>Vampire Kiss<

Flower looked at him and then shrugged. "Ah well." She said and then moved toward him. "I guess it means he wants to befriend you...either that or he wants to make sure I'm safe." She said and then sat on the arm rest of the chair slightly. "You'll get use to him. He really is a nice guy...and funny at that." She said.'
-She bounded off the motorcycle quickly and let the hunter crash into a tree. She ran into the wood and then walked to the park, pretending like nothing happened. She smiled to herself and her eyes grew back to her normal green shade. She put her hood back on and lightly walked around. She looked at the lake and thought out loud to herself with a laugh.- What a beautiful lake.
(Yay! More than one hundred pages! :D )

Julian nodded then looked at her. "He seems like a nice guy. I don't know him very well because of the whole vampirehunter-protective-father thing, but I guess he just worries and cares alot about you, which is a good thing." He stretched his arms again then added, "Whether he trusts me or not, I just don't want him to see me as a threat. Or at least let me hang out me hang out with you."
(Yay! I'll get the cake! *gets the cake and walks into the room* I got the- wooah! *trips and her face falls into the cake and the cake splatters* NO!) -She sat down and looked over to see Dylan walking into the park. She smiled and waved as she saw him.- Hi Dylan! -Dylan smiled at her and waved back.- Hi Clioe!
(NOOOOOOOO! Cake, are you okay!? *hugs smashed cake*

Oh yeah, Flamey is your face okay?! *pats her cheek lightly while wearing a derp face* lol)
(Yay a cake fairy!!!! Make me a pie! Heheheeh)

Flower looks at him. "He does...I know he does." She said and then looked at him sort of leaning on him now. "So what about your parents?" She asked him looking down at him since she was sitting on the arm rest of his chair. She smiled lightly at him.
(YAY! ^^ *noms down dah chocolate cake and pats belly* Yum. Cake Fairy is awesome)

Julian didn't seem to mind how close she was at the moment. "My parents don't really care what I do. They used to be super over-the-top-protective but now that was before they became addicted to alcohol, drugs, and drinking blood again. Being busy.being idiots, so they just let me do whatever." He replied then shrugged. He was used to it so it seemed like nothing.
Flower looked at him. "I'm sorry about that. That offer the help clean the house is still on he table if you wish." She said looking down at the floor. She smiled as a large German Shepard walked up. She sniffed Julian and growled but flower snapped her fingers and she backed down. "Sorry. She's real sweet bu kind of lives in a hunter's house." She said giggling nervously.
Julian slowly reached his arm out towards the German Sheppard so she could sniff his hand. If she tried to attack or snap at him, he could easily and quickly retracted it back in time. He smiled a friendly smile but kept his mouth, trying to appear gentle while also hiding his fangs. The dog was a very pretty purebreed.
-Rose let go from the hug and looked at Dylan and smiled, Dylan was randomly blushing.- Dylan, what are you blushing about? -Dylan felt his cheeks and looked at her with a confused look.- I am?? I don't know why I am really.
The dog did sniff his hand. She sat down beside him. Flower smiled and slid off of Julian's chair. She walked over and then petted her. "Her name is Dakota." She said and giggled as the dog licked her face. Flower smile wiping off her face. "Hey I need that face bad breth free, if I don't get a boyfriend I am so blaming you." she giggled at the dog only joking.
Julian chuckled slightly then finished his cake. He licked his lips again. "Dakota? I thought that was a boy's name?"

(@flamey: lol x3 I saw tthat too!)
(Darn that spell check. iPhone you curse me!! Anyways I ment get a boyfriend.)

Flower looks at him. "No it's a girls name as well. It's one of Jose names that can fit a girl and a boy." She explained and then watched as Dakota went into the living room. "Hey is there anything you want to do while you're here?" She asked.
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts](Darn that spell check. iPhone you curse me!! Anyways I ment get a boyfriend.)
Flower looks at him. "No it's a girls name as well. It's one of Jose names that can fit a girl and a boy." She explained and then watched as Dakota went into the living room. "Hey is there anything you want to do while you're here?" She asked.

(That's what I thought you ment)

"Hmm? Oh um...can't really think of anything off the top of my head." Julian shrugged then tapped his chin. He finally got up out of his seat. "Ooh! This may be slightly random, but do you have an xbox?"
Flower looks at him. "um yeah...up in my room." She said and then walked upstairs. She opened her door which had an animal theme. She walked in and then looked at her big TV which a few game consoles. She got out the Xbox and then looked at him, she had a shelf just for her games.

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