>Vampire Kiss<

Flower looked at him and then sat up straight. She finished up her food and then brushed her fingers through her hair. She looked at him. "So...where are you from? You said you were new here right?" She asked him as she tried to remember what he said back before algebra class. She was curious about him really he was an interesting character, not to mention he always carries around an umbrella. This school had some pretty strange people in it of course...she was a girl born with white hair, who was she to judge? She blinked as suddenly someone appeared grabbing Julian. She glared and then jumped up kicking the guy away. "Hey!" She said and then glared. "Put him down before I kick your butt!"
Julian's eyes widened when the guy from earlier appeared infront him, choking him slightly. "I didn't even do anything! Besides, I already told you to keep a low profile and not be so obvious! How can you talk about vampires so calmly in public?!" He feltt his skin burn from bring pulled out a bit towards the sun but he couldn't reach his umbrella. "Go make out with some slut you old man!"
He popped his neck from the kick to the head. setting the kid down. He quickly turned to the girl. "Don't test yourself lady." His fangs already returned in. "You think these people are gonna have an effect on me sir?" Spitting into the floor infront of them. The skin was slightly burning that man infront of him. "Ahh so you haven't mastered the art of walking in the sun huh?" Sigh "Noobie." He started chuckling.
Flower glared and then cracked her knuckles. "Boy you haven't even seen what I can do." She said and then looked at Julian. She raised an eyebrow and then looked at the other guy. "Go away already...you're ticking me off." She said glaring at him.
Emilia sighed and then shrugged "Oh well, I was full anyway" She said even if she knew she really thought it was a shame that the blood had spilled all over the grass. Should she do something about it? She looked at the red liquid getting dry by the sun and pouted lightly, nah, she had already lost her food and she was too lazy to clean it up.
Julian rubbed his neck. "Ow.." he grumbled. He picked up his umbrella and raised it above his head. He didn't want to fight this guy, but he didn't want some girl to save his ass. He looked down at the skin on his arms, it wasn't that bad but it still burned like hell.
"Ahh.. a little human girl." A great grin came across his face. "I will remember you." He smiled before he dashed away. Leaving a small trail of dust behind. He stood in the middle of class beside a random girl writing in her notebook. "Hello there." He looked down at her. "Who are you?" He took the seat beside her. This was the "halfy"
Julian sighed in relief when the guy finally left. "Jackass...." he grumbled, glad he was gone. He had only met that guy this morning and he already hated him. He looked over at Flower, wondering what she thought of all of this. Picking up his tray, he ran off too in a flash. He returned the empty tray to the cafeteria. He poked his fangs again.
Flower pushed her hair back and then sighed a bit. She shifted her weight and then grabbed her tray and headed to return it. She pushed her hair behind her ear and then sighed deeply. "..." She was very quiet at the moment. She continued to walk and put the tray were it goes. She put her hands into her pockets not liking at all what the other guy said.
Julian kicked the wall before exiting the cafeteria, leaving a large hole in the wall. He cursed under his breath and flipped his long bangs out of his eyes. He sniffed the air again; No doubt about it...snow was coming. He shivered ftom feeling a bit chilly. He needed to buy a coat or something.
Kiyo left the scene where he was talking to the girl. He was getting hungry, so headed to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. He looked around to see some familiar faces. He walked up behind where flower stood. "So what's good?" Acting like what happened earlier didn't Even happen. He could smell her blood flowing fast while he was behind her. She must have been mad. "Hmm," before she could reply he said. "Something meaty.. And rare." Making a sort of joke about humans.
Flower looked behind her and then glared. "What do you want?" She asked and then turned around crossing her arms. She glared up at him unsure of what to do with him. He had just fought with her...or argued more like and now he was acting as if nothing had happened. Flower was unsure of this.
nichole sighed in relief when he left. she pulled out a cake from her bag and smiled happily. she cut her a slice and ate the strawberry shortcake was perfect!
He laughed. "What ya pissy about?" He held out his hand. "I'm kiyoshi." His charm set in. An unnatural charm that would be hard to resist, not in manipulation or mind control. Just made him more appealing especially to the opposite sex. "I just asked what was good to eat." He smiled unsure she knew he was a vampire or not. I mean he walked in the sun.
Flower looked up at him and then backed off slightly. Her stubbornness would make it harder for him and much harder for her to fall for his charm. Flower never really thought vampires were real, although her father warned her about them. She had a pretty good idea now about both Julian and Kiyoshi. "My name is Flower." She said and then grabbed his hand shaking it quickly. "After that little fighting match I would think you wouldn't be so nice now." she said crossing her arms yet again.
He laughed again noticing her firm handshake. "A fight? Hardly! You kicked me in the face. Haha" he looked around. "Why so hostile?" He examined her he could see points where she was tense and stressed and points where she was angry. He read her like a book. "So you never said.. What's good to eat?"
Flower raised an eyebrow. "I tend to be when someone grabs a friend of mine by the neck." She said and then raised an eyebrow at his question. "Something tasteful." She said in reply not entirely sure why he wanted to know or the purpose of the question. She only shifted her weight again to one leg, he was reading her and she could tell by the movement of his eye.
"Something tasteful? Hmmm..." He thought about it and smiled. "What I think is tasteful might be different then what you think is." She now was noticing him. "Why so tense? You look dissatisfied." He could tell my the mannerisms she was performing pretty nicely. Now throwing out a random question. "How much do you know about vampires?"
Julian watched the clouds slowly float in, snowflakes falling silently from the cold sky. He held his hands out and caught a few flakes in his hands and atop his umbrella.
Flower looks at him and then thought about it for a second. "Vampires....predators, their abilities are said to be amazing. All their senses are better than humans, stronger, faster, and said to be hypnotic sometimes. It's hard to tell from fact or tale what a vampire truly is like. They feed upon humans and they are said to be burned in the light." She looked away mumbling about how he seemed to avoid it. It was only a hunch about them, although it was pretty obvious. "They are the perfect predator. Well they would be if they could stand light."

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