
As her eyes were locked with valer, she heard a roar from far off. Only her head moved but valer's stood still. A crow no a dragon. She let go of valer's hand, but as she did he faded away. She looked back then toward the ground where there was an old man's boy burned to ashes. She backed away clenching her fist, but bumped into a man. She turned around and it was marcus. She screamed out ,but only in her dream. As she tired to run away, she only ran into the village there were previously in. Her eyes moved around frantically as she tired to figure out what was happening.

A caw was heard behind her back. Quickly she swung her hand smacking the crow away from her. As she started to run again, she ran into a small figure. that you, pleas help. I's confused. She smiled lightly as she ran toward valer or what appeared to be him. Getting closer she could see the image clearer. It wasn't valer but someone else. A he has an appearance of a vampire though.

She backed away more, putting up her hand to motion him to stop. As she looked her hand had claws, and their were scales everywhere. What was happening she thought, why now, why me. What am I. She covered her eyes and crouched down trying to come back to herself. The room went dark and everything went silent. "Kanin..honey, sweety no matter what happen's ..we'l lalways be here for you." He ears twitched as she looked up. Her family from before, the one she left were standing side by side with a smile, as their hands reached out toward her. A smile crept on her face till, there body began to fade. She reached out for them, but just like valer they disappeared. She looked down again and covered her eyes once more. She was in pain and all she wanted was for this dream to end.
Valer frowned at Archer, his eyes still gazing on him steadily. The day passed quickly, its intense heat and shinning rays lighting up the globe. Archer didn't seem to respond to Valer much after brushing off his apology. And Valer didn't push Archer any further to respond. He merely bushed away his words, his back leaning against the ruff hard cave wall, its rocks digging in to his back. Lunatra had returned late into the day, a feverish girl clenched in her arms. Rei showed no concern, his words testing Luntra to see if she had attacked the girl. With the touch of his finger, he healed her to, her wounds closing, iced over like the cold winter frost, only to melt away, leaving no wounds in site.

The girl passed out, her exhaustion consuming her. Night soon fell, Rei eagerly waited for the others to wake. Cain seemed keen on not waking Kanin, his light touch picking her up gently and gracefully walking out of the cave. Luntra had her arms wrapped around the sleeping girl, her soft touch conferting the girl as she smiled. Rei had Lunatra lead them, pushing towards the camp. Just as Valer and Archer had expected, he was quite forceful pushing them out of the cave. Valer stumbled every couple of feet, his legs having a hard time carrying him. His wounded torso seeping blood down his leg.

Rei walked closely behind them, his painful glare percing into there skulls. It wasn't long until they reached the camp. The men happy to see Cain and Rei, but a look of disgust that they had brought a Vampire and a vampire aid with them. Rei made sure to chain Valer and Archer inside a tent, his glare looking at Valer who seemed to be doing oddly well for the dose he had given him. Rei brushed aside the feeling, ordering two men to keep watch. Cain and Kanin sat in another tent, Cain carefully caring for Kanin hoping she might wake soon. Luntra and the young girl sat across from them, the girl slowly seeming to react better in her sleep as they settled.

The sound of clanking chains echoed in the tent as Valer moved his foot, a small tight clasp wrapped tightly around his foot, its metal digging into his flesh. He looked down at the dry ground, his demeanor was spacey, as though his mind had wandered somewhere else. He felt lonely, and he felt Archer didn't want to socialize with him, which didn't surprise him really. Valer should be used to it...Shouldn't he? Valer couldn't help but keep looking up at Archer, his face having a sense of familiarity in it as he sat besides him.

(( CharChar45 stop doubting your posts. They are fine. Great actually. I am not a picky GM >.>

Char Rps are better when people take the risk of changing and adding to the story!! ))

GoddessOfGod Love it ;P ))
Cain sat watching Kanin. In her mind a voice was heard. Kanin looked up from her crouched position. A blurry image was talking to her. " It's time to wake up now, can't stay here forever." A flash of light passed and kanin slowly opened her eyes. It was blurry at first but her sight came back. She turned her head to the side as she looked toward a male with long black hair. ""

Cain looked over and gave a smile. With excitement her yelled out to rei. "REI REI.SHE IS AWAKE." He smiled toward kanin and lifted her body from the ground and into his lap. " are you feeling better..oh we've missed you so much. " He smiled almost breaking into tears. She looked normal. Her hair was black again and her eyes were crimson red. Kanin looked up toward him. She was confused but something told her , that she knew him.

Kanin's mind was in jumbles, and she couldn't think straight. She continued to study him. Wondering why he was holding her in such a way. He was odd , but his scent didn't bother herm or warn her of him being a danger. The only thing that scared her the most was the fact, that she smelt of a dragon.
Once they arrived at camp, Lunatra let out a sigh of relief, her gaze sharp and stern as it swept over the men she was in charge with, shoulders straight and chin high as she strode past them, Seara in her arms. The men stared at her in shock, some rubbing their eyes as she walked past, muttering under their breaths. One man in particular seemed to be interested by her, by the change that had come over her. He scowled slightly, running a hand over his hair, eyes narrowed and on her back. He was one of the few who knew of her altered memories, and made sure she stayed in check, and right now, something was slightly... Off.

Lunatra didn't even see the man follow her, she didn't notice as he stood "guard" outside the tent she entered, the one with Cain and Kanin. She sat across from them, still holding the girl in her arms, resting her head against the tents pole. For a while, all was quiet except for Cain's soothing words as he tended to the princess. Then, there was sudden excitement, Cain shouting loudly with a smile crossing his face. "REI! REI! SHE IS AWAKE!" Lunatra winced slightly at the volume of his voice, although she couldn't help but smile. She adjusted Seara to where she could see both the princess and Cain, tilting her head in curiosity. She herself had never seen the princess before now, but had heard many stories about her. Good and bad. Bad? she shook her head at herself, a small frown crossing her lips. She had never heard anything bad about the princess, only good.

"You don't remember anything, do you?" Archer asked, seemingly out of the blue, his gaze flickering over to Valer. The shackle on his ankle was annoying and noisy, the rusty metal digging into his flesh. He ran his fingers over it, scratching at the skin around it. The metal was copper from rust, itchy and irritable. Archer tugged at it, then paused, his eyes moving to the chain. It seemed rather weak and flimsy, easy to break. Archer didn't even think first. He just acted, which tended to work best for him. "Cover your nose," he warned Valer, reaching in his boot and pulling out the broken blade. He then sawed it continuously through the chain, keeping his gaze on the tent flap in case anyone decided to drop in. Then, at last, the chain snapped, relinquishing its hold from the cuffs around both of their ankles. Archer did a mental fist pump, a grin spreading across his face. "Alright mate," he whispered to Valer, "Lets get the hell out of here."

((Darktanion sorry, Rpnation flipped out on me last night x.x stupid frickin errors :P and I'm a perfectionists, I feel like my posts have to be perfect :P ))
Valer sat quietly, his knees bent into his chest, one hand clenching his wound as the other held his knees together. Archer suddenly speaking caused Valer to jump forward slightly. He didn't expect him to speak to him. His weak and gentle eyes gazed over at Archer, a look of curiosity sweeping him. He looked down trying to think, his mind coming up blank. He traced his nails gently in the dirt, one single word being written. "Remember?.."

He looked back at Archer as he spoke, his mind distracted as he spoke pulling out the hollowed blade. Valer quickly hunched over his face being dug into his sleeves as the smell of garlic thickened, a slight cough coming from the intense smell. His sudden movement caused his wound to shot pain up his spine, wincing as it did. Valer looked at him surprised as the chains shattered, his eyes examining there rustic loops. Valer stood slowly, his hand clenching his torso trying to push back the pain from his movement. His eyes looking with archers as he stood.

He stood silent for a second, his eyes wincing at the sound of a cold familiar voice. Marcus. His soft words reached Valers ears, Valer backing away instinctively as though Marcus stood before him. "Kill them Valer.. They won't let you to leave... You really think you can walk away? Kill them.. They made you bleed, so you must make them bleed!" Valer winced again as he spoke his head shaking no and he clenched his ears, trying hard not to hear Marcus.

"Bleeding is feeling and feeling isn't real. So open your eyes to the darkness in this world, stop trying to create feelings that you are not capable of possibly understanding. Your not human.. Your a monster.. " Marcus was cold, strict in his voice

Marcus alway's tried to poison Valer's mind. Polluting him in to darkness, wanting nothing but death and destruction. Valer's voice never existed, but his thoughts his voice was loud, only heard by to those who were taught the language of his bloodline. The only person who could hear his true voice was Marcus.. Or was it.. Valer clenched his teeth as he thought, his soft voice that echoed in his mind, in a language that only his mind knew. ((Hint hint Archer.. Lol))

"I have to find the truth between all the lies. Will I see.. when I open my eyes? ..."

"Your weak Valer, your breath is wasted.. " Marcus soft voice seemed to respond to Valer's thoughts.

"Breathing's a burden we all have to bare, and trust is one thing were touch never to share.. "

"How is it that you always seem to shine? Don't you understand, love means breaking and saying goodbye!"

"Your wrong.. we are caught in a trap of what we are taught to believe, when night over turns daylight its so hard to perceive. The clock keeps on ticking, threw night sheded skies, where the stars are all broken and so are our ties!"

There conversation seemed to branch off, as though there responses didn't go together yet they did... Like a story book were you have missed a chapter.

Rei sighed at the sound of Cains gleam, slowly walking towards the tent. A gentle hand pushed the tents flap aside as he looked toward Cain, his stance silent as he examined the princess. He gave a slight smile. As he let the flap down behind him his soft voice sounding as he moved closer. "Finally awake? Good.." He smiled then looked at Luntra. "We'll be leaving in ten minutes, i would prefer if you joined us. Your men will stay here and get rid of anymore darkness that lurks here.." Though it seemed like he was asking, even Luntra knew it wasn't a request. His eyes flicked back to the princess, waiting paciently to see if she remembered.

(( CharChar45 I know it did! Sometimes man! Lol

Ps I decided having a mute character is difficult, so I am making it so he has a voice, but its heard as thoughts, and only those of his bloodline have the ability to understand or hear the language. Marcus can hear because he took Valer's blood. I was thinking if Archer and Luntra were close to the royal family they were taught how to understand it, or given some of the bloodlines blood to pass over the language ability. To hear but not speak..

CharChar45 Updated ;P

GoddessOfGod This should be interesting >.< Muhahahah ))
She blinked several of times, then a small child voice in her head spoke out two names. Unknowing she repeated what it said. " Rei..cain" As cain heard his name he smiled even wider, but pushed the clothes he got to her side. " here, at the moment you not proeply dressed so i bought these for you." She blinked several times before takingthem.

Still out of it from her dream. She got dressed quietly. She had put on a hood that stopped a few incehs before her belly button. The fur was on he outter room of the hoodie and down toward the two sides. She had on brown short shorts wit ha belt that was slanted to the side. She had on brown boots, that stoped under her knee. She looked at herself in a small pullde. She traced her face with her long nails. She was different. HHer skin was darker and her eys were like a reptiles. She wanted to examine more of herself but was drawn away by Cain.

"Come Kanin we must depaart..its afew ways travel back to the palace, and the woods can be very dangerous at night." The voice again in her head, was laughing. She was confused a little, almost to the point to where she woudl have a headache. Cain stuck out his hand for her to take. Reaching for it, she pulled back nervously. The girls voice stopped laughing and told her to take it, itl be ok. She glanced from rei and cain, then took cain's hand. Walking out together cain smiled as it was almost dawn.

As she looked toward the sky, her heart almost fel las she remebered. "v..valer..wheres valer." Cain looked back with a raised brow. "Why do you worry of such low creature like himself." She dented her brows as she glared at cain, snatching her hand away from his. " Valer, is my friend and I will not allow you to talk abou him like he's nothing." She clenched her fist as Cain looked at her worried. He sighed putting his arm acrossed his chest and bowing. " As you wish Kanin." He then turend to rei and bowed toward him as well. " Please escort Kanin to vlaer."
"You aren't a monster," Archer said abruptly, turning to face Valer, "Ignore him, whoever he is. Ignore his voice. Listen to mine." He stepped forward, gripping the vampire's shoulders, listening to his way of communication. It was confusing, and difficult to understand, yet it all flowed together, the two voices like music as Archer listened. He found the conversation fascinating, the way the words were spoken like a soft lullaby. "Don't listen to him, Lavrador," Archer whispered, his eyes flickering to the tent as the flap rustled, soft voices coming from outside. "Come on," he whispered, flinging Valer's arm over his shoulder, supporting his weight, "Lets go before..." He didn't get to finish his sentence, for, at that moment, the tent flap opened and a man stepped inside.

There was a moment of utter stillness, the man glaring ferociously at the two, examining how they stood, Archer helping the vampire. An instant before the man did, Archer acted, slashing the blade through the back of the tent, revealing the vast forest, the safety of the trees. "Go!" He shouted at Valer, pushing him forward and turning to face the enemy, dropping into a defensive stance. "Get as far from here as possible!" He flung the blade towards the man, watching as it dug into his shoulder, sending him tumbling back. The man then began barking out orders, focusing three of his men on Archer, blocking him off in a corner. Archer had no weapon, but prayed to dear god that Valer had the sense to run, to escape. "Just run," he whispered, "Please, please, please..."

Lunatra opened her mouth to argue with Rei, but bit back her response, nodding obediently. She would join the group in bringing the captors the the King, although she was hesitant on doing so. Ever since she woke from her burns, she had felt different, more stubborn, and resistant to those she has supported for years. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut, then opening them again, hoping the odd thoughts would vanish, but they remained. "What's going on with me?" She thought to herself, rubbing her temples. And that was when her thoughts were invaded by another's.

It was as if she was in his body, experiencing what he was experiencing. Panic and shock, voices flickering in and out of his head. In front of him lay the forest, open and free. Behind him lay a group of men, ganging up on one man, the foolish one who attempted to attack her, trapped in a corner. Then, just as fast as it happened, Lunatra returned to her own senses, panting as sweat trickled down her neck. She opened her mouth to say something, to shout that the prisoners were trying to escape, but not a word came out. Because, a small part of her, so small it was barely noticeable, had managed to take over for just long enough for her to protect them, for her to not say a word about what she knew. 
((Darktanion I thought it would be interesting if they experienced his thoughts in different ways. Archer can hear the words, while Lunatra, on occasion, can experience what he's experiencing. Is that okay?))
Rei followed Cain and Kanin outside, the mention of Valer causing him to halt, a look of anger on his face. "Princess.. It's not wise to socialize with that boy. He has no good intentions being with you.. " He gave her a stern look, his hands folding against in chest in a unapproving manner. She didn't seem to like his response, her furious eyes locking with his. He clenched his teeth, his eyes sharpening as he glanced to a tent to the left. His gesture was short and angry feeling, his lips parting slightly as he spoke once more before allowing her to pass by him. "We will be leaving, your... friend will be coming. So wont make to much of a scene.. Princess.. " His tone had a cut throat sound to it, but still sustained a small amount of respect as though talking to his leader.

Rei's gesture was cut short as the sound of a man crying out pulled his attention to the tent. His nose scrunching as he looked towards it. His men quickly ran into the tent, there movement fast, throwing the tents flaps to the side. Rei looked carefully inside the flaps, Archer standing defensively. Rei scrunched his nose, his body moving quickly towards the tent. "Cain get ready to leave.. I'll take care of this.. " His tone was cold as he threw the flap aside, his form standing in the doorway. His eyes watching Archer carefully as he took a step forward.

Valer looked to Archer in surprise, his voice soft and gentle. "You.. you can hear me?.." He looked at Archer confused, his lips parting as he went to speak again. His voice cut off as a man stepped into the tent. He quickly looked to the man, a feeling of panic hit him as he stood. Valer went to turn, his movement thrown off as Archer pushed him forward, his body being thrown toward the slash made in the tents dirty sheets. Valer stumble hitting the gorund, his body sending pain up his spin as he gripped his wound.

He looked back to Archer, three men surrounding him, there weapons drawn. Valer scrunched his eyes, standing slowly, his hand gripping his wound as he hunched over. His eye's widened as Rei entered, his cold glare sending chills down valer. His eyes were the eyes of a killer, a man who took joy in hurting others. Valer stepped forward, pushing one of the men aside. The men stumbled forward slightly confused as to what just pushed him. His sword being held back into place, unsure of what to do.

Marcus voice sounded towards him again, wincing as his harsh voice stung his conscious. "What will you do Valer.. Let him die.. Kill them.. Show them the power of vampires.. Give us something to count on.. Do it.. "

Valer clenched his teeth, his steps slow as he walked forward, his hand gently touching Arches shoulder.. Valer's eyes locked with Rei's, Valer's eye's strained as he stepped in front of Archer. His crimson eyes glowed veraciously as he bared his fangs at Rei, his body hunching forward slightly as though he was about to lung forward.

Rei smiled as Valer stood in front of him, his mind telling him to enjoy ripping him apart. Rei would make him regret the day he was even born. He let out a heavy breath, the air from his nostrils showing with white fog as the temapture dropped, the men besides him beginning to shiver. Rei laughed slightly. He wouldn't need to use to much power, after all one was only a human.. And Valer was injured. Rei walked forward his steps stopping only a few feet in front of Valer and Archer. "I'm feeling generous today.. Either get on your knees and surrender.. Or I make you.. " He smiled with glee at the thought of torchering them both. Scum like them, he'd take pleasure in torchering them. Valer took a step back, his eyes glancing at Archer.

"We wont win.. " He coughed slightly his words stopping for a moment before he continued "I dont have enough power.. That weapon.. it.. " He winced in pain slightly. Valer had been controlling his blood flow, keeping the garlic and silver from his heart, as time passed it was getting harder, and it would take a lot of blood to dilute it enough to be at full power. "You.. you know me.. " He looked back at Rei, waiting for Archer to make his decision. If he fought, he would too.. But at what cost... If he transformed.. How much control would he really have? 
((Just realizes a paragrph in my post in missing o.0 WTF!")) 
((I re updated it >.> Should make WAY more sense... )) 
(( CharChar45 and yea I love that idea!!))
Archer made his decision as soon as Rei appeared, his brown eyes narrowing coolly. What mattered was that the prince escaped. And Archer would make sure it would happen, even if what he was about to do was entirely stupid and reckless. "I know you from our childhood. I was assigned, one day, to be your protector. And I was also your friend." He then gently pushed him aside, stepping forward to face Rei, face stern and cool. "Lavrador, run. Run as fast and far as you can. Do not do anything I'm about to do. Just run." Then he lunged towards Rei, the broken blade outstretched and aimed toward his chest.

Seara rustled slightly in Lunatra's arms, her eyes fluttering open weakly. Her small hand went up, touching the woman's cheek lightly. "Such a nice lady," she thought to herself, managing a meak smile. The woman who had saved her life three times, two from the wrath of fire, and once from the threat of an assassination. She shuddered slightly at the memory, curling up tightly in a ball, squeezing her eyes shut. "Are you okay, child?" Lunatra asked softly, looking at her with concern. Seara nodded, turning to face Lunatra, blue hues wide like a deer caught in a trap. "Thank you, miss," she said, her voice light and musical, "Thank you for saving my life."

"Of course," Lunatra said gently, brushing back some stray blonde locks from the girls face. It was then, as Lunatra's fingers lightly brushed her cheek, that Seara gasped, shock filling her as she felt the pain of the vampire, shaking her entire body. In an instant, she was on her feet, sprinting out of the tent and into the camp, looking around wildly with Lunatra hot on her heels. She did not stop, she did not think. She just ran and reacted, her bare feet getting cuts from the sticks and leaves scattered along the ground. Then, at last, she found the scene she was looking for. Rei, facing two men, one vampire, one human. At a glance, Seara immediately noticed how weak the vampire looked, his body hunched in pain. She dashed towards him, dodging past the human as he lunged towards Rei, then reached for the vampire's hands, clasping them in her own.

A soft, white glow began to surround her as she focused, her eyes shut tightly, mouth pursed in a thin line. This light would not harm vampires in any way, unlike most other light, and was a sign of magic taking place. It grew brighter as she absorbed his pain, draining the garlic and silver from his system, wincing as it became her own. It was not nearly as painful as it had been for the vampire, but it still affected her, though not enough for her magic to weaken. As she took his pain, the brightness increased to an almost blinding rate, although still harmless. She didn't even seem to notice the others around her, or much of anything for that matter. Her concentration laid in healing the vampire, and, once the task was complete, she pulled away, giving him a smile before blacking out.

Lunatra chased madly after the girl, panting heavily once she finally caught up, a few feet away from the scene. The human was going up against Rei, knife aimed toward his chest. Lunatra was not too worried about that. She knew Rei well enough, and also knew that he could handle himself. But the vampire... He was being healed. By Seara. As shocking as it was, Lunatra could not blame her for reacting in such a way. She was raised believing lies, and soon they would teach her the truth, even if it did take some time. Lunatra pulled out her bow, and an arrow as well, one dipped in garlic with a silver point, and aimed it towards the vampire. All was ready, her posture and form precise, her breath smooth and steady. But she couldn't bring herself to let go of the string. Her fingers shook as she tried to force herself to shoot the damn thing, but she couldn't. It was as if some unknown force was holding her back.

((GoddessOfGod I think it would be hilarious if Archer developed a crush on Kanin :P for some comic relief lol you okay with that?))
A roar came from deep withing her as she stoo behind everyone. "ENOUGHHHHH" Cain was behind kanin his head low. A small smirk to how loud the roar was. She looked toward rei furiously.Smoke coming rom her nostrels. Still unable to control her powers she pushed rei aside, but her strength was to much and kocked him back a few feet.

Cain lunged and cuaght him, holding tight onto rei as he lookd away from both of them. She walked toward valer and knelt down beside him. She was differnt but she still had the smae look in her eyes from before, when he was wounded. "v..valer." She reached out for him, hopoing he would make contact with her. Cain looked upworreid as he brought rei to hisfeet.

D..ont Kanin..hes filth , he wil ltarnish you." Kanin looked back at a glare. her jaws tighnting. " Enough..what have I told you aboust speaking ill of him. Valer i my friend, you will not say anything more. He is close to me." The little girl in her head began to laugh as it kept repeating, valeer's name. She turned back around toward valer and gave him an apologetic smile.

(@charchar- sounds good, i like it , @darktanion- i was thinking she would gain some memories by his touch and so will valer)
Rei frown at Kanin, his lung back being caught by Cain. HE looked toward Cain, his expression unamused. Reis attention moved to Archer as he lunged forward. Rei smirked, a look of amusement on his face. He was happy Archer had reacted this way. It made it so much more... Fun. Rei's movement was perfect, quick and quiet. He side step lightly as the blade passed by him, his eyes watching the blade that veered close to his cheek, its movement like slow motion. He smiled, his eyes sharpening once more as he lifted his arm, his elbow crashing down on Archer's spine. His body thrashing down to the floor. His body slid slightly behind Rei, his cold eyes not even looking to see where he had landed.

Rei squinted slightly as he looked toward's Valer, the girls body aglow as she touched Valer. He grunted slightly at the site as he stepped forward, his attention fixated on the girl. And her body glow faded, quickly collapsing. Valer dropped down with her, his arms protecting her from her fall. Valer looked down at the girl, his eyes slowly moving as Kanin approached him, her hand outstretching to touch his cheek. Valer instinctly pulled back, a look of fear sweeping over him as he flinched at his touch. The young girl lay quietly in his arms, her sleeping form looking exhausted. Valer looked at her with worried eyes, his sudden relational tearing his conscious. He lifted his hand and looked to it, the pain that had consumed his body gone. His long skinny fingers rotated and bent as he looked to them. He looked back toward Kanin his eyes watching her carefully. She barked at Cain, causing Valer to edge back further. So she was with them? And she was ordering them around.. SO why does she call me friend.. If she all along was..

The sound of pain caused him to look towards Rei. Archer hit the ground hard, a sound of pain coming from him. Valer pulled the girl closely in his hands, his eyes carefully watching Rei as he approached. He grinded his teeth as Rei spoke, his cold breathless voice filled with sinister tones. "I'm going to enjoy this.." Valer carefully place the girl behind him, his weight balancing on his ankles and he stood crouched, his fingers barely gripping the ground as he turned to Rei.

Rei carefully pulled out a blade, this one hollowed just as the other, its contense more black this time. Before Rei could attack Valer lunged forward, his form hitting hard into Rei's chest causing him to be thrown backwards, his body sliding against the rough ground. Valer's fangs edge towards Rei's neck the feeling of Valer's breath causing him to force Valer to the side throwing him to the side. Valer skidded against the ground, his fingers tracing the ground as he stopped. His white locks covered his eyes, he looked up slowly, his fangs coated in saliva as he threatened Rei. Rei stood quickly, his body perched on the ground as he held the knife in front of him.

He smiled, unfazed by Valer's display. "Come on boy.. " He whispered, his cold eyes meeting Valer's. The men around them stood amiling, none of them worried as they egged Rei on. The air quickly dropped tempature, the more they fought the worse it got, its cold nature even causing Rei's men to shiver, holding themsleves like children. Valer glanced at Archer, his body still laying motionless, a look of worry sweeping over him. Rei smiled as he lunged forward, taking advantage of Valer's compassion for the human. His blade extended in front of him. Valer's attention quickly snapped towards Rei his form barely moving in time as the darkened blade slashed at his side, its sharp exteirior cutting him slightly.

(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod Re Edited Might need to re read;) And I like that, but I would have her stop Rei and touch him in the middle of it, then they would both have flash backs. ))
There was a loud, painful crack. Lunatra froze, her eyes wide in shock as the bow slipped from her grasp, hitting the ground, the arrow snapping in half. Her breath came out in forced gasps as she swung her sight towards Archer, watching pitifully as Rei simply knocked him aside, brushing him away like a fly. Then he was limp, lying on the ground motionlessly. Lunatra let out a chokes cry, stumbling back and clutching her chest as she fell to the ground, tears filling her eyes. She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut again, one hand flying over it as she bit hard into her palm. Physical pain to drown the mental pain. If only she could of stopped it, if only he hadn't been so stubborn.

This was what it took. In order to break the spell, the curse Rei had laid upon her, Lunatra had to see her brother's life dangling by a thread. He was probably already dead, a thought that sent pain ripping through her chest. "Archer!" she shrieked, scrambling to her feet, and dashing forward, her Celtic accent choked with sobs. Her hair whipped behind her as she fell beside her brothers side, her hands clutching his arms. "Bloody hell, Archer, wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up, for Christ's sake! Don't you dare die on me now!" She hastily wiped away her tears, resting her forehead on his chest as she gasped for air, squeezing her eyes shut. Faintly, she could hear his heart, beating so faintly, so lightly, she had no idea how long it would last.

Anger filled her as she glared up to Rei, her hands clenching into fists as she slowly stood, her whole body trembling. Everyone had fallen silent, stunned by her sudden transformation, mouths agape, eyes glued onto her figure. "You god damn sick bastard!" She yelled, slightly choking on her words, "That was my brother!" The Celtic accent was clear, ringing in her voice like music. She stepped towards him, her blood pumping wildly as she pulled the dagger from her belt, gripping the handle tightly with white fingers. It would be risky, going up against him, but Lunatra had trained with him for years. She knew his moves as much as he knew hers. So she now needed one thing, a different form of attack. Something that he would not expect.

She could almost picture the scene in her mind, her, very young at the time, with her brother out in the fields. They were playing with small wooden sticks, slashing out playfully towards one another, giggling furiously at their game. For a moment, Archer had turned, facing away from her as he swung his stick out wildly through the air. Considering the fact that she had been losing at the time, she saw this as an opportunity to gain an advantage. She had leapt onto his back, roaring with laughter as he reared back, trying to shake her off. He was unable, and Lunatra had won that battle. Just as she planned on winning this one.

Her eyes narrowed, Rei's attention still focused completely on Valer. She took advantage of the distraction, jumping from the balls of her feet and landing lightly on top of his back, not making a single sound while doing so. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing the edge of the blade into his flesh, clinging on tightly in case he decided to rear back. It would take a lot the throw her off, and even if he did manage that, she was trained to catch her falls, by Rei himself. This bastard dared to alter her memories, then train her as if she was some pawn. Then he attacked her brother, leaving him balancing dangerously between life an death! Lunatra would not forget, not until he made her forget once more. And then she would fight against the magic, forcing her way through.
Cain wasBecoming upset. He stood to his feet his ,teeth shoiwng from his anger. hhe releaesed his wings as he flapped them creating a strong wind. Looking toward rei in disapproval, of starting such a fuss. The tempeture that was dropping began to rise, at a fast rate. Black flames circled aroudn him as e stepped. Burnt marks from wehre he stood. "ENOUGHHH...REI HOW LOW WILL YOU FALL, TAHT YOU HAVE TO FIGHT WITH A MERE VAMPIRE."

He had gotten down on all fours, then roared toward the fighting group. His wings covering over the fallen archer as he yelled out. "TTHIS IS NO WAY A KINGGG'S GAURD SHOULD BE ACTINGGG." His form grew into a size as his wings flapped repeatedly. His body stood over archer while his head blocked kanin. Steam came from his nostroles as the others were laughing a little but tempted to take their close off. His eyes glaring towards rei as the tempertaure begn to rise even more.

Kanin had pushed away ccain's head and dashed for valer. With a jump She had knocked valer to the floor. Tumbiling over she held onto him tightly. The touch from his forehead to his made her eyes widend, as she smelt something familiar about him. She soon snapped back into relaity when he voice in her head told her to move. She quickly rolled once more under cain, holding valer close.
Rei's breath became taken from him as a sudden force lunged on his back. Strong arms wrapping tightly around his neck. He grinded his teeth, his hands grabbing at Luntra's arms. His face tilted slightly with a smile, his head veering back in one swift motion. His head collided with hers, his strength being held back. Her brain must have felt like it rattled loose in her head, her body falling backwards to the ground. Rei turned slightly, his cold eyes watching Luntra as blood dripped from her nose. Rei's attention faltered as Cain yelled, his glare turning to Cain, his mood becoming lighter as he spoke. "Alright Cain... " His tone was short, his form kneeled down carefully, his hands grasping over Luntra's face, his fingers digging into her temples. He only stayed this way for a moment before he lifted his hand a smile on his face as he spoke. "Lunatra? Are you ok? That man hit you hard didn't he?" Rei offered his hand to her to help her up, his warm personality back, almost like he had split personalities.

Valer watched carefully as Luntra attacked Rei, his eye's widening in shock. Valer instinctively went to lung towards Rei, his form being suddenly halted by a strong force. His eyes blurred slightly as he forced them back into focus, his eye's looking at a grassy field, its rays next to a tall building. Tall pillars held the balconies high and its stone walls, gave off a rustic look. Two boys played in the field, there laughter and glee filling the halls with sound. "Arch... Arch.. " A boy cried out trying to get the other's attention. The small Archer smiled and looked to the other boy. "Oi! It's Archer! ER! .. Lavandor?.. " Lavrador looked to the tall castle, a girl and a man passed threw the corridor, her light gaze looking to them as they walked. Archer's gaze to watched the girl as they disappeared into the hall way. They looked at each other, a look of confusion on there faces.

Valer's Mind reeled, his conscious slowly realizing his stance, his form being held tightly by Kanin, as Cain stood above them, his wings knocking the tent from its posts. Valer quickly shook his head, his mind unsure of how his body came to be over here. He looked to the women who had grabbed Rei, then quickly realized Archer.. He reeled to the side, Archer laying motionless on the ground. He quickly pulled himself from Kanin's clasp and lunged toward Archer, his hand carefully being placed on his back. His hand traced his spine, Archer flinching slightly as he touched the middle of his vertebra. Three of his vertebra were shattered, Valer clenched his teeth, his nails digging into his palms. It was his fault.

Blood seeped from his palms, crimson red dripping down his fingers tips as he released his grip. Vampires weren't as magical as dragons, but it didn't mean he couldn't. Marcus had taught him a few things, things he thought would keep him alive. One of those things was the ability to switch 'bodies' so that if his body every became to injured, he could replace the parts he needed with anothers. Archer was human, his body wouldn't be able to heal like Valer's could.

Valer quickly raised Archer's shirt, his hand tracing a symbol on his back, its crimson red seeming to absorb into his skin. His bloodied back became clean in a matter of seconds, his bruised back turning light as Valer flinched. His eyes clenching slightly as he leaned forward, pain reeling in his back. Though his wounds had been healed by the girl, his exhaustion wasn't. His power draining as the pain pierced his back, his eyes fading black as he collapsed on top of Archer. His light form resting on his back as his hands lay lightly on his side.

Rei looked up to Cain, a look of annoyance on his face as he looked at his form. "Get rid of that form.." He hissed, his eyes trailing to the men who stood in shock. The humans didn't know dragons existed, even those in there army's. So for Cain to reveal himself so easily caused Rei great worry. "You'll have to deal with them Cain.. " His attention again fixed on Cain as he crouched by Luntra, his mind itching at the fact her memories kept returning.

(( GoddessOfGod Irritable isnt he? Lol.

CharChar45 Just incase, yes he changed her memory again ))
Kanin paused for a moemnt as the image of her holding hands with someone appeared again. It was fuzzy at first but then the image appeared, and the other man behind them. "you look nice today kanin." The boy gigled. "vv..valer" The small boy looked like valer. The girl giggled with him as they looked back twoard the two kings.

Cain transformed into human again as he walked past each gaurd. Touching their foreheads , letting them forgot what they just saw. Each one shaking their head in confusion. Cain was very irritable at the moment and he is known , to not hold his temper. "everyone were leaving enough of this fight." HHe grabbed kanin's arm and tugged her along. " ..this is such a hassel..the oracle only told me to pick up the princess.NOT THE OTHERs." He was fuirous with rei, so he avoided eye contact with him.

He stopped by valer and looked down at him and archer. " think we have to bring you along.." He knew about valer, after watching rei, and wondering why he was bringnig him along. After the incident , his known hatred for vampires grew, and only made him hate him more. HHe scoffed as he motioned for them. " we have already wasted to much time." Kanin watched Cain and tried to pull away. She ddin't know what was going on, or why she was called princess.
The pain was unbearable. Archer wanted to scream, to cry, to shout. He wanted to kick and squirm, to curl up in a ball. But he couldn't move, he could barely freeze. His legs were numb, and, as hard as he tried, he couldn't move them. Panic filled him as his breath quickened, coming out in pained gasps, choking out from his lungs. He could hear a voice, his sister's voice, her Celtic lilt like a lullaby to his ears, rolling off her tongue, her voice calling out for him, desperate and pleading. He wanted to call out to her, to let her know that he was okay, that he was alive. But he wasn't quite sure. He could feel something pattering weakly in his chest, but was that truly his heart?

For a moment, his eyes fluttered open, vision blurry and unclear from the pain. He could see Lunatra, jumping on Rei's back, her arms wrapped around his neck in a chokehold. Then, in a swift movement, he jerked his head back, hitting Lunatra straight in the face and sending her to the ground. "Lunatra..." Archer whispered, his eyes falling shut again. He felt the pain fade away, as the feeling returned to his legs. Someone landed on top of him, making Archer wince slightly, his head spinning dizzily. Then all of his senses died out as he completely passed out.

Lunatra blinked in confusion as Rei held out his hand to her, warmth and concern on his face. She took it gratefully, wincing slightly at the pain in her face. Blood dripped down her chin and she wiped it away with the back of her hand, staring at it blankly. How had she gotten over here in the first place? She had been farther away, her bow in hand, then... It was blurry. She couldn't exactly figure out what had happened, she couldn't exactly remember. "What happened?" She asked, looking up to Rei, her Celtic lilt still slightly on her tongue, not completely gone, yet barely noticeable. Her head was pounding, and she flinched, rubbing her temples with her fingers, squeezing her eyes shut.

A man, the same man that noticed the difference in her when she had entered camp, stepped forward, resting a hand on her shoulder. "The vampire attacked you," he said simply, giving Rei a stern glance, "Rei, before you leave, may I speak to you in private? It will be brief." Unlike most other people, this man did not fear Rei, instead he just saw him as someone he had to handle because he worked for King Ark. "It concerns matters that you should be quite... Interested in." He discreetly jerked his head towards Lunatra, indicating that the matter was indeed about her.
Rei smiled to Luntra, his warm presents comferting her as he grabbed her hand gently, in on swift motion pulling her to her feet. The pain in her face quickly dissipating, his voice gentle in its nature as he spoke. "You must take better care to yourself my dear. I won't always be here to help you." He turned to the man as he spoke, his yes sharpening as he nodded. He turned slightly to Luntra his voice more even toned, like that of a general. "We are still leaving, so please grab the prisoners and make sure they are secure and ready. We will only be taking two horses, it's best that most of this trip be done on feet..."

Rei turned away walking out of the tent the other man hot on his heels as he glared down at Valer and Archer, a look of anger sweeping him as he brushed aside his men and walked into another tent, his hands grabbing supplies, viles, weapons everything he would need, his ears still open waiting for the man to speak. 
(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod let me know if u have any ideas for how the dragons and vampires had a falling out. I'm trying to shuffle around some huge scandals :) )). ))
((what if the ddgraon queen mated with the vampire king..that explains valer , he has the blood of a dragon but not the transformatoiin of one))
(( GoddessOfGod Problem is that he is suppose to be of the human queen's blood. Which explains his blood being empowering to other Vampires. And also why King Ark wanted that bloodline killed. )) 
Crackle, snap.. pop. The last sound's Valer heard before his consciousness faded, pain seering in his back as he collapsed. His mind reeling as it spun, over and over again, his mind stopping suddenly. His eyes watching the same castle once more as he turned, his eyes feasting on Archer, then to Luntra who ran towardsthem. "It's not fair! " She said, her tone more pouting like we had done something she didn't like. "How come you get to hear him!" Luntra sighed plopping to the ground, her hand's crossed with a look of frustration. Valer smiled, his small form running up to her. He was much small then both of them, his small hand grabbing her's as he bumped his head lightly against hers.

His mind reeled again, his dream that seemed so real swirled like clouds, color's blending together, there nature forming once more. Valer stood next to a young girl, her black hair and crimson eyes soaked with tears as she coward in a corner. Valer walked to her slowly, his blue hues smiling as he sat down besides her, his gentle fingers wiping her cheeks of there wetness. The girl looked to him startled, her eyes passing him and looking to a younger Archer and Luntra who looked to each other in confusion.

"You.. Your not afraid of me?.." She asked, her crimson eye's showing a slight gleam as she spoke. Valer shoke his head as a smile swept her face. She must have been feared. Even dragons weren't suppose to have red eyes in human form. It must have been hard for her. Valer pulled her up to her feet as Archer and Luntra stepped forward, accepting smiles on there faces and the dream once again swirled. It's riveting nature falling to black as it stop, the pain in his body becoming known once more as he lay unconscious, his world consumed by blackness. The last thing he could hear.."Lavrador.."A gentle women's voice echoed in his head. Lavrador.. Who was that..
The man followed Rei with smooth, steady steps, his gaze relaxed and cool. He waited a moment before speaking, making sure they were out of earshot from the others. "I see that you are starting to lose control of Lunatra," he said calmly, eyes sweeping over the shelves of supplies, "Getting her memories back isn't she?" His fingers grazed a few, small bottles filled with a clear liquid. Dust came off onto his skin, which he brushed away with a simple flick, continuing his examination of the shelves. "It's attachments, you know," he continued, kneeling and scanning another row of bottles, "Specifically, to the healer girl. She cares for her." At last he found what he was looking for, smirking in satisfaction as he picked up the vial, rolling it in between his fingers. "And there's only one way to end that attachment she has gained." He stood, turning to face Rei, holding the vial out towards him, "Kill the healer girl. Once she's gone, make sure Lunatra visits the oracle, he should be able to assist in the issue of her... Getting out of control."

Lunatra sighed as Rei and the man walked away, turning her attention towards the two prisoners. Both lay unconscious on the ground, which made her job much more difficult. And, a few feet away from the two, lay Seara, curled up in a tight ball, her face scrunched in pain. Lunatra reacted immediately, spinning around and scanning the camp for two men. She grabbed the first two she saw, her gaze sharp as she barked out her orders. "Chain up those two... And this time make sure they are not rusted." Hastily, the two nodded, dashing off to follow her orders. She then focused her attention on the girl, kneeling by her side and resting a hand on her forehead. Fortunately, she was not feverish, but simply just worn and exhausted. Gently, Lunatra lifted her up into her arms, brushing back her blonde locks and wiping beads of sweat from her forehead. Seara shifted in her sleep, and Lunatra tightened her grip on the girl.

((The man is just a temporary NPC by the way :P feel free to give him some random name or whatever lol))
Rei flinched at the sound of the man accusing him of loosing control of her, his rummaging coming to an immediate stop. He shot an intense glare at the man his voice sounding, its tone scarce as though his words were wanting to rip out the other mans throat. His hand extended and grabbed the vile from his hand, his other replacing the vile with his own. "I will handle it Flore... I didn't intent to keep her alive anyway. It's to risky keeping a healer so close to that boy..." He turned away quickly, his hand sweeping the flap out of his way as he stopped for a moment, his eyes tracing back to Flore. "Sedate that damn vampire... I don't want him to even be able to move till we get to the king. I'm tired of the games.." His tone was short, whirling his head back to attention and leaving the tent, the vile clenched in his hand and he stormed off into the camp.

He walked quickly to the horses that the men had started to prepare for travel. His eye's watched carefully has two men carried Valer and Archer to the horses. Chains rattled from there limbs are they carried them over there shoulders, there heads hanging low on the men's backs. The first man swung Archer onto the back of a brown horse, his torso laying face down, as he lay stretched sideways against the horses back, his limbs hanging off each side of the horses. The other man threw Valer on the opposite horse, his position the same way, his face in a cold sweat a he lay motionless. He horse reeled its head in dissatisfaction at having a vampire thrown on him, his gesture becoming uneasy as the men calmed it. Rei grinded his teeth and walked away, his eyes searching for Luntra and the girl.

(( CharChar45 Yep yep ;D

GoddessOfGod ;P )) 
Marcus let out an annoyed huff, his back resting against a tree, his eyes gazing down on the camp. Marcus eyes narrowed two men carried Valer and Archer. His head shacking as he stood. He would not allow Valer to be handed over to Ark. Losing Valer would mean everything he had done to this point, was for nothing. He swiftly walked away, his mind wondering as he devised a plan. His hands clenched at his sides. I had two nights to stop them. Or should he? Perhaps he can kill Ark, by letting Valer be captured. A smirk came to him and he walked, a dark look in his eyes as he disappeared into the darkness of the forest.
With Seara in her arms, Lunatra followed the two men carrying the chained prisoners to the horses, lifting them to their backs. Her eyes flickered over to Rei as he appeared, giving him a slight nod as she held on tighter to the girl. Behind him came Fore, a vial of liquid in his hand as he made his way to the horses, pausing by the vampire. He jerked open his mouth, then poured the liquid down his throat, a potion that would sedate him, leaving him motionless throughout the journey. Lunatra approached the prisoners, adjusting the saddle straps and making sure they were secure, all while holding Seara in one arm. She then turned towards Rei, making sure she had everything she needed. Her bow was once again strapped to her back, although she had few arrows, and dagger hung from her belt. "Ready to go when you are," she said smoothly, "We should probably eat before leaving, though."

Archer's dreams were vivid, bright, almost too bright in his feverish haze. It was him and Lunatra, her six at the time, him eight, believing he was high and mighty in the world. Standing in front of the two was their mother, her tall, elegant form shadowing across the grass. Her hair was long and a glossy brown, framing her heart shaped face. Green hues sparkled under dark lashes. She was tall, graceful, and a woman of beauty. But, underneath her pretty looks, there was a fighter, the guardian of the royal family. And here she stood, her hands on her hips, talking lividly, face bright. "Archer, you'll be Lavrador's guardian in the future. As the eldest, the responsibility lays in your hands." Lunatra opened her mouth to complain, but was stopped by the raise of their mother's hand. "You, my dear girl, have a different path laid out for you. Yes, you will still serve the royal family, but your path will be much harder then Archer's..."

((Sorry it's so short :P trying to get in a post before work))
Valer's throat stung, his eyes popping open as the man forced a liquid down his throat. The man's large hand clasped over Valer's nose and mouth, forcing him to swallow. The liquid burned down his throat, his body clenching into the horse as he coughed, his blood boiling like hot lava as he struggled to breathe. Rei looked over to Lunatra, his eyes sharpening as she spoke. "Yes.. Go eat. You have ten minutes.. " He turned away from her, his eyes going to Valer as Flore forced the liquid down his throat. Rei smiled at the look of discomftert Valer showed, his arms crossing in front of him. He moved his attention, his eyes looking for Cain.

"Cain.. " His voice echoed in the camp, his eyes tracing the faces. Cain needed to remember why we were here. Cain was suppose to kill Lavrador, and failed a long time ago. So bringing Lavrador back to the King should be his responsibility. Rei swede to the side, his eyes watching Archer as he lay sleeping. Rei needed to figure out a way to get the princess under control. She cannot become attached to Lavrador.

Rei huffed, the serum will keep Lavrador underwraps. Rei was cruel, he choose a high dose, a smile sweeping his face as he thought about it. Rei hated the royal vampire family, there betrayal was just icing on the cake for him. A chance to act against them. He wanted nothing more then to kill King Rohan with his own hands. He clenched his fists at the thought of the fallen king still living.

His hatred boiling beneath his skin, the air turning cold as he breathed. Rei shook his head of the thought and walked to the horses, his hand tracing it's face as he pet it. He patiently waited, his mind eager to leave. Valer clenched his teeth, his burning body tingling. "A..Ach." His voice was weak in his mind, his voice hoping to reach towards Archer. He knew him, he knew all of them.. But how .. who was he.. His mind reeled. His head hoping praying that Archer was ok.

( CharChar45 your fine that wasnt short. And Im tagging you all every time because email system is not very good. This why I know you are notified. GoddessOfGod ))

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