>Vampire Kiss<

Kain rolled to his side as he felt a cold breeze and shivered a little before waking up and yawning. Ah what a bother. He stretched and leaned his back against the tree. He had forgotten he had Emilia's "lunch".

Emilia kept on walking and frowned when she saw a bunch of people bothering a girl. She walked to them and pushed the one that was grabbing Nichole by the collar, glaring at them "Hey what's wrong with you?"
He said"that pitiful excuse needs to leave and go back to her messed up family!" BA-THUMP Nichole said"what did ou just say about my family?"BA-THUMP
Julian was surprised, but a little pleased when Flower asked to sit with him. He hoped that she hadn't seen him smelling the air. "Sure, have a seat." He smiled and scooted over so she could sit down.
Emilia glared at him again before making a mocking expression "Oh my didn't know she had the misfortune to be your relative, because as far as I know the only messed up family must be yours. You can see it just by looking at you"
he scoffed and said"who ever heard of a halfy who is black anyway?" (totally racist!) BA-THUMP! CRACK! Nichole held him by his throat and said"​REPEAT IT I DARE YOU! YOU'LL BE SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE WALL BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN BLINK!"
Emilia blinked and then she sighed, shaking her head "You fool" She said as she realized the poor girl had just snapped. Some underestimated the half breeds and that was just stupid, her brother was one as well and it was better not to get oneself on his bad side.
Flower nodded and sat down. She looked at him and then took a bite of her food. "Hm...school food...not the best." She said and then looked at him. She wasn't use to making conversation...well...that wasn't violent.
Nichole's eyes were not hazel and a darker shade of crimson then normal. the vamp struggled and kicked her back. she slid back and ran at him fist pulled back. a girl vamp blocked her and punched her saying "LEARN YOUR PLACE HERE!" ​Nichole bounced off a tree and stood holding her arm. they said"aww lookie here she has a teddy!" holding up Sasha.
Kain suddenly seemed to appear beside them and he nonchalantly grabbed the vamp girl's arm and twisted it behind her back as he did the same with the other guy who had kicked her before. He was smiling, though you could not see that smile reach his eyes. He then leaned a bit on the ear of the girl "Who should be the one learning their place, huh?" He said in a soft voice as he grabbed their arms tighter and then threw them with a high amount of strength to the ground.

Emilia smiled "You took a while" She said as she herself immobilized another vampire of the group. She and Kain fought well when they were together "Let's just end this fight, shall we?" She said with a playful tone in her voice
"I agree. Tastes like crap....but at least it's warm." Julian said as he sipped his soup. He looked up at the sky again as a shiver suddenly ran down his back. It was slightly windy, making it acolder outside. "I wonder if it'll snow soon..." he mumbled to himself.
Emilia blinked and left the group of vampires whom were already retreating to go to Nichole's side "Oh crud, you think she's okay? Should we take her to the infirmary or something like that?" She said, worried.

Kain followed her and stopped in front of Nichole. After watching her for a moment he just shrugged "Nah, let her be, she's gonna be fine, just leave her there" He said, though as he saw the look on her sister's eyes he sighed and took off his jacket. "Believe me, she is gonna be okay, let's leave her this so that she doesn't get cold" He said with a reassuring smile and then covered the girl with his jacket before patting Emilia's head.
Flower looked up and then back at him. The wind blew her hair in her face and she shivered a bit. "Ugh...right here I guess." She said meaning about the food being warm. She grabbed the bowl of soup and sipped it all down. She looked at him and then tried to get her bangs out of her face.
Kain remained with his relaxed gaze and then he looked at Emilia, telling her with his sight "See? Now they will take care of her. Let's go"

Emilia glanced at the man before she nodded to her brother and then walked away with him
Julian turned his head to face Flower and without even stopping to think about it, he reached his hand out and gently moved her bangs aside. He froze when he suddenly realized what be was doing. "S-Sorry!" Pulling his hand back and scooting away. It was a simple thing, but it made him feel kinda embarrassed. Why? He was used to being close to people. He's a vampire! His cheeks were little pink with blush. 'Seriously?! I'm blushing?! What the heck!'] he thought but his face remained calm.
After a couple of minutes Emilia came back from the building where she had left Kain that once again wanted to sleep, and as always the rooftop was his favorite place. She smiled as she drank of her dark red bottle, ah.. It felt so nice how the blood entered her system. She would definitely never get tired of it. She yawned as she looked at the tree where she saw Nichole being taken by a man and hoped she would be okay. Then, suddenly, she heard the wings of something waving violently against the wind and looked up just in time to see a beautiful dark and red bird flying through the sky, only that sight made her get disconnected from her surroundings and she didn't notice she had dropped her bottle until she felt the faint smell of blood which was now dripping on the grass. "Oh, holy.." She said as she blinked and raised her bottle, unfortunately the bottle was now almost completely empty. She pouted sadly, Ah damn it.
Flower was a bit surprised he would do that but seemed jut fine with it. Flower looks at him. "Um it's ok?" She said and then watched him react strangely. "Are you ok? You're blushing." She said giggling at him for that. She looked at him and then stretched out her arms with a yawn.
"Ah, shut up. I am not." Julian grumbled and went back to his soup. He knew he was blushing, he'd never admitted it though. Leaning back against the tree, he let out a small yawn too.
Flower looked at him and then chuckled. "Oh now you're just inviting me to tease you." She said leaning her head on her arm with a smile. She let it go though and started eating again. She looked around and then looked up at the sky. She leaned back and then stretched out her arms yet again. Flower couldn't sit still for very long. She was trained to always keep moving. Her father had an obsession with training Flower to defend herself. He never told her why but it became much of her personality and she loved it.
Julian poked his fangs when she wasn't paying attention. They were sharp as usual, but not blood-thirsty sharp. He was checking so he wouldn't have a sudden attack on Flower or anyone around. Flower seemed too suspicious of everything and ready to beat up people for him even to get close enough to biting her if he even wanted to.
nichole forced herself up and said"im going back dad..." her dad sighed and the bats took her back to school. she wasnt going to show weakness she was going to do her best and then some!
Suddenly appearing infront of Julian he slammed his hand into the kids neck lifting him up. "You bring disgrace to vampires everywhere, you have to be able to control your urges!" His front canine sheet growing slightly out of anger. "You are ones that give us a bad name." Clearly knowing he was a vampire himself. His hand clamped down around the boys neck. (Yep I appeared out of know where I wanted to be back in this) He was already frustrated with the boy from earlier today. His attitude was not ideal.

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