>Vampire Kiss<

Flower and Benjamin did a quick prayer to bless the food and then flower dug in putting the food on her plate. She seemed hungry. Benjamin looked at Julian. "So...tell me about yourself." He said looking at him. "You, your blood line, your parents."
"About myself? Like...what about myself?" Julian asked as he started serving himself some food, only gathering a little amount.
Benjamin looks at him. "Anything." He said and then sighed starting to eat. "Let me get this out of the way. I hate your kind, I am a hunter, but no I do not kill every vampire I see. Only the ones in the hunter bingo book or ones who kill humans got it? He at ease...I will not harm you unless you give me reason."
"Oh um, okay sir. That's good to know." Julian gobbled down a bite of his food. 'I guess I shouldn't mention my parents...even though they're the main causes of most deaths around here...' he thought. "I understand why you'd hate us, but it's not our fault that we act this way. Vampires only drink blood to survive, well most to be exact, we don't do it for fun or pleasure." these words seemed to float out his mouth before he took another spoonful of rice. "I don't expect you to trust me but you don't have to prejudge me."
Flower's eyes widen and she waves her hands at Julian not wanting him to say what he did. Her father sent a bone chilling glare at Julian. Flower put her head in her hand shaking her head. Ben (shirt for benjamin)didn't say anymore. He merely ate in silence. Flower looked at the two of them. She got up. "Oh I almost forgot!" She said and walked to the fridge. She pulled out angel food cat covered in strawberries. She set it down, cut up straw errors at the bottom with a bit of duvet in them. The juice from the berries was soaked in by the cake. "Something I whipped up." She said smiling.
"Yay! Strawberries!" Julian cheered, having an instant mood change, switching from calm and serious to excited kid. "It looks really good. You said that you made it yourself?" He asked, now directing his attention to Flower and the cake.
Flower smiled and nodded. "Yep." She said and then leaned back pushing her empty plate aside and grabbing the smaller plates giving everyone a piece. She looked at her father who didn't seem to be in the mood but he took it because he didn't want to hurt flower's feelings.
-Clioe opened the door to her apartment and went to the kitchen. Dylan walked in and was surprised by the retro look in her house.- Woww.. So, Clioe, you like retro too? That's awesome -She smiled and pulled out some lo mane she made for this afternoon and set it on the table after heating it up.- Clioe, lo mane? My favorite! wow! -Clioe smiled and laughed as she sat down in one of her retro seats and waited for Dylan to sit down too. Dylan sat down and noticed how cumphy the seats were and laughed a little as Clioe handed him a fork and they ate the lo mane on white plastic plates.-
Nichole and Jaden went to eat lunch at a cafe. a girl kept her eyes on Jaden. she said"how may i help you?"pressing closer to him. Nichole felt a twinge of jealously. she full out glared at her. the girl smirked at Nichole. she mouthed"he will like me i have bigger boobs and you barely have any..." Nichole stood up pissed.(uh oh stuff is gonna go down! the catfight of the century!!!)
(oh wow that girl seems like a dumb b**** x3 BET HER UP NICHOLE! HAVE NO MERCY!!! POUND HER FACE IN UNTIL IT BLEEDS!!!................... thank you ^-^) -She finished up her lo mane and Dylan ate it noodle by noodle, Clioe thought it was funny so she laughed.- You're eating it like you never had lo mane before! -She laughed and He smiled.- Well........... You have but I only had it like uh....... 20 times already! -Dylan laughed and then ate the rest of his lo mane at a normal pace and laughed after eating. Clioe took up the plastic plates and Dylan stood up and put out his hand.- I have been an unworthy guess my lady, would you like for me to throw this away for you? -Clioe bursts out laughing since Dylan even used a fail of an attempt of a British accent while saying it.- Dylan oh my gosh! You're so funny! -Dylan couldn't keep his straight face forever and started bursting out laughing a minute later. Then he sighed and took up the plastic plates then didn't know where the trash can was.- Where's the trash can Clioe? -She smiled.- Under the sink, in the cabinet. -He looked under the sink to see the trash can and throws the plates away. Clioe secretely pulls out bowls and cookie doe ice cream out and puts some into 2 bowls then puts some spoons in them and when Dylan looked up she handed him a bowl and smiled. Dylan smiled.- oooh Ice Cream!!! yeah yeah yeah! -They sat down at the table and ate their ice cream. Then Clioe brought up the subject about a funny video --> [media]

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-They laughed and laughed and laughed as they saw the real video on Clioe's computer.-
Nichole said"hey slut get away from my boyfriend..." the girl said"slut? heh come at me!" Nichole said"you mad bro? bring it!" the girl swung at her and Nichole grabbed her wrist and the brawl began! the girl threw Nichole into some tables and hit a wall. Nichole stood up shakily and charged at the girl.she threw her down the bar table and they started pulling hair and punching hard. people were recording and Jaden said"hey break it up!"
(lol this is fun!) The girl 'accidentally' hit Jaden. "oops my bad..." Nichole saw red and threw the slut LITERALLY through the wall!"NO ONE LAYS A FINGER ON JADEN! RAWR!"bashing her head into the ground.
The slut laid out cold. "heh b*tch..." Nichole stomped over to jaden and kissed him. "if any other girls wanna go cmon!" some huddled together shaking. jaden gently lead Nichole from the cafe.
-Clioe and Dylan then talked on the couch about stuff like.... how their day was to a debate about if tomatoes were either a veggie or a fruit. They laughed and smiled as they looked at each other. It was at least 9:30 and Clioe was tired. She yawns and looks at the clock.- Wow, 9:30 already? holy crap! well, time flies when you are having fun! -She laughs and then Dylan walks near the door.- It's been nice hanging out with you Clioe, I got to go... Bye Clioe! -Clioe waves goodbye and then goes to her bedroom and sleeps.-
nichole and jaden walked down the sidewalk. jaden walked her to her house and outside on the porch stood her father and he looked none too happy. they gulped and her dad said"where were you two?" they quickly said"school!" "park!" her dad glared and said"nichole in the house. now." nichole said"but!" he sent a glare at her and she said"bye jaden..."standing on her toes kissing his cheek. she went inside sadly. her father said"is this some kind of game with you boy?! do you know what couldve happened?!" jaden said"but i was with her the whole time!" her dad said"thats the problem! i forbid you to see her!"
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower smiled and nodded. "Yep." She said and then leaned back pushing her empty plate aside and grabbing the smaller plates giving everyone a piece. She looked at her father who didn't seem to be in the mood but he took it because he didn't want to hurt flower's feelings.

Julian gladly accepted his piece of cake. He ate the strawberries ontop first before actually taking a bite of the yummy cake. The strawberries stashed secretly inside mixed with the extra strawberry juice that was dripped over gave it lots of flavor. He smied and licked his lips.
jaden said"but sir i love her i wont hurt her! i never hurted her and i never will!" he said" but you put her in danger! if i see you anywhere near her i will kill you!" before slamming the door. jaden was heartbroken and walked to his home. nichole clung to her father's arm"dad i love him! you cant!"tears going down her face. he said"my mind is made up!" snatching his arm from her. nichole slid to her knees crying. he said"im sorry..." "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" SMACK! Nichole held her cheek in shock. "IM DOING WHATS BEST FOR YOU!" She backed away from her father and ran to her room slamming the door.

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