>Vampire Kiss<

Flower looks at him and then shrugged. "Uh sometimes....they're just jealous because I can kick there butt." She said and pushed her hair back. She looked at him and then his umbrella. He was....quick. She closed the book and stuck it in a small bag around her waist. "You get use to it." She said and then smiled lightly.
Julian nodded once. He sniffed her blood too, silently of course, not wanting to appear as a freak. Even though she was close to being taller than him, her blood smelled of human. She was rather tall. He smiled a small smile. "Julian, my name's Julian." He introduced himself and held a hand out.
Flower looked at his hand and then grabbed it shaking it. "My name is Flower, nice to meet you." she said looking back up to him. He seemed pretty nice and if it was possible she'd like to get to know him better. She glanced around and then back at him. She was always fairly alert, it just was apart of her nature.
(@yullen: Aww! Sasha is cute! ^^)

Julian noticed that Flower kept glancing all around cautiously. Was she worried about something or something. He shrugged it off and assumed it was just nothing important. "Well, we'd better head to class soon. I saw some girl run past just ainute ago. Probably means the bell is going ring at any time." He commented. "What's your first class?" He questioned. He was surprised why he was acting so nice. He wasn't usually so...friendly...or anything like how he was now. Maybe he was just acting weird because it was a new environment.
Flower chuckled and rubbed her head. "Algebra..." She said and then sighed. "I hate how it's my very first class. So what's your first class?" She asked looking at him. She shifted her weight onto one leg and kept her arms crossed. She did wonder when the bell was going to ring. She wouldn't care if she was late for Algebra...although it wouldn't help her any.
(same here, I would like an up-date as well!)

Zack went out of the training, seeing he had no use there. He had nothing much to practice for. He knew how to kill. He knew many things. "
Do-do-do!" He said to himself. He had a song stuck in his head. He only knew the tune, but he guessed he could still hum it. He still had his sword. It was attached to his belt in its own case. He walked around the halls, his swords swinging back and forth. He decided to stop humming, because it made him look like a girl. He didn't like looking like a girl. So instead, being the man he is, he began to whistle. He stopped once more. He stopped completely. As in, he stopped moving. He was still breathing, but he stopped moving.

He blinked.

Then, as if he was out of some type of trance, he began to walk again. "
I wonder what I'm doing today!" He said, grabbing his sword. He lifted it into the air and smiled. He loved to pretend he was a knight. A knight in shining armor.


Alexis looked up from her iPod, when she was listening to "You're my star." She looked around, as if she saw something. Like some type of ghost. She slowly kept walking, being alert. She once before had been attacked by a kidnapper. She knew how to fight, so she did. She beat the crap out of the kidnapper. Fortunately, the kidnapper was young and wasn't armed. She guessed he was "experienced" and had no idea what he was doing. It was a young male, blonde hair. (Zack) For some reason, this particular kidnapper was trying to bite her. And after she fought him, he left like the wind.

That was years ago. She'd learned more of how to take care of herself. She sighed, realizing it was nothing, and kept walking.

A few instants passed and he arrived in class. Taking his seat in the back next to the ladies of the room. It was time to set his charm into action. He gazed at each girl individually. Something about each of them. 'Hmm.. They aren't vamps.. well this one, this one is. Half vampire? Pfft.. sad' He chuckled silently to himself about the girl. 'Looks just like free eating to me.' He looked up at the board to see the "How much do you know problem." on the board. This wasn't supposed to be solvable for students. It was basically just a joke between teachers, but he is 5013 years old.. Not much he hasn't seen. Kiyo would walk up to the board and right down the answer l4l + 9 < x over the hypothesis of i, if i is an imaginary number. (Lmao made that all up xD ) The teacher didn't even pay attention thinking he would just make a full of himself. Kiyo tapped on her shoulder piercing his eyes through hers like darts. "Is this correct?" a grin came across his face as he said it he knew it was correct.

"Wow...Uh..yes. Ok class we will not be teaching today." This had ruined her entire introduction to class. She had nothing to work on they were not supposed to know how to do that.

Kiyo returned back to his seat and kicked his feet up. The sun would shine right in on his face. Didn't effect him.(Note there is like hardly anyway, ANYONE would know he is a vampire. Just saying :P )
(I think I know what's happening, READ THIS to see if I am.)

Zack walked into the classroom, realizing he was late. "
Sorry I'm late!" He said, looking a bit worried. He walked to his seat and sat down. He did 't like being late, but he tried to play cool. He mumbled to himself and got comfortable. As in, he laid back in his seat, and sat sideways. One leg resting on another and his hands behind his head.


(READ THIS also!)

Alex didn't want to go to school, but she sighed and went to school anyway. She was already by the school, so she opened the main entrance doors. She walked in and made a quick fake note for being "late". She was good at these and used them tons. She could copy other people hand-writing. It was just one of her cool talents. "
I'm here. I was at the doctors." She said, walking into her class. She handed the teacher the note and sat in her usual spot. Everyday seemed to be the usual thing.
(Sorry for not posting very much yesterday, I wasn't feeling very well)

"Huh, oddly enough I have algebra too." Julian replied after glancing down at his schedule in his left hand, his umbrella still held over his head in his right. "Do you know which way the classroom is? I just got here only a few minutes ago so I have no idea where anything is. Do you have a clue?" He asked Flower. Though he was a full-blooded vampire, he wasn't all blood crazy like the rest. At least..during the day.at night-time he'd fly around, drinking blood from many helpless victims. He didn't who he drank blood from, as along as it wasn't someone he knew and cared about. He hated it but he was kind of a softy at times.
(are you feeling better? :sad: @storm) Nichole sneaked Sasha out once more hugging her close. no one was ever paying any attention right now.
Silver quietly sat down at her desk, setting her small shoulder bag leaning beside it. She looked up at the front board of the classroom. Taking out her notebook and a pencil, she began writing and solving the warmup.
Silver turned her head to look over at some girl only a few desks away. She appeared to be a asleep. "Tired?" She mumbled to herself as she got up from her desk. She quiety walked over tto the girl and lightly shook her shoulder. "Um...hey, class is about to s-start.."
Username ·· MaPoZg2596 ··

Name ·· Kain Clover ··

Age ·· 33 ··

Gender ·· Male ··



Human or Vampire? ·· Halfbreed ··

Personality ·· Kain is a fairly friendly person to those who don't annoy him and get to know him ·· || ·· He is also really smart though he doesn't pay attention during classes and instead prefers to stare at the sky from the window or listen to music ·· || ·· He also is a warm, carefree and caring person ·· || ·· Though he can be considered extremely social (when he wants to) sometimes he would rather be alone, it brings him peace ··

Crush/Bf/Gf ·· None ··

Other ·· He is Emilia's half sibling and in contrast with her not a pureblood vampire ··

Name ·· Emilia Marlaux ··

Age ·· 85 ··

Gender ·· Female ··



Human or Vampire? ·· Vampire ··

Personality ·· Emilia is a kind and friendly person who can be as carefree as her half brother ·· || ·· She is not good at studying though she is not dumb at all, being a clever person when she has to solve any real life problem ·· || ·· Sometimes she can be hot tempered though she hates that side of her and so tries to keep it under control ·· || ·· She can also be a stubborn and determined person who fights for what she believes in ··

Crush/Bf/Gf ·· None ··

Other ·· She can get distracted easily ·· || ·· She has a tattoo on her back which symbolizes her family crest ··
(Sorry to hear you weren't feeling good.)

Flower nodded and then smiled. "Yeah I know where it is." She said and started heading to the class. She looked back at him to see if he was following. She slowly walked into the class and then slowly sat down. She looked at the problem on the board and then got out a small note pad writing it down. She sighed leaning back.
(@MaPoZg2596: accepted!)

(@fire: thanks for caring about me)

Julian followed behind Flower as she led to the classroom. He chose a seat near the back, there was surprisngly less people back there and the lighting wasn't as great. He personally liked sitting in the shadows, he didn't have to worry about holding up his umbrella to protect himself as much.

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