>Vampire Kiss<

"Bye!" Julian called out with a wave as he watched her slowly leave. He walked inside after, still grinning but also still blushing.
Flower walked home. She sat down on her bed and thought silently to herself. Her father watched her for a moment and then sighed. He sat down beside her. "I know that look." He said looking at her.

"What look?" Flower asked sitting up using her elbows to hold herself up.

"You really like that Julian boy don't you?" He asked and Flower blushed. He sighed deeply. "Flower you know how I feel about vampires." He said and looked at Flower who softly smiled. "I will have to get to know this boy better." he said and Flower hugged him. "Don't get excited if I decide I don't want him around you I will make sure he doesn't come 10 feet of you." He said and flower rolled her eyes.

(Yay! Flower's dad [KINDA] approves!! ^^)

Julian messed with his hair as headed towards the school grounds. He had forgotten to straighten his hair again so he was yet again stuck with small locks twirling every-which-way in tiny curls. Some people might like that look, but it just annoyed him greatly. He sighed as he gave up when he failed at his attempt to fix it.

His eyes widened as he unbrella almost blew right out of his hand. It was kind of a windy day, cold too but not likely to snow amytime soon again. He sniffed the air. "It'll probably rain later..."
Flower was walking to school. Her hair was down and she was walking slow. She pushed her hair back and yawned. "Ugh...to much zombies I couldn't sleep." She mumbled to herself and then saw Julian. He seemed to be sniffing the air again. She snuck up behind him. "Sniffing again?" She said looking at him.
Julian jumped with an eek added. "Hey! Don't do that!" He groaned then let out a sigh. Answering her question he replied, "Maybe I was. I have a strong sense of smell so I do that alot. It'll probably rain later today, just so you know."
Mind If I Drop In?

Username: Laney

Name: Lunara

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Human or Vampire?: Vamp

Personality: A little shy, but very intelligent once you get to know her. She is sorta one of those good girls on the outside but crazy on the inside. Easily angered but fun to be around.

Crush/Bf/Gf: None.. yet ;)

(Laney: You're gladly accepted! :D Thanks for joining. You can jump in whenever you like. Oh btw, in the rp right now it's about time for them to be heading for school.)
( Okay thank you! ) 
Lunara sits in her desk, waiting for the bell to ring(She's always 1 hour early to school) She reads to make sure everything is correct, "Test today, studied. Quiz, studied, essay, oh no no no! Oh wait, done." she murmurs to herself as she sits looking at her planner, books, resumes.
Flower sighed a bit. "Great...I don't have an umbrella." She shrugs. "Ah weather..." She said and then looked at him with the puppy dog look. "Think we can share?" She laughed only teasing. She pushed her hair behind her ear.
Julian scuffed and looked away because of her teasing. "You know those kinds of comments and stuff make me blush..." he mumbled, feeling his cheeks turn a little pink. "N-Nevermind. Let's get to class before the bell rings." He began walking faster.
As she looks around, fiddling with her pencils, she glances at the clock ahh two more minutes.. she thinks to herself. She sees a few more students walk in, then a few more. As she looks around all the desks with students except for two...
Flower looks at him. "Awww...but I love teasing you." She said and then followed him. She looked at him and then smiled lightly. She hopes he wasn't made at her.
Julian sat down at his desk, leaning back slightly in his seat. He let out a sigh. The clock slowly and quietly ticked along through time. A student slipped the leaning chair out from underneath him for his amusement which caused him to slam down to the ground on his back. This sort of thing had been happening alot to him while he was here, just usually none of his friends or anyone who really cared were every around. He simply groaned quietly then lifted himself back up. He frowned as he listened to the student laugh along with others around. He grabbed his umbrella which had been dropped too and quicky raised it up above his head. Looking down at his skin, he saw that was lucky that his skin hadn't began peeling from the sun's heat, he had picked up his umbrella just before. He moved his chair back into place and sat back down as if nothing had just happened.
Flower saw what a student did. She glared and then banged her fist on the student's desk. She looked at the student and then glared at everyone around. "Back off idiots before I smack you around." She said and then used her leg and make the seat fall as well. "You could really hurt someone doing that you idiot. How does it feel?" she said and then turned around as the student got back up.

She looked at Julian. 'You ok?" She asked and then saw his arm and sighed a bit. She pushed her hair back. She looked at the windows and then tapped her fingers on the desk. She looked at Julian. If anyone was to beat up on him it had to be her and her alone. She smiled lightly at Julian.
Julian's shoulders raised up as he slouched in his chair. "I-It's fine Flower. I don't mind. Happens all the time." He tried to explain and convince her that it was no big deal. He still appreciated that she actually stood up for him, it was funny to witness the student's reaction after she flipped him out of his seat. He looked at Flower's face with a smile. 'Oh my gosh, I just remembered!!!!! I still need to talk to her about yesterday!!!! If she really does like me then...should I ask her o-out?!?!?!'
Flower blinked and then shrugged. "Ah well....it still isn't right you could crack your head open that way." She said and then looked at him as he stared. "Hm? Something up?" She asked and then smiled lightly. She wondered what he was thinking about. Maybe it was what happened yesterday?
Julian shook his head no then looked back down at his empty desk. He fiddled with boots.

'I...I'll just talk to her at lunch...it'd be too awkward to ask with everyone else listening..' he decided in his head.
(Laney: perhaps the class could get an assignment to work on and one of them could be her partner or something...or maybe she could just talk to them during some free time in class...idk I don't very good ideas ^^')
(( K thanks!)) 
Lunara sit there in class anxiously, waiting for the bell to be over. But, the teacher assigns us a project. "Okay class" The teacher announces, "Now, we are doing a project on WWII, you must get in groups of three!" Instantly all the students move up from their seats and find groups of three. She's never done this before, work with people. Most of my projects are by herself. Everyone found a group, but her. But, there were these two students, boy and girl that looked like a couple. Uhhh I guess it's worth a shot, she thought. Lunara walked up slowly to a couple, "Uhmm Hi." She said softly, "Want to be a group?" She sounded a little nervous.
Julian turned his head when a different girl walked over and shyly asked to join. He replied with a friendly smile, "Sure! Haven't found anyone us that'd want to join us anyways." He hadn't really been paying attention to the teacher so he had absolutely no idea what the assignment what supposed to be about...he wasn't quite sure which class he was currently in either; He always has these dumb moments. They were in history class for first period. Perhaps they'd have to write and share presentation to the class about some important historical event, probably something like that. "Um..not to sound stupid, but what did you hear what the assigment is? I was kinda gazing off into space..." he asked her sheepisly.
Lunara chuckled a bit, "Well, we're doing a project on WWII I'm pretty sure. and we can do just a plain poster, or a powerpoint." She gazed at him, he looks a bit like a vampire... She didn't want to catch looking at him so she looked at the clock. "So uhmm what do yuo think we should do?" I asked quietly.

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