>Vampire Kiss<

(@flamey: Awesome ^^ I love the xbox!)

Julian cheered, "Whoo hoo!" He never had gotten the chance to try the xbox or really any other game console, but he's heard alot about them from others. "Do you have Just Dance 4 or Halo Reach? I heard those are both pretty good." The question came out as he began searching through the shelf of games.
(oh my gosh I love your new picture stormy ^-^) -Dylan hugged her once more and Clioe giggled. She playfully and lightly punched in in the arm and then laughed. Dylan laughed along with her and rubbed his arm, saying in a sarcastic voice..- Oh my goodness that hurt so bad.. -Dylan starting cracking up and then they went over to the old bench in the park.-
Flower pulled out both of them. "Heheh....my dad loves to spoil me." She said blushing slightly. "Which one do you want to play first?" She asked and smiled at him
-Clioe smiled at him and said jokingly.- Shut up! -She giggled and looked down at her legs while smiling. Dylan saw a strand of her hair fall over her face, Dylan picked up the strand and perched it over her ear. Clioe looked over at him and kissed him on the cheek. Dylan smiled and kissed her cheek. Then Dylan wrapped his arm around Clioe and pulled her closer, with the help of Clioe scooting closer to him. They laughed and looked at each other. Clioe laid her head on his chest and looked at the lake. Dylan stroked his fingers through her hair. Clioe giggled.- You know I don't like it when someone touches my hair! -Dylan smiled.- I know -He messes it up a little and Clioe fixes her hair quickly.- Hey! -She smiled then looked at him.- What would you do if I... Did this! -She messed his hair up and he clutched his head.- No my hair! -He patted his hair down with the sound of Clioe giggling in his ears.- What goes around comes around -Dylan laughed with her and then they both sighed. Dylan looked at her pale face and sighed. He opened his mouth when he was starting to speak.- You know Clioe... You are very pretty. -Clioe blushed a little.- Shut up no I'm not! Stop joking! -Dylan laughed.- No I'm dead serious, you are. -He hugged her and then kissed her on the cheek once more.-
Jaden parked behind a building and said''are you ok?'' Nichole nodded weakly but the wound on her leg told other wise. jaden sighed and gently placed her on the ground inspecting the wound. (sorry i forgot to post super busy! >.<)
(okay so I'm just going to do....... red = Clioe green = Dylan)

-Clioe smiled and blushed. Then she playfully shoved him.- Alright whatever dude.. -Clioe smiled and looked around at the birds, the lake, and the apple tree above them. With a sigh she sank down on the bench and sighed.-

- Dylan smiled at her then saw a bruise on her leg.- Clioe? Why is there a bruise on your leg?

-Clioe looked down at her leg to see a bruise.- oh.. I jumped down from a tree and hit the ground really hard when I... -She paused.-

When you.. what Clioe? -Dylan looked at her with a sort of curious expression.-

When I... Was running from a hunter... -She said this more softly.-

You what?? Wait why was there a hunter there? Was the hunter a-after you?? -Dylan gave a very surprised expression and jumped off of the bench, looking at Clioe with worry.-

Well no... he.. he was after Nichole... But they got away and I ran after them. They hopped on Jaden's motorcycle and then drove off but they were being chased by the hunter... I-I didn't want them hurt so I jumped on the hunter's motorcycle and attack him... I won... -She said this very quickly and then hugged Dylan tightly.-
(...I don't use shoutbox so I don't understand. >.< Sorry if I sound really stupid right now, I was just curious.) 

stormhawk324 said:
"Really? Wow, lucky you. I wish I got spoiled too." Julian said with a smile. He then made his decision, "Just Dance 4!"
Jaden cleaned and wrapped up her wound. Nichole bit her lip and whimpered. they got back on the bike and drove to jaden's house. his parents were worried sick.
-He smiled at Clioe and hugged her back.- Let's try not to run into them alright Clioe?

Now your starting to sound like my dad! -Clioe giggled and then the 2 walked around the park while freely talking about whatever was on their minds.-
(yep)his dad said“hey shes a cutie...hmm whats that mark?”pointing to marks on jaden's and Nichole's necks.they instantly blushed and he said“hickies!”laughing. he gave them both THE TALK. by the time he was done they wanted to puke or were having weird and graphic thoughts about each other.
(Sorry about the lack of posting.)

Flower nodded and hooked up the Xbox and then put in the game. She adjusted the sensor and then looked at him. "Come on dance battle time!" She said smiling at him. She put her hair up in a pony tail and looked threw the songs. 'Pick the song." She asked looking at him.
(It's okay ^^ )

Julian switched on the control, feeling too lazy to use the kinect sensor at the moment. He flipped through the list of songs. A ding sound popped out of the speakers when he made his selection; Choosing "Good Feeling by Flo Rida".
Flower looked at him and then chuckled. She stretched out her arms and then looked at him. "Ready?" She asked and then started the song. She looked at him and then smiled. She new most of these songs well and was an expert dancer.
Julian did absolutely terrible. X3 Not to sound rude, but it was true. He hadn't ever played this type of game or basically done any dancing at all. He looked more like a confused penguin wobbling around randomly to music. Still after the song ended with him barely earning one star rating, he cheered happily. "That was pretty good, don't you think?" He chucked sarcastically and placed a hand on his waist.
Flower giggled at him and then looked at him. "Come on you can try the lessons." (I've only played the game once or twice so I don't know much about it.) She said and then moved away to let him try. She smiled and sat on her bed. She smiled as a cat jumped up on her lap, a cut little kitten but it was a savannah so it'd grow big.
(Okay, so do you know anything about Halo Reach or Minecraft? Or anything like that?)

Julian tried a couple of the quick lessons then switched back to the regular songs, but making sure to choose an easy sone this time.

(I had an idea! :3 I thinking that maybe if they started playing some other multiplayer game together, they could sit next to eachother and randomly during the game Julian could leaned over and perhaps peck a kiss on her cheek or something? :3 Just an idea. If that happened and her father walked in at that time, he'd be dead xD )

That's how big they can get but here's flower's kitten.
(Sounds good lol)

Flower looked at him and then smiled. She stood up holding her kitten. "You're getting it!" She said and then put the kitten down and let it play with one of it's mouse toys.

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