
His words felt like a slap in the face. Lunatra yanked away from his grip, biting her cheek to hold back tears. Rei or Lavrador. Both played a major part in her life, both meant the world to her. And now she had to choose one? Or maybe, she could choose both. "I'll return it," she said finally, still keeping her distance from Rei. "On one condition," her gaze rose, eyes connecting with Rei's as she spoke, "No harm, none whatsoever comes to my brother or Lavrador. If something, if anything happens to them, you won't have to worry about an us anymore." Her words were cool and emotionless. Yes, she deeply cared for Rei, but she was also Lavrador's guardian. And she couldn't, wouldn't be with someone who tried to hurt him.

"I made my decision, you bastard," Lunatra sent her thoughts to Veleron, emotions swirling madly through her. She couldn't keep control much longer. "Now get the hell out of my head!" She flinched slightly as she threw up a block, trying to hold back the darkness. It was painful, but bearable, at least until she figured out how to get rid of the damn thing. And she didn't want Veleron in her head anymore, either. She wouldn't be able to hold the block up long, but hopefully it would be long enough.

As Lavrador sent the words to Archer's mind, his eyes widened, realization filling them as he spun to face Lunatra, hastily reciting the lines. He hoped it would work, prayed it would work. Her eyes widened in shock, hands flying to her head as she stumbled back, gritting her teeth in pain. "Lavrador, please tell me that was something to help her?" Archer whispered, looking towards her worriedly.

((Darktanion sorry it's so short x-x on my phone))
Cry didn't bother trying to listen to everyone go over everything. She wouldn't have understood anything anyway, and she was more preoccupied with calming herself down. It was only a different colored ground and scenery.... Nothing would hurt her about it, right? Through peripheral vision, Caster's hand appeared, and she knew it was time to go, which she was anxious for.

Cry climbed up onto Caster's back with her eyes squeezed shut, her arms wrapped around his neck.

((Sorry, sorry... It's gettin' worse now e.e Don't know what 'ta say. ))
Be on in 5 hrs. Off to work. And your fine Chat. It will take a while for ur character to get fully integrated :P
It was odd how kindly she took to a stranger. Perhaps she thought he was someone else. She seemed to instantly know that he was a vampire, she must've had some way of deciphering that he had not yet discovered. He'd have to look into that some time so he could cover it. His aim, although an odd one, was to be discoverable by no one. He wanted nothing to do with his 'kin', he only wanted his own freedom. Whatever way he'd achieve that wasn't exactly decided, but he would find a way, he was sure of it. It may have been odd that a vampire would put his faith in hope, but this man was not like any other. This man had his own ideal, and nothing was going to change his world.

From her phrase 'bloody hell,' he could tell she wasn't a very posh lady, as well he had no idea that phrase was even a thing now and days, or at least he'd rarely heard it. It actually made the man feel a bit old, but he could guess that it more because he was not a worldly type. He traveled a lot sure, but he rarely got a word out, and never hung about to learn anything that's been going on. Sure he would over hear some news or gossip, but being as he was merely a traveler it would have nothing that could aide him. The only thing he looked for was which roads were out and where the next town would be. As a man with no home, barely any money, and barely any belongings to his name, and especially a name that was barely his own, he could not spend his time trying to be new and hip. But on the matters of the next town, perhaps she knew where the nearest inn was, or at least a nice little place he could stay for the night. She seemed quite open and kind, perhaps she would be willing to allow him to stay with her for the night, just a favor for a kinsman. He'd have to bring it up, after all he was helping her out, it would be nice if she could do the same.

Adjusting to hand her the parasol, so he did not need to fuddle with it while he tended to her, he pressed it against her hand, brushing his hand gently against her's in the process. He nodded, as he slipped the parasol into her grip then began digging into his cloak. He soon pulled out a small leather canteen, obviously filled with water. He went over to her side, where he began to pull the clothes away from where the burns had left charred skin. He lifted the small canteen up and sprinkled some of the water down the charred burn, as to clean and remove all the bacteria and dead skin. Once down with that, he gently wiped it dry then searched his cloak again. He had run out of burn ointment quite a while ago, a vampire who was out in the sun a lot needed large amounts because he used it almost nonstop. She'd have to live without it. It still looked quite red, so he wanted to cool it some. He went down to the snow, which was nice and cold, placed some within a leather pouch and placed it over the burn as to cool the rash.

"It will feel better in a moment," he spoke again, "hold this here while I tend to your other burns."

He went onto the next burn and did the same, washed it, dried it, then waited to hold the cold pouch over it. He would wrap each wound once they were all cleaned.

"Do you happen to know the way to a shelter?" He went ahead and asked, "I'd like to find a place to stay, before it got too cold." He looked up to the woman, his tired eyes kindly peering into her's. "I would have to admit that I do not enjoy the freezing weather."
Cain and Kanin followed them, kanin smiling toward casteras she nodded her head. Her wings, burstiing out fully, the black sharp ten feet wings, flapped steadily with the wind. Cain's who was nine feet of wings not far behind kanin opend his as he smiled toward the rest, shaking off fraus mood. " frau you should lighten up a bit." He laughed remebering thetimes, he always told him, he wouldnt get a girl if he kept up the serious look.

Walking through the kingdom's doors, he passed the gaurds, some shovoing them out of the way. HHe was like the regualr father, cranky but loving. His hands on his hips as he opend the door, toward the kings room but looked back toward the gaurd who held the spear. " oh put that down you if you can stike me with such a thing." He scoffed as he went int shutting the door behind him. Sighing he looked toward the cornner seeing the smaller cain. " oh my..his evils are still here..king , oh no this why you've been locked up in here."
Rei looked down at Lunatra, his eyes locking with hers as he sighed pushing back his golden hair as its cool frosted texture ran against the web of his fingers. "Lunatra, I will not harm either of them.. However, if they try to escape .. I will use any means nessary..." He smiled at her, in his heart wrenching as he thought of the truth. Rei would not harm them, but the King was another story. If King Ark decided they would not live another day, it was out of his hands. It hurt him to think that she might hate him. "Tell me Luntra.. If you had to choose.. Between me and them. Who would you choose?" Just as his question stopped, Lunatra clenching her head, a look of pain on her face as a sarin sounded in her head. "Lunatra!" He gasped, his hands outstretching towards her.

Lavrador smiled at Archer his eye's moving to Lunatra. "I am forcing my uncle out..." Just as his voice cut off, he dashed forward. His eyes clenched together in pain as his skin once again touched the light. His form quickly grabbed Lunatra, pulling her close as he slammed his forehead In to her's. her eye's widened slightly as a black aura seemed to transfer into Lavrador. Its smokey yet slimy appearance slowly disappaiting as it touched Lavrador. He smiled, his happy expression snapping off as he fell to the ground, his skin peeling off.

The beating sun felt like a thousand needles on his skin, and as quickly as the burning began, it stopped, shadows moving over his form as its gentle darkness touched softly against his skin. His eye's looked up, beautiful diamond like skins glistened in the sun light, there light, cool texture blocking the sun from Lavrador. Lavrador's eyes widened in surprise as the wings moved slightly, he could not believe it. Rei outstretched him wings, their beautiful like color like snow and diamonds shutting out the blistering sun.

Rei gave Lavrador a stern look, his eyes tracing back to Lunatra. Lavrador gave Rei a weak smile, the shadow's shifting back into his brain, his will pushing them back. His skin healed quickly, his pale red scorched skin shifting back to pale. Lavrador sat on the floor, his head looking down at the icy ground, one leg folded beneath him as the other sat bent, his hands laying in his lap. His white hair covered his eyes, it covered the struggling look that consumed him. It was difficult, to readjust to the darkness, their words clawing at his mind. And yet despite the pain they caused he lifted his head towards Lunatra, his kind eyes offering her comfort as the pain faded from her mind.

Veloren clenched his teeth together, his fist laying deep into the cave wall as a crack seeped up the rigid wall. His crimson eye glowed as he hissed. "Damn you.. How dare you force me out of her mind.." The huffed and continued forward, his histarical demeanor scaring his kin as he walked forward. He had taken the darkness back from her, which to Veloren wasn't bad, but his mood said otherwise. Lavrador watched carefully as the pained look on Luntras face faded away, a sigh of relief coming from him.

Caster smiled as Cain spoke a slight chuckle coming from him as the soared high in the sky. Frau huffed at him, his form slowly touching down a few hundred feet from the cave side. "They are in there.." Frau was short, his hands crossing as he walked forward. Caster and Mikage landed, slowly dropping Cry from his back as he whispered. "Stay close to me.. " he brushed her hair from her face as he stood, his hand grabbing Crys as he tugged her forward. Mikages happy cry came out as he giggled. "Alright! Rei!" He rushed forward, his deep purple wings unlike the others were shredded, bat and skin like texture torn like paper as they retreated into his back.

(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod C h a t N o i r )) 
The King tossed at the sound of someone closing the door, his eye's closing shut. He was convinced it was the Oracle again. His elbow rested under his head, his light hair ruffled by his laying position. He grunted at the sound of someone talking, the voice seeming oddly familiar. Ark pulled up slightly, his body spinning to face off the bed. His cold eye's laying on the man before him. "What is it you want.. " Ark was still unsure as to whether it was the Oracle or not, his eye's tracing up and down the man. But something told him it wasn't, the Oracle never called him Ark.

He stood slowly, his hand rubbing his temple as he walked over to a table, his hand finding a small vose as he slowly poured it into a glass. Its dark brown liquid filling the room with the scent of cherries. He placed the vose down with a thud, his hand grabbing the glass and washing it down his throat.


Casters Dragon Form


At last, her mind was free. A sight of relief passed her lips as the darkness swept itself away from her, going back to Lavrador. Part of her was angered at the fact that he insisted on taking it back, and another part was filled with relief. It had only been for a few hours, but the darkness and weighed down on her, leaving her exhausted as she opened her eyes, falling forward and barely catching herself on a nearby tree. And, before Lavrador could fully take the darkness from her, she held on to the last bit, stubbornly refusing to let it go. Even though it was not a lot, it would help the tiniest to keep the shadows away from his mind. Yet it was not enough to make her go mad.

As the others landed, she looked up, her gaze flickering over them all then landing on the wailing Seara. In a flash, she was by her side, yanking her out of Mikage's grasp, cradling her in her arms. She gave a brief nod to Caster and Frau, not paying them much mind, caressing Seara's hair as the girl sobbed onto her shoulder. Her face was burning hot, sweat trickling down her neck as she cried. Worry filled Lunatra as she held her closer, the heat of her skin burning through her thin clothes. "She's running a fever," Lunatra murmured, chewing on her lip as she rested a cool hand upon her forehead. The girl shivered violently in her arms, and Lunatra took off her coat, wrapping it around the girl desperately, taking her inside the tunnel and resting her in the snow. "You'll be okay," Lunatra insisted, sitting beside her with a smile, "It's just a fever, give it a day and it will go away."

As she sat next to Seara, watching the others quietly, her thoughts spun, mainly around Rei's question. How could she answer that? Archer was her brother. Lavrador and her had been friends for years. And Rei... Well she cares deeply about him. Choosing one or another would be next to impossible. And did he expect her to make a decision so difficult? If anything, she would make sure they all remained safe... Safe from Veleron. She flinched slightly at the thought of his name, incredibly glad he was no longer in her head. He had made her do terrible deeds... She had poisoned Rei... She had nearly killed her brother... Or was that her own doing? Shaking her head, she let out a sigh, exhaustion sweeping over her as her eyes drooped closed. The last thing she saw, although it could of been her imagination, was Rei, standing over Lavrador with his wings spread out, protecting him from the suns rays.

The man seemed odd, even for a vampire. Most vampires had enough sanity to travel at night, yet he travelled in the light of day, carrying around a parasol and a sword. It was indeed a strange sight, something that would draw curiosity towards him, curiosity that could be misleading. Not that it bothered Caiside, it just merely interested her; she never imagined she would run into another vampire out during the day. But here he was, handing her the parasol to hold; which shaded her face from harmful rays; and tending to the burns she had just planned to let heal over time. With his care, they would heal much faster, and for that, she was grateful.

"Thank you," she said with a small smile towards the man. Her wounds were already feeling better because of his care. She was quick to follow his instructions, holding onto the parasol with one hand, then the pack of snow in the other, pressing it against her arm. As he tended to the rest of her burns, he asked if she knew a nearby place for shelter, and smiled slightly at the comment of how he hated the cold. "I believe there is an inn about a mile west of here," she said, adjusting the parasol in her hand, "The people there are kind, and it's not overly expensive. That's the closest one I know of."

Archer leapt forward as Lavrador got trapped in the sunlight, ready to pull him out of the way, to yank him back to the safety if the tunnel. But there was no need, for Rei stood above him, wings outstretched and shading him from the sun. Archer looked to him in shock, his jaw dropping. Never once had he expected that Rei would protect Lavrador in any way, yet here he was now, shading him from the suns harmful rays. At first, Archer wasn't quite sure on how to react, and simply sat there, mouth ajar. Then, at last, he did something useful and scrambled forward, grabbing Lavrador carefully by the arm and helping him into the tunnel he had created. His gaze flickered over to the other dragons as they entered, eyes softening as he spotted Kanin.

"Stay here," he muttered to Lavrador, jumping to his feet and dashing outside. He gave a brief nod to Rei, the most thanks he would probably ever get from him, then focused his attention to the newcomers. He scowled slightly at the sight of them, noting that they all were dragons, except for the small girl on one of their backs. His immediate reaction was to demand who they were, but he bit back his words, watching as one of them greeted Rei in excitement. Instead, he simply skewered them with his narrowed gaze, eyes untrusting, lips pursed in a thin line. The only person he would trust in that group would be Kanin, and he's known her since childhood.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod C h a t N o i r Original Hylion
Cry, once again, was deposited onto the ground infront of the cave. She stepped down with a straight face, looking at the cave infront of them in the same way. Who was there? As compared to Cry's other senses, sight had not been her greatest trait. The steps of someone who was dashing towards them was clearly audible to her, however. She stared out until finally her question was partially answered. She did not know who the man was, but somehow she was pulled to go and investigate him.

Cry took her first step, but was interrupted by Caster. "Stay close to me..." He said, tugging on her arm and pulling her close to him. Cry gave a spoiled look then. She looked up at Caster, actively concerned about the man that had appeared at the front of the cave. He didn't seem to budge. She began whining, pulling for him to let go, and sooner or later she had to use a portion of her strength to get loose. Now free, she trotted towards Archer, the man who had given the group a piercing stare.

Cry's momentum got lower and lower as she had gotten closer and closer. In mere seconds she was right next to Archer, sniffing him for some sort of identification. If he moved aside she would just pursue him and keep going, and if he acted hostile she would not care. After she got a good clue to who he was, she sat down in his viewing range and pointed at Lunatra who cradled the sick girl in her arms, as well as the black-haired girl behind her. "Did not hurt. Not bad."

((I might as well apologize for apologizing so much... xD

Do I have all of this right?))
Lavrador looked up to Rei, who's eye's refused to meet with his, a look of annoyance as his glance concentrated in the near by ground. Lavrador opened his mouth, almost as though he meant to speak, but not before being pulled backwards and rushed back into the safety of the shadows. Archer's movement was careful, his body making sure to cover every inch of his body. The moment they hit the shadow's Archer rushed back out into the violent rays of the sun, Lavrador watching him carefully. His hands shook, his knee's weak as Lavrador slumped down on the ground, the hunger of darkness clawing at his conscious.

Lavrador had always fought with this darkness, cold, harsh and indulging voices pushing, forcing for violence. PErhap's this is what made Lavrador so unsocial, the fear of hurting those around him. Or perhaps it was because he didn't want to get to know anyone. After all, trust isn't easy when you live in a world that despises you. He peeked at his hand, its bone still exposed as he examined it, his hand twisting and turning. The once angelic look on his face was now a look of struggle, more sinister and untrusting. He gripped his fist, the bone feeling weird against his skin as he looked up, his eye's tracing the new comers. Though he wished to be optomistic, the only thought that came to his mind as he looked upon their uniforms was, more dangerous and cruel dragons.

Rei shifted his wings, their forms slowly retracting back into his back as Archer gave him a nod. Rei gave no reaction, his face still holding that annoyed look as he spun around. Mikage ran up to him giggling, his hands outstretched to embrace Rei. Just as Mikage got close his form came to a sudden halt. Caster began to laugh as he looked at the two. Rei had lifted his right foot, its wide form lifted into the air straight into Mikage face. A cruel way to keep him at bay as Mikage hands stayed stretched out, reaching past Rei's foot, his fingers a foot short from reaching Rei;s chest.

Despite this seemingly cruel act Mikage still pushed forward, his face planted against Rei's foot as his fingers flexed in a feeling motion. Frau huffed, his eye's tracing Lunatra as she grabbed at the small girl. His eye's narrowed as she held the girl, his suspicious turning to the man who gave them quite a glare. "Rei, who is the human?" He was short, his arm's crossing in front of him in disapproval. Archer seemed ready to snap back, but before he could Rei spoke, his eye's glaring at Frau in a heart wrenching manner. "A recruit, as was that girl.. IT seem's the journey might have been to much though. "

Lavrador glanced at the girl who came up to Archer, her nose attached to him as she took in his scent. Lavrador had never seen a dragon do that. A breeze pushed towards him, her scent whirling in the wind as he took it in. She didn't smell like a dragon, but then again neither did Kanin when he first met her. Rei foot still in place of Mikage he spoke again, his eyes, facing over the other generals. "What bring's you all here? It is unusual for only one of us to be left at the King's side isnt?" Frau huffed at Rei, glancing at Caster who was still trying to hold back from bursting out laughing.

"You were taking too long. The King got worried, so we are here to escort you the rest of the way. After all you have quite the precious cargo don't you? The princess and that man's son? This isn't just any journey. " Rei gritted his teeth, his foot tossing Mikage back with swift force, his body sliding on the ground. Mikage sat up, his hand on his face as he scald at Rei. "Ow.." He rubbed his nose in disappointment as Rei set down his foot.

"Whatever.. Can't be all that important if you are bring baggage" He glanced at Cry, then over at Cain, a smile as he looked to him. "You okay? " Rei's gesture was obvious, making sure he didn't hurt him when he pinned him against the mountain side earlier.

Rei glanced over at Lunatra as she collasped, his first instinct to run to her held back. He was not suppose to care for her in such a way, to act on emotions infront of the other generals would not be good.

(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod C h a t N o i r )) 
GoddessOfGod I wax thinking Cains dad should be the seventh general. Whatcha think?

CharChar45 Sqwirtal! ))
He remained silent as he dressed her wounds, only nodding and smiling as she answered his question. He never really spoke much, it wasn't like him to add a large amount of dialogue in a matter that he cared little for. That matter being that he wished not to make any friends, he simply wished to help another and be helped in return. And with her answering his question, this deal was set. Once he would be finished dressing her wounds, he would not intend on sticking around for very much longer, he had his own path set and that path he wanted to follow. Although he felt bad for leaving planing to leave her once he was done dressing her burns.

Once each burn was wrapped in a leather dressing, Deo stood back up and nodded to her, letting her get use to the feeling of the wrappings. While letting his left arm rest on his blade's handle again, he reached out with his right hand, only slightly as to let her hand him his parasol. He being as she was all wrapped up, he needed not to spend anymore time there, unless she had anything else to say he would leave her there. He was sure she could care for herself from here, she would have to learn to if she planned on living as a vampire for long.

"Good day, ma'am," he spoke softly, "I would take my leave of you now, I hope your life a long and kind one." He would head to the inn form here, hopefully it wouldn't be far. He wouldn't want the day to end before he got very far.

(Sleepy post =w=, i felt that i needed to get a post up though)
As the girl approached Archer, he looked down, his sharp gaze softening as she spoke. She seemed to have figured out how much he cared about Kanin and Lunatra. One was his sister, the other he promised to marry, and both he would protect with his last breath. His eyes flickered between the two, then back to the girl. He kneeled down to her height, a small smile crossing his lips. "I know you're not bad," he said softly, reaching out and gently ruffling her hair, "What's your name?"

Nightmares plagued her dreams as Lunatra slept. There was no laughter, no smiles, no love, no hope. It was all dark and frightening, looming over her like a shadow. Scarlet blood staining once white walls. Her running, panting heavily, constantly looking behind her, being chased by something, someone, yet never seeing who or what it was. Her parents, laying bloody on the ground as she cried, sobbed, tears staining her cheeks as someone picked her up. She had screamed, she had thrashed, kicking and screaming as she shrieked for her mother and father. Where was her brother? Why did he leave her? Why did he run?

Yet that wasn't even the worse of it. There was her and Rei... happy, even for just a moment. Then came the sarcastic applause, Rei jumping up, his hand thrusting through his chest.... Lunatra sitting there in fear, unable to react, eyes wide, one hand over her mouth as she tried to process everything that was happening in a blur. Rei's bloody form in the snow... if only she had moved faster... if only she wasn't so weak... she could of helped him... she could of avoided becoming Veleron's puppet. Her arms tightened around Seara in her sleep, breath coming out in pained gasps, the nightmares leaving her tossing and turning, clenching her eyes shut.

Silently, Caiside returned the man's parasol to his hand, pulling her cloak tightly around herself. The pain from her burns had completely diminished, thanks to his help, which she smiled at him gratefully for. As he gave her his farewells, she hesitated. "Wait," she called out as he turned to leave, wrapping her arms around herself, "Mind if I join you? At least for just tonight? Then tomorrow we can go our separate ways." Truthfully, she simply did not want to be alone after the events that had just occurred at what had been her home. She was a younger vampire, and not a very strong one at that. Having someone to travel with for the night would comfort her so she was better prepared for tomorrow.

The night had been long, and Adrienne was exhausted. Working on both sides was tiring, but quite useful for her. She gained the information, something she was quite good at, then transferred it to the other side. "Men are so easy to trick," she said with a sigh, resting her head against the trunk of the tree. She herself was a rather stunning woman, with a slender figure easily mistaken for weak. Yet she had much strength, which she freely showed off whenever the opportunity arose. Usually, that quickly taught people not to underestimate her, or her abilities.

She smirked slightly as she watched the sun rise, brushing her silky hair out of her eyes and standing, stretching out her back. She had been given another assignment, one she was gleeful to fulfill. If she succeeded, it would give her a powerful rank, which would give her even more inside information she could use to her advantage. The instructions had been simple. Kill Rei, one of the seven generals in King Ark's army. Rei did not know her, thankfully, and she could care less about his death. Besides, a dragon as herself, so insignificant in Ark's grand scheme, desired power, and that, she would receive.

((Darktanion C h a t N o i r GoddessOfGod Original Hylion))




( lol ok and sorry for slow post had work ill post in a second thoigh) 
Cain laughed as he crossed his arm, his wings restracting back into his back as well. " didn't even feel it, but i bet it will show up tomorrow. He motioned for kanin to stand by him as she was curious in her wings. Poking at them, they were long but bunched in as they began o restract. They felt like rubber, but sking, dry skin with a hit of moistoure spread around it. They were a pretty jet black , and she couldn't take her eyes off of them, Cain looked down and lightly slapped her hand away. " no messing with your wings." Kanin looked up and pouted. Cain smiled and looked back toward rei. " honestly my rampage was your fault you know."

Hamin watched the king's movement. " you don't remember me , it me hamin. Honestly are meeting had to be fate. You had taken in my son i had lost back years ago. I can remeber it like it was yesterday. SSome rouge dragons decided to atttack me and my family. Sadly killing off my wife who was incrediable ill, then raping my daughter and ripping her from shred to shreds. I thought i had grabbed him but soon found out i didn;'t. TTell me my king , how did he survey that evening."

Hamin corssed his legs as he sat in the chair watching the king. " I know he couldn't just have gotten away with his good looks..i mean he does take after me, such a small boy i wonder what he looks like right now." Hamin was steeering off topic till his eyes widend. " oh my going off topic ahah but no i must know ..ark how did cain survive." Hamin narrowed his eyes, awating the kings answer.
Rei huffed at Cain, slowly walked forward to Lunatra who seemed to be in pain. He picked her up carefully, his hands cradling her like a baby, his eyes ever so light on her skin. "Cain, dont blame other's for your actions. Your the one who needs to learn more control. " Rei whirled around and walked back towards the cave, Lunatra dangling in his arms as he entered the shadowy cave. Mikage huffed at him, his arms crossed with a pouting face. "Mikage grab the girl.. " He ordered as he set Lunatra down.

Lavrador looked to her with concern, his eye's watching her carefully. He went to stand and go next to her but not before Rei snapped at him, his mouth of teeth warning him to stay away. LAvrador scrunched his brows, retreating into a dark corner as the other general's entered. Frau's eyes shot immediatly to Lavrador, his nose scrunching in disgust as he turned to Rei.

"You do not have it chained?"

"There is no need Frau, we have come to an understanding..."

"What possible understanding could have you come too?" Frau hissed, causing Rei to straighten his back in a show of anger.

"Enough you too.. " Caster immediately inturpted, pushing Frau aside as he entered the cave. "We should investigation this place.. Not bicker like children.. " Caster smiled that them, as they slowly loosened their postures.

Rei turned to Cain, a sigh coming from him as he rubbed his temples. "Let's just hurry.. I'm tired of this journey already.

Mikage walked in the cave, the small girl in his hands. He set her down in the corner and turned to Frau. "Frau we should check it out! Maybe there is something to kill!"

Mikages excitement caused Caster to smile.

"Fine!" Frau snapped, quickly walking towards Lavrador. He quickly grabbed him up, his grip tight around his left wrist as he forced him to his feet. "Then Caster you stay here. I think it is best we take this thing with us though.. " Caster nodded to Frau, who pressed forward dragging Lavrador behind, his small hand clawing at Frau's grip.

Ark took a deep gulp, his motion stopping for a moment as he looked towards the man. "Yes I remember you.. It has been a long while.. " He set down the glass with a thud, slowly turning to fully face the man. The man's words seemed to irritate the King, his form whirling around and walking back to the bed as he sat upon it. "Your son.. " He paused for a moment, his mind reeling back to the past. He had met Cain right before the war, such a sweet innocent kid. He let out a groan as he thought about it. He didn't save Cain. He wasn't there... It was Rohan who did. He stumbled upon the boy who was being attacked by dragons. He bore his fang's at them killing all of the intruders. He was too late to save the mother and daughter. But just in time for Cain. Rohan had taken Cain to Ark, and asked for his help. He was injured badly, and Rohan had no knowledge to help a dragon.

At the time Rohan was not to be out of the Castle, so he turned immediately. It was Cain who had awoken as mistook him for Rohan.... Rohan.. His mind ached as he spoke. "An old friend helped him, I merely had the resources that he did not to help your son heal. " Ark sighed his head lifting to look at Hamin. "Why does it suddenly interest you? .. It is unusual for you to linger in dragon territory is it not?" He eye'd him carefully, a look of suspicion in his eyes.

GoddessOfGod CharChar45
CCain nodded as kanin Went over to frau. Her eyes enraged toward the action take on lavedor. " release your grip on him." Her voice was serious and sounded a little like the kings. " he is my friend and you will treat him like he is one of us." She was stronger than the generals and more fierece, but still lacking in her abilities she was a little weak on her magic so she was hopping she didn't have to use it.

"why am i intrested." HHamin looked away letting out a sigh. " Lets see..after killing off my know the oracle, i looked into things. His targets and everything. Cain has strong feeling for you, no this rohan person..if it's one thing i know it's my son's heart.I was able to see what has happend from the time he came to you and now. You are very misinformed my king." He chuckeld looking back toward the king. " do not assume so much."
Frau halted, his eye's beaming over to Kanin. "I take my order's from the King.. Not you. You think you can all of a sudden appear out of no were and order me around? I think not... You have a problem with my actions princess. I suggest you take it up with him.. " His cold eye's set upon her, his hand yanking Lavrador forward once more as his voice echoed into the long dark tunnel. "He wont be harmed.. Not yet.. " His voice was noble sounding, like that of an angelic angel, yet deadly at the same time. Frau was not one to anger, always straight to the point and emotionless. Rei sighed, slowly following down the tunnel, their tapping foot steps breaking the acquired silence that Frau's cruel voice left behind.

Mikage popped up and ran over to Kanin, his hand's yanking her towards him. His strength was incredible, almost pulling her off her feet. "Besides lady. That girl looks like shes gonna die.. " Mikage small hand pointed to Seara who lay on the ground panting. Her skin wrapped in a fire like tempature.

Ark lifted his head in surprise. "You killed the Oracle? I suppose this makes you a god send.. " He smiled at Hamin, his lips parting to speak again. "I had a kill order on him, glad to hear it has been for-filled. " He stood and walked over to Hamin, his hand grabbing his to shake it. His grip pulled Hamin close as he spoke. "A crush? It seems that dream wont quite go how he was expecting... That man is dead.. Died a long time ago.." Ark released his grip and walked over to a large balcony that stood on the opposite side of the room, the soft breeze tossing his hair. "Tell me Hamin, what really brought you here? You seem to think you know things I do not... Care to enlighten me??.. " His eyes peeked back at Hamin, draps lashing in the wind blocking most of his vision as he stood.

Kanin forcefuly moved mikage away with her hand, pushing him off. If it's one thing she knew it was her strength. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree she thought to herself. She was annoyed no she was angry with him. It wasn't her fault this happend, so why blame it on her. Cain frowned a little walking onver to kanin. Reaaching out his hand she slapped away. Her eyes red with fury. " do not touch me you." She ran past them , her body small so she could fit. " I should have stayed a vampire..better yet i should have just DIED." Cain stopped his heart dropping to her comment. His glare went straight for the back of frus head. " dumb you see what you did..she is not in control of her power..what happens if she rages..youi know theres always a line to your emoitonlesspersonality frau."

"so easy to catch on ahhah my king." Hamin looked back toward him with a smile. " our dear kanin was sure you know that already..but do you know who did this, where, how , when..waht power they used. " He chuckeld as he looked away toward the door. " Ever heard of a man known as Marcus." HHe waited wondering if he did, he knew little about him but enough to know that he's a hreat. As he waites he flet somthing pop. " ..ah ah you child has been angred ark..why do you keep such generals..i wonder if he's going to apologize." 
Frau halted, his sudden stop causing Lavrador to run into his back. He stumbled back slighty, moving his nose as he rubbed it with his free hand. "You are the fool Cain, who bends so easily, your will.." He spun around, in the process tossing Lavrador to the side, Rei's hard chest stopping him suddenly. His strong arms wrapping lightly around him to hold him a bay. "Be careful you too, it will be troublesome if you collapse this tunnel.." Rei's warning caused Frau to twitch, his eye's still stuck on Kanin.

"Princess, I will not give in to your tantrum. There are things you do not yet understand. This world will not bend to your will. " Frau held out his finger in a waiting motion, his eye's meeting with Kanin's. "Understand that if you pick this fight, you will more likely injure him in the process. So you can choose. You will either stop and control yourself, or you will fight me and threaten his life by collapsing this cave... If the mountain doesn't kill him.. The sun will... " His words caused Mikage to light up, a smile on his face as he antissiapted the fight.

Rei shook his head as Lavrador looked to Kanin, his hands held up, blocked by Rei, but still his gesture was clear. "It's okay.. " He gave her a warm smile, trying to comfort her as he anger boiled over.

Ark sat for a moment thinking, letting the name pass his mind. "Can't say I have heard of him. If he is a threat.. Then my generals will take care of it..." He smiled, as her gazed over at the horizon. "And I do not choose my general's based on personality.. More over loyalty. Wouldn't you say that is a bit more important? I am sure my generals can handle themselves... I trust their judgment.. Kanin should know better then to challenge my generals. After all.. They move, only to perfect my wishes..." He leaned against the balcony, his back against the railing as he faced Harmin. "Tell me Harmin, were does your loyalty lie?"

Cry smiled a bit, her eyes flickering between open and closed as she was pat on the head. The mere touch had became something she had expected ever since two hours ago. She gradually gotten the idea that it was something positive. Was what she did good?

Cry looked up at Archer, who had previously knelt down to be at eye level with her sitting self. "What's your name?" He asked. For a moment, Cry had a look of surprise on her face. Now that she thought about it, she had acted in the same way as Caster had when they met some time ago. "Name is Cry." She responded accordingly, tilting her head oddly at him.
"Nice to meet you, Cry," Archer said with a grin, rising to his feet and looking up, scowling as he saw one of the dragons pick Kanin up. He looked away, gritting his teeth, watching out of the corner of his eye as Frau and her argued. The man was strangely calm, a cool harsh demeanor to his voice. Archer narrowed his eyes, gently pushing Cry behind him. "Stay here," he muttered, unsure if she would listen or not, then running forward, stepping between Kanin and the general. Probably not the wisest move on his part, but he also didn't appreciate him speaking to her as such. "Is there a problem here?" he asked coolly, his gaze locked onto Frau, a single brow arched upwards. "I believe the princess has a right to deliver orders. So, let go of the vampire. He can stay here."

He glanced over to Lavrador, deciding to ignore his request, and making sure he stayed in the safety of the tunnels. His expression clearly said one thing; don't argue, and deal with it. "Rei can watch him. He is reliable, and will keep the vampire in here." Even Archer had not expected to ever hear those words pass his lips. They had just come out, as if not by his own will. But they were his words, and, oddly enough, he meant them. Maybe it was the way he had protected Lavrador from the suns rays. Maybe it was the way he treated his sister. Maybe it was how he looked at her. A part of him, although quite small, had begun to trust him. Just the teensiest, tiniest bit. At the very least, he trusted him more then anyone else, besides Kanin, Lavrador, or Lunatra. It was enough to where he would rather have him watch Lavrador then this Frau.

"Time to put on a show," Adrienne said with a sigh, rolling her shoulders and standing, dusting off the white snow from her satin black dress. It clung to her body in all the right places, revealing more then any modest gown ever would. At the neck, it scooped down rather low, with silky dark locks falling over it, hiding the smooth, pale skin. She also wore an amulet, one that had been her mothers, a dark, bold ruby framed with black diamonds. It was a beautiful piece, one that simply enhanced her stunning figure. Most men fell to their knees drooling over her, kissing her feet as she walked past, pushing them away in disgust. Seduction was her speciality, her skill, her talent that she used profusely. And she would emphasize this act today.

"Hey! Witch!" Adrienne smirked slightly as the men called out to her, waving their torches and pitch forks. Witch, what a fitting name she had earned! Slowly, she turned to face them, yawning loudly and stretching, her ice blue eyes glittering as her gaze skewered over them all. "Good day, gentlemen," she said smoothly, her hair falling past her shoulder as she spoke, "May I help you?" At that moment, they all began shouting accusations, saying she did this and that, all of which were true. But she was no witch. Just a dragon, a dragon of shadows and darkness. One who rather despised the other dragons, who had ignored her, segregated her from any friend she could of made. Now she was out to seek vengeance, to prove she was capable of holding power.

"Oh please, be quiet," she sighed, waving her hand as their mouths all snapped shut, fear dancing in their eyes. "Now, go ahead and chase the wretched witch you all hate," she ordered, her voice cool and hard, "For she is indeed the evil villain you make her out to be." Once again, she waved her hand, and they all stood their, blinking blankly at her. "Get her!" one of them finally yelled after a long moment of silence. Adrienne faked a terrified scream, a rather convincing one at that, then spun on her heel, sprinting madly through the trees. She put fear on her face, panic and desperation in her movements, her feet bare and dirty as she ran. "Help! Somebody help me!" she cried, filling her eyes with tears. She was quite the actress, and her little show would convince anyone of her being a poor damsel in distress. How wrong they would be.
Forcefully pushing mickage away with her hand, she walked over to frau and glared at him. Her eyes enraged as she spoke low but cold. " If i had my full power back..i would slaughter you whole, rip you limb from limb then burn you without giving you a is not my fault i was kidnapped" Cain walked up trying to grab her by the shoulder but Kanin slapped his hands away." ENOUGHHHHH" She disregarded lavedors attempt to call her down. A tantrum, is this how they treat the kings daughter. She would have been better off a vampire, at least her family and friends were decent and nice."im leaving." She shoved passed him not caring if they followed. s soon as she exited the cave she took off , her wings spreading out as they went toward the east. ".tsk Where is the damn oracle..when you need him, i think his illusions will be more helping." Cain stood there, annoyed with what had happend. Kanin the princess had left , he punched the wall as he bn to walk out of the cave. " which is more important i wonder..the boy whos blood can kill us or the princess who we thoguht had died long enoug." He exited the cave and stood outside, trying to see which way she went.

My loyalty lies with my son, you and kanin..but a good bit of it lies with kanin and ain. There generation is better than ours and id rather not see them upset or hurt..hince why i killed the oracle..not because of your orders. I had no such knowings that you had passed that law." Hamin stood to his feet as he looked toward the door. He closed his eyes taking deep breaths. " ..i am a father, it is only naturamy loyalty is toward them..and since that day i met kanin.Ive been strong willed unlike any ive seen before." Hamin stopped breathing as he transmitted a message from him to cain. Cain heaad felt like it split in two as he held it. Hamin speaking out loud but also to cain. " retrieve kanin, and bring her back..or will you fail like you did last time...know your prioties."
Frau's eye's narrowed, a evil smile coming from him as spoke. His hand gripped the blade at his side, slowly pulling it from it's holster. The shinning blade glimmering in the small light. "Dont say that Cain.. Or else I might just kill him now.. " He lifted the blade, its cold metal stretching across to Lavrador, pressure on his neck. Lavrador glared at Frau, his eye's holding an omunious stare. "Such incredible eyes.." Frau's voice snapped, as Rei gently touched the blade pushing it back from Lavrador. "It is enough Frau.. I will come with you.. We need to figure out things quickly. You angering her will not solve anything... "

Frau grunted, his blade being pulled back and carefully sheathed. "Very well.. Let's make haste.. " Frau walked past Rei, his eyes glaring at Lavrador as he passed.

Rei glanced back at Cain as he exited the cave. "Cain find her. We will be back.. " He whirled around pushing Lavrador forward to follow Frau. Lavrador glanced back, his eye's locking on Archer. "Must find her.. Dangerous mountains.. Kill.. " His speech had become chunky again, almost like he put so much effort in holding back the darkness that he couldn't speak properly.

Ark tilted his head. "Perhaps you would like to become on of my generals? ..." He pushed off the railing as his eye's narrowed. "Worry not, my daughter is hot tempered .. but she will learn.. " He smiled slightly as he spoke. His words were vague, but obvious to Harmin. Frau had direct order's from the King to act this way. Frau's order's was the vampire, while Cain's was the princess. The other general's were back up. No matter how much it angered his daughter, he would not give in to her selfishness. This vampire was beyond her help, after all, his life meant their death. The decision for him was easy.
Kanin landed near a river and afew trees. She was close to a village nearby, so she decided to sit down and cool off. Her wings flapped furiously as she flicked some of the rocks into the river. Cain nodded his head as he took off toward kanin. Kanin ear's twitched as she closed her eyes, her posture was not sitting up with her legs crossed. She inhaled and stayed quiet. "where..are you." kanin leaving made him regret meeting and following the others. Kanin meditated as she breathed in and out.

" be one of your gnereals." He looked back, with a small smile. "..why would you want me ..just a question, of course i'll be one , i just want to know your reason." He felt that cain left and left a smile. "your daughter is strong, ark..and i thought you only created weaklings." He chuckeld making a small joke. 
"That's just the question isn't it? .. Why.. Why have a army in the first place? Why eliminate the entire vampire race? Why take the throne that once belonged to a friend. Perhaps it is power.. Or perhaps peace. Either way.. I need u, I need ur power to finally end this war. To protect my daughter and ur son.. " ark sighed pushing himself from the railing and walking back into the room.

"You may think that selfish.. But I will do anything I have to.. Once that vampire gets here, and I preform the ritual.. This war will be all but won.. And we can all finally rest..." Ark looked over to Harmin, his hand pushing back his hair. Ark always seemed dark, yet in a higher light, his action selfish .. Yet not. But what was it that drove him here? What happened for his mind to hate vampires so much..
Cry was sure to have found a new friend of sorts, one she knew wasn't that bad. In just a moment, he had stood up again and told her not to leave, pushing her behind him. Cry was confused, and she constantly was since she was introduced to a whole new sphere of a world.

She turned around. It seemed he had attempted to get the other person, who was being pushed by another person, to stay in the cave. He was horribly ignored. Cry looked at the hostage, somewhat getting the idea that he was a vampire. Vampires were bad, right? Then how come he was being defended?

She looked at Archer. He defending the vampire, he wasn't much of a bad guy. Determined and stubborn with hints of caring and sweetness that she had just witnessed, he was probably the only one she identified. Ruling over her current information she stood up. She knew what to do.

Cry ran over to them, stepping infront of Rei and turning towards him. She held her hands out in the hopes that he would stop. "Doesn't understand. Vampires bad, but vampires helpless... Why?"

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