>Vampire Kiss<

(Okay awesone! ^w^)

Whoa! :o Those cats look amazing! I want one!)

"Okay...that's enough exercise...for the rest of the year. Wanna switch to some other game?" Julian suggested.
(They are cats bred with a type of wild cat. They are illegal in some states lol. And very expensive)

Flower laughed and then looked at him. She pulled out Call of duty and smirked. "Zombie time?" She asked looking at him with an evil look.
Flower smirked and then opened her closet. "This calls for my special chairs." She said and pulled out two rocking gaming chairs, one with black and pink flames and the other black and white. They had speakers built in them. "Cool huh?" She said and then put the game in and sat down with her controller. She rocked back and forth a bit in the hot pink and black chair. (Yep.)
Julian smiled brightly when she pulled out the awesome chairs. He hopped into his seat with a nod, "Lucky! I already said, but still!"
(My sister has those kind of chairs....man I want it play Zelda all day with that thing!)

Flower started the game and ran through the creepy house. She blocked the windows and waited to the scaryness to begin. She always loved the Russian dude he was kind of funny. She flinched a bit. Her dad yelled up on what she was doing. "Killing zombies dad!"

"Killing those zombies! Dropping like flies dropping like flies!" He yelled back and flower giggled.
Jaden said“um we're gonna study in my room!”taking Nichole upstairs.oh yeah they studied alright...on science....chemical reactions...wink wink. his mom walked in and said“you two were suppose to be studying not trying to eat eachothers faces!” Jaden broke the kiss quickly.“Mom!”blushing. Nichole blushed deeply.
(lol what an embarrassing moment! Your parent walks into you and him or him and her kissing and they break it up! goodness x3 I'm gonna stop the color thing It's annoying me. -.-) -Clioe walks hand and hand with Dylan to her apartment. Once she opened the door she motioned to the couch.- Wanna play some video games? I got xbox! -Dylan walked in and then jumped to the mentioning of xbox.- XBOX!! Dude do you game? -Clioe smiled and laughed a little before shutting the door.- YEAH I DO!! I am a war gamer girl! check out my guns! -Shows her biceps and then laughs. Dylan cracks up laughing.- Clioe what the heck dude! You're weird... In a good way. -Dylan smiles and then plops down on the couch after Clioe ran and jumped right into the couch.- What games you got Clioe? -Clioe pulled out her disc tray with tons of war games in it.- Well, I got mw3, mw2, mw4, halo 4, halo reach, halo 2, halo odst... and then I have uh.... -Looks in her tray some more.- Oh yeah I have black ops and black ops 2 -Clioe laughs as she looks over to Dylan with a huge surprised expression.-(this is his expression x3 --> http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_396/1241729770OOgLM7.jpg)-Dyan gaped with a huge surprised expression on how many war games she had and he jumped off the couch.- Holy crap Clioe! (funny things is.. irl I have all those games x3 especially Minecraft and CastleMinerZ) -Clioe smiled at him and then puts up her hand so he couldn't say one more thing.- I almost forgot.... Dylan, I have Minecraft too... -Dylan jumped up and down. Then he picked her up and twirled her around once.- You are like the best gamer girl ever dude! Now I know that you GAME!
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts](My sister has those kind of chairs....man I want it play Zelda all day with that thing!)
Flower started the game and ran through the creepy house. She blocked the windows and waited to the scaryness to begin. She always loved the Russian dude he was kind of funny. She flinched a bit. Her dad yelled up on what she was doing. "Killing zombies dad!"

"Killing those zombies! Dropping like flies dropping like flies!" He yelled back and flower giggled.

(I don't much about this game BTW xD )

Julian was stuck trying to figure out the controls for the first ten minutes of the game before he actually ran out to join back in the group and attempt to help. Though he was trying to pay attention to the action on the screen, he kept glancing over at Flower's face every once in a while.
(I only know these games through my nephew who has the xbox lol. Oh and I had friends who I use to sit and watch. I tell you I can not play that zombie game, I freak out lol. But I do like to play multi player on call of duty.)

Flower looks at Julian and then back at the screen. "Come on this way." She said and then smiled as she continued to play. She always had a bit of trouble herself....come on those zombies were darn scary but she knew the game well.
-Clioe put in the disc for black ops 2 and threw Dylan a controller. They went to the mulitplayer and she pulled up a map with team deathmatch. Dylan got 20 kills and she got 30 kills from the bots on each team.- Woah Clioe you got talent! -Dylan smiled and then reached up to 30 kills when she was on 30 kills, Clioe smiled at him and then got 10 more kills then him after 30 minutes, making it 40 to 30. The 2 hour timer ended and she ended the game.- Wohoo! I beat you Dylan! -Clioe got up and did a stupid dance.- Ha.. I guess you did! But wanna know what you can't beat?..... this! -Dylan started to tickle her by tazering her in her side. She jumped, giggled and fell onto the couch.- Hey! -Clioe got up and pushed him over a little. They laughed and laughed for a while before sighing and talking about video game tactics and easter eggs, also glitches on each map.-
After the studying, Jaden picked up where they left off and smiled. Nichole's phone rang...it was her dad..dun dun dun! Jaden put it on ignore and kissed her cheek. Nichole was taken home and went inside. what were the modern romeo and juliet to do?! it was a forbbiden love! Not suicide i'll tell ya that!
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts](I only know these games through my nephew who has the xbox lol. Oh and I had friends who I use to sit and watch. I tell you I can not play that zombie game, I freak out lol. But I do like to play multi player on call of duty.)
Flower looks at Julian and then back at the screen. "Come on this way." She said and then smiled as she continued to play. She always had a bit of trouble herself....come on those zombies were darn scary but she knew the game well.

Julian had his chracter follow after Flower's as she suggested. He reloaded his gun or weapon, or if it's a knife or sword or whatever. "Hey...Flower...can I ask you something?" He asked, still pressing buttons on his controller and gazing forward at the tv.
Flower started shooting the zombies pouring in. "You just did but sure." She said and then giggled. She had to knife a few and retreated to the back room. She made sure to cover him till he followed. She blew he hair out of her face.
-Clioe smiled and then jumped right back off the couch, with Dylan following.- What you wanna do now Dylan? I'm kinda bored. -Dylan laughed and lightly grabbed her shoulders so he could face her and he said very slowly and stupidly.- You...Always.... Get... Bored.... Quickly! -Clioe laughs the whole time and then Dylan let go of her shoulders. Clioe jumped at him and hugged him. He smiled and they laughed together.- I think we should go visit some friends, like either Nichole or Julian or something. -Dylan smiled.- Okay. -Clioe jumped up once and ran over to her phone to text Nichole something, "Hey Nichole want to hang out today or so? You can bring Jaden if you want. ^-^ I just thought we'd hang out and stuff." Clioe pressed sent after typing up the message on her smart phone and then waited for her to text back.-
Nichole's phone vibrated and her dad said"where were you?!" Nichole said"i went to the park..." her dad said"you are not to leave this house!" locking her in her room. "i smell that human on you...you went to his house did you? you are forbidden of having any contact with him!" Nichole said"but daddy i love him!" tears going down her face.
-Clioe waits in boredom, taking some glances at Dylan who was patiantly waiting and she smiled before looking back at her phone.- I guess I'll try asking Julian then. -Clioe smiles then texts Julian," Hey wanna come and hang out with me and Dylan at the park? You can bring any of your own friends if you want dude ^-^." Clioe hit send and sighed with a smile on her face.- So Clioe, who's Julian? -Clioe looked back up at Dylan and answered his question with a serious and concentrated look on her face.- Julian is a friend of mine. -She smiled then put her phone down, waiting for it to buzz on her polished wooden table.-
-Clioe got her text and jumped a little. She read the text and thought for a minute before texting, "Maybe you can say you were invited to the park with one of your friends. I bet they'll allow it! Oh no you can't see Jaden? I'll tell him that you said hi or something kk?" She clicked the send button then leaned against the wall while sitting down a little.-
Nichole paced her room and sighed. her phone buzzed twice one was a message from Clioe and the other jaden. jaden texted: are you ok?! i hope your dad didn't go over board...
-Clioe tapped her finger on the small polished wooden table and sighed. Dylan looked for a pen and then played with it in boredom, tossing it in one hand then the other.

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