>Vampire Kiss<

Silver gave up when the girl fell back asleep. "She's probably just sleepy..." sbe told herself as she went back to her seat.
(Yay :D )

Kain was sitting on the classroom staring up at the sky through the window as always, not paying attention or whatsoever to class. He found that class boring and kind of hated it more than ever now that the weather was so beautiful outside and he had to be there sitting there on a cold and uncomfortable chair, being disturbed by someone who tried to get everyone's attention to solve one single problem.

Emilia, on the other hand, enjoyed the class and as she leaned back on her chair and stretched her legs she took out a notebook and started taking notes of the lesson. Of course, getting distracted from time to time as always, which resulted in kind of funny sight, as she could be seen really concentrated writing down everything the teacher said and after one second she would be looking at for example a fly or someone's pens falling or something like that.
Silver looked up from her notebook again when she heard the hiss. "A-Are you okay...?" She asked the girl in a quiet voice.
Kain let out a yawn and shook his head, he couldn't take it anymore, he took out his ipod and put the headphones on, not really caring about the sights of the other people, but feeling kind of amused by his sister's sight which was reproaching him his behavior.

Emilia shook her head at Kain and looked up at the board and the teacher, sighing as she herself was getting rather bored, but tried to keep herself focused.
Kain sighed and closed his eyes before standing up and leaving the classroom, he was hungry. Well... he would do something about it later, the day was beautiful and he felt the need for food so it was okay for him to leave on the middle of the lesson. He let out a little smile as he felt his usual and relaxed self come back after being unusually exasperated and kind of angry. Maybe it just was because of the day.

Emilia blinked as she saw her brother walking out of the classroom but instead of reproaching his behavior again she just shrugged it off and started playing with her pen, once again she had gotten distracted.
(Does anyone else want to skip ahead in the time? I'm perfectly fine with continuing the rp throughout their day, I just thought that we could maybe skip ahead to lunch time or maybe choir class or perhaps even as late as after school. I don't care either way.)
(@yullen: You didn't miss a thing. We were just deciding if we should skip aheaad a bit.)


Julian wandered out into the grassy courtyard in the very center of the school. He sat down under a large shady oak tree and set his lunch trap down on his lap. He smiled as he placed his umbrella down on the ground, pleased to finally be able to rest his hand. His wrist always felt a bit sore from holding the umbrella up all day. A small bowl of hot soup and a simple glass of water was all that was presented onto his tray. He usually ate a light lunch; Regular "human food" never filled him up. Only their blood was what satisfied his hunger. Most vampires carried around with them small samples of blood or blood tablets, he was too lazy to collect some so he was often hungry.
Silver went to the cafeteria and got a tray of food too. A small bowl of soup, an apple, a glass of milk, and a buttery roll. She sat down at one of the tables outside and took a spoonful of her soup. It was a cold day so she smiled as the soup warmed her up. "I should've brought a scarf or a thicker coat today," she muttered to herself between bites of her apple. School had begun a bit late this year, fall was coming to an end and winter was just around the corner.
Kain was sleeping on the grass as the faint rays of light reached him through the tree's shade he was under. He was tired as he had gone out last night and so he had decided to rest and eat something later. He didn't usually eat much, and he would be just fine by eating human food, though drinking blood always gave him extra energy.

Emilia walked around, looking for her brother. She was kind of hungry and he had her "food", she should have asked him before losing sight of him after math class. She pouted a little as she placed her hands above her growling stomach, how uncomfortable. And even worse she had to walk under the sun to find him, it kinda made her head ache and even her good mood turn just a bit gloomy.

(Thank you! =) It is one of my favorites)
Julian set his tray of food aside and sniffed the air. It smelled of the soon season change, but he was mostly focusing on the scent of others' blood. There was alot more vampires and "halfys" here then he expected. Most of the time there was maybe two or three, but this school had quite an amount. He wondered what they were like. He sniffed the air again a couple times.
Nichole hummed and packed up before skipping to the library but ran into some "pure" vampires. one said"hey stupid look what you did!" picking her up by the collar of her coat. she whimpered.
Flower saw Julian sitting and she slowly approached. "Do you mind...if I sit here?" She asked with a small smile. She didn't really like siting with people but she thought she'd try it. She pushed her hair back behind her ear. She waited for him to answer before she sat down.

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