand towards the water, in a daze, wiggling her fingers, watching as a few drops rose, then fall again, landing softly in the lake. She went closer, raising her whole hand this time, an orb of water swirling in the air. She let it drop, the water splashing her lightly as it landed. And, for some reason, she continued to weave the water with her fingers, following it with her eyes, staying by the lakeside for hours, letting herself forget everything, even if it was for just a little while.

"Don't let him command what you can and cannot do," Archer said softly, a soft breeze ruffling his hair. The wind picked up slightly, grazing Lavrador's forehead, pushing out the voice, blocking him out, if it was only for a few hours. And, at the same time, the breeze brushed against Archer's mind, bringing back a flood of memories that had been hidden from him. Why, he did not know, but his eyes widened in shock as one in particular hit him, a memory that he thought he would never forget. The universe just loved proving him wrong, didn't it?

It was when he had promised that one day, whether ten years or a century, he would marry Kanin, as long as she wished to marry him. They had been young at the time, Archer being ten at the time. It was a month before the castle was attacked, a month before the brutal murder of his parents. They sat in the woods, talking animatedly to one another, smiling and laughing in glee. "One day," Archer had stated, looking over to Kanin out of the corner of his eyes, "I'm gonna marry you."

Archer didn't need to see anything else, for just that small part refreshed it clearly in his mind. Letting go of Lavrador's wrists, he turned to face Kanin, mouth agape in awe. He had thought he had lost her for good, he had thought that he would never find love again. Yes, he was only ten at the time, but he still had feelings, especially for her. "Kanin..." he said softly, taking a step towards her, "Do-do you remember?" And then her face pinched together in pain, her hands clenching over her ears as she fell to her knees next to Cain, Archer immediately dropping by her side, looking at her worriedly. 
((GoddessOfGod I'll let you have some fun with that memory :P i just wanted to get the basic idea across ^~^))
Lavandor shook at Archers words, his attention turning to Kanin as the pressure of Marcus voice slowly faded. His mind was soft, almost as though he whispered to himself, soft crying painful voice. "Do you know what it's like when, you're scared to see yourself? Do you know what it's like when, you wish you were someone else? Who didn't need your help to get by; Do you know what it's like, to wanna surrender?... " Lavrador stood the frosty haze of the winter cold hitting his soft skin. He smiled at Archer, his eye's tracing up to the sky. It was almost dawn. Lavrador looked back towards Archer who held Kanin, concern filling his eyes. Lavrador smiled his hand coming up to his head as he laughed silently to himself.

"I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow, I don't wanna live like this today! Make me feel better! I wanna feel better! Stay with me here now, and never surrender! " Lavrador turned his eyes tracing the mountain. While Archer took care of Kanin, he would search for a way up. His soft foot steps wandered off, the white storm masking his tracks as he left unnoticed. His mind flowed again as each boot sank into the snow. "Do you now what it's like when, You're not who you wanna be? Do you know what it's like to, Be your own worst enemy? Who sees the things in me I can't hide; Do you know what it's like... I want to surrender... " He crumbled down on the side of the mountain, his emotions taking stance over him once more, his hand covering the emotions that swept his face.

Lavrador's mind was always like this, his mask that he wore, that masked his thoughts. Even though he cried on the inside, and sought help his body moved to be proficient. TO find an escape. Archer he was a friend, and Lavrador knew that, but he also feared pulling him back in to this war. There were things that Archer didn't know, that might make him run..

Rei breathed heavily, his cold breath visible as the tempature dropped. His powers even became active in his sleep, the side walls icing over and he moaned, turning over and he coughed again. His stomach wrenched over, pain digging at it, clawing at his insides. His hands gripped his torso and he rolled over, nearly falling off the cliffs edge. His eyes clenched tightly as his breathing became thicker. It was like the oxygen in the room was being sucked out, suffocating him.
The oracle laughed as he spoke low. "foolish king, like you i have many vessels,but unlike you when you destroy something, the power is stil lthere, thee glboe was just a medium to transfer my power. but if you insist the next one well start with you." Once again the king's mind went into a pain. The a black coating went over his mind, just like a dream. The black room left and showed him ni his throne room. " back, sorry i took so long." She gigled as shes tiltled her head to the side smiling. " I got you a flower, it's pretty right."

The oracle moved his hand over the falme. "while she is with you, let's move to you my dear princess." kanin clenching her head went into a dream again, but was still awake. Daydreaming she thought, she didn't care it had hurt more than her previous one. Once again she see the black as if its a broken record that won't stop. But then instead of the clouds and village it was a forest, back in the kingdom. She was there by a rock and another person was there to. The small girl walked up by her sdie and gave her a smile.

"you were purposed archer." She pointed out toward the boy standing. "purprosed..where only children." The crimson girl laughed as she shook her head. " it doesn't matter if were children or adults, once that person finds love that take it..just like he did and you to." Kanin looked away as she crossed her arms. "how can i marry someone i don't know." The crimsson girl looked up then put her hands on her hip. " it's simple ask pretty sure he thinks you have lost your memoires like lavador." She smiled ." he's cute i know, you were always so tense around him.

The crimson girls gave her a saddend look and tugged her closer. " when you leave you make things cant do that." Kanin gave her a nod of apology. " i'm sorry..but taking in all of this..who wouldnt be akward, i have to trust my memory." The crimmson girl looked up. " a memory is all you have...troublesome." She snapped her fingers, releasing the previous image and was now in a battleground for young kin. "here we go..this is where you and archer got to know each other more..and train."

Kanin walkled around the arena before jumping back to the gust of wind. SShe looked to her right seeing herself using wind to jump into the air at a high speed. "..magic." The crimson girl shook her head yes. " in some sense con.ah we control fire and wind, you can even heal if you want to." Kanin looked at her hands. "can other's do that?" "no no other can heal others except the bloodline..why ask." Kanin looked up giving her a smile. " If i can use it then i can help people, and save them...what else can i do." The crimmson girl smiled. " fina;;y getting this huh..well let see, everything is enhanced, your speed, stgrength,sense, everything."

The oracle chuckeld as he watched the scenes unfold. " very good princess, but were straying away from the path i want to keep you on. For now you need to elarn about everyone..we can't have you doubting yourself infront of your father." The crimmson girl chuckeld then took kanin's hand. " we'll talk more about this another time, lets go see rei. Kanin galnced back from her and the other. "before we go..if i choose to use this power..can i " The crimsson girl smiled. " ifyou wish it, you can, just dig deep and let out like it's a sigh."

Kanin smiled then grinned. " great that's all i need to leave." The crimmson girl gave her a curious look and tried to force a smile. " w..what do you mean..leave." Kanin snatched her hand away and gave her a glare but a smile." You don't think i haven't been paying attention." The crimsson girl backed away as she hissed." The oracle looked and chuckeld hard. " the fire of her father, no doubt..easy to pick up on things." The crimsson girl tried to back away. " it's me , remember." Kanin held out her hand as if she was going to attack. " who are you..i swear if your marcus i wil lrip you from shred to shred."

"oh my that wont do." The oracle chuckeld as he ran his hand over her symobl, making the small girl disappear. The oracle had ran his hand over it again laughing, towere kanin can hear. "little girl, the apple dosn't fall far from the tree. You are in the bpresence of the oracle, one who serves under the you know youve lsot your memories so i'm here to give it back ." Kanin turned her head around furiously. " so you use that..why not show yourself." The oracle laughed as his voice got lower. " kanin let me tell you, ou are in something big than you need yor memories so we can move forward..from now on don't resist. When i call upon you for answers or teaching, don't resist. That is all." The black room disappeared and kanin opend he eyes to snow agin. SShe looked up and saw archer. "a,,archer." A rush of red went over her face as she blusehd looked away.
Applause for goddess! And chat bar damn right he's depressing. How would u be if do 10 years your mind was being manipulated and fucked with by Marcus. And being on the run from him being hated by everyone for who u are. Shit I would be suicidal by now. Lol. But down worry his personality will get stronger. CharChar45 ))
" Gather 'round, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the show! Please, take your seats quickly so that the show may begin!" The man was pudgy, looking like a balloon walking on two stilts. His little tiny feet were so small you would wonder how the guy even stood, and his head and arms were just as small as his legs. A crisp black suit with a black blouse under was adorned, with a tall top hat to top it all off. He was the announcer of the show, as well as the organizer and boss.

Enjoyable, positive music boomed from all over. Humans from all over wandered into the enormous tent that the show had taken place. Decorated in vibrant, appealing colors on the outside and dark, ominous colors on the inside, it was quite obvious what it's purpose was for. "We house and display the most thrilling... Horrifying... Powerful... And mysterious creatures known to human man! You will literally jump right out of your seat when you see what we can do... Give a round of applause for Cry, the Vile Dynamo!"

The man scooted on his little toes to make way for whatever were to come before everyone watching. He slipped into the back of the tent, wiping the imaginary sweat off of his face. "The ***** better put on a good show, unlike last time." He slurred, gulping down a cup of alcohol given to him by one of the circus lackeys next to him.

The girl that had just entered to the center of the tent looked severely punished. Gagged, pinioned, blindfolded, and caged. She was rolled there in iron bars by two peacock ladies with considerable body types. All of a sudden the cage opened and the music that played before came to a sudden stop. The two ladies retreated to the back of the tent in a rush so that they wouldn't have to deal with the girl.

The girl stepped forward. Her legs were chained with black iron cuffs of the same substance as the cage. She came out with a large metal ball in her hands. It looked heavy, but the girl didn't seem to think so. She held it with ease, actually. When she stepped into the small light that slipped into the tent, her qualities were revealed. She was dirty all around, her red hair fairly messy although you could see the small effort there was into doing it. Her body wasn't like a bodybuilder, in fact, she looked fairly average with her figure with slim arms and moderate thighs. She wore a tattered slave dress that was cut at arm's length, leg accessories made of a brown fabric, and a long necklace that ended with a piece that seemed to be some kind of gold. She bore no shoes whatsoever.

The girl dropped the metal ball down to the ground and untied the white towel that covered her eyes, revealing those piercing red eyes. Her pupils were slightly snake-like, but the rest of her face that was visible contradicted that. She had to see if she were to do anything to impress the crowd that, at the moment, were hanging off of their chairs to wait for what would happen. They didn't think anything would happen, really. It was just a girl.

The girl took the ball up in her hands again with no effort at all. To show the crowd how heavy it really was, she threw it high in the air and had it land down. It crashed down with a large 'bang', and everyone slipped back into their seats with surprise. She took the ball again, then put it where her talus bone would be on her foot. Slowly but surely, she bounced it around on both of her chained feet. She picked up the pace and eventually brought her knees and her head into the practice. It was like playing with a soccer ball.

"How is she doing that?" The crowd was stunned. "It must be a trick!" Said someone from the crowd. The girl kicked it upwards, lept to it in the air, and kicked it downwards into the stand. People stood up to leave the stands but it wasn't particularly aimed at anyone but an empty seat at the back. That was just too much and everyone leaved but an armored man near the front, who stayed to see what happened next.

"What the hell? What are you doing?" The circus owner from before shouted as he ran up to the girl with a whip. The girl landed and turned around, giving the owner a glare. The owner squealed and slowed down his running until he fell down because of his weight. The girl, otherwise known as Cry before when he announced her, walked slowly towards the man who was now trying to back up in fear.

"Please, please don't hurt me! I'll give you more rations... I'll stop assaulting you! Just please..." "*****?" The girl unraveled the towel around her neck which gave her a small bruise around the area it was on. "Inferior." The way the man was acting was quite pathetic. He was housing her, someone who could very well kill him, and yet the way he was acting before... It was laughable. But those feelings weren't very expressed in Cry's eyes.

"No! No! Please, you shouldn't kill me! You should kill the vampires! Yes, they were the ones who told me to imprison you!" He tried to get off with a lie. He knew she didn't know about vampires, and that nearly all of them were killed. Cry raised an eyebrow. "Vampires?" She gave the man a curious look... But she killed him anyway just by slamming her foot into his minuscule head. Blood splattered all over her right leg. She drew it back. "Vampires... Wonders what they are." She turned and headed out of the tent, not giving much to her bloodied leg right now. The armored man from before followed after her, but made a small detour to go alert King Ark of the happening.
Labrador snuck threw the castle, his quiet foot steps silent as he went from each hallway. He wasn't suppose to be up, his fragile form needed to rest for the night. But Lavrador was restless, his anxiety taking over him as he ran threw his home. The castle had many secret passages, there small corridors barely big enough to fit a child as Lavrador squeezed threw. His pasty white hands, blue eyes and black hair sparkled even in the darkness of the corridor. A smile on his face as we went on a adventure. The sound of loud whisper hit Lavrador as he crawled, his eyes peeking out a vent into the main chamber. He looked curiously into the room as two figures stood, there voices hissing in anger as the argued back and forth.

One yelled at the other his voice cold, breathless words coming from him. "You will start a unnessary war Veloren! .. How can be so sure we would win?.."

The other voice hissed back, his cold red eyes locking on the other. "We won't lose. After all we have the rek bloodline... "

"You are creating a war based on lies, this will not end well.."

"You lack faith.."

"Your killing your own brother by doing this.. Our King will not..."

"Don't speak .. If Ark doesn't kill him.. I will"

The man stood back, a look of surprise at the coldness the man showed, a flickering flame lighting their faces up in the dark room. Labradors eyes flickered as his eyes set on his uncle. His true name being muttered as the two men exited the room. Lavrador sat silent, his eyes widened as he tried to make sense of the scene.

Lavrador gripped his head, his hair being swept back as his knees laid deep in the snow, it's cold wet texture damping his pants. Lavrador memories came in waves to him, re experiencing each memory like a vivid dream. He clenched his fists, slowly pushing himself back to his feet, eyes traced back behind him. He sighed.

The only way up was to climb, the rough jagid rocks, covered by soft yet frozen snow. Lavrador quickly spun around, making his way back, his cold breath hitting the frigid air, steam clouds forming from his mouth. He paused for a moment as Cain screamed out, his hands clenched on his skull as he hunched over. Lavrador walked over quietly, his hand reaching down and gently touching Cains cheek. His marking glowing as he smiled. The pressure slowly releasing from his mind. Lavrador glanced over at Kanin, the outside of his other hand touching her cheek too, the pressure disappaiting with his soft touch. His eyes narrowed slightly before closing them.

Lavrador could feel a pressure pushing into there minds, his teeth grinding against each other as he pushed the presence out.

And just as quickly as the pain came it stopped, but Lavrdor didn't just push him out, he reverse the pull. The pressure pushing back at the oracle as the immense pain seered into his mind. A warning to stay out.

The king swede slightly, his hand gripping his skull as the pressure slowly veered away from him. His teeth grinding as two of his men held on to him. "King!?" Ark pushed the men away and snapped "kill that damn oracle.." He pushed threw his men as he turned walking away, his body boiling with anger as a well armored man walked into the chamber. His eyes tracing the King who looked distressed. The two guards barked orders at the others guards as they ran past the man, the last solider stopping to approach him. "What bushiness do you have?" He glared at the man, his hand gripped on his sword.

(( noir that is ur guy FYI. And goddess I'm making Lavrador push his mind tricks back! Like a boss! And your fine!! ))
At last, Lunatra made her way back to the mountain, Rei's coat tight around her shoulders, her damp hair cascading down her back. The snow crunched under her bare feet, her boots in her hand , barely feeling the cold rushing through her blood. Once she reached the cliff side, she put them on once more, climbing up the side in silence. She looked over to Rei in worry, kneeling by his side, a hand resting on his forehead. She could feel the poison running through his body, rushing through his blood. It was water based, and maybe she could try...

Without even thinking, she pressed both of her hands on Rei's chest, squeezing her eyes shut, focusing on finding the liquid within his system. At last, she found it, a bitter, burning within the sweet flow, strong and slowly taking over. Over her dead body. This poison would not kill Rei, she wouldn't allow it. Finding the liquid, she weaved it through his skin, the poison becoming droplets if sweat, which she took, flinging them over the side of the cliff. Rei relaxed in his sleep, the poison rinsed out of his system, Lunatra wrapping his coat around his body, carefully lifting him and placing him farther back in the cave, so he didn't fall off the edge. Lunatra sighed, plopping down at the cliff side, her feet dangling over the edge, eyes watching the sky.

Archer wrapped his arms around Kanin, holding her close, face buried in her head. "Bloody hell, Kanin, I thought you were dead for all of those years..."

((Sorry it's so short and crappy x-x I did it in a rush before work))
The armored soldier made haste to arrive at the chamber. He was especially sure that the incident he had witnessed was worthy to be given directly to the king who was central in command. The soldier entered the King's chamber taking a slowed halt as he arrived. There were other soldiers there, giving orders to others, probably those in higher command. Upon further examination was the king, appearing before the soldier with a slightly pained look on his face.

The soldier quickly went on his knee. He placed his arm on his other knee in a respectful position, looking up at the one and only king Ark. "Sire," The soldier began, "A potentially hostile and dangerous girl was let loose upon your citizens. She is red-haired and red-eyed, and with a strength that I have never seen before... More powerful than a vampire's, even." He looked back down after he addressed the issue and waited for a response.

((On an iPod again.))
The oracle laughed as he stomped his feet. The books disappearing as well as the orbs. He took of his over coat an showed a horrible scar from his birth. " sorry my wont catch me." A caw was heard as the cottage broke apart. Flying south the transformed oracle moved with haste, and low so he wouldn't be spotted.

Kanin looked away trying to move from his arms, but her body didn't want that. "'m sorry, my mind is in jumbles and im just now starting to fix the pieces. " she looked up at him then back down trying to evade eye contact. He was cute up front, and even from a far. She continued to blush. Cain shifted a little . now going back into a comfortable sleep.
The King looked down to the solider, his eye's tracing him as he bowed his head. "stronger then a vampire.. " It was daylight in the kingdom, so the women who was running lose in the town could not be a vampire. He narrowed his eye's at the solider. His mind weighing the options. The girl must be a dragon then, and to flant her existence in front of the humans would be dangerous. He let out a grunt as he spoke. "Then take care of it... " He raised his hand, two fingers signaling two of his men forward, there uniforms of high ranking generals. "Caster, Mikage.. Settle the situation.. " His tone was even as he turned from the solider, his hard steps sounding as he walked away. His foot steps tapping farther and farther away as he held his sinus.

The two general's looked at each other then to the bowing solider. One solider was a small, petite build and his age is estimated to be between 7 and 13. Mikage, stood only 4 foot 9, slightly rosy skin, a round, child-like face with large, pink eyes, a small nose, a small mouth with thin lips, and long pink hair that reaches his mid-back, tied in a plait. Mikage fringe is parted slightly towards the left, and his bangs almost obscure his right eye. His left bang is tied pack with a small skull-shaped clip. He wore a black eye patch over his right eye. The other solider smiled, Caster had a long face, an angular jaw, a long pointy nose and thin lips. He skin dark, against his black hair, it was rather messy and spiked up, with a long fringe that sweeps to the side of his face. Caster spoke softly, a smile on his face as his voice broke the silence. "So were are we going?.."


(( wonders why everyone is apologizing....)) 
Rei's breathing was heavy, his eyes barely gazing open as a soft cold hand touched him. He smiled, his eye's picturing his beautiful wife. Her gaze looking down on him, her conplection much like Luntras. He grunted as his body sweated, beads falling from him. His mind was fuzzy, his body in deep sleep as he moved to the back of the cave. Another hour passed before Rei opened his eyes, his form sitting up slightly, as his elbows holding his upper body up. He glanced over at Luntra, her strong gaze watching over the horizon.

He grunted as he stood, his breathing still harsh as he made his way next to her, sitting close as he smiled, his eye's gazing down the mountain. He plopped his coat back over her shoulders as he sighed. He glanced over at her, his eye's widening as he turned his body to meet his gaze. Her hair was wet, iced over by the cold air. "W- Were you swimming or something? ..." He lifted his hand and put it on her forehead. She was so cold to the touch. His sudden movement made his head spin, his neck allowing his head to suddenly fall into her shoulder. He grunted again, he still didn't feel good, a feeling of nausea sweeping over him as he rested against her. "Sorry.. I don't feel.. " He pulled away from her shoulder, his posture straightening as he realized who he spoke to. "Nevermind.. " HE looked down the mountain. "I am going to look for Cain.. Stay here.. "

He glanced over at her, his eyes stopping on her icy hair and his eyes sharpened again. "Don't go swimming this time.. " HE glared at her, slowly standing, his weight swaying as he tried to keep his balance. His head felt so dizzy, his weight heavy. Though the poison had been taken from his body, the effects still remained as he shook his head.

((Gonna kidnap her later; I want him to figure out she has her memory first. ;P CharChar45 GoddessOfGod )) 
Lavrador gave a warm smile as Luntra blushed. This moment brought back memories of their childhood. He glanced over at Archer his mind speaking softly. "We need to climb.. " He glanced over at Cain sighing as he lifted up the rather tall man and swung him over his right shoulder. His hands and head resting low on Lavrador's back. His form sunk deeper into the snow as he stood, Cain's added weight making moving more difficult. He looked down to Archer and Kanin, his eyes watching them lightly, a small smile on his face. The needed to move. The horizon would be here soon.. And it wasn't like they were traveling down hill. Lavrador was pushing against time..
Walking behind the king was a small boy. He was hoping the king would turn around. TThe oracle didn't know when to stop so he fused the dirt from the earth then a piece of cain's hair. He formed a small boy that looked like cain and sent him to the king. "mister." The small cain tugged on the king's lower part of the jacket and smiled to him.

"hi mister..i'm lost " The boy was a spitting image of cain. His long hair that covered his right eye. HHHis clothes were long and black. His glare was cold but showed feeling. As the oracle was in the air he could only smile at his creation. Something he had to jot down in his journal. He had to flee for the moment but he knew the king would need him again.
Ark rubbed his head, his knees weakening beneath him, he grunted again as he heard a voice behind him. He winced slightly, his voice soft as he spoke. "C-cain...?" His free hand grazing the long hall, slowly leaning against it and slipping down to the floor. His mind was so wheezy, deep breathing coming from him as he cursed the Oracle in his mind. The oracles presence hurt, like rod that dug deep into your brain, with each push and change created pushing the rod deeper in.

Beads of sweat dripped from the King's brow. The boy tugged at the King's clothes, his glare felt like its could see threw the King's soul. Such treachery this Oracle showed. It angered the King beyond belief, his men arrived at the Oracles home, but he was gone. They scowered the Kingdom searching, as the King crouched in his private quarters wincing in a pain. The King again whispered for Cain, but this time his mind stretching as though his soul searched for him, no matter were in the world he maybe, the King searched.

(( GoddessOfGod What if Marcus "Veloren" was tapping in on the Oracles touch using his connection to seek answers he needed without being noticed. Well noticed by the King, Rei or Cain etc...))
The real cain was still asleep but winced a little. His mind free of the oracle, but it seemed like someting elses was trying to find him. The small boy looked at him smilng. "do you dislike me mister." CCain had sounded like he did years ago. "would you like it if i grew mister." The small boy began to grow in size to when cain was a teenager. " is this better mister." The teenaged body wiped away the sweat from the king using his sleve.

The oracle cakeld as he soared through the sky. "...soon i will be at my peak..i will hand off my teachings and konwing to the princess..then seal myself within the elder tree. " HHe soared then landed onto a clif as he looked up toward the sky, the symbols and items circiling arond him. " then once years pass by again, i will set myself free..then who ever is in power i will go to them..thus repeat the cycle over agin. ((spimds good darktanion)))))))

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