>Vampire Kiss<

stormhawk324 said:
By the time the bell rang for time to head their next class, Julian had already written out around three full pages of information that was basically just from what he remembered, all experienced. He stuffed the papers into his back jean pocket after folding them up like fifteen times before. He also adjusted his black gloves. Glancing over at Flower for a second, he quickly turned away. "O-Kay! Next class, art!" He told himself with a cheerful voice and a smile then walked out the door.
Flower chuckled at Julian and then slowly walked out behind him. She pushed her hair back behind her ear and then looked and stopped at art class. She walked in, it wasn't her favorite class. She often hated having to drawl since she wasn't much good at doing so.
Julian grinned when he saw the couple enter the room. 'Those two are so lovey-dovey!' he thought to himself and added a small chuckle. Glancing at Flower as she entered slowly after them he thought, 'I wonder if Flower and I will ever be like that..? WAIT WHAT?! What am I thinking?! Heh...heh. W-We're not even dating! Stupid! Don't think about things like that...!'

With an awkward and quick turn of his head, he was facing the opposite wall so no one could see his embarrassed face. Once he got his emotions all under control he looked up at the front.
Flower sat down and then looked at Julian who seemed to be in thought. She blinked and tilted her head. She blinked and then pushed her hair back. She leaned on the desk and then sighed a bit. She tapped her fingers on the desk and then looked around.
Julian got up and went to the supply room to grab everyone a piece of paper. He always came here on his free time and he had even grown close to the teacher, having known his parents a while back. Basically he knee ahead what the assignments were going to be that had been planned so he always seemed to be ahead of everyone else. After passing around some paper and a sharpened pencil to everyone, he grabbed a piece of paper for himself then sat back down.

They were supposed to begin sketching real life objects all throughout the next week or two. Today the teafher wsnted to jump right to drawing people. "Alright everyone, grab a partner because today you'll both be drawing eachothers's face. Try not to get everything out of proportions." The teacher instructed.
Flower looked up at the teacher and then sighed deeply. She looked at Julian, she walked up to him. "We'll if I'm going to suck on drawling someone's face I guess I'll try yours." She said shrugging. Flower looked at him. She smiled lightly but certainly wasn't joking flower was 't the best at art.
Julian smiled. "Oh come on. It can't be that bad." He tried to give confidence. The more confident you were about your work, the better results you received in return.

"I tend to suck too, but I still enjoy it." He began sketching her face carefully, adding extra detail on the eyes.
Flower looked at him and then lightly smiled. "Right." She said and then started to his face. She looked back at him, her lips parted some, she really needed to focus on his face, in doing so she started to notice how handsome he looked to her. She smiled and then continued to draw him. She looked at him almost amazed. Of course all vampires had a sort of hypnotic type affect on humans and were very beautiful but this was something flower could really admire not merely because t was ment to ensnare humans. She continued to her work, surprised hat she was pulling off at leat a somewhat decent scetch.
-Clioe saw Julian walk in and smiled before waving to him.- 'sup Julian? -She then looked over at Dylan with a look in her eyes that said, 'This is my friend. Say hi dude,' In a kind way. Dylan got it and smiled at him, then he waved once with his hand.- 'sup.
Julian turned his head when he heard the familiar voice of Clioe call his name, still runnig his pencil over the sheet of paper infront of him. He waved at the couple with his free hand. "Hi Clioe! Hi guy-I-don't-know! I'm Julian. You are?" He smiled as he introduced himself to her boyfriend.
Nichole put in a ear bud secretly and Jaden put in the other since their desks were close. they were listening to "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson.
-Dylan smiled and looked over at Clioe then at Julian.- Nice to meet you Julian. My name is Dylan. -Clioe smiled at Dylan and then picked up her drawing book and started to draw Dylan since... 1. he was her partner

2. he was easier to draw when he stood still and it was easier to focus.- I'll let you two talk okay Dylan, Julian? -Clioe smiled at Julian and Dylan then returned to drawing-
Nichole sang softly“~what doesnt kill you makes you stronger! stand a little taller! its a lot warmer when im alone!~” jaden was in awe at her voice. some vamps turned glaring at the two.
"Nice to meet you too. You seem like a nice guy if you're with Clioe." Julian smiled but tried not to reveal his fangs; Wouldn't do anyone any good to discover his secret. He kept glancing at Flower's face, continuing to add all the little details and features that he noticed. Drawing was in his blood. Not that he had ever told anyone or dared admit it but he wwas freaking awesome at drawing! 
Julian signed his finished work when he completed his sketch with his full name carefully scripted in lovely cursive writing. He filled the paper around so Flower could view her portrait. "It's not my best drawings but it still came out pretty good in my opinion." He told her with a smile.
Flower looked at him as he was finished. She saw the picture and then smiled. "Wow! Are you sure that's awesome." She said and then moved her arms so he could see her drawling. It was normal at best. She scratched the side of her head blushing. "Mind hardly does you justice."
Julian smiled. "I like it. Though...is my nose really that fat?" He chuckled at his question as he viewed the drawing. It was oretty good; Decent work actually.

(Sorry, shortie post)

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