
((Sorry for bit replying... I passed out during my reply last night...)) 
Immense pressure filled her head as Lunatra fell to the ground, clutching her temples and breathing heavily. Wave after wave stormed her mind, thoughts swirling, contradicting one another, slamming into her mentality. Slowly, she started to slip, the small, thin string holding her in place ripping and tearing, straining from the extraneous weight. As tightly as she clung on, the pressure was too much, and the string began to fray. All of the darkness that had consumed Lavrador flooded into her, flooded into her mind and sanity. She let out a scream, falling towards the floor, eyes squeezed shut as she rolled up into a ball, rocking back and forth repeatedly. The string continued to tear, falling lower and lower, struggling to keep her steady. Yet she was falling, and the ground was far beneath her feet. And, at last, the string snapped.

The tears stopped, and, for a moment, there was silence. Then came peals of maniacal laughter. She laughed loud and clear, clutching her stomach as she did so, nearly rolling on the ground. The two vampires stared at her in confusion, crimson eyes glowing in uncertainty. "Now now," she said in a sing song voice, looking up to the two, a malicious grin crossing her face, "Lets play a game, shall we?" She stood, her dark hair shadowing her face as she smiled at the two, a slight mad look in her eyes. One of them shot towards her, a blur of movement so blindingly fast, that no regular human should be able to react in time. Yet, with nearly the same speed, Lunatra ducked under his arm as he swiped out towards her, appearing behind him, eyes glinting in delight.

"I love this game!" she cried gleefully, her hand shooting forward before he could even turn. He froze in place, his spine straightening as Lunatra waggled her fingers, giggling slightly. A pained gasp passed his lips, making her eyes light up like a child's on Christmas. Her hand wasn't even touching him, but remained suspended in the air, her wrist twisting and turning, coming to a stop as a whimper rose from his throat. "Found it," she whispered, jerking her wrist in a swift motion. His eyes widened in shock, then his whole body went limp, falling to the ground. Blood protruded from the corners of his mouth, a sight that made Lunatra smile maniacally, her gaze shifting to the second vampire. He, unlike his ally, backed away slowly, eyes cautious and on her small, slender form. He turned to run, to escape from this mad woman, but she was must faster. In a flash, she blocked his path, smiling sweetly at him before reaching up and snapping his neck in two.

"Oh, you bloody oracle," Archer snarled, running a hand over his dark hair, eyes narrowed as he examined the horizon, letting out a huff of air. Warm rays of sun danced on his skin, and he closed his eyes, letting the glow sweep over him. Then, his eyes flew open as he cursed loudly, spinning on his heel to where Lavrador had been a moment before. "Bloody hell!" He looked around wildly, before raising his nose in the air, letting scents waft through his nostrils. There were winter berries, frosted plums, pine trees covered in snow... Then Lavrador. Archer sped forward, following the trail of his scent, moving in a blur of motion, barely noticing the branches scratching his skin, the snow icing his hair. Then, at last, his scent hit him strong, and Archer knew he was near. He slowed to a quick walk, looking around frantically before finding a tunnel in a mountain, the breath he had been holding coming out in relief. "Lavrador?" he called out, peering inside the tunnel, eyes searching in the dim light.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod
Lavrador gripped the wall, his form slowly collapsing against it. His hands touching its cold wet texture as his head slowly dampened from the running water. His other hand gripped his head, his head felt like it split in to, twisting and turning, then suddenly nothing. His mind which wrenched in pain was light, his emotions that always bundeled, contradicting everything he knew, gone. He quickly grasped at his chest in shock, almost as though to confirm he was really here. His eyes that seemed so weary glistened as a voice sounded at the mouth of the cave. "Lavrador!?.." Lavrador quickly turned his head, his knees slowly lifting himself as he glanced back.

It was Archer. Lavrador contemplated running, but knew if he did, Archer would give chase, and what would it result in? Other then Archer becoming lost in this mountain full of mazes. Lavrador sighed his soft light voice sounding. "Archer.." Lavradors voice seemed to different, like a angel who spoke, his voice pure, unstraned and glowing. As he waited for Archer to find him, his eyes suddenly widening as he realized something. How was Archer here so quickly? Had his blood really given him so much power? So much speed? Lavrador wow'd at the strength his blood gave, but still worried, what were the effects of giving the human body such power? Human bodies were never meant to hold such power, so Lavrador could only hope Archer held back on its use. And suddenly, a screech came to him, his eyes widening once more at the painful scream, his attention narrowing his eyes as he watched carefully down the tunnel.

A scream reached Veloren, his eyes twisting around to see two of his underling being ripped to shreds. While any other vampire might be furious, Veloren only smiled, his fangs providing a scary grin as he turned fully to look at her. A slight buckle came from his mouth, his eyes widening, an expression of gleam on his face, like a child in a toy store. His cold voice broke the immanent silence that took over the cave, his cold eyes locking with hers. "Ahhhh, how interesting. " his eyes narrowed as he walked towards her, the same sound of cold foot steps against wet floor. He stopped in front of her, kneeling slightly to be at her level, his hand raising to gracefully touch her cheek. "Incredible, so much darkness.." His smile thickened as blood from the vampires pooled around him.

"Lunatra was it? .. Join me, and I will give you more power then you ever dreamed. Fight by my side.." His cold, cross voice sent chills down a few vampires who had come to see the commotion, there eyes widening at the bloody site. Veloren could feel the anger, the hate. Her need to kill and take pleasure with each drop of blood she spilt. Her darkness was so much like his own. He had not quite figured out were this darkness had come from, but it did not matter to him. An alliance like this only made him happier as he thought of the possibilities.

Rei's carefully breathing became choked, blood spilling down his throat, each drop immediately being absorbed by his tongue, it flow immediately joining the racing blood that remained in his veins. He felt like he was suffocating, water surrounding him, his lungs unable to catch his breath as he began to cough and choke on the blood. His eyes quickly shot open as he reeled forward, his eyes pale blue as he clenched his bloody teeth. Ice glistened, slowly covering the ground around him, carefully spreading as the temperature dropped.

Rei quickly lunged forward, knocking the princess back as he stood. His hand quickly found Cains side, shoving him against the mountain side his large form causing snow to fall once more. Rei's hand shimmered in ice, his glass like coldness spreading to Cain scale like skin, and just as it touched, the ice quickly melted. Cain body heat alone melted the ice as Cain let out a screech, his screaming sounding more like a taridactal, unlike Cains and Kanin's, it was high pitched, it sound alone threatening their ear drums. "Where is he.." Rei screeched again, his eyes glazing the mountain side. Rei's was cold and withdrawn, even threw out all the years Cain had knew him he had never gone this beserk. Always holding a calm, daring tone.

Caster smiled at Cry, Mikage rolling his eyes as they made their way threw the outer gate. "Yes, Vampires are very dangerous. If you ever see one Cry. Run.." Though the discussion they were having was serious, Caster still held a calming playful voice. Frau still watched the girl suspiciously, his eyes tracing her over and over again. Caster's light tone stopped as a light screeching came to his ears, it's high pitched tone causing him to wince slightly as Frau and Mikage looked to him. "Caster.." Frau said glancing over at him intensely.

"Yes Frau, we need to get there.. " Caster paused for a moment, leaning over and picking up cry, his hand carefully shifting her onto his back. "Hold on for a while. Ok?.." He gave her a gentle smile, then suddenly , her body reeled backwards, wind whirling at her as Caster ran, his body slightly hunched over. Frau and Mikage ran behind him, their pace steady with his. It was to risky to fly, so they ran, there speeds although not as fast as a vampire were still incredible, even the trees didn't know what hit them.

CharChar45 GoddessOfGod C h a t N o i r Original Hylion
As Veleron approached, Lunatra scowled, taking a step away from him, eyes narrowed. A voice, a reasonable one, the one with the tiniest bit of sanity, spoke, the tone calm and controlled. It almost sounded like Rei, with the way how he told her to do something. "Don't trust him," the voice said, "He's a liar. He'll only kill you." For a second, the briefest of ones, she leaned towards that voice, attracted to it like a magnet. Then, another voice spoke, much stronger then the first, one of treachery and villainy. All the things she would enjoy. "Kill him before he kills you. Take the power, take it..." She liked this voice, the one that urged her to kill, this one that urged her to give in fully to this darkness. This voice said to kill, so this voice she listened too. She smiled maliciously at Veleron, and nodded.

The screech filled Archer's ears, sending him to his knees as it attacked his ear drums. Shards of pain shot through his head as he clapped his hands over them, trying to block out the terrible noise, to hold back his screams. His senses were on overdrive, eyes catching every detail, nose burning from the immense amount of smells. All of the sounds were worse. The birds chirping, the breeze ruffling through the pines, snow plopping on the ground. It was all too much, and he let out a cry, curling up in a ball, squeezing his eyes shut. Different images of himself began to flicker through the tunnel, vanishing and reappearing, surrounding him in a way that was almost suffocating. He choked for air, burying his head in his arms, the screeches filling his ears, leaving him light headed and dizzy.
Lavrador flinched slightly at the sound, his hand hovering over his ear as he drowned his senses. His sense sharpened for a moment, his eye's widening as he realized, if Archer had his speed, did he gain his increased senses as well? Lavrador quickly followed the tunnel back, his pace quickened as he slid to a stop in front of Archer. His knee's dropped quickly to the floor, his hands hovering over Archer's ears, his soft voice, cooling in his mind. "Archer, you must drowned out your senses. Tell yourself only to hear what you want to. Dim your hearing, your vision and your sense. Again control. " Lavrador looked at him with concern, his eyes watching him as he bawled in pain.

Veloren tilted his head at her slightly, his eyes narrowing as she nodded to him. He pulled away from her slowly, his hand falling down to his sides as a screeching sound reached him. He glanced down the tunnel, tisking as he heard the sound. "He never dies does he? ... Well its no matter..." He quickly turned and walked town the tunnel back to the room. He spoke lightly as he walked. "Seem's things are about to get interesting Luntra.. " He laughed slightly. "It's light out, so Lavrador will be hiding somewhere.. where the light cannot reach. Retrieve him for me. And in return, I will share my power.. and his too... "

He smirked again. He would turn her, but for now, it was better to have her be able to move in the light. Besides its possible it could kill her. But if it didn't, she would be invaluable. Steps of blood trailed behind him as he walked passed the curious vampires. Their crimson eyes watching there master as he walked past them.

Cry nodded, but the idea that the vampire was dangerous didn't quite process right in her mind. She didn't catch the 'run' part either, but she supposed it was okay. If the time came she would decide... She looked at Frau who was looking her over again. She wondered what he was thinking.

Cry was going to keep going, but a blood-curdling screech reached her ears. She flinched, retreating to Caster's side, who decided it was time to go and took her up onto his back. Soon, they were off, but wind constantly blew in Cry's face, which was her only problem. It was easy to cope with the speed, and she wished they had gone a little faster.

((Sorry sorry~))
Kanin was kjnocked to the ground, the oracle leaving her body, with a goran. Kanin was near the bereserk rage cain was. But a a defense mecinisme, her wings flapped out ward , then wrapped themselves around her like a caccon. HHer tail disappearing as she laid in the snow quietly. The scent of archer and lavador still in the air as the wings around her tightened, restraning her.

CCain continued to move around, the mountain enraged by thie sigt of rei. HHe stopped when someone tired to touch him. He snapped his head toward rei's direction. His teeth baring them at him as steam escaped his mouth. He cocked his herad back as he looked closely. "r..rei"

The oracle kneeld on the cliff as he held his stomach. " their a strong race." The oracle smiled as he looked up. " i would tortue the king some more but, im feeling nice..oh wati no im not...ahaha ill give him a treat thought..that he'd better accept." The oracle blew into the crimmson falme, an image appearing before the king. The boy sat in the cornner of his room sleeping..
The screech filled her ears, and her eyes widened in shock, her whole body turning as she processed the familiar shriek. The small, sane part of her cried in delight, while the madness simply wanted to kill. She was unsure on what side to listen to, what side to take. "Rei..." she whispered softly, the insanity, for a moment, briefly fading from her eyes, replaced by relief, relief to know he was alive. Then, just as fast as it happened, it vanished, replaced by a crooked grin as she giggled, one hand covering her mouth as her dark brown eyes gleamed in glee. She had a mission to complete.

Her body moved so fast, barely anyone managed to spot her twisting and turning through the maze of tunnels. You shouldn't do this, her tiny sane side chastised. She decided to name it Rationality. Why, she did not know. On the other hand, the other voice spoke, it's words like music to her ears. Kill, kill, kill it chanted, swirling through her head like a song. She named this voice Insanity. And Insanity won over the calm, collected voice of Rationality. She brushed the warnings away, excitement dancing in her eyes as the mystical chant filled her mind. Kill kill kill...

Peals of laughter passed her lips as she broke out into the golden rays of the sun, the madness in her eyes at it's peak, shaking her whole body as she ran, shooting past the pines and falling flakes of snow, pausing for only seconds at a time to sniff the air, searching for Lavrador's scent. After a while, she finally caught it, her whole face lighting up as she followed the trail, another scent mixing in. This scent, she was unsure on how to take. For it was the scent of her brother. Was she supposed to attack him too? Rationality said no, pointing out that he was indeed her brother, and her family. But Insanity continued the chant through her mind, the chant of killing.

So she smirked, skipping up to the tunnel, pausing at the entrance, cocking her head to the side. Archer lay withering on the ground, his face buried in his arms, Lavrador beside him, looking at him in concern. Rationality told her to help her brother. Insanity told her to kill him. The two began to argue with one another, waging war in Lunatra's mind as she winced, her hands going to her temples. He's your brother... NO NO, KILL HIM! KILL HIM!... He's family, he loves you, your his sister... KILL HIM, KILL THE DAMN BASTARD! HE ABANDONED YOU! HE LEFT YOU BEHIND! He didn't mean to... it was an accident, he-... KILL HIM! Lunatra gritted her teeth, nails digging into her flesh as the two voices bickered back and forth.

"SHUT UP!" she yelled at last, shaking her head violently, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! AND GET OUT OF MY HEAD, DAMMIT!" The voices fell silent, and silence filled her mind. At that, she laughed, her giggles filling the air as the darkness wrapped tightly around her, trapping her in a bubble of madness. Her hands clutched her stomach as she laughed, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. Was she laughing, or was she crying? Or maybe it was a combination of the two. Whatever it was, it left her laughing even harder, a mixture of sobs and cackles, saltwater drops staining her cheeks.

Everything was swirling in a way that was nauseating, making Archer wanting to throw up. Bile filled his throat as he spun to the side, the motion leaving him dizzy as he struggled to catch his breath. Then he heard Lunatra's voice. At least, it sounded like her voice, but something was off. It was her, but not her. The Celtic accent was not there, yet was. And there were traces of something much darker in her voice, consuming her entirely.

Hesitantly, he looked up, vision blurry as he tried to make out the scene. Lavrador was kneeled beside him, telling him to drown his senses, telling him to control the overkill. But the instruction were not needed any longer. For Archer's full focus was on his sister, who stood there, cackling and crying, clutching her stomach as madness vibrated around her. His eyes widened as he scrambled to his feet, rushing towards her, grabbing her shoulders. "Lunatra!" he cried desperately, trying to find a piece of her within that darkness. Yet, all he felt was pain.

It was so fast, he barely noticed it at first. But then it struck, hard and strong, choking him on his words as he tried to move, tried to do anything. Yet he couldn't, he couldn't do anything. Shock filled him as, slowly, he looked down, seeing his own sister's hand in his chest. "L-Lunatra..." he stuttered, fear filling his eyes as she simply smiled at him, a glint of insanity sparking in her brown hues. She pressed her hand in deeper, slipping her fingers through his rib cage, causing him to cry out in pain, her sharp nails grazing his heart. "C-come b-b-back...." He winced as her nails dug in deeper, suffocating on his own air, his eyes slowly dimming, lids drooping shut.

Seara trembled as everything happened at once, her hands covering her ears as Rei's screeches filled the air, echoing through the forest and mountains, a sound that could be heard from miles away. A scream passed her lips as a bursting pain shot through her left ear, blood protruding from it. Her vision blurred as she clutched her legs to her chest, sobbing silently, clutching her ears tightly, nails digging into her skin. She could hear nothing out of her left side, and she was scared for her right ear. She covered it tightly, but it was no use. More pain shot through her ear, and then, everything was silent.

She could hear nothing. Not the horrifying shrieks, not her own screams as she cried out over and over again, rocking back and forth. She heard no birds chirping, she heard no words spoken, no songs sang. All she could do was see, see the people yelling, see the birds tweeting their songs of delight within the craziness of the day. She could only see Rei shove Cain against the mountain, lips moving as he demanded an answer, desperation filling him. But she could hear nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod
Veloren smirked, his eyes tracing back to the side to watch Luntra take off, a laugh coming from him as he walked. Soon he would have what he wanted. He would have the power to fuel his army. And to think Lavrador's own guardian would be his downfall. It was all to perfect, Lavrador would know now what real pain felt like. He took a sharp left back into the room, on the bed laid a women. She wore a red scarlet dress, a slit up the leg, strapless with long black flowing air that draped the pillows beneath her. Veloren smiled, his eyes tracing her body as he stepped forward, slowly climbing on top of her as he took in her scent. He bent down over her, his tongue tracing her body, from her chest to her neck. Her body pulled towards Veloren in excitement, her lips smiling as he took in his touch. His lips parted as his fangs sank into her neck, blood dripping from her wound as her moaned in pleasure. He lost himself in the lust, a small moan coming from her as she grabbed at his hair, the look of pleasure on his face. Vampires were always like this, everything consumed in feeding, lust and pleasure in each drop of blood.

Lavrador's head spun for a moment as a breeze lifted into the cave, Luntra's smell coming to him. He glanced up, his eyes feasting on Luntra, widening as he took in her form. Her minical smile sent chills down his throat, as Archer turned to look at her. In a flash Archer ran up to her, Lavrador trying to stop him but missed. "Archer.. NO!" His voice screamed, fear, anxiety. Something was wrong, but it was to late. Archer coughed, blood seeping from his rib cage. Lavrador's stomach dropped, butterflies filling him as he screamed. "Noooo... "

Lavrador quickly lunged forward, his hands wrapping around Archer, abruptly pulling him from Luntra's grasp, blood spraying everywhere as her hand ripped out of him. Lavrador quickly pulled Archer away, his form standing between them, one hand holding Archer up by the collar as the other placed in front of Luntra, a motion for her to stay away. Archer slowly dropped to his knee's, Lavrador's eyes watching him carefully, his eyes widening in fear. "Archer.. " His holding hand pulled away from Luntra to quickly grab Archer as he fell. Lavrador fell to his knees with Archer, his body supporting him as a pool of blood seeped into a puddle below them.

Lavrador's mind went blank, something was wrong. All of a sudden the weight of his darked soul lightened. And now Luntra had gone insane, attacking her own brother, like demons had taken over her soul. He grinded his teeth, quickly looking back at Luntra. What did she do?

Rei's lips parted, a full set of razor sharp claws peeked out as he let out another screech. "I will kill him.. " Long white claws grew, his back hunching over slightly as two wings sprouted from his back. Increidable light blue bat like wings slowly formed, their colors matching the snow as he released Cain, allowing his form to whip back on its own feet. He glanced back at Kanin, his teeth grinding as he leaped off the cliff, his form disappearing into the foggy horizon. Light blue scales rose in the fog, a tail whipping up and lashing out of the fog before disappearing once more.

Silence.. That was all that followed as his form disappeared. Rei's fury consumed him. He would kill that bastard, rip his throat from his neck. His long scaled snout snapped at the thought, large dangerous fangs peeking out of hit mouth as cold air came from his nostrils. Rei's form glistened in the light, his form peaking threw the fog wind tossing his hair about as he tired to find Veloren and Luntra. But unlike vampires, his smell was not as sensitive, so he searched blindly, the ground behind him icing over as he soared past.

The moment Caster and the others hit snow, wings sprouted from their backs, Casters wings spreading as the wind beneath them lifted his form, their their bodies soaring threw the mountains. It didn't take them long to find Cain, his form in full view as he roared. They all quickly touched down, there forms retracting as Caster spoke. "Cain.. Calm yourself my brother.. What is going on?" Frau glanced at the pool of blood, his eyes searching for Rei who was no were in site.

Caster bent down slighty allowing Cry to glide off his shoulders, gently touching down the the ground. Mikage laughed at he looked at Kanin, his finger pointed as he giggled "Haha! She looks like a cacoon! " Frau shot a glare at his words, Mikage not caring and still continuing to laugh as he clenched his stomach.

Ark rested on his bed, a hand laying over his eyes as he sighed. A heavy pressure flickered in his head once more. His eyes squinted as he moaned, turning in his bed trying to ignore the illusion. "Leave me Oracle.. Why do you insist on angering me? " His voice was cold, his heart fluttering in his chest as he breathed.

((sorry. Phone, hope its ok ;( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod C h a t N o i r
As usual on bright days as such, the falling snow simply making it worse, the woman left all of her curtains closed tightly shut, making sure not a peep of sunlight could make its way through. The home she lived in, although, was not dull and dark like most other rare vampire homes. Actually, it was filled with light, brought by the burning wax candles scattered throughout the house. It wasn't that she needed them, more like she desired them, desired to be able to see and feel light without burning into a pile of ash. This light was pleasant, bright, yet not too bright, giving her pale skin a golden glow as she sat next to the flame, holding a book in her lap. Her glossy black hair shadowed her face, hiding her glowing crimson eyes and pointed fangs. She usually did do an excellent job at hiding the fact that she was a vampire, but, since home alone, she decided to let the illusion drop.

And, instead of playing the part of a human widow, she read, today, a fantasy novel that rather fascinated her. Next to her sat a goblet filled with a scarlet red liquid, which she sipped with care, licking the stains off of her lips. Of course, it was blood, although the blood of an animal, and not a human. She refused to drink blood from another person, unless it was an absolute necessity, which very rarely happened. She was wealthy enough to have people, ones that helped vampires, go and fetch her a deers blood, which had to be from a male. The females needed to remain alive in order to reproduce. They did so, usually once a week, returning with the blood she needed. As a treat, she gave them money to spend and other such gifts. It was not bribery, although, that kept them loyal to her. It was her calm, cool, collected nature of reason and rationality.

A loud knock echoed through the halls, pulling the woman out of her reading as she looked up and frowned, eyebrows scrunching together. "Is there a Miss Caiside Victoria here?" Slowly, the woman stood, her crimson eyes narrowed and on the door, her footsteps steady and rhythmic. Whoever was at the door knocked again, and the woman tilted her head, raising her hand and lightly touching the knob. "This is Miss Caiside Victoria," she confirmed, the illusion of a human sweeping over her. Her red eyes became a pretty dark blue, and some color appeared in her pale cheeks. She kept her fangs hidden, fingers grazing the knob as she watched the entry way suspiciously. She was not one to get visitors, especially not this time of days. Most left her be, and no one knew her name. So who was this mysterious visitor? "May I ask who you might be?" she said cautiously, tilting her head to the side.

Silence. She took a step away from the door, the illusion around her dropping. Her blue hues became crimson, and her the normal pallor. Then she dashed across the house, muttering curses under her breath. More banging commenced at the door, and she glanced over uneasily, hastily gathering a bag of things. In a flash, she had changed out of her black, fine silk dress and into sturdy traveling clothes. Leather pants with steel-toed boots, a mans thick shirt, with a heavy cloak on top of it all. She took the hood of the cloak and flung it over her head, wrapping the fabric tightly around herself. A blur of her flew through the house, then stopped at the window, a gloved hand hesitating at the curtain. "Get this bloody door open!" The man yelled from outside. So Caiside did the only thing she could. Flinging open the curtain, she crashed through the window, wincing as the suns rays pierced her skin, burning it.

She gritted her teeth, the sun feeling like acid against her face, running at an amazingly fast speed towards the forest. People stared, and some screamed as she flashed past in a blur of black. At last, she reached the safety of the trees, gasping as the shade touched her skin, a sigh of relief passing her lips. She slowed to a steady walk, crimson eyes flickering this way and that, hugging the cloak tightly around her. Raising her nose, she sniffed the air, and the breeze brought no other scent. She was alone.

Archer was yanked from her hand, causing Lunatra to scowl as her gaze followed Lavrador with narrowed eyes. "Now, that's no fun," she said coolly, grabbing his arm and yanking him back, holding him into the rays of the sun, smiling sweetly as the golden light danced on his skin. "This, now this is a fun game!" she giggled, holding him tightly in her powerful grip. Yet, as a dragon's screech filled the air, a confused look past her face. The glint of madness faded, and her grip loosened from around Lavrador's neck. For a moment, just a moment, Rationality took over, and Lunatra blinked, looking up to the sky, muttering a single word, as of it were a question. "Rei?" As fast as it happened, Insanity took its hold, and she shook her head violently, stepping back and clutching her temples. Blood smeared across her cheek as she trembled her eyes flickering this way and that.

"I-I want my mommy..." she whimpered, hugging herself tightly and squeezing her eyes shut. The two voices went on continuously in her head. She let out a shriek, begging for the pain to stop, falling to her knees as the voices continued, growing louder and louder. "Mama, Mama!" she sobbed, clawing at her face, the scratches healing as fast as they came. "Where's my Mama?!" Tears streamed down her face as her whole body shook, the cold air raising goosebumps on her arms. All she could hear was a dragons screech, echoing through the trees. A cry of desperation.

Seara could hear nothing. She did not hear the two men approach, carrying the girl on their backs. All she could do was see them, her ears ringing in pain as she clapped her hands over them, sobbing loudly, screams passing her lips. She was deaf, completely and totally, her ears pounding from the pain. Her healing abilities seemed useless now, since she was unable to use her magic on herself. So she sat there, rocking back and forth, withering in pain, tears running down her cheeks.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod C h a t N o i r Original Hylion

((Hylion, I was thinking maybe Caiside and your chars could run into one another or something? So we can bring your chars in more))
Lavrador's clenched at Archer's wound, his mind repeating over and over. "Heal, heal, heal.. " His anxiety took over as he looked at the wound, hope, praying his blood was enough to heal him. And just as quickly as he managed to pull Archer and himself away, he was pulled back, his grip on Archer breaking as he fell down to the ground. A hard grip came around Lavrador's neck, his breath coming is gasps as he struggled to breath. Luntra pulled him back further, the glistening sun, touching his skin every so gently, and yet not even a second later the ray turned violent. His skin melted like plastic, curling up as blood and flesh slowly found its way to the surface. Deeper and deeper the sun clawed, his face chalked with blood.

He tried to let out a scream, but not noise sounded, his hands gripping at her grasp as the light burned deeper, what was flesh became muscle on the side of his face, then bone. The sun seemed to dig deeper into his cheek, his cheek bone peeking out threw blood and not existence flesh. A tear ran down Lavrador's exposed cheek as the sun nipped at his hand. The entire right side of his body scorched with burned, pain unimaginable filling each and every part of his body as she held him in place.

Lavrador's sense's went wild as he thrashed in her grasp. His leg's kicking up. And no sooner did his senses spin out of control that a shriek came to his ears. His body hunching over in pain from the sound. Her grasp loosened, his body falling from her grasp ,hitting hard against the floor. His upper body falling in to the kindness of the shadow's, while his right three finger's still laid in the light, where their was once beautiful fragile finger's, bone began to come threw, his pinky retaining no flesh, only the selection underneath.

It was times like this he wished he was a lower level vampire, who skin was more tolerant. Instead of seconds to eat to the bone it took minutes. Rei trashed his head as he touched down, his large nostrils expanding as he took in a scent. His eye's moved slightly to a opening in the side of the wall, his large thumps coming closer as he walked. Another screech came from Rei, causing Lavrador to wince, the skin on his face slowly mending. His strength was weak, unable to move the rest of his body from the light as his head spun. "Archer.. " his soft weak voice sounded, as he prayed he would be ok.

Veloren glared at the nearing sound, pulling from the vampiress showing his fangs and blood dripped from his lips. She lay unconscious in his arm's her head wrenched back as he dropped her on the bed. "Luntra.. " He pushed into her mind his eye's narrowing as he looked threw her eye's, blood covered the ground as his eyes feasted on Archer and Lavrador. He gritted his teeth at the site. "We need him alive, he is of no use to me if you scorch off all the flesh that contains his blood... Return with him immediately.. My men will take care of the other insects..." As he spoke three vampires fazed in from the tunnel, blood thirsty eye's watching the entrance, waiting for the dragon to enter.

Another voice entered her head, leaving her clawing at her temples as she sobbed. First there has been two, and now a third? The third sound like Veleron, his voice harsh and snappy, ordering her around like a child. She scowled at this, wiping the tears from her cheeks, still continuously rocking back and forth. "Get out of my head," she snarled out loud, yet sending the retort to Veleron as well, "Get out of my head, dammit!" Another screech filled the air and she winced, her hands clapping over her ears. It was a mix of Rationality and Insanity, screaming in her mind. She couldn't tell the difference between right or wrong. Was there even a difference? Or was it all the same, one unison cycle? "Just kill... Kill them all... Isn't it easier?" Insanity was persuasive, it's voice musical and smooth, sweet like sugar plums. It did sound easier, just going around killing everyone. No more worries, no more fears...

"No.... Not yet... Don't give in," that was Rationality speaking, it's voice gentle and kind, and very much patient. "Think of Rei..." "REI DID THIS TO YOU! He couldn't protect you!" "He tried... He tried to protect you!" Lunatra dug her nails into her skin, her thoughts swirling. She could only see Rei... Healing her from the burns.... Pushing her out the way of the avalanche... Trusting her even when she was being controlled... "Rei also altered your memories, made you forget," Insanity chimed in, "Made you forget your family... Made you forget who you are..." But Rei had done it to protect her... To save her from death. Lunatra squeezed her eyes shut, unconsciousness slowly slipping over her, wrapping her in its shadows.

Darktanion I was thinking she could go in and out of her insanity :P how does that sound? :o ))
Sitting on the ledge of a rocky mountain, far from his burnt down cottage, and the borders between him and the dragon kingdom, the oracle looked down toward the river, taht flowed downwards, the rocks sitting there as if they were nothing, The oracle smiled, happy with his play time, he loved to tsee the king tormented and the daughter lost within her own dream. The symbols that lied for each laid withi him, the crimsson in his lap to make sure the boy he placed in the king's room was still asleep.

The oracle was at peace, till he heard footsteps within the forest. His mind jumped as he thought about the king's gaurd, but then again, the wouldn't be able to find him; not here. He relaxed again till his ears twitched. The snapping of twigs beneath a boot, was coming ever so closer. He tilted his head, but only a little to let his hearing take over. "one, two , one two." HHe spoke as if it was a song. Skipping maybe, somone out for a stroll. "one two two three." No he thoguht, this was a dance. A dance of the crows. He rembered from when he was a child. He would step forward onece then again twice with his other foot. Then once mroe he would step forward , but instead on the same foot, three times. He became cautious, hiding the symbold within his cloak. Slowly he began to move, slowly he began to stand, but was interupted by acvoice, so familiar, it almost made him lose his balance. This tender, yet scary voice. This cool calmed voice.

"oh brother orc..if it isn't you." A tall man stepped from the forest, doing the smae movements he thoguht about in his head. " it is I hamin..i came for justice." The oracle could only laugh to this absurd words. He stood to his feetm his back and sholders cracking from him pushing them back. " Judgment..for what , i have done nothing wrong." HHe stepped forward toward his brother, his body as built as his but not as tall." oh , ireckon with in the books of the crow nesters, you shall not tamper with those minds who have done nothing ill, you shall notabuse your power unless your master deems it so." The oracle shrugged as he looked away, brushing off his cloack from the dirt on the ground. " i have done no such treason." HHHHamin only smiled as he stepped closer. His face hitting the rays of moonlight as he smiled, closing his eyes and tilting his head. " brother ..i am the none and only, hamin. Tje one feared by most , wanted by all..betrayer to his kind..and the darkenss taht overwhelms the light, and the light that slaughters the you think you can lie to me."

"brother i have done no such wrong." Hamim opend his eyes a little. " being away from the family, gave you lack of english..but no worries , you wont be with the family much longer." HHamin pulled his blade from its seeth and walked closer to him. " brother ..hamin please, reconsider..i can give you gold, a head anything." Hamin only laughed as he stood infront of his brother. " i dont not wish for yur useless gold, or the head you promised me when i was six. I don't particulary care for the councial, or this treason of yours had tampered with my messed with my son and Kanin..and please dont make me remind you of the king." The oracle stepped back but hamin incehd forward. " cain..your son." Hamin smiled as he took his blad and held onto the oracle's shoulder. " yes my son." Not enough time to scream, hamin drove the sword through the oracle's neck. The sword piercing even his bones as they craked. "if they are in pain..more than they will not even live in the after life." He kept driving the sword through his throart. An evil smirk crossing over hamins dark sikin. "bye bye." HHHamin then kicked him off the ledge, his body falling into the river that only moved down. With a touch of the oracle's body, the river turned black as a ravens wing. hhamin chuckeld as he walked away. " one tow.." one two three."

"CCAIIN" Cain still locked in his dragon form, looked around, his name being called from all directions. This worried him as the voice was distressed. He quiklyuntransformed back into his human one. Walking around frantically, he didn't realise he had stepped on kanin. A small groan cmae from with in the caccon as it unraveled itself. A small sweet liquid falling from he body as she quickly stands to her feet. Grossed out by this cain backed up alittle, unwatning to touch her. " Kanin." Kanin looked up and gave a pout. " how disgusting..this thing ..liquid juice whatever it is." SHe tried to wipe it off but instead, sepped into her skin. Cain who was first oconcerned with her drew his attention else where. " kanin there goine..archer and lavedor..rei and them." Kanin walked over and hit him lightly on the head with the back of her hand. " no thier just lost..and we need to find them" She went silent as she looked away. " i remeber now..everything, up untill that night..everything" Cain looked at her and carefuly embraced her with a smile. " this is not your fault..i am just happy you have returend to us." Kanin quickly pushed him away, blushing from his actions. " um yea whatever..lets just fine them and go." CCain clapped his hands with joy as he began to folow the trail archer had left. " so,,you and dad." CCain looked up. " haha so you remebered." Kanin smiled as she looked away again." how could i forget." Cain sighed as he walked closer to kanin. " my deepsest concern was that he wasn't that way." Kanin shrugged off the question. " will gifure that out later..but right now we have more issues on our hand..i feel inthe pit of my stomache that somethin's bad going to happen."

cain gave her a sarcastic look when he pointed to the two thathad just landed. " don't theyseem like a problem to." Kanin looked voer, and gave a weird look."kanin..thm..ah wait why were you making fun of the were in one to" HHe walked over, his memory a little hazzy after his rampage. " im fine need to worry."
Cry was humbly patient throughout the ride she had on Cain... That is, until the scenery gradually faded into white. Cry's eyes slowly widened and her pupils shrunk down. She was not used to this. She held on tighter to Cain, for more support, but that didn't help either since, when the white had arrived, they were suddenly hovering above air. Cry had no choice but to look down and see this, she becoming even more afraid. Where was this? Where did the white come from, and why was it all over the place? These, and similar questions, arose in Cry's child-like mind as she started to panic.

She breathed awfully slowly, and heavily, in an attempt to calm herself down. The snow wasn't going to hurt you, and neither was the air as it were perfectly harmless, she thought. But uncertainty kept its tight rein on her, and she kept a tight grip on Cain. It was bittersweet, how they stopped. Cry slid down, being able to touch the ground again, but it was on the snow... That she was afraid of, in a way. With the same frightened eyes she had before, she stared out infront of her in an upright fetal position.
It has been snowing as of late. The little white petals falling from the heavens to blanket the lands with snow, it was quite beautiful to watch, but became more of a bother if anything in these times. A winter meant no harvest, no harvest meant less food, less food meant more hunger. During these times, things were quite morbid. For a vampire who traveled, the snow meant heavier steps, odd shuffling through the snow, and the occasional feeling of numb limbs. What made things worse were the days. As the Sun got higher in the sky, the snow melted then froze again, causing an icy cover to create slippery surface over the lands. It would cause almost anyone to slip and fall, there were some whom even died from it and some maimed. It wasn't only a physical danger but even a physiological danger to some. In areas and places where it was already dangerous, cold, and dark, when the winter came around everything got darker and the cold nights got longer. Conditions like that would make some go insane, and in fact made prominent grounds for vampires to take refuge and make homes for themselves, for they could hunt with near to no bother. For humans, it was practically a freezing hell. In honesty, the cold wasn't all that great either, for vampires it would make it much easier to literally freeze out in the cold.

Due to the danger, a traveling vampire would have to pause for a short time, and perhaps spend a few days at an inn, at least until it was clear enough to make it over to the next town. The man who carried a parasol, who wore tight orange-y robes, who had an exotic sword at his hip would rarely stop, but he was forced to under these conditions. It was far too dangerous to be out here, to be out where the cold takes hold of your limbs. He had experienced the life threatening cold once before and never dared to test his luck or his resistance against the cold again. And thus, he sought out the nearest lone inn, one that was not too visited so no suspicion would fall upon him; a place where there were few, as to keep the hunting crowds away; a place where he could wait in the dark and no one would mind. He wasn't too far from town now, but it wasn't getting overly cold yet, so it was no bother. Although, he would prefer to find a place to stay before the night was to come, as to escape the long dark. He wouldn't want to stay in some cave once again, it was terribly dirty.

Not to far from where the man was now, the echoing of some yelling, then a crashing of a window. It was all quite a ways a away, but thanks to the enhanced senses of his hearing, he could hear every noise as if he were standing only a few feet away. At first the noise hadn't bothered him, for it was none of his concern, but when he felt the heavy and quick succession of footsteps upon the ground, he became much more curious, for he knew no human could move that fast. Being as that was, the man shot his gaze down the path and focused on what was making all the ruckus. A girl darting down the road, moving like an arrow. A vampire obviously, he could tell not just by her speed, but her charring skin in the sunlight revealed everything. She was obviously on the run, and there was no way the man could catch up to her, so he decided to take an angle, as he could see where she would stop. He would take another path to arrive at her destination.

He could guess that she'd sniff him out, but he found no trouble in that, she was probably too weakened now to assault him, and she'd have honestly no where to run. As he arrived from behind the trees, he kept his steady and casual pace. That odd aura that radiated off of him, his appearance of foreigner from some place far off in the world, it bounced from his presence made it clear that he was no mere man. He walked casually towards her, expecting some caution from her but in hope that she would not run or become hostile. When only a feet apart, he lifted his parasol from his shoulder and held it above them. It was mainly positioned over her as to block the patches of sunlight that could break through the thin tree tops. His bright and intense Orange-y red clothes collected and absorbed a majority of the sun's rays pouring down on him, so he was practically dandy.

"Red or black," he spoke but very softly, "wear those colors, they help, I swear."

He nodded to her then diverted his eyes to her body, looking her over to access the damage. She seemed quite fine but perhaps a bit burned. He kept the parasol set over her, at the moment she'd derive the most benefit form it. He looked over her wounds again, he wasn't sure how well she healed.

"Would you like me to clean your burns?" He had done it before, he is on the road and in the daylight a large amount time so he would have to know how to treat burns.

(Sorry for taking so long)
Rei's form slowly shrank, his scales that stood up slowly laying down, its color shifting to a pale skin color, his snout retracted in jolts, sounds of cracking and reconstructing sounding in the low fog. His pale blue eye's pierced threw the fog, its light glow almost seeming celestial and he pushing himself onto his hind legs. His claws slowly cracking, becoming small, as they formed human hands. Quiet sobs came to his ears, his eye's widening as Luntra's distressed voice reached his ears. "Luntra?" His voice was hoarse, his form quickly dashing forward into the cave. Luntra grasped at her head, tears streaming down her face as she cried out.

He slowly walked forward, his eyes watching her carefully, as she muttered to herself. Had she gone made? Rei jolted forward as Luntra collapsed, his hands catching her, his knee's collapsing down to the ground. He pulled her close to his chest, his voice sounding frantic as he spoke. "Luntra? Luntra wake up!" He glanced around, his form blocking the sun over Lavrador's hand.

Lavrador clenched his eye's slowly trying to push his form off the ground. His hand's shook underneath his weight, his hand slowly healing. He glanced over to his hand, his middle finger began to heal, but his pinky and ring finger stayed untouched, a pure skeleton pushing against the ground. He had never been burned by the sun for so long. It would heal wouldn't it? He glanced over and Archer, his body dragging against the ground as he held Archer up, his right hand gracing his cheek, the bone from his two finger's touching his skin. His hand was still covered in blood, attempting to heal, Lavrador gulped his eye's closing as he said. "Please bare with this Archer... "

He slowly removed his hand form Archer's face and slowly dug it into his wound. His hand flowing blood directly into Archer's wound. He would feel the wound slowly closing, healing and mending, with each second he slowly pulled his hand from the wound. His face was almost completely healed, only small traces of red cracks on his face, blood dissipating with all the burns. He smiled down at Archer, his eye's tracing back toward's Luntra who was held carefully in Rei's arms.

Rei glanced up at Lavrador, his pale eye's glowing more intensely. "You did this.. This is your fault you damn insect.. " His voice roared slightly, the cave beginning to shake as Lavrador instinctively pushed away from Rei. his eyes watching him carefully.

Veloren smiled as he saw her vision go black, his mind pushing out her words. He laughed slightly as he pushed into his minion's minds. "Leave them my brothers, it might be better if we wait. I want to see how things will unfold. " He stood from the bed, his hand's slowly placing the women down as he spoke again. "Take the under tunnels out. Today we will leave... " The vampire's tapped in protest, their fangs showing as Veloren spoke. "This is not up for discussion.. LEAVE YOU WELTS" His voice screamed, each of the thousands of vampires that hide in the caves flinching from the sound.

Veloren could feel it. Their were more dragon's near. Not doubt it was the other general's in Ark's army. Now was not the time to attack. He would let this play out, after all Luntra still holds the darkness. She will bring Lavrador to him eventually. He laughed again as he exited the room, his tapping slowly fading deeper into the tunnels. The two vampire's who stood behind Lavrador quickly vanished, their presence unknown to Rei as he looked at Lavrador.

Caster smiled at Cain, stepping forwards. "Cain, were have you been? .. The king seems to have become troubled. He requested we come retrieve you and your company..." Caster glanced around, his lips parting to speak again but got cut off by Frau. "You have the guardian and vampire do you not?.." His stance was cold, straight to the point, his golden eye's locking with Cains.

Cain knew not to take him in a threatening manner though, after all the seven general's that work under King Ark, all considered each other as brothers. They always look after each other. Mikage to cut into the conversation slowly walking up to Kanin poking her arm slightly wondering were the goo went. "This is boring! Were is the action? Where is Rei! He's always were the fight is!.." Mikage looked around for Rei, his eye's looking to the small girl who winced in the corner. "What is that?" He asked pointing to the small girl who shivered behind Cain.

(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod Your ok :P C h a t N o i r Original Hylion ))
Cain crossed his arms and gave a sigh. " well we had them...we got seperated by an avalanch, which seperated me from rei anad his prisoner while ours , lavedor stayed with us..but we lost him to, i think they ran back down the hill." CCain looked over toward kanin who moved Mikages's hand. " Don't poke me." SSShe huffed as she crossed her arms looking away. " the goos was weird i'd rather not bring it up." CCain msmiled then look back at frau and caster.

"you said the king is troubled..what happend." Kanin moved away from mikage giving hi ma weird glare, that was more playful than thretaning. Her wings poping from her back, she pushed mickageawaym using her wings, like a finger and moving him. SShe gigled a little as she looked away down the hill they were on. Cain was unintrested in the little girl , nad only kept his focous on the ones he knew.
As she woke, Lunatra felt someone holding her. The grip was comfortable and familiar, and she let herself fall into it, her body relaxing. Then, just as fast as she relaxed, she tensed again, everything that had just happened hitting her in a wave. What she had done, to her own brother. She jerked back, scrambling away from everyone. "Oh my god...." she whispered, her gaze moving to Archer as her bloody hand flew to her mouth, "What did I do?" Her brother. She had nearly killed her own brother. And now Rei was shouting at Lavrador, accusing him for what she had become. In a flash, she reached out and grabbed his arm, holding him back. "Rei, please, it's not his fault," she said softly, her eyes hardening, "It's my fault for casting the bloody spell, which, even if I did know how to uncast it, I wouldn't." Her gaze met Lavrador's as she said this, a sense of finality in her words.

As the male voice rang in her ears, Caiside let out a yelp of shock, a hand flying to her chest as she spun around to face the man. She hasn't caught his scent, being weak from her burns, but found it now, and nearly sighed in relief when she realized he was a vampire. "Bloody hell, you frightened me," she said, reaching up and pulling down the hood of her cloak. She gave him a grateful look for the parasol, wrapping her arms around herself and stepping under it some more. "And I would be grateful for that," she said honestly at his question about her burns, "Thank you for your courtesy."

Pain shot through Archer's body as he was yanked back, hitting the ground with a thud as blood spilt heavily from his chest. His vision was fading, his heart getting quieter by the second. And, at the point where he was near death, touching the shadows, his body began to heal. The wounds closed, his heart beating faster, pumping the blood through his body. The pain slowly began to vanish, and then, he was gasping, coughing violently as he spun around to his stomach, covered in blood, yet fully healed. His eyes darted up to Rei and Lavrador, Rei spouting out accusations towards him. Archer stepped between the two, immediately regretting the movement, his vision spinning as he struggled to stay standing. "This isn't anyone's fault except whoever the hell took her," Archer snapped, glaring at Rei, "And don't you dare say otherwise."
Rei clenched his eye's, his form quickly falling over Luntra holding her. His grip was tight, his breathing quick as he took her in. "Thank god.. " He pulled away and grazed her cheek as she spoke, her words defending Lavrador. "What blood spell?" He asked slowly standing as offering his hand to help her up. His eye's shot back at Lavrador and Archer, his pale eye's felt like nails to the mind. "Where is Veloren?..." He snapped, his eyes still caught on Lavrador, who unintentionally hid behind Archer.

Archer jumped up causing Lavrador to shutter slightly in surprise. Archer stood in his defense, as Lavrador slowly smiled. Archer's stance became swaying, causing Lavrador to quickly stand, his right hand out stretching to make sure he didn't fall. "Archer... You okay?.." His voice had a sigh of relief, his head suddenly hitting on Archer's back in relief.

Mikage growled at Kanin pushing him away, his eye's in a almost attacking manner. Caster narrowed his eye's, his hand touching Mikage shoulder as a warning. "I see, well we should better find them." Caster gave Kanin a warm smile as Mikage folded his arms in anger for being stopped, a look of pouting on his face. Frau looked to Cain, his serious, yet emotionless demeanor was always so off putting as he spoke. "The Oracle seemed to have over stepped his bounds, the King put out a kill order on him. His location is currently unknown. " Frau was cross and straight to the point, his eye's slowly tracing over to Kanin.

Caster slowly bent down, his hands offering for Cry to get on his back once more, a warm smile to comfort her. Frau raised his palm to look at it, a blue symbol glowing in a crescent moon shape as he did. "Look's like they are in a cave, not far from here... " Frau glanced back at Cain. "We should go, I don't like to be outside of the city for longer then needed. It would have been easier if you had keep the prisoner's with you.. as you were suppose to.. " His gaze was deadly on Cain, his eye's seemed to cut into his very soul as he spoke.

(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod Btw loved your post with Cain's father ;P C h a t N o i r Your fine ;P Original Hylion ))
Rei's hand grazed her cheek and Lunatra smiled. It was a small, sad smile, but a smile all the same. She rested her head against his chest, taking him, his warmth, his scent. "There was a connection, between me and Lavrador," she said softly, her voice oddly calm and collected, "And, Veleron wanted me to use that connection to make him go mad. If I didn't, he would force me to do it anyways, then kill me and my brother." She shuddered slightly at the thought of being controlled, squeezing her eyes shut, "I didn't want Archer dead, and I could never urge Lavrador to go crazy. So I broke the connection. Normally, Lavrador would of gone insane after that happening, but... I absorbed all the darkness within him, everything he had been fighting." She sighed, holding onto Rei tightly. "My god, the things I did..." she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. But she couldn't stay. She knew that, and she also knew she wouldn't stay sane for much longer. Besides, who else could gather information from Veleron? "Rei," she said, at last pulling away, though still holding onto his shoulders like a life line, "I can't stay."

Archer froze as Lunatra spoke, his mouth ajar as she explained what she did. That damn spell. That stupid spell he had to ask about when they were kids. Now she had used it, and she couldn't break it? And now she said she can't stay? She just got her back, and he wasn't planning on losing her again, like he always tended to do. "Lunatra, you're staying with us," he said stubbornly, turning fully to face her, arms crossed over his chest. His gaze flickered over to Rei and his eyes darkened, his voice cold as he spoke, "And you stay away from my sister. I don't want you to lay a finger on her." Lunatra turned to face him at this, placing her hands on her hips, "Archer, shut up, will you? My God, you're so closed minded."

"I don't want you near a dragon."

"I don't care what you want, I can't stay. And do not try telling me what to do for Chrissakes."

"Lunatra, you're staying with us."

"And what happens when I lose my head again? Maybe I'll actually end up killing you." Her voice broke slightly as she said this, Archer falling silent.

"Lunatra, you weren't yourself..." Archer said softly, reaching out to her. She flinched back, too scared to come near him, scared she might hurt him again.

"I have to go back, Archer. It's that, or he kills all of you, and I refuse to let that happen." Her face was set and stubborn, revealing that she had made her decision and no one was going to change it, no matter what they say.
Rei grunted, his teeth grinding as he heard her speak. "How very dense of you Luntra.. " His eyes gave her a slight smile, but still a glint of anger in his eyes. He stood, a glare being shot at Archer as he demanded he stay away from his sister. "Watch your tongue.. " He hissed, his form swiftly turning to face Luntra. "You are not leaving. If Veloren comes again I will kill him. And I will rid you of this darkness... " His eye's narrowed as he looked back to Lavrador.

Rei's anger boiled, he knew it would anger Luntra if he said it, but it was foolish for her to absorb his darkness. After all, he wouldn't live but a few more days. The King would never allow it. Rei spoke "Take me to were Veloren took you Luntra, it was a place deeper then this.. Correct?" He looked to her, his eye's matching with her's as his eye's faded back to green. His old personality seemed to have come back, pushing away his softer side, shouting order's like the general he was.

Lavrador's eye's widened as she spoke, his eye's tearing. "Why Luntra.. Why did you take that evil with you? I could handle it. I could control it.. That darkness was never yours to bare!" His voice was painful, his feet stepping back. His voice made his pain known, but Luntra could not hear him, so their was no point in him even speaking, his voice laying on death ears. It wasn't fair. Lavrador would never let Luntra go back to Veloren.. Never..
Anger flashed in Lunatra's eyes as Rei spoke, spinning to face him, arms dropping to her sides, lips pursed in a thin line. "Rei, do not try to tell me what to do," she said coolly, although she was rather hurt that he refused to listen to her. "I'm not staying. I will go and gather information, and hopefully be sane enough to get it back to you. If you just charge in, he'll kill you. He has thousands of vampires on his side, and I refuse to watch you get hurt again. I want to stand beside you, not over you." She sighed, yanking a hand through her hair, "Please, just trust me, ok? I need you to trust that I will be okay. He won't kill me." Or at least she thought he wouldn't kill her. She just had to convince them the same. "If he wanted me dead, he could of thrown me off the cliff side instead." Her eyes flickered to Archer and Lavrador, then to Rei.

Archer was silent, staring intently at the ground, his hands clenched in fists at his sides. "Rei, step away from my sister," he said coldly, the breeze picking up slightly, whipping back his hair. "Lunatra, you aren't going anywhere. You're staying right here with us, where we can protect you, understood?" Her eyes flashed as he said that, and she gritted her teeth. The two of them never fought, even when they had been kids. And now this argument was between the two of them. "I don't need to be protected, Archer," she snapped, "Now control your temper before you cause a tornado."

"Bloody hell, Lunatra, I just got you back! I don't want to lose you again!" The wind picked up more, whirling around the group wildly as Archer struggled to control his temper, "Dammit Rei, get away from my sister!" He didn't want the dragon touching her, contaminating her.

"I swear to god, Archer, if you don't quit it now I'll have Rei alter my memories again!" The threat hung in the air, silencing Archer as the wind died down. His whole body shook as she stared him down, hands clenched into fists at her sides.

Never had they fought. Not once in their lives. Everything had always been easy between them, more like they were friends rather then brother and sister. And now Archer had a decision. To keep her safe or let her risk her life. Taking a deep breath, he looked up, his gaze moving to Rei. "Do it," he said in defeat, "Alter her memories again, it's the only way she'll stay safe." Lunatra looked to him to shock, then spun to face Rei, taking a step away. "Don't, Rei," she warned, unsure on if he would so it or not, "He'll end up giving them back, anyways. And I won't forgive you if you do." It was slightly childish of her to say that, but she needed them to listen, and if he came a step too close, she would run.
Rei stood silent, his fist's clenched at his sides as they argued. Lavrador looked down at Rei's fists, blood seeping down from his nails digging into his flesh. Lunatra quickly spun around, her eye's locked on Rei, her feet instinctively stepping from him as he stood. "-I wont forgive you if you do." Rei grunted slightly looking up at Luntra, his eye's cold once more. "Return the Darkness Lunatra, your trying to protect something that will die tommorow anyway... Return the darkness, or I will erase everything up until this point.. Including us.." His cold voice sent shivers down Lavrador's back as he watched them argue. "It's me.. or him Lunatra.. "

Rei's hand found its way to Lunatras shoulder, his eyes watching her carefully. "I am sorry Lunatra.. You leave me no choice. Choose... " Lavrador stepped forward, his form being stopped by the light that drew an unpassable light in front of him. She had to give it back, even Lavrador knew she would not be able to hold it back. That pain.. That dark fate, was never meant for her..

Veloren chucked, the sound of his haunting voice chewing at her mind once more. "What will you do Lunatra. The greatest power in the world will not be yours if you return without him. " He raised his hand letting it glide threw his sleek black wavy hair as he laughed again. "Hahahahaha, yes Lunatra.. CHOOSE!" His dark voice faded from her mind, his dark essence still leaving a slight hold on her.

Lavrador watched her flinched slightly, he could tell his uncle was involved. Lavrador quickly closed his eyes, his mind pushing further and further, until finally it reached his uncle. "Stop uncle. Please stop.." Lavrador begged him, his eye's clenching shut as he spoke. "Muahaha, make me Lavrador.. " Lavrador clenched at his head, his skeleton finger's still unhealed as he took a step back, again his voice sounded like a song. "Just when you think hope is lost. And giving up is all you got. Blue turns black, your confidence is cracked. There seems no turning back from here... Sometimes there isn't an obvious explanation. Why the holiest hearts can feel the strongest palpitations ... That's when you can build a bridge of light, That's what turns the wrong so right... That's when you can't give up the fight ...That's when love turns night time into day. That's when loneliness goes away, that's why you gotta be strong tonight. Only love can build us a bridge of light.."

Lavrador clenched at Archer's shoulder, is eye's meeting with his. It was obvious he wanted him to tell Lunatra his words. "When your feet are made of stone And you're convinced that you're all alone. Look at the stars instead of the dark, you'll find your heart shines like the sun. Let's not let our anger get us lost And the need to be right comes with way too high a cost... " His eye's gazed over to Lunatra, sadness filling them as he waited for something, anything to happen.
Cain looked at frau with a glare."you do realize that i had to protect the princess..let alone her loss of took a week to regrain what she had lost." Cain crossed his arms." and three days to get used to it as well." He looked over to kanin who was looking down." you must no understand the situation..this is not some petty pick up delivery, there are other evils at work here..including that bastard oracle."

Kanin looked up and let out a sigh." still out there, he plans to destroy everything. Lavedor's blood can kill us, and now marcus was lost.." Cain looked up shocked." ..marcus " Kanin nodded her head." there was another but i guess he slipped away...and don't blame everything on him..rei was here to." Cain gave her a smile." it is my job as heato take responsibility, no worries kanin we will get them soon." ((lol thanks))
Frau's reaction stayed emotionless, his lips parting slightly as he tilted his head. "The Oracle is being handled. It's no matter, we need to retrieve them immediately. I am sure Rei will have it handled.. " Frau stretched his back shifting as two luscious wings folded out, jet black, bat like wings stretching out, his base with a tint of red as they rose. Their span had to be 6 feet each, the wings carefully flapping in the wind.

Caster looked over to Kanin, a smile coming from him as he spoke. "Do not take Frau so seriously my dear, he is always like this. No one is blaming anyone, the situation in itself is unexpected." Mikage huffed again speaking as the name Marcus lite him up. "Oh who is he? I'll get rid of him! Sounds like a good figh-" "Settle your self Mikage.. " Caster interrupted. "We have to find them first, however my lady, we will need to discuss this 'Marcus' as well. " His smile was sincere, his beautiful black eye's lighting up in the sun. "Mikage, grab that little girl, we need to move ... "

Mikage threw a slight fit at being cut off, reluctantly trotting over to the girl and picking her up. Her quiet sobs annoyed him. "Oh shush.. Stop crying!" Caster shot him another glare causing him to shut his lips unhappily.


GoddessOfGod This is Frau's Dragon form :P

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