
Marcus smile wiped away as Valer got torn from his grasp. A look of irritation consuming him as he looked to Kanin. He clenched his teeth as she spoke. "You justify your own existence? You are lower then me girl, as are the human's who walk this earth. You know nothing. You are a pureblood, yet you know little of the world. I shall rid this world of its moral scum, and hopefully take out insects just like you..." A sinister smile swept his face as he brushed his bangs back from his face. "I'm gonna make this world wish that bastard still had the thrown.. "

He pulled his hand all the way back allowing his bangs to fall back to his face, his eyes moving from the girl to Valer who hung over the bucks antlers. His lips parted his fangs showing as he spoke. "Whats the matter Valer?.. Wont you take your revenge? I killed that useless human, his old crickity bones will soon turn to dust... And you let it happen.. " Marcus threw a taunting tone towards Valer. Valer gripped the buck, pushing himself from its antlers. His fang's peering out, caused Marcus to sharpen his eyes, a look of a over indulgent man. Valer glanced back at the old man. His anger consuming him. Die.. This man should die.

Marcus looked to the tiger that came from the woods, his eyes tracing it. "Can't even fight your own battle's huh? .. Hand over Valer and I shall leave. This is a.. family affair. You are not involved, nor can you begin to understand.. If you hand him over now I wont kill you.. " His eyes flickered back to Kanin.

Valer seemed lost, his eyes unfocused. He didn't absorb anything said, nor did he care for it. His fingers gripped his skull and his long claws reaching into his hair, its smooth touch tracing his small fingers. He couldn't lose control. Losing control meant this entire village would die. He didn't want to destroy everything. Only this man. A struggling look came to his face as his eyes scrunched together, a look of anger and anxiety piecing threw and he tried to hold his emotions at bay.
"its not the fact that i cant fight my own battles, its the fact that i have allies who fill fight alonside me." She hissed as she brushed her hair away mimicking the man. " valer goes no where without me." Kanin was smart enough to know what battles she could take and what she couldnt. Even though she was a pure blood, her abiliteis haven't kicked in since she has been out in the wild, only learning things like stamina and things to keep her alive.

She was hoping this man took them both along. If it was one thing, she could use him, and learn more about this so corrupt world she now lives in. Living in the wild has made her knowlege dull and in order to fight for what she bilievs she need to learn more. SHe narrowed her eyes. " either take me or i wont let you leave."
Marcus liked her spark. Her sense of defiance, she let out. He grinned letting out a small laugh. "Perhaps you will be of use to me.. But you must prove your loyalty to me.. after all.. I'm not to trusting of people like you. You may be a pure blood, but you have much to learn child..." Marcus shifted his weight as he looked to the burning building behind them, its form smashed to embers that lay lighting up the floor.

The sound of town's people nearing echoed in the quiet night. "Seem's we are about to have some company.. You are a pure blood... So you should have the power to take away his consciousness.. strike Valer .. " His eye's narrowed as he spoke. "If human's came now he would be a danger to them, would he not? ... And he wont come with me.. So you must strike him unconscious... Make haste girl.. The humans will be here soon..." Marcus looked to her as he made his demand. Either she attack him or Marcus would. The difference would be whether she come or not. It mattered not to him, he would slaughter anyone in his way.
Useing her speed she ran toward valer. Kneeling before him. Placing her hand upon his forehead. She whispered a command. "sleep". Valer eyes would close as she allowed his body to fall onto he hsoulder. As she lived in the wild she picked up on one thing. Force is not always the answer.

She laid him on the buck that had came out from the forest. Shoeing the tiger back, the tiger left. " it's done." She could hear them the villagers, but none that she knew from the family she stayed with. Motioning the buck to follow she stood beside the man marcus. "well..lead the way."
Valer's eyes glistened as his conscious came too, his eyes glistening at Kanin's glowing eyes, in front of him. A look of fear swept over him and she touched him, his vision weighing heavily in darkness as he collapsed. Marcus huffed at her as she stood besides him. "Shame.. I was hoping for something more... abrasive..." He turned slightly looking at Valer as he lay soundly on the buck. "Stay close kid.." He said bending his knees slightly and lunging forward with great force. His form disappearing into the forest.

Marcus's speed was quick and smooth, his body gliding with ease threw the trees. As they broke threw the forest he slowed, his feeting coming to a gentle walk as he looked back to see if the girl had kept up. Even if she hadn't he would track her down. He wouldn't allow her to leave with Valer. He needed him to much. His head tilted as he looked around the forest his eyes glancing at the moon. He had a good few hours before dawn. That would be enough time to find shelter. Marcus grinned as he thought of the advantages of taking in this girl. Perhaps he should create a army. Do what the King refused to do.
with ease she was already right behind his trail. Being in the wild gave her spped, and stamnia. She did think of going a different direction, but she needed to know for the sake of her and valer. What exactly was valer, or his existence. Acctualy what was hers, someting higher than the pure bloods. She knew so little , and she had to fix it. Maybe she could figure out what happend to the family she stayed with.

The buck stood by marcus, panting as vlaer was on its back. Kanin on the other hand was in the trees. Travelign on ground took to long but by tree it was much easier and faster. She looked down at marcus, her red eyes still as bright as fresh blood being spilled. Maybe jsut maybe seh could trust him, learn from him. She scoffed as she looked away from marcus. Thinking about different things, that maybe they could be a family like the one she had.
Marcus looked up to the girl, her form firmly perched on the branch above him. He huffed once more turning swiftly away from her and pushing forward. His feet seemed heavy against the cold ground, the sound of crunching branches beneath his feet. "Girl, you seem to be lost in thoughts... Not think of running i hope? Not that you could.." His voice had a hint of coldness to it, confidence peering threw.

Valer probably wouldn't wake up for a few hours, his mind lost in the darkness of his own subconscious. Marcus moved slowly as he spoke. "For you to suddenly turn against your... friend.. you must have another motive.. Perhaps you seek the demolition of the human race as well?.. " He laughed at the thought. The thought of the human race in chains, used as cattle and slaves. The vision enlightened him, causing his mood to lighten.
She jumped down , next to him. "..not really, i didn't betray him but gave him a chance to learn." She sighed looking back toward him. Did she really betray him, her new friend, someone that wasn't an animal of the forest. A little guilt rushed through her as she turned back around. " i need to elar to."

She glanced toward marcus, studying him, they way he looked and walked. Unlike him she was light on her feet, and you couldn't hear her unless you paid close attention. "..when iwas in the forest, i had shut myself away from the world. Things have changed nad i know nothing about it," She looked p toward the sky thinking aaabout the family she had before. Where were they, where they ok or dead liek the rest. " i need to learn..and to call myself a pure blood wheni only know how to put someone to sleep..a meere new born can do that."
Marcus looked down at the girl his posture slumping slightly as he walked. "Learn? So you have hidden yourself away all these years huh? If you couldn't handle the out break of the first war, what makes you think you can handle the truth that came with it.." The shadow's draped over his skin as little moon light peeked threw. The further into the forest they went the thicker the darkness became.

"You think that's not betrayal? If you learn the truth perhaps you turn your fangs towards him, or perhaps me? .. Betray is such an easy thing, that's why I betrayed the king, and the new king betrayed me.. Such a viscous cycle. We are all meant to turn against each other.. This is why I will cleanse this earth.. "
" i'll be able to handle it, everything." She looked away crossing her arms. " ill be useless if i cant't learn..right, i'd rather not be the one fighting for no reason, no cuase. would be like living with no purposse." She looked back toward the buck and valer to make sure there fine.

A cycel you say..the only reason why you make it a cycel is becuase you keep repeating the smae mistakes." She looked up toward markus. " i wont betray it be you or valer, i will jsut have to choose, which is good or bad. As an oath, i wont betray you..or valer"
He let out a breath a smiles swepting his face. "An oath is useless to me.. But Despite this I will tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a Vampire who traveled the lands. In his travel's he meet a women whom he fell in love with. So selfish was this mans love, that he stole the women's heart from his own brother. The women was the princess of many kingdoms, knowing this he wed quickly, taking his place at the thrown. The queen seemed happy with her new husband, but it wasn't long until she became pregnant. As you know, humans and vampires shouldn't be able to bare children. But the queen wasn't just any human. She had a rare bloodline that empowered vampires. A family that had been lost for generations. The king knew this, and feasted on his 'lovers' blood, her power running threw his veins. The happiness lasted for a few years, the queen blind to the fact her king was using her. It was then that things started happening. Bodies found in the dead of the night, vampires running hungry and attacking. The king laid dead ears upon the humans concerns, his actions concealing a greater threat that lurked in the darkness. Ten years later this darkness came to the king and revealed the kings true nature, and took his throne. He killed the royal family, all except the king ,who he let escape.. The king and his only son.. Who was born a human. The boy lost in the war, the new king assumed the child dead, and created a army to eliminate the vampire race, letting his brethren succeed in there place.. A race of dragons... " He pause for a moment looking down to her. "You have heard of this blood line.. yes? What if I told you that bloodline that empowered us can kill them? And what if this story was the truth?" Marcus smiled as he stopped, his eyes watching her carefully. "The king was a fool, he didn't care for his own kind, nor did he protect it.. He wanted power.. and when he lost his power he seeked another way to get it.." His voice hinted its nature. She knew what he meant. That the king went out an hunted down pure bloods, drinking there blood dry to regain his power.
She was paying well attention to the story. Dragon's she thought, intresting. She already knew of the kings hunger for powwer but what caught her off gaurd was the fact he hunted purebloods. She looked away. Was that why..the families that held vampires bgan to die. Was it a good choice for her to leave , if she didn't she would probably be dead. She begna to get angry, infurated. The king was nothing but scum, seeking out the purebloods for power. " yes i've heard a little about that blood the human child valer." She wanted to get away from the death of the pure bloods, how there was so little of them now. She gulped, her throat burnning. She truly hated the king and what he has doen.
Her gesture seemed strained, her fists clenching at her sides as she stood. Her voice was shaky as she tried to push away the thought of the pure bloods being hunted. A slight grin came from him as he looked to Valer "Yes..." He said, his eyes moving back to the girl. "The only person left in this world with that bloodline, and who's father probably wiped out yours.. Ramzis (The king) was a cruel person who wanted only power, and wanted his son to succeed in his place... So he would have his son feed on pure bloods. " He took in a deep breath threw his nostrils taking in her scent. "Tell me child.. What if it wasn't the king who killed your bloodline.. But him.."

Marcus pulled away from Kanin his eyes watching her carefully. He knew everything he was telling her was a lie, the roles of people switched. Marcus knew well the King did all he could to protect the vampires, and there kingdom. The person who hunted down the pure blood was his brother, seeking power, power to take the bloodline and throne. Marcus grinned, he didn't mind changing the story for his own benefit. Allowing the facts to be misconstrued so that he may use her. He walked slowly to the buck and looked at Valer as he lay over the buck, his pale skin glistening against his wet cheeks.
She stopped and glanced back toward valer."...I would do nothing." She crossed her arms again as she looked away. "Revenge will..only make the cycle worse..and they wouldn't want that,revenge will only satisfy me for a split second." She smirked looking back at marcus. "besides valer is my friend."

Slowly her throat began to burn. She turned back around but didn't hold her neck.She hadn't fed in years, and her source was way gone back to wher they started. After smelling a big group of the villagers,s he bega to want blodd. She gritted her teeth, thinking if she had caught this earlier this wouldn't be a problem. She tried to gulp it down, but still pay attention to marcus and hofuly hide it from him.
Marcus glanced at her, her feeling of thirst clawed at him. He looked at her for a second before continuing to walk forward "Friends huh? .. Such a pitiful human thing.." He yawn and stretched him arm's in the air. "Perhaps it is time to rest.." He continued to walk at a quick pace. He wasn't offering, he was saying. Her thirst was obvious to him, but he didn't care. Either it became to much and she attacked Valer or some humans. He would never allow her close enough to attack him. And draining Valer of most of his blood could be an advantage.

Although Valer doesn't know his past he still wont trust Marcus. And the moment he wakes he will try to leave. Marcus smirked. This girl claimed to be his friend. Which means she might be against constraining him, but perhaps if his story had a few more personal touched she might reconsider. "When we find a place .. we will need to bind Valer.. There is a village about two minutes ahead. " He said looking to the pale moon and sky. His mind listening carefully for her reaction.
She continued to ealk coughing a little. In a scratchy voice she replied. " why.." She coughed again ass he looked up ahead. She shook her head no. Absoulty not. She would not feed off of others, as if she was an animal. She was confused though, she didnt want to eat the animals or the humans. Slowing down her walk, she began to walk beside valer and the buck. The buck was tired, so she knew she had to release it soon.

She let out a sigh, as the smell of human blood rushed through her nose. Within the village everyone was so lively. Her eyes were bright red as her fangs began to appear. She covered her mouth and stayed close behind the buck, holding down her head. In her head she kept telling her self, no feeding on others, not valer, not the buck and not the humans. If it came down to it, she would drink from herself, but that wouldn;'t be of much use or would it.
Marcus looked back at Kanin his eyes sharpening as she fell back. "Seems it cant be helped.." He waited for her to catch up, then pulled her close into his chest. "You will need to control your hunger till we get to the tavern.. If would be troublesome if you caused trouble here.." He turned quickly and pulled Valer from the buck, throwing his limp body over his shoulder. "Lets hurry.. So you can feed.. " He said picking up the pace, Valers head swinging by his lower back. Marcus decided to change his tactic. Perhaps he might get farther if he showed kindness to this vampire.

He turned to her and smiled as they entered the dark city. "Hide your form..." He whispered walking to a small tavern. The place was old and dusty, the desk maned by an old women. "We need a room.." He said, as the women eye'd them suspiciously. 230$ she said brashly, her hand outstretched. Marcus balanced valer on his shoulder as he slapped golden coins on the counter. The women nodded. "Upstairs.." She said scooting the money off the table and walking to the back room. Marcus made his way upstairs opening a door to a room. He lied Valer down on the bed and turned to see if Kanin was still behind him. "You can feed now... What was your name?" He gave her a warm smile as he opened his arm's towards her.
She walked into the room, slidding off her skarf, letting the lower back part of her hair fall. She put the scarf on the bed and walked toward marcus her throat burnning as if it was on fire." my name is kanin. She didn't want to feed from others bust she had to , to survive. She scrunched up her nose a little not wanting to drink

She took his arm and pierced his arm with her fangs. She begn to drink his blond, tightning her grip on his arm as her eyes began tovglow red. His blod was good, and she wanted more so she kept on drinking
Marcus watched her carefully as she sank her teeth into his flesh. Droplets if blood falling down his wrist. He smiled at her his gaze looking over to Valer. The smell of blood filled the room, it's stench filling Valers nose. His eyes slowly opened, a hazy look consuming him as he tries to gather his mind. He slowly sat up his hands feeling the rough fabric beneath him. His hands angled behind him support his weight as the sweet scent of blood hint his nostrils.

It's attention snapped forward as he realized he wasn't dreaming. He leap forward to his feet, his eyes looking to Kanin and Marcus who stood in the corner of the room. Valer panicked slighty his hands out stretching as he ripped her from Marcus's arm. His hands wrapped Round her waist as they fell to the ground, his eyes shut tight bracing himself. His fingers barely glazed her skin as her mind seemed to lock into place. The walls around her turning a dark black as marcus stood frozen in time. Valers bloodline had the incredible power of illusions. Which explained why the human women didn't see marcus jet black eyes. Marcus used Valers power to conceal himself. It's easy for vampires of higher level to Manipur the powers of the weak.

The dark wall that dimmed grew bright with large white lettering hovering in place. Valer couldn't speak, so instead he wrote. "What are you doing. You can't do this." His words made no sound, but still shuttered in anxiety as he released her mind from the illusion, waiting for her response.
She held her hands out the blood dripping from her mouth. She was speechless as her eyes wavered back and forth. Her eyes still red . She was ripped away from her feding. ".wh" The glass in the hotel broke as she covered her eyes.." f..feed i need to."

She looked through her fingers, as if she was a newborn, she was still hungry and marcus was acrossed the room. She looked toward valer then closed her eyes. "" She bit into her wrist to keep herself from feeding off of valer. She looked away from valer trying not to make eye contact
Valer clenched his teeth as he quickly placed his hand in her way, her fangs sinking onto the top of his soft fragile hand. His head reeled forward slightly his head slamming into the back of her neck. Marcus look at a Valer, a taughting grin on his face. Somehow Valer felt this was all his plan, some kind of evil plot. The blood dripped slowly down Marcus wrist, as he lifted his arm folding it next to his head. He turned slightly his eyes still locked with Valers as he extended his long tongue, licking the blood that seeped down his arm by his elbow.

His eyes glowed as his tongue glazed over his arm, the sweet taste of blood consuming his conscious thought. Valer quickly pulled his gaze from Marcus, his free hand wrapping tightly against her waist. Valer blood wasn't like other vampires. Just a drop would satisfy for years. The vampires power doubling within seconds, his blood alone could fuel even the biggest vampire army. A blood that killed dragons but Impowered vampires. Marcus smirk pulled in Valers mind as he held onto Kanin.

A knock at the door. Causing him to pause. The tavern host lay at the other side, wondering what ruccakis these stranges were causing. Valer stayed still trying to keep Kanin in his grasp, fearing he might attack the human. The impatient women knocked again, this time with more force. Marcus just smiled, his body unmoving. The door opened slightly, a shoe sliding into the door way. Valer quickly reeled back pulling Kanin to lay on the floor on top of him and he quickly outstretched his hand. His finger tips barely reached far enough to touch the flesh on her ankle. As she peeked her head in. She look from one side to the other. The room was empty, no one was here. She grunted slightly And closed the door moving the the next room. As she turned to move Valer allowed his fingers to drop as he lay on the floor, a look of fear and exhaustion consuming him.
She snapped uo from him now crouching on the floor. Licking her hands and the side of her mouth. She sniffed then licked her hand again. She looked toward marcus, then toward valer. She coughed a little, then her eyes went back to their normal color. Finally she snapped out of it and stood to her feet.

"s..sorry" She looked down toward valer. he looked so fragile and weak in her eyes. But his blood was good, better than markus. She looked away from him then toward the door. grabbing her scarf she opend the door."..ill be back." Leving the two she shut the door behind her and dashed down the stairs outside. Passing the people , she ran towward the woods, so she could clear her head.
Valer had a startled look on his face as she quickly left, his upper body being perched up by his forearms. Blood dripped off his hand as his eyes meet yet again with Marcus. Valer slowly flipped his body to face the ground then lifted himself. His eyes looked at the unmoving door. Valer quickly grabbed the handle to leave, his hand saturating the handle in crimson blood. He twist the handle the door opening slightly, the door creeping as it moved. Valers eyes widened as butterfly's lifted in his stomach, the door slamming in front if him. A large hand laid against the door and door frame. Valer didn't even have enough time to move before the hand gripped his shoulder pulling him back. A sharp pain in his neck caused him to wince as another hand pulled against his opposite shoulder.

Even to Valer his actions seemed to quick to follow. It wasn't until teeth sank into his flesh that he realized what happened. Marcus would never allow Valer to leave, so in his haste he slammed the door shut and sank his teeth into Valer. Valers blood quickly being drained from him. Marcus blood red eyes deepened as the sweet taste of Valers blood hit his tongue. Valer tried to let out a scream, his mouth with a painful look but no sound. His body hunched forward as Marcus bent with him. Marcus's thoughts pushed into Valers mind as he struggled. "You really think I'd let you leave? .. So funny Valer.. Your only safe with me.. Even that girl attacked you.." His cold heartless voice stung Valer and his energy began to drain. His power slowly transferring to Marcus.
((Thought about having Marcus say "that bitch ran away" I was laughing my ass off at the idea. Haha ))
Sitting on a brach in the forest near the inn she had let out a sigh. How could she, fedd from valer let alone that marcus person. She couldn't trsut him, no one. She was scratching at the bark, when her mnd was in so much stress the trees begna to snap. She didn't know it yet but she could manipulate gravity. "..why" She continnued to scratch at the bark as the trees snapped more, some making loud enough sounds, that a few of the people began to look toward the direction she was in. SHe kept telling herself in her head , neveer will i drink again.

It would be hard since that was her source ofenergy. She looked deeper into the forest. Thinking of leaving, but knew she couldn't with out him. SHe began to regret ever meeting valer, ever stepping foot out of her forest. Thing's would have been better if she didn't know anything. "mommy what that." HSe turned her head toward a boy by a tree stup. She gave a slight smile then jumped off toward another tree, but still close to the inn.

(lol i would have laughed if you put that)))))))))

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