
Valers neck stretched forward his eyes clenching closed as he raised his foot. In a quick force he slammed his foot against Marcus knee, his bones popping out of place. Marcus pulled away instinctively his fangs ripping back into Valers shoulder. Marcus let out a painful yelp as he fell backwards, his body slamming hard against the floor. Valer stepped forward his knees collapsing beneath him as his head began to spin. Marcus had taken so much blood. Valer coughed hard as he chest hit against the floor his head reeling.

"How dare you.." Said Marcus as he viciously popped his knee back into place. Marcus moved closer to Valer pulling him against the cold wooden ground. Valers hands clenched Marcus as blood draped across the floor. "You will regret that ..." He said letting silence fall between them as Marcus released Valer, his head slamming to the ground. Anger consumed Valer as he forced himself up, his body slamming into Marcus. Marcus stop his motion with ease his hand gripping around Valers neck. "So weak.. You haven't feed have you? .. Well it's no matter. It will be easier if you are weak... Come on Valer, don't be so upset. I will never betray you.." He smiled as he leaned in towards Valer. His lips almost touching his ear as he spoke.
HHearing the thumb knain looked up. Out of anger she ran back toward the inn but came through the window. A repulsive force pushed maracus down so he didn't touch valer. She hopped through the window then landed next to valer holding him. " don't touch him." She hissed as she beared her fangs toward him. her hand tightly around valer not etting go.

"lets get one thing will not touch valer as long as im here." She scooted closer toward the door. " you will not sink your teeth into him, hurt him, slap him abuse him..nothing." The inn began to shake as her eyes turned red. She was serious as she studied marukus.
Valer coughed hard, his form leaning into kanin's grasp. His blood saturated her clothing as she backed away, his breathe heavy as he stumbled. Marcus watched her carefully his fangs showing as he spoke "you say that as though you think he is yours. Lets get this straight. He's my pet.." In an instant her moving backwards stopped, Marcus form standing close, gripping Valers arm. "He is a danger to our race. I will not allow him to destroy everything I have built so high. And yet you defend him, despite knowing he probably killed your parents... " Valer winced at his words. Killed her pArents?

Valer had never killed anyone. What was he saying? Marcus eyes became sharp. "I turned him, by the laws that our forfathers set down he is mine. And you are not to interfer... " Marcus grip tightened around Valer causing him to wince once more, his teeth clenching together. "You are nothing to me.." Marcus said as he quickly raised his foot, it force going into kanin's chest and sending her flying backwards. Her body flying threw the wall, wooden pieces hanging from its broken exterior dangling. Valer took a step back and swung at Marcus, his fist being caught by Marcus hand.there hands shaking the the air as Valer pushed against him. Marcus smiled "come on Valer.. Can't you do better then this" Valers brows scrunched as he struggled with difficulty.
((In a post or two im am going to make him transform. It will be cool. You will like it ;) ))
As she fell back she let out a screech. She looked back up her eyes enrage. She let out a scream as the ground began to shake. She hissed as she dashed forward on all fours. "you are lower then me you muel, i wil lteach you properly." She lunged her nails growing as thy dig into maruc shoulders. :

"you will not touch valer." She broght her fange toward his neck, a small his comming. Her grip tighint on him. She was angry, and hated how she was pushed. "i am a pureblood and you will listen to my comands or we both die." Her mouth got closer to is neck as if she was about to rip the side of it out.
Valer stumbled back as Kanin leaped forward, her posture was that of an animal. Valer stood watching Kanin as she threatened Marcus. Marcus stood un-fazed. He had a cool look upon his face, a smile still wrapping it. His neck vibrated from his voice as he spoke. "Being a pureblood has no bearing in this world anymore.. Only the strong survive. And you my dear... Are not strong.. " As his voice sounded, he quickly raised his hand, long viscous claws thickening to a pasty black lashed out at her face.

Valer's became strained at his adam's apple stuck in his throat as he lunged forward once more. His hand extended slightly wrapping around Kanin's arm, his grip pulling back, as Marcus sharp pasted claws came veering by her cheek, his middle finger barely cutting her pale cheek. As Valer pulled her backwards, quickly shifting his weight, his legs switching as he thrusted his foot into Marcus's chest. Marcus form went flying into the wall, his body being thrown into the next room. The sound of crashing only muffled the sound of screams. No doubt from the humans that were bedding next to them. The whole in the wall was dark, no lights only unmoving shadow's and darkness. Valer watched the wall carefully, his eye's fixated on the shattered wooden wall. The silence broke as the sound of wood hitting against the floor echoed, a form slowly moving in the darkness. Shadow's shifting in the form of a man.

A hand reached threw the darkness, its grip grasping the sharp wooden wall, clenching tightly against its thorny exterior. The wood in the hand began to crumble as a head peered in threw the darkness. Crimson eyes, filled with anger locking on Valer.
(( Marcus


The Vampire King (Valer's Father)


King Ark and his soldiers

She shook her head a little holding it with her hand. The screams of the humans next door ran through her head as seh looked up. " w..we should have never left the forest." She coughed a little as she stood to her feet ready for another fight. She clenched her fist togerth as the building began to shake.

She heard the inn keeper running up the stairs, and a few citizens nearby following after. "..valer we'cant stay here..and definetly not with him." She looked over at him, ready to move or follow him. She jsut wanted to leave.
((My character's are always hot!))

Valer stood un-moving his eye's fixed on the shadowy figure in front of him. His eyes filled with rage, its crimson glow, blood lust. Marcus let out a laugh as he shifted out of the shadows. his form slowly coming to the light. "That's right Valer, get angry... You think you can leave? You think your capable of just living. I will never let you live.. Remember Valer.. You are mine.. " Marcus stepped forward once more his feet crunching the pieces of wood that lay beneath him. His eyes shifted to Kanin, his gaze matching with hers. "Perhaps that human wasn't close enough to you? Perhap's her death will make you see.. " He had barely finished his sentence before lunging forward, his hands outstretched in the air, its hostile nature veering towards her.

Valer stood, his eyes filled with hate as Marcus spoke. This man had kill anyone and everyone he ever cared for, and he had forced him to become a vampire. Anything Valer ever had this man stole, treasures, relationship and life.. Valer was blinded with rage, his fangs extending slowly, his otherwise dull teeth becoming razor sharp. The whites of his eyes slowly washed away by black, his crimson eyes deepening at the thought of death and vengeance. Valer clenched his fists, blood seeping from his palm as his claws dig deep into his flesh. Marcus's body came to a halt, a sharp pain ripping his shoulder as claws gripped it. Marcus struggled moaning slightly from the pain as he turned slightly to look at what caught him.

As he turned, the smile that once swept his face quickly diminished. His eye's looking upon a being who looked dangerous. The being wasn't an animal, nor a demon of hell, it was Valer. His form changed, with Jet black eyes and Crimson Pupils. The clothing on his back ripped as two shaded wings peer in the darkness. Valer shifted his weight, his wings slowly stretching outward, the natural moonlight hitting them threw the windows. One wing was white, purple and red veins slowly coursing threw it, its texture was soft skin like. Its bat like appearance only exonerating his haunting form. The outline of the wing stood jet black, tracing down each bone that outlined his wing. The other wing was different, ruffled black feathers covered its flesh, its appearance more like an angel. Marcus eye's filled with glee and he looked upon the creature before him.

Yes. This was the form he wanted! This was the power he needed. His grin slowly came back. Valer's beastly eye's carefully gazed upon Marcus, the look of anger on his face would scare even the toughest man. But Marcus still stood unfazed. "Beautiful.. hahahah. Valer its beautiful! See your true nature.. Kill everything. Everyone! Kill them all!" He screamed at Valer, his voice happy yet sinister in its tone.

Valer's looked lost, his thoughts consumed by instinct. Instinct to kill, his form giving off an animal nature. Marcus words lay flat to Valer's ears. Valer merely looked to Marcus his head tilting as he did. A smile of 'evil' wrapped his face as he clenched down on Marcus shoulder. The sound of cracking bones broke the cheerful banter that Marcus displayed. Screams of pain coming from him as he fell to his knees. Valer smiled, a smile that said he enjoyed to sound of pain, a lustful inhuman smile. The smile of a monster.



((you know what would be cool, if kanin was the princess of the dragon lan and was kidnapped by a few vampires ordered by the dead king.))))

Valer nooo" she yelled out aas she wrapped her arms around her midsection. The kick to her body, gave her heavy damage as she coughed a bit. Her left eye barley open as seh gritted her teeth. " dont be like those low vampires." SHe walked toward him holding her stomach as she scooted her feet across the floor toward the two. " that sound your sounds awful doesn't it..your not the valer."

"your not this valer..your different." She stood infront of them giving off a slight smile. She held out her hand toward valer." can't you hear voice, come on."
Valer's eye's slowly moved, there attention locking on Kanin. He looked carefully at her hand, a look of curiosity. Like he had never known what this gesture meant. As she spoke his head turned, a curious look sweeping his face. Like a lost fox who dared not approach a human who offered it food. His grip stayed tight around Marcus shoulder, Marcus hands gripping at Valer's claws, blood seeping from his wound, his dark clothes saturated his crimson blood.

Valer threatened his fangs at Marcus, as he forced him up, his legs shaking in pain from Valer's painful grip. In one swift movement he threw Marcus, his body tearing threw the wall once more, his body being thrown much farther this time. The sound of distant thrashing becoming more and more distant as his body tumbled. Valer had a look of happiness at the sounds of ripping as he turned to Kanin, his coarsed claws still threatening as blood dripped from his hand. Who was he? Would he attack her.. Was he really still the same? With a look so deep in darkness, was this still the same man who cried for the death of a human, or fought for the life of a vampire.

Would Kanin really risk it? Knowing that this form he revealed, was his true nature, that this darkness was who he really was? Valer outstretched his bloodied hand, the wound from her fangs was non existent as he gave her a threatening, yet gentle look.

((She could be, and they put a spell on her making her behave and appear like a vampire. ))
((yes ^^)))

She was a little scared , but in her mind she nudged hersedlf forward. She wasn't going to let darkness win, not over someone who cared so much for a human. She didn't really care about herself more about valer. They was he was, she htought using a power like this so much would strain his body. She stepped forward looking into his eyes wit hsoft ones. She fave a smile as she continued to walk further.

With another step she took ahold of valers hand, and placed it on her cheek, like he did back at the other village. She then took the blood from his hand and wrote on hers. "wake up" She smiled up at him, hoping this would work. After she wrot it she then spoke in her softest voice, the one she used when she tried to wipe away the garlic. " wake up valer"
A gleem of light enter his eyes as she touched his hand, her soft gentle voice sounding deep in his mind. His eyes widened as she wrote, a hard pressure pressing against his head. His hand quickly tore from her grasp, his long slender fingers grasping at his head, his bloodied hands staining his white hair red. His teeth clenched together as he stumbled backwards, his form hunched forward as he hit against the side wall. A look of pain filled his eyes. Not the pain that is physical. But the pain that he held in his heart, black tears ran from his crimson eyes. His wings spread, in a frantic motion, there spread to big to fit in the small room. His wings hit hard against the walls and ceilings as he stood, his eyes Turing to Kanin, a stunned look consuming her.

His form vanished, like he was never there, a brunt force hit hard against Kanin as she slammed against the cold hard wooden floor. Some of the pillars and planks beneath her cracked as Valers form sat on her waist. His bloodied hand still grasped his head as the other flexed over her neck, it's grip not as tight as his body intended. He threw his body forward, his body laying over hers as his head smashed against the ground, planks breaking beneath his hard skull. His wings became limp on the ground as his body lay over hers. His hands clenched as he lay outstretched to the sides, bent in a l shape as he revealed a painful look once more. A look of restraint, a look of fear. 
(( GoddessOfGod we could create a character to come in and reveal her identity. As they travel )) 
(( GoddessOfGod problem, if she was a dragon her taking in Valers blood would make her sick or kill her.. ))
(ill make the new character to comein..and with that , we could solve the problem, by her getting sick which leads her weak untill the man..i would say the princess gaurd or watcher we bring a potion to cure her. 
".valer..valer are you ok." She touched his face wondering if he was ok. A tight pain went through her body as her eye sight became fuzzy. "..what the .." She shook it off and shook valer. He looked in pain so she rolled him over then herself to. Quickly she got to her feet and pulled up valler to his. She whistled, sending a new buck to come. "...tsk it's not in my nature to leve him behind." IN minutes the buck was beside her along with the in lady. She realed valer onto the buck then called for atnother.

"im sorry..for the mess." The buck came trotting passed her. " go retrieve marcus." The buck nodded and began to trot away. She bowed toward the in lady as the buck drug marcus from his coller into the room. " you cant move and your wounded so stay still..were leaving." She realed marcus onto the buck then lead them out of the inn. The inn lady was to shocked to say anything and just watched as she left casually.

Walking down the road out of the village, she sighed. No point in hiding her form after they saw what happend. She wasn't hungry anymore but her stomach began to turn and her skin began to turn gray as if she was becoming stone. "..tsk i cant see." SHe coughed a bit as she led the bucks away.
((i swear i haven't forgotten about this x.x i just got swamped with work, school, and exams. and I'm thinking of making another character, Lunatra's brother, though she doesn't know it. and also I'm thinking that it will be King Ark's men that killed her parents, not vampires :P and she discovers that later in the roleplay. does that sound good?))

"You two are cowards," Lunatra scoffed at the men in front of her, trembling in fear, "Ralph stayed and fought. But you? What did you do? You fled, ran away like a bunch of rats. And because of that, I am ashamed of you both. Do not, and I repeat, do not let it happen again." Her gaze was sharp as she glared at them, her brows eyes narrowed into slender slits. Then, without waiting for a reply, she yanked on the reins, nudging the sides of the mare and bringing the horse to a steady trot. In a few minutes, they reached the destination, the scene of the battle. Blood stained the grass, splattered against the trees. And, laying limply on the ground, was Ralph.

Lunatra jumped down from the saddle, walking towards him without once flinching away from all of the scarlet staining his body. She kneeled by his side, brushing the hair out of his eyes, and bowing her head. "I thank you for your service to us in order to free the world from the death and the destruction vampires have caused. May heaven accept and bless you into it's holy light, Ralph." She drew a cross upon his forehead, then stood, staring at the corpse briefly before pulling out a box of matches. She flicked one against the side, watching in burn before dropping it on the soldier's body. This was the best funeral she could give, for time was running out, and, from elsewhere, she could smell smoke.

Sprinting back to the mare, she leaped on the horse's back, nudging her into a full out run, watching the smoke floating in the air off in the distance. The stench of the fire wafted up her nose, and she crinkled it in disgust, urging the horse to go faster. The breeze whipped at her hair, strands of it coming lose and hitting her face. Branches and leaves whacked out towards her, and she ducked under them, swerving expertly through the trees, panting heavily. Then, at long last, she arrived at the scene, sweat dripping from her brow, her breaths quick and deep. Yet she felt exhilarated from the ride, the blood pumping madly through her veins. Horseback riding has always had that effect on her, that feeling of being able to take on anything and anyone, no matter how big, no matter how strong.

But her increased energy was not of importance. What was important was the church, being eaten up by leaping, roaring orange and yellow flames, dancing a deadly dance before her eyes. She reacted immediately, dashing forward and diving through the doors, wincing as they fell closed behind her. There was no way she was getting out that way, not that it mattered. She just needed to make sure no one was trapped inside, needed to make sure no one was left behind. Plus, she has done stupider things other then diving into a burning church. "Anyone in here?" she shouted, flinching back as the flames reared up in front of her. She shielded her hands with her eyes, wincing as the fire grazed the skin, holding back a cry of pain.

Then she heard coughing. It was soft, gentle, barely audible in the noise of the flames. But Lunatra heard it. It was the coughing of a small child, maybe a little girl. She dashed forward, ducking under burning beams and weaving left and right through the dangers. The coughing grew louder, and she moved faster, leaping over a fallen bench and sprinting forward. Then she saw the victim, the one trapped.

It was a girl, no more then five years of age, shuddering and shaking in a thin, ragged cloak. Long, tangled blonde hair hid her face as Lunatra ran towards her, dropping to her knees beside her. "It's alright, sweetheart," she whispered softly, scooping up the trembling girl in her arms, "I'll get you out of here." Standing, she looked around the burning church, biting her lip in hesitation. The door from where she had entered from was completely blocked, and the roof would cave in any second. The only option was the window. Lunatra would probably get a few scratches and glass shards stuck in her skin, but she could handle it. The girl, on the other hand... She looked to the child in her arms, then held onto her tighter, shielding her body with her arms.

There was a pause, a moment where nothing happened, no action took place. Then Lunatra ran forward, her feet pounding against the wooden floor, pushing off with her toes, launching herself through the stained glass window, the girl still in her arms. She hit the ground hard on the balls of her feet rolling forward and letting out a small cry as her ankle twisted at an awkward angle, pain shooting up her leg. Black spots danced across her vision as she held the girl tightly in her arms, pain all over her body, coming from all angles. Her senses went on high alert, every touch feeling like a shock to her. The only comfort was the child, the warmth of her body and beating heart resting in Lunatra's arms. Then, all went black.
(( CharChar45 GoddessOfGod both sounds good! Missed you you!!!)) 
His shoulders were tense as Kanin carefully lifted him, her shake causing him to snap to attention for a moment. His brows scrunched as his wings slowly spread, there forms slowly receeding into his back. Two long rips remained in his clothing as the wings slowly disappeared from view. His hand clenched over his crimson red eye, a shot of pain sheering in his lense as Kanin lead him out. His mind slowly gripped, wrapping back around reality, his warped conscious slowly coming too. His nails slowly dulled, there coarse color fading light as they slowly shorted to the nail bed.

His mind seemed blurred as events seemed to skip, the inn became the dirt ground and the dirt ground a luscious forest. His mind quickly snapped too, as he reeled forward. His mind still unsure of the events that had unfolded. He quickly looked to Kanin, her skin pale, white and pasty. To pasty for even a vampire. He took in a breath as he quickly stepped in front of her, his hands outstretched in a stopping motion. Her hot body stopped against his cold palms, the abrupt stop must as started her because she had a hurtful look on her face. He bent his head down slowly, his eyes locking with hers. Her eyes were unfocused, dazed in the nothingness of darkness.

His crimson eye still sheeted with black whites watching her, the other white with aqua blue, beautiful like sparkling glitter in the sea. The one thing that made him seem human. His attention ripped from her eyes as the feeling of burning hot flesh touched the tip of his fingers.

She was hot, his was that possible? Vampires couldn't conduct heat, the hearts in there chest didn't beat and the blood that stayed dormant, unflowing. His hands were still placed carefully on her chest, his eyes widening as a sound came to his ears. Thump thump thump. A heart beat? Her blood warm? This is women wasn't a vampire? He became startled as he looked to her. Her black vision shattered as he casted a illusion over her mind. Sharp shards of black hovered as she looked. Words lighting the darkness. "W-what are you?.. Your not.." His vision became ruffled as Marcus gave out a loud laugh. Blood spurring out of his mouth as the buck carried his limp form.

Valer slowly looked back to Kanin a hand carefully touching her forehead, brushing her hair aside as he felt her skin. She wAs burning up. His eyes glanced at the sky, traces of dawn slowly approached as he looked around frantically. They needed a place to hide.

(( CharChar45 would u like me to Approach ur chara or do u have some other plan.

GoddessOfGod I'm going to leave his red eye perminatly black to show a step up in his level form of power. FYI ;p )) 
Oh and goddess if she was arks daughter then I don't think they would kno she is alive >.> ))
What if they had an oracle that used the bones of humans and vampiees t see what they cant, revling them where she is, and what had happend. 
( by the way i have schol , so ill try to post on my friends phone)
That will work, you'll have to work out a scene on the side were it shows them just now finding the oracle and using it to find her. Also arks men would be very viscous to Valer because they would realize who he was. Remember :P can't wait to see it. I'm in Canada. Doing a 20 hr drive home so might not reply till tommorow :) )) 
King Ark Dragon Form :P

Go other dragons true forms would look a lot like this. Probably little less burley :P ))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.42bd54b32c24a74ce853233d80727d69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.42bd54b32c24a74ce853233d80727d69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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GoddessOfGod I would make it so the guard that come is one of arks head men, he will send two. You be one and ill be the other 'sergeant'. Also when they give her the serum it will undo the 'spell' that is giving her the vampire nature. We will need to come up with why she was taken and hidden too. They will join charchar45 character and the army will start to move back to the kingdom. :P . )) 
CharChar45 no need for skeley. As long as u read up to date the storyline u can just throw him in. Just post a pic. Marcus has no skeley. Just get his story out in the story when u can :P
With a drunken stumble, Archer tumbled hazily out of the pub, two men shadowing behind him. Each held

a blade in their hands, sharp and silver, hidden underneath their sleeve. Archer, for some odd reason, found their attempts at being threatening utterly hilarious, and he couldn't help but chuckle, a slight glint in his dark brown eyes. "Now, now, gentlemen," he slurred, a slight Celtic lilt in his deep voice, "Don't hurt yourselves with those toys!" He tsked his tongue lightly, wagging his finger in their direction. There was a slight twitch in the men's jaws, which just made Archer laugh louder.

"What are you laughing at, you drunken fool?" one of them snapped, stepping forward and clenching the knife tightly in his fingers. His thick, hairy brows crunched together, making his black eyes smaller then a rats, which Archer found rather amusing. Peals of laughter passes his lips as he slapped his knee, in complete hysterics from that small little detail. "Oh... My... Lord!" he gasped out between laughter, "Your eyes are smaller then a rats!" Saying it out loud led him into a fit of giggles, and soon he was laying on the ground, rolling around in the dirt.

The two men, on the other hand, were not the slightest bit amused, and merely got angrier as he laughed harder. The insult simply snapped the thin string they hung upon, and one of them, the larger of the two, with bulging, muscular arms, a thick neck, and a head the size of a baby's, lunged forward, swinging his knife outwards. Rage was clear on his pinched face, veins pulsing from under his skin as he let out an enraged roar. And, in a blur of a second, Archer jumped to his feet, gracefully ducking under the knife and shooting out his hand to grab it, twisting it delicately out of the man's grasp.

The blade clattered to the ground, and Archer clung onto the man's arm, kicking his foot back and hitting him in the groin, letting him fall to the ground as he clutched his jewels. The other man watched in shock, mouth agape as Archer shook his hair out of his eyes, lips set in a grim line. All intoxication was gone, not that it was ever there in the first place. People always said he would make an excellent actor one day. "So, what will it be, mate?" Archer drawled, looking up to the man with an arched brow, "Would you like to be withering in pain as well?"

Eyes wide, the man took a step back, then spun on his heel and sprinted off, squealing like a pig. Archer grinned, bending down and picking up the fallen knife, spinning it expertly in his hands. He gave the man on the ground a final smirk, placing the blade in his belt. "'Preciate the weapon, mate. Good day to you." Then, with a waggle of his fingers, he twirled on his heel and made his way towards the forest, a satisfied grin on his face.

((Darktanion I'll post a pic when I get the chance ^~^ but here's Archer :D ))

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