
(( cool. Ill make it so we run into him. :P soon as goddess replies . It will be funny., ))
Within in the misty forest a cottage laid in the middle, surrounded by trees and vines that never stopped growing. Beyond this cottage laid the dragon kingdom. The cottage was like a mile stone, a border between them and the outside world. An old man named Orc lived in this cottage, as the guardian of the border and the oracl. Discovering something among his readings he called for the watcher and guardian of the kingdom. The king's right hand man and the lost princess guardian.

The door slammed open as a man with long black hair busted through annoyed and angered. His form already shifting. "WHY HAVE YOU CALL UPON ME " His black hair began to spike as he slammed both of his hands onto the desk where the oracle had sat. The oracle pushed his hands away as he leaned in close. " Master Cain. I have found the lost princess." Cain glared down toward the oracle and slammed his hands down again, creating a crack through the center. "DO not speak of such talk, the princess died eons ago, and now we grieve of her death. " He turned away flicking his hair to the side as he calmed down. " The king is still distressed over his loss, the only daughter."

The oracle pushed passed him toward the blue sphere on another desk. clapping his hands he rubbed them together then blew into his hand releasing flames of both blue and black. The fire circled around the sphere as it twirled into a form of a dragon. "Come look Cain. She is alive." Cain glanced toward the sphere as an image began to appear at the center. Walking down a path into the forest was a girl with two bucks. One wounded man and another by her side. "Do you see. Cain it's her." Cain looked closer toward the female and snorted toward the oracle, his anger growing toward the false image.

"ORACLE CAN YOU NOT SEE..WHERE IS OUR PRINCESS." The oracle plugged his ears as he moved to the side. " enough with the yelling and open your mind Cain. Cain pushed away the oracle then picked up the ball and waved it into the air furiously. " Where ..Oracle where do you see our princess. Our Kanin, where is she?" The oracle clapped his hands then blew once more into the sphere. The sphere disappeared now showing the image as if it was real. " Cain you know her more than I do, I was only there to see her birth be praised by the people of our land, but you were there to see her grow. Cain .. can you not tell me this isn't her.. look" Cain looked closer , squinting his eyes a little as he walked around the image. " Kanin has black hair with red eyes. Her hair is longer than this one, and the tattoo is on her back not her arm..but other than the details her body can't be."

The Oracle smiled as his smiled faded. " Cain the king is stricken with grief of his lost daughter. Not only does she hold the thrown but the key to this lands surivial. Ever since , the land has fallen, the king was not like he was when she was here. As the king's right hand man and her gauridan, you must seek her and bring her home." Cain nodded his head as the image disappeared. "Oracle, why does she look different." The oracle went into his small cabinet and pulled out a vile. " I was reading with in the ancient text, it appears she is under a spell, that of which can change the way you look, even the slightest detail, and alter you memories. " Cain took the viel and looked at him seriously . " So your telling me , some scum of made her believe she is a vampire...such a low creature of all the things. " He turned from his spot now leaving toward the door.

The oracle grabbed onto his staff as he followed him. " Please bring her home..for the sake of our land, and for the king as well." Cain nodded his head. " Ofcourse." With one step his body transformed, a roar coming from deep within him as he took off for the air. " I will find you Princess."



Canin(gaurdian, right hand man to the king)


(Cain's dragon form)

Valer stopped, his hand carefully feeling her forehead was her tempature began to rise. He grabbed her hand and pulled her forward, his speed a bit frantic. If she wasn't a vampire? Then what was she? Was she sick? Valer couldn't seem to figure it out in his mind, his thoughts shooting in a million different directions. He remembered when he was human that he ate food, human food. So maybe if he found her some she would feel better. He pulled her to the side and pushed her to sit on the ground, a large bolder behind her. This area was isolated. In her condition it would be to dangerous to bring her. He needed to go find something to help her.

He pulled his scarf over his head and gave her a warm smile, his hands gesturing her to stay. The way he touched people seemed so light and transparent. His touch sharing his intentions and feelings. He looked to the buck, Marcus clinging to his back unconscious. Valer looked at Marcus carefully, his body hunched over the buck as blood dripped down its back. The wounds on his shoulder had already began to heal, it's tissues slowly building and over lapping over and over. Valer glared at him, the look of satisfactions as his shadowy form vanished. He had less then a hour before sunrise. He had to make it back by then. The area he had hide Kanin was very isolated and was protected from most of the sun's rays, if for any reason he was wrong and she was vampire. She would still be safe.

His form appeared quickly on the other side of the forest. his form slumped from exhaustion. Transforming as he did took such a toll on him. His hunger slowly increasing, his mind faltering at the thought of food. Valer always had an amazing control over his hunger. It was never clear why, perhaps it was because he cared for the humans so much, or maybe it was because he hated to hurt people. His pace had slowly to a quick walk, his pace weak as he walked threw the forest. His mind was still wondering, his attention pulled from reality. He wondered, how all this was real.. His entire life he had avoided humans and vampires alike, keeping to the shadow's, unable to say what he needed or wanted. Feared by those who saw him, it was best to be isolated. Yet now he had ran into this girl, and Marcus ... he killed... that man. Valer clenched his eyes shut, trying not to cry. It was all his fault.. If he hadn't stayed, that man would be alive, everyone he ever meet and stayed with always got hurt.. And every time it was his fault.. His mind ached at his thoughts, he was never meant to be with others..

Valer's thoughts suddenly stopped as his body came to a halt, a large thump as he hit something soft, his form tumbling over the soft object. He opened his eyes slowly, his body laying over the ground, a feeling of warmth beneath him. He had been so caught in thought, that he ran into someone, his weak form toppling over on to this person. He slowly pushed himself up, his hands wrestling on the leafy ground as he shook his head. Beneath him laid a man, his warm skin hot as the smell of liquor came to Valers nose. He quickly realized he was laying on a human, quickly pulling himself to his knees, his hands outstretched in from of him, palms facing towards the man. His gesture was obvious, his hand signaling a gesture of apology. He didn't mean to bump into the human, and he hoped he hadn't hurt him. Valer looked down at the human, his anxiety locked in his thoughts not realizing his vampire form was obvious to humans. Maybe it was because he had been around those who didn't run or become afraid of his appearance that this obvious problem skipped his mind.

Valer's black whites glistened in the dark, the slight light hovering over the horizon causing his blue hues to glow slightly. His crimson eye dimming as he smiled at the man, a look of apology on his face. His gestures always seemed like that of a young child. Perhaps it was because he lived on the streets, never really socializing with anyone, young or old. Valer's oblivious behavior always caused him trouble. He sat on his knees still, his form still un-moving, not realizing he still sat on the mans waist. He wished he could speak.. So that he might say sorry.



Rei sat quietly, his forum relaxed as he leaned back slowly, his heavy form leaning slightly tilted on a bolder. His eyes glistening at the sky. His deep brown hair moved in the gentle winds as his green, glistening hues laid on the horizon. His loose fitting shirt cut down the chest, held together by pverlapping string. His hand folded beneath his head. using his arms to hold his head in place. Rei sighed slightly as his attention quickly moved, a form vaporizing over his view. Rei quickly sat up, his calmed posture turning to attention as he traced the figure. "Cain?...." He whispered, his form pushing to his feet. Rei was one of Ark's men, second in command. He had never seen Cain move with such emotion, even though he himself was easier angered. Rei and Cain were very close, though opposite in there personalities they always seemed to get along. Rei had never seen him like this though. Perhaps he should follow him? His eyes traced the horizon, his form quickly vanishing, wind being pushed down as though he had launch himself in the air. but despite the sky slowly lighting the air, Rei's form had just vanished!

(( @ Charchar45 Thats your new guy >.> GoddessOfGod stop getting in trouble! )) 

Kanin rested on the boulder. her body pulsed as her heart felt like it thumped , or was trying to detach itself. She clenched onto her chest as she looked up toward the sky. This pain, what was it, it hurt so much. Her eyes closed as she tried to hold the pain within her mind. Trying to think of other things but the pain was to much and took over her. It was hot, her body sweating. She began to worry not knowing what was happening to her.

Cain flew through the sky. Her destination was far off so he had a few miles to go before reaching her. Cain held the vile in his hands as he moved with great speed not paying attention to any of his surroundings, or anything that might see him. Only the mission was at hand, and this one was very important. The sun from where he was began to set beneath the mountains, giving him an advantage since he flew better in the dark.

The buck carrying markus, Tipped it's body making him fall to the ground. The buck didn't like his energy let alone being used as a bed. The buck kicked upwards toward the sky as it trotted over to kanin. It nudged her side with its nose as it licked her cheek. The buck snapped away its tounge burning as if fire had touched it directly. The buck decied to stay away from her but not to far to where it couldn't see her.
"Oi!" Archer called as he fell backwards, hitting the ground with a thud. His head hit the ground, sending pain shooting down his spine, but he shook it off, grumbling under his breath in Gaelic. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, examining his surroundings for whatever, or whoever, had knocked him down, a slight scowl on his face. Then, he caught sight of him. A man, and, upon closer inspection, Archer recognized the features of a vampire.

His eyes widened as his jaw dropped in shock. The last time he had seen a vampire was when he was a boy, as King Ark's men burst into the house, demolishing and killing everything in sight... His sister, taken and told lies.. His parents ripped to shreds... Archer shook off the memory, rubbing his eyes again to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The vampire still sat in front of him, holding out his hands in an apologetic gesture. A vampire. Here, out of all places. Archer nearly laughed out loud at the thought. "You're a vampire!" he blurted with a broad grin, nearly leaping in glee. So there is still good in this world, he thought with a chuckle, his brown eyes sparkling in delight.

"Miss?" The soft whisper, musical and young, gently woke Lunatra from unconsciousness. Her eyes fluttered open, the brown irises absorbing in her surroundings. Hands clutched to her chest, covered in bleeding scratches. Grass stained with splotches of blood. And a girl, the little girl she had saved from the fire, staring at her with wide blue eyes, crouched in a ball. Her mouth formed an O shape as Lunatra awoke, excitement sparkling in her eyes, "You're awake!" she cried cheerfully, a small twitch of a smile crossing her lips.

"As are you," Lunatra said, nearly giggling at the girls joy, "Are you hurt at all, child?" She sat up, staring at the girl with concern, ignoring her own cuts and bruises. The child shook her head, smiling brightly, "I'm perfectly fine! And... I wish to thank you. For saving me in there..." She jerked her head to the charred church, her gaze moving to the hard ground beneath them. "If you hadn't come..." She didn't finish her sentence, but merely looked up to Lunatra sheepishly, strands of her wild blonde hair falling in her face.

"May I ask what you were doing in the church in the first place?" Lunatra asked, watching the girl curiously. A dark expression crossed the child's face as she wrapped her arms around her torso, a slight shudder shaking her body. "I was fleeing, miss. Fleeing from a group of men that attacked my home." Lunatra frowned, nodding and not asking anymore questions. She knew what it was like, to wake up one day and have everything be gone. She wouldn't nag this girl about it. "Child," Lunatra asked softly, brushing a stray hair out of her eyes, "What's your name?"

The girl looked up, eyes wide, fair skin covered in ash and dirt. Already she had that wild look about her, her clothes tattered and torn, hair tangled in knots, nails bitten down and filthy. But Lunatra could sense something more in her, something, in a way, innocent. Like she was an angel living in a world of demons. Such sweet grace, such beauty, trusted into disaster and war. "My name, miss," the girl said at last, raising her head and looking towards Lunatra, "Is Sarea."

((I'll post pics of Sarea and Archer when I get the chance, doing this from my phone :P ))
The man beneath him suddenly jumped to his feet, causing Valer to fall backwards to the ground. His hands catching himself behind him. A look of surprise consumed him as the men yelled out. A feeling of realization hit him, causing him to instinctively push away from the man. How could he not realize that he was exposing himself to a human. He looked up at the man as he seemed to sway to the side, his balance wavering.

Valer opened his mouth but no sounds came out. Why was this man not running. Another human who wasn't afraid.. Was it possible? Valer sat on the soft floor waiting for the man to move, his mind unsure of what to do. The man seemed insane as he let out a laugh, his voice echoing in the quiet forest. The man stumbled backwards his feet catching on a log. His balance wavered once again as Valer instinctively jumped up, his hand outstretching to stop the man from falling. His hand gently touching his arm, as the man barely caught himself. Valer sighed as the man moved, he must be reacting this way because of the alcohol. This explained why he wasn't running, perhaps his judgment failed him.

Valer looked up at the sky, blue horizons slowly coming over the valley floor. Even the small light that lite up the sky made Valer feel sick, a look of uneasiness consumed his eyes as he turned back to the direction he had come from. He ran out of time. He wouldn't be able to go to the village and make it back in time.. But he couldn't just leave Kanin to suffer. He clenched his teeth in frustration, then glanced back at the human. Valer hated to leave him out here, he could get into serious trouble with his state of mind, but he had no choice. He turned quickly and moved back in the direction he came, his pace slow as his feet dragged.

Marcus gave out a hoff as he fell to the ground. Slowly pushing himself up. His wounds had almost been completely healed. He cracked his neck in a circular motion as he stood, his crimson eyes looking toward Kanin. He glared at her then looked around as he rolled his shoulder, trying to readjust it as it healed. Valer wasn't here, which concerned Marcus. Had he run? Marcus grunted as he walked slowly, taking in the scent around him. His eyes search for Valer. His interest torn as he looked to KAnin. Her feverish moves causing him to questions her. He kneeled down slightly and felt her cheek. She was burning up? This looks like the side effects of a dragon who drank... no.. it couldnt be.. this girl wasnt a vampire but a dragon? Had the dragons purposely placed her here to take Valer? Anger flourished in him as he realized who she was, his hand wrapping itself around her neck. "You bitch... " He clenched his teeth as he bag to squeeze. Anger consumed him, his crimson hues glowing as the sky slowly lite up.

He only held her throat for a few seconds before hearing the flapping of wings. No.. It could be. This girl had back up? He jumped up quickly, looking up at the sky then back at her. He needed to find shelter. He looked back at Kanin, a final word before his form vanished. "Ill be back for you, you dragon scum.. " With that, his form vanished the shadows disappearing with him as light slowly filled the valley.

Valer hurried back, huffing as he did, his attention on Kanin. He quickly walked up to her, his hand touching her forehead once more. A look of extreme worry. Her fever hadn't gone down. Though he had found a highly sheltered area the light still effected him, pushing away the sickness it caused he pulled her off the bolder and held her close to his chest. Perhaps his cold skin would bring her tempature down?

(( on phone, sorry short reply! Yay! CharChar45 u back on everyday??
The oracle looked more through the books and casted a spell around the sphere. " now how was shetaken...our foot hold was strong." He peered through the sphere as it swirled round and round going back to the day the princess was taken,

It was a nihgt time, when Kanin was taking a stroll on the outskirts of the dragon kingdom. There it happend by the gates a group of four men had snagged her, one giving her a vile of some sleepin positon. Falling intot heir arms, they had tied her with rope and jumped of. " good did they." Watching more of the scene, there shape looked like vampires. " So this is how it happend, no wonder."

Kanin was getting worse every minute that had passed. Her throat felt like it was on fire and her eyes began to waver . CCCCain was alreday close and could smell a familiar sent but more of a dying dragon. He changed his form only keeping his wings, as he flew downwards with the vile tightly in his hand. Spotting the tweo he yelled out in an angry voice, a slip of fire escaping his mouth. "GET AWAY FROM THE PRINCESSSSSSSSSSS"
Valer let her hot skin, rest against his, his cooling cheeks resting next to her head. He didn't know what to do, he never socialized with humans, let alone try to treat them while they became sick. Had he done this to her? His frail hand smoothly brushed against her cheek his forehead rests against hers, hoping it might cool her.

His let his eyes rest as he sat for a moment, a calm tranquil look on his face. Valer worried for this girl, curiosity clawing at him as he wondered if the human had followed him.

His calming posture broke as a hysterical voice echoed behind him. He quickly pulled away from the Kanin, his attention moving towards a winged man behind him. His long rigid wings were almost as large as Valers. There span pulling back as he landed infront of them. What was this? Who was this man.. What was this man. He look at the man in awe his eyes locking with his as he landed. A large thud on the ground sounding as he landed.

((Again on phone :P GoddessOfGod ))
Cain walked over looking back toward rei who had followedh im. His attention drawn toward the boy holding Kanin so carefuly. " stand way you wretched vampire..hands off the princess." His hair going back to normal as his wings disappered. HHHis eyes flickering from kanin to valer.

Kann strained her eyes as she looked over toward the two who had just arived. Her body pulsed as her heart began to beat even faster. She was tired and her body was in to much pain for her to move so she just watched the man approach. "What do you think your doing." Cain spoke with such urgetn and disapproving voice. (lol its cool
Valer took a step back from the man, cold eye's cutting threw Valer as he moved, his attention veering towards Kanin. Valer shuttered as the man called him wretched, though Valer should be used to people calling him foul things, it always seem to bother him. The man moved close to Kanin, his eyes showing care and compassion towards her. Valer watched carefully, ready to lung at this man if he tired to attack her. His fist's clenched at his sides as the man spoke. His warming voice cause Valer's heart to sink, his chest tingling as the man called her 'princess'. A sudden flutter hit him, a feeling of fear, betrayal and denial. This kingdom only had one king. King Ark, who has ruled and purged the world of the vampire scum that lurked in the darkness. The man Marcus sought to destroy. This girl, she was the princess? His daughter.

A glint of depression and betrayal filled his eyes as he seemed to space out, his eyes hovering in the empty air. A look of panic and surprise filling his conscious. It was typical wasn't it? Just as Marcus sought to use him to kill king Ark and his army, this girl must have wanted to use him as well. Gain his trust, use his power. This world never changed did it? Humans and Vampire's using each other. Greed, hate, power, loss and sadness. This was all that ever remained. This girl was just like everyone else, just as these men were.

Valer didn't know what these men were. Vampire's didn't have forms like that, and only he himself had wings. No other vampire he had ever seen had them. Valer turned slightly, his form moving from Kanin and the man. He teeth clenched together, not in pain, but in sorrow. It was always to much to trust others, this world didn't have anyone worth trusting did it? He turned and began to walk away, the sun only minutes away from direct sunlight, to light the entire valley floor.

Valer's slight steps halted at the sound of the other man's words. "Stop..." His green hues locking onto Valer as Valer stood un-moving.His fists still clenched. Rei looked to him carefully, his head tilting to the side as he examined Valer. "You.. Speak..." Valer's eyes widened in surprise, his stance still. Rei could see the resembelence, this boy looked just like the previous King's mute child. Before the races fought they once played quite nice together. Rei had been by Ark's side along with Cain from the very beginning. So he knew the King .. He also knew that King had a son, who escaped the kingdom before he could be slayed. And that, that child had the ability to destroy the dragon race as we knew it. A single vampire who would shift the balance in a matter of days. Rei stood quietly, awaiting a response from Valer.

(( GoddessOfGod I was thinking of making it so Valer and Kanin knew eachother as kids, and that there fathers were best friends. And that it was Marcus who savatoged everything, and make it this huge scandel. Valer still wont have his memory back but maybe she can and she remember's Valer as a kid.

Also CharChar45 bring your chara over to the party lady ;P I think we should make it so that meet up with the 'troops' that they know are close by and head back to the kingdom by foot. It would be something along the lines of flying might put to must stress on Kanin this way theycan travel that way. Once they figure out who Valer is they will want to take him to the king. This bring in room to have this mini army we have in this forest, and both your chara can join in this way. Thing's will sloly be revealed on the long journey back .. Whatcha Think? )))
"Woah!" Archer let out a laugh as he stumbled back, giving the vampire a crooked grin as he caught him, helping him upwards. "Thanks, mate," he said with a slight spark in his eye. He opened his mouth to speak again, but then smacked it shut, frowning as he looked around, the vampire no longer near him. Scanning the scene, he spotted him slowly making his way somewhere else, where, Archer did not know. And being as curious as he was, Archer followed after him, not at all trying to be quiet. "Oi, wait up!" He shouted, his steps light and quick as his feet leaped over rocks and fallen branches.

He wasn't even out of breath once he finally caught up, running a hand over his damp hair as he examined everyone in front of him. There was a girl, pale and feverish on the ground, the vampire kneeling next to her. Then the man appeared, ordering the vampire away, calling the girl a princess, his gaze gentle and kind towards her. For a moment, Archer was stunned, blinking blankly at the scene. King Ark's daughter, and his right hand man, in one place. The missing princess. His face darkened as he stepped forward, pulling out his blade, then lunging forward.

It was fast and swift, a blur of motion. He dashed forwards, ducking and dodging under any attacks the man would make, reaching for the girl and wrapping an arm around her, trapping her in a firm grip, then raising his blade to her throat, pressing it gently against her flesh. "Here's the deal, mate," he drawled in an icy tone, pain and anger flashing in his eyes, "I would rather not kill her, for then I would be no better then you. But I will if I have to. So answer this one question. Where is my sister?!" He was breathing heavily now, although not out of exhaustion. It was the rush, the anger pumping through his veins. His sister meant the world to him, that is, until she was taken. Who knew how much pain and suffering she was going through, all of the torture and beatings. It felt like a knife wound being rubbed with salt just thinking of it.

"Her name is Lunatra," Archer gasped out desperately, "And all I want is her back. Take her away from all of the torture, from all of the pain, please. I'm begging you. Just let her go, and we will vanish. You will never here our family name again, the family that sheltered vampires. Please don't let her suffer anymore!" His grip slackened slightly on the princess, eyes wide and wild, desperate for information. "I just want my sister back," he breathed, staring intently at the man.

((Just to clarify: Archer doesn't realize Lunatra is working for King Ark, and just thinks she's being tortured. They were apart of a well known family who sheltered vampires, which is why King Arks men kill their parents. Lunatra was taken, and they changed her memories to make her believe vampires did it. And she then began working with them.))

((Darktanion I'll post Lunatra's later :P I just want to sleep right now lol))) 
The sound of shouts caught Lunatra's attention as she jerked upright, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the trees. She recognized that voice almost immediately. "Cain?" she thought out loud, standing and facing the trees. What was he doing here? Frowning, she turned toward Seara, holding out her hand for her to grab. The girl stared blankly at it for a moment before accepting it graciously, a small smile dancing across her lips. Lunatra then lifted up the child, placing her on her back, eyes glued upon the forest. "Hold tight, child," she said softly, brown eyes glistening. Then she began to run.

Everything sped past her in a blur of colors. A flash of green from a bushel of leaves. The panicked prance of a deer. Water, crystal clear, shimmering down the rocks. Seara clung on tightly, her fingers digging into Lunatra's shoulders as she buried her head in her back, blonde hair shielding her face. Then, as fast as it began, it stopped. Lunatra slowed into a steady trot, the stopped completely, her jaw going slack as she absorbed the scene. Both Cain and Rei were there, facing their own enemies. But that wasn't what shocked Lunatra so much. It was the girl, trapped in a boys grasp, a blade at her throat.

The similarities were utterly shocking. And, glancing over to Cain, Lunatra could see the gentle, kind warmth in his eyes towards the girl. That was all that was needed to make it obvious to her. The girl was the missing princess. Lunatra removed Seara from her back, gently placing her on the ground, kneeling in front of her, "Wait here, child. I have some matters to take care of." The girl nodded, her blue eyes round like a baby deer's. Lunatra flashed her one last small smile before turning to face the others, a scowl passing over her face. That man dare threaten the princess so? He would never get away with it, not on Lunatra's watch.

With a graceful movement, she pulled the now off from her back, taking an arrow and pressing it against the string. In her training with King Ark's men, she had discovered archery, and her supreme talent of it. Not once had she ever missed a shot, and she didn't plan on starting now. It was smooth and easy for her, as simple as breathing. She pressed the arch of the bow against her cheek, eyes narrowed in on her target. The foolish boy trapping the princess. She aimed the point of the arrow towards his shoulder, licking her lips, then letting the string snap forward, releasing the arrow. It shot forward at a wickedly fast speed, hitting the boy straight in the shoulder and sending him tumbling back.

His knife clattered to the ground, and Lunatra lunged for it, picking it up and spinning it in her hand. She glared ferociously at the boy, storming towards him and picking him up by the collar, pressing the blade to his throat. "Not so fun, is it?" she hissed in his ear, eyes flickering up to Cain, then to the princess. "Is it really her?" she asked out loud, curiosity in her eyes. Her grip did not once slacken on the boy, but instead held onto him like an iron trap. She may of been a woman, but everyone knew she was not one to mess with. Pain and suffering had made her strong, internally and externally. Even when up against a man twice her size. "Did you find the lost princess?"
(( CharChar45 high five! You get things done fast! This actually might be perfect. He's arrested and taken prisoner with Valer. I am assuming Luntra will not believe him words :P yay! This will be interesting ))
((Darktanion that's the goal ^~^ but something needs to convince her over time that he's telling the truth :P I still haven't figured out that part yet))
You think, I would lie to you, idoit girl. " Cain was enraged, that he princess ws here all along, not dead but changed. He knelt down by kanin and brushed the hair from her eye. " wha scum, would turn you into such a thing. A vampire of all the sorts. " Kanin eyes had faded and her heart begna to slow down. Cain griped onto her jaaw and opend her mouth. Popping the lid off the viel he poured the red liquid down her throat then stepped back as he saw her gulp it.

"EVERYONE BACK UP" This vile was a strong potion and it would help her conditoin. But this poiton was strong, and it could be aggresive due to how long she had drinkun his blood. Cain stepped back toward rei, looking back a thim nodding. The oracle was right now to see if this posiotn worked like, the oracle claimed it would. Mayber she will beomce that princess we knew so long ago ((lol ok sounds good))
Valer stood, his feet locked in place as the human threatened Kanin. His aqua hues watching him carefully as the blade rose to her neck. Before Valer could react the man fell back, his body being held up by a human women, his blade crossed at his throat. Valer clenched his teeth, cursing himself in his mind. A sudden forced came to the women's rear end, her body being thrown off balance, her body veering forward to the ground, her grip slipping as she instinctively attempted to watch her fall. A hand grasped the humans pant line, his tight grip holding him in place.

Even rei's eyes couldn't follow Valer's movement, his once anchored form vanished. Rei smiled a bit as he looked behind Luntra, behind her falling form stood Valer, his foot still held in the air bent from kicking her forward. His hand gripping the drunkin man. Valer had acted on instinct, he didn't want to see anyone die. This human didn't seem bad, it seemed he was looking for someone. Valer dropped the man and took a step back, the feeling of regret for reacting so easily. He took a step back, his throat clasping shut as the smell of blood hit his nose. Soo.. Hungry.. 30..29...28 the seconds counted down as the sun rose, the once very covered area Valer had found now torn, rays of light shinning threw. These creatures entrance torn the thick trees, the darkness of shadows they had keet, gone as the tree branches fell. Valer looked to the ray of light that slowly hit Rei, Valer instinctively taking a step back as the sun drew closer. There was no were to run.. No darkness in which to hide.

His eyes sharpened as they traced the sun, a look of fear and confusion. Rei smiled as the suns warm rays lite up his back. He looked to Cain then back at Luntra. Neither Rei or Cain took that humans threat seriously. He was weak and frail. Valer quickly pulled the human to his feet and pulled him away from Kanin, his right hand carefully pulling the arrow from his shoulder. Valer needed to leave, this place was to exposed. He turned to leave, the human in his grasp trailing behind. Valers turn came to a sudden hault, his form stumbling back. It felt like he had come head first into a rock. Valer shook his head slightly, his eyes looking to Rei, a vicious smile reaping his face as he prevented Valer and the human from leaving.
Kanin's body began to burn. Sizziling sounds could be heard from her skin as if it was burrning away her pale skin. Her eyes flickered frm that of a humas to a vampre, froma a vampire to a lizard type. Her hair began to shorten then lengthin, the color shifting. Her nails began to grow then shorten.

Cain smirked as he aw a transfomration of an ew born, just now getting its wings. HHHer mouth opend as her eyes turend into dragon's eyes HHer teeth grew as she screamed out in pain. She leaned forward showing her back taht was moving around. Her shoulder blades lookign as if they were going to break free. She pucnhed the ground making it shake a little as she screamed again. So much pain, she had felt.

Cain baacked up more, seeing how this was going to be a big cahnge. Her hands forming into that of a claw, a foot with nails digging into teh ground. Her body began to extend as her face stretched out to. Her nose turnning into a snout as her teeth became sharp. SheWas changing into something fierce.
Archer spun out of the woman's grasp as she fell backwards, cursing under his breath. He winced at the pain in his shoulder, and didn't even feel the vampire pull him back. What he did feel was the excruciating pain as the arrow was pulled from his shoulder, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from yelling. He gritted his teeth and let out a slow breath as the vampire pulled him away, just to come to a jerking halt. Archer attempted to stop as well, but skidded, slamming into the rock like invisible wall. "Bloody hell," he muttered under his breath. The sun was beginning to show its golden rays through the trees, beating down on those standing in it.

Looking over his shoulder, Archer saw the vampire, fear dancing in his eyes. He was defenseless in the sunlight. But Archer, on the other hand, was not. He could still fight, even with an injury. Taking a deep breath, he turned and faced the others, brown eyes narrowed, blood dripping from his wound. He scanned the scene, all of his senses on high alert, all intoxication now gone. On the ground, a few feet from the woman, lay his blade, glinting in the sunlight. His eyes flickered to it, then to those he was up against.

He skidded across the ground, snagging the knife and dodging as the woman lashed out towards him, rolling across the dirt and jumping to his feet. The two men did not seem to pay any mind to him, or at least not as much as the woman did. Either they thought she was capable of handling a man by herself, or thought him as weak. Most people did underestimate him at first sight, but he always proved them wrong. And he would do so again. Holding the dagger in his hand, he dashed forward, kicking out his feet to trip the woman. He had no intentions of killing her, or anybody for that manner. All he wanted to do was get himself and the vampire to safety.

He watched as the woman caught herself gracefully, doing a flip and kicking him in the face. Archer stumbled back, then grabbed her by the ankle, tossing her over his shoulder and to the ground. He did not turn his attention to her after that, but instead moved towards the man, the one who was preventing him and the vampire from leaving. With a simple flick of his wrist, he flung the knife towards him, aiming for his shoulder. Just to distract him long enough to lose his focus, so Archer and the vampire could escape. But he didn't count on one thing, and if the knife did hit, it wouldn't matter. Because the woman was fast to react.

Lunatra winced as the boy threw her to the ground, black spots dancing across her vision as she gasped for air. She shook it off, slowly getting to her feet, brown eyes narrowed as she dug her nails into the ground. The boy had immediately turned his attention away from her, moving it towards Rei as he flung the blade towards him. If it did hit, Rei would lose his focus, and both the vampire and boy would have the chance to escape. She wouldn't let that happen. Jumping to her feet, her gaze moved towards the vampire, completely unprotected in the corner. She ran towards him, reaching out and grasping his hair, wrapping her arm around his neck in a choke hold, eyes narrowed as she watched the foolish boy. "I would suggest you quit your games," she snapped, tightening her grasp on the vampire.
Valer looked up his eyes laying upon a tall, well build man. his short golden locks accenting his green hues. Valer clanked his teeth together, a look of anger coming to him as Archer slipped from his grasp. Valer took a step back, there eyes meeting as he did. They both stood silently, a small gust of wind pushing strands of hair as they stood. Kanin scream tugged at Valers ears his head instinctively turning to her, a look of worry as his attention faltered.

Before he could turn fully, his head yanked back with force, his shinning white strands of hair gripped in a tight grasp as the human women pulled his head back violently. His neck stretching backwards exposing his rather white skin as she wrapped her arm securely around his neck. Valer clenched his eyes instinctively as she reined in his hair, her cocky yet serious tone pulling at his ears.

Before she was done speaking Rei moved gracefully to the left, the blade barely missing his shoulder as it veered past hitting deep into a tree that stood behind him. His green hues meet with the human man, a grin sweeping him as he looked to him.

Valer lifted his hands, there small forms wrapping around her arm that clenched at his throat pulling at them down slightly as he gasped for breathe. His eyes watered as he gasped, his eyes watching the sun as it peered threw the forest. She pulled to the left slightly a ray of sun peeking threw, it's warm light hit Valers hands and slightly exposed neck, his skin burning like embers, red seering cracks along his hands. He opened his mouth, his throat telling him to scream in pain, but just as always, no sound came out. The pain was unbareable, like someone was tearing his flesh from his bone over and over. Valer couldn't take the pain. He pushed back violently with his weight forcing Luntra back, her form crashing against a tree with great forced. The tree shadows cooled his skin, though the intense pain laid the same.

(( phone sorry))
Her mouth opend up more as steam shot from her nostrols. Her hair became long , falling over her shoulders. It was pitch black, that of a ravens wing. Her teeth grew larger than a vampires as her screams echoed through the forest. Cain's smile turned into a sadden look . " rei she is in so much pain."

A dragon tattoo began to weave into the back of her skin. Her eyes red like crimson. Bursting through her back were a pair of black wings. Longer than valer's previous transformation. She clenched her fist then slammed it on the ground, as a tail began to break through and wave itself around. Cain backed up a bit more as he clenched his fist, temepting to kill the vampire known as valer.

Her hair then spiked up. And her body began to turn black. Slowly scales appearing everywhere as her body grew, changing more. With a scream, a roar came from her mouth as black flames circled around her body into a cylydner up into the sky. Breaking away her body was fully changed as she looked up toward the sky roaring.

True transformation

Lunatra winced as the vampire slammed her into the tree, flinching away from the suns rays, his hands clawing at her arm. For a moment, she struggled with patting through her waistband, one arm still secure around the vampires throat. At last, she found what she was looking for, and pressed it against the vampire's stomach. A small, silver dagger, dosed heavily with garlic. The scent alone would weaken him, leaving him vulnerable. And with him in that state, they could present him to King Ark.

Archer watched as the man dodged the blade, turning to face him with a grin on his face. Archer met his gaze evenly, hands clenched into fists at his side. He took a step forward, ready to attack, when a tremor shook the ground. He stumbled forward, catching himself with his hands, hair falling into his eyes. There was a roar, loud and booming, echoing through the forest. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Archer spun around to face the creature, his eyes widening in shock at the sight. A dragon, one that was almost amazing and glorious in its own, unique way. Power radiated from it, and Archer was completely captivated, his mouth ajar in amazement. His full attention lay on the dragon, and he had now completely forgotten about the man.

Seara sat silently, tears streaming down her face as the fighting commenced. The woman who saved her was swift and light, like a gazelle. Oddly, the man she fought had similar movements, as if they had the same traits. And, they did have the same traits. Tanned, glossy skin. Dark brown hair constantly falling in creamy brown eyes. The two looked so much alike, it was astonishing. But, weirdly enough, Seara seemed to be the only one who noticed this fact. Why, she did not know. Currently her worries laid in someone getting severely hurt, or even killed. As she watched, no major injuries seemed to take place, but one thing did catch her attention. The girl, withering in pain, her cries loud and clear. A transformation was taking place, that much Seara could tell. A tail. Wings. Claws. And, after a while, a dragon stood in the girls place.

In a way, it was breathtaking, mysterious, and beauteous. Seara stumbled to her feet, blue eyes wide as she took a step towards the creature, awe in her expression. What she didn't see was flames. Some had fallen, hitting the ground and lighting it, lapping up the grass. It crept towards Seara, threatening to engulf her if she didn't run. She didn't even notice it, for she too was captivated by the dragon, blue eyes absorbing the sight in wonder, like a child on Christmas. She didn't hear Lunatra's shouts of warning, didn't hear her cry out and curse audibly. No, her attention was on the dragon.

"Seara!" Lunatra screamed, trying to catch her attention. But she was in awe, captivated by the dragon, unaware of the flames. "Bloody hell!" Lunatra hissed, tossing the vampire and her knife aside, not even caring anymore. What mattered was making sure that girl remained safe. She didn't save her the first time for nothing. She ran forward, ready to push the girl out of the way, but not expecting the flames to fight back. They grew bigger, lunging forward just as Lunatra shoved Seara out of the way, taking the blunt of the fire. The pain was immense. They snaked across her arm and torso, sending her to the ground as she flinched, tears streaming down her face as she bit back screams. It tore and ripped at her flesh, and Lunatra curled up in a ball, sobbing silently as she winced, her eyes drooping shut. Then everything went black.
Valer's claws dug deeper into Luntra's flesh as her blade touched him, the scent alone sending his sense soaring. He reeled back again, his eye's clenched in pain. The blade melted his flesh just as the sun had, his stance became weak, his body slowly relying more and more on the women, who held him at bay. The loud roar of the dragon ran in his ears, his conscious to pained to realize what it was. The women that held him kept a tight grip, sudden force throwing him forward, his form hitting hard against the tree that shaded the ground.

Valer collapsed to the ground. Muffled coughs coming from him as he lay helpless. His left leg lay straight behind him while the right bent a little, his arms wrapped tightly around his torso as he lied on his side, his form rocking back and forth from the pain. His teeth bit hard into his lips , blood coming from his pale lips as he tried to distract himself from the pain that dug deep into his flesh.

Rei took a step forward, his attention still watching Valer as he spoke. "She has been living a life that is not her own... Deep in the darkness, and foul creatures that do things dragons should never do. It's to be expected that reverting to her true form might be painful. Her body must push out the toxins.." A flame lashed out, barely missing Cain as it whipped at a young girl. It's dark flames reached quickly, there violent nature whipping across Luntra as she shoved the girl aside.

Rei quickly looked back to Kanin, his eyes watching her carefully as she pulsed a ray of power towards them. "It's enough princess, calm down..." He said shortly, his matter a fact voice echoing lightly. Rei looked to Cain then back at Valer, his form still crippled to the ground, wincing in pain. "Cain we should move, find a place for the princess and Luntra to rest..." Rei peered back at Luntra, a concerned look as she fell unconscious. "Humans are weak.. It's dangerous. Besides... " He paused for a moment his eyes making there way back to Valer. " I think we found something very interesting.. " Rei smiled at Valer's crippled form, his hands folded to his chest with a feeling of deadly thoughts radiating from him. Rei knew who this young vampire was, and to bring him to King Ark, could end this war. After all, King Ark hand been looking for this boy for a long time. It will be interesting when he finds out he isn't dead.

Rei looked to the human man who looked in awe at Kanin. "Perhaps we should bring him too.. See what Ark would like to do with the weakling. He seems to have an alliance with vampires.. Perhaps there more to get out of him? " Rei grinned a feeling of accomplishment sweeping over him as he spoke.

(( CharChar45 noooo! Not garlic! Dies! Lol, Jk.

GoddessOfGod I was trying to think up a back story. Like Ark and Rohan were once best friends and there relationship spoiled. That marcus framed his brother, saying he betrayed the dragons kidnapped Ark's daughter for randsom. IT could be a huge scandel, that slwoly comes out in Valer's and Kanin's memories. This way they would know each other as kids. Which would be cool.

Then Charchar your character's parents could have worked directly threw King Rohan, and maybe know where he is. Thats all I got so far though. Whatcha guy think? ))
Cain Kanin's eyes look twoard the one that had called ou to her. The flames spreading as she opend her mouth toward rei, showing her teeth toward him. She was still to confused to understand anything, who they where and how they knew her. She was more confused about her selfand backed away, her wings knocking down the trees.

Cain looked aaway, then nodded toward rei. He jumped up toward the dragon, kanin's new form. He looked into her eeys and gave off a small smile of relief. Putting his hands on her snout. He began to consume herlames. His own hand burnning as the flames slowly disappeared. " Kanin time to rest." As he consumed her flames her eyes began to close. Her eyes getting heavier.

Slowly , her body began to change again. Her body getting smaller, and the spike on her head became loose, and fell to her normal hair. The scales slowly disappeared but the tatto stil lremained on her back. Her small body laid in CCCain's arms, as he touched the ground softly. Her body was nude but the importatn parts were covered by Cain's body. " Rei let me borrow your shirt, she is unclothed." HHe turned to him as he began to walk to him, wile glancing back at the others. ((nice scandal there, ill go along with that )))

human transformation

Seara was in shock. She watched as Lunatra fell unconscious, slow to react at first. But then she ran to her side, gently resting a hand on her severe wounds. "Miss?" she whimpered softly, tears brimming her eyes. She wanted to help the woman who had saved her life twice now, but these injuries were beyond her abilities. For a moment, she tried, laying her palms out flat, squeezing her eyes shut. A soft, gentle white light glowed from her fingertips, but it did nothing. Her training had been cut short do to the harsh murder of her family. The family that helped vampires.

They were a family of healers, practiced in white magic, helping any vampire in need. They would help cure wounds, give them some strength. It was their specialty, one that was soon found out. One that was destroyed. King Ark's men raided the house, pillaging and raping, laughing as they killed and stole from this family of healers. Seara was the only one who managed to escape, the only survivor of the last family practiced in white magic. She was only 8 years old, just a child, but had the ability the heal vampires and humans alike. And her family had chosen vampires, a choice that she did not regret.

"Come on," she whispered, gritting her teeth as she tried even harder, the white glow growing stronger. It was then that she realized that King Ark's men themselves could see her, see her using her magic. Almost instantly, she stopped, clasping her hands behind her back as she scrambled back, fear dancing in her eyes. Please don't let them see me, she prayed desperately, tumbling to her feet and backing away. Maybe she could run before they noticed, maybe she could escape. Clinging onto this thought, she turned on her heel and began running, tripping over stones and branches, panting heavily. Let me go, she pleaded silently, squeezing her eyes shut, please, please let me go.

((Darktanion I like it :D and I just came up with this idea for Seara, thought it would be interesting :P that okay?))
Rei slowly slid the coat from his back, his thick black trench laced in gold trim. He gently placed the coat over Kanin, his eyes slowly gazing at the human. His warm mood bittered as he walked to the human, a golden gleam in his eyes he barked at the man. "Pick up that foul piece of scum and come with us.. Or die .. Your choice.." He gestured towards Valer a look of disgust as he glanced at his panting form. He glanced back as Cain. That girl was a healer. They didn't have time to waist hunting the girl down.. Although Rei knew she was of value. It would be easier to have Luntra lead them to her once she woke.

Rei walked over to Luntra, his strong hangs pulling her body close, her form laying limply in his arms as he shot a glare at the human who had threatened them earlier. "Now.." He demanded. The suns rays were intense threw the forest. Valer would be hard to move, but Rei had a plan. It was critical for Valer to be kept alive. The king need to bask in the glory of killing the last of that rechid family line. His cold icy glare watched the human carefully, waiting for him to react.

(( @chachar45 your fine :P throw in as mAny stories and chakras as u want lady :P


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