>Vampire Kiss<

(Sorry about that flame, Oh and stormhawk324 Flower is at her house at the moment, not sure how you want to role play from that,)

Benjamin steps out behind them. "What do you mean....safe?" He said glaring at the two. "Are you in danger of something....vampire?" he asked with a smirk. His knife, blood seal was hidden in his sleeve out of sight.
-Clioe's eyes start to glow in a full on faint red and she gasps and breaks into a run and runs out of the park and pulls out her keys and tries to open her car as quickly as she could-

-Dylan looked over at Clioe to see her running and his eyes grow wide and he runs quickly after her- 
(it's okay hearts)
Benjamin looks at them and them smirks. "For vampires....they are slow.' He said and then pulled out his knife. He threw it and knocked the keys from Clioe's hands. The knife glowed and came back to him. "Why are you running? Are you guilty of something?" He asked and held up his knife. "This is the blood seal, made from vampire fangs and human blood. This will kill any immortal." He said and then glared. "I will ask you one question...have you kill before? A human I mean in blood thirst?" he asked.
-She jumped as her keys had been just broken. She looked over at the man and her face filled with fear. She was severely scared of hunters. Dylan ran up to her and held her so she would calm down but she couldn't stop shaking and she felt fearful of what would happen. Dylan spoke up- I've known her for a very long time and she would never do that! -Clioe looks at Dylan and nods her head up and down quickly-
Benjamin looked at straight into his eyes and determined that he wasn't lying. He turned and then started walking away. "Goodnight." He said as he walked. He still hated vampires but he would never kill one that didn't deserve it. He put the knife away.
-Clioe looks over at Dylan and hugs him as she cried. He patted her back and hugged her- Shh Clioe it's okay -Tears fell from her eyes- I...I....I....I... I Never wanted to witness what it was like to...to...to...to be chased and almost killed by..by...by a hunter. -She sobbed in fear as she shacked really badly-

-Dylan held her in his arms and patted down her hair trying to calm her down while swaying her slowly with he hugged her- Shhhhh Clioe it's alright, it's over now. -Although he had never been through this before and was shaking a little also, He knew Clioe never deserved to be threatened by a vampire hunter to be killed.-
(Don't know....Benjamin is walking home after terrorizing Clioe and Dylan lol. Julian could bump into him. Benjamin could want to look into him more so he knew who flower was hanging out with, Julian could be invited to dinner lol)
(Omg yes! xD )

Julian wandered along the pavement, he had finally changed oit of his PJ's and into some regular clothes even though it was getting close to evening time. He had missed his skinny jeans. He twirled the umbrella over his head as he quietly whistled a tune.
Benjamin walked behind him. "Julian...what are you doing out?" He asked and then crossed his arms. He looked at him. He wondered about this boy. He rubbed his chin, he needed to know this boy better, this vampire. He stared at Julian wondering what to do.
Julian began to feel rather awkward being near this man, a vampire hunter especially, who was staring intensly at him. He scratched his neck then asked, "Um...d-did you need something?"
Benjamin looked at him. "Hmm...why don't you join me and flower for dinner. I asked flower to cook tonight while I was out walking." He said and then started walking to his house. "If you are to be around my daughter I want to know you first...vampire." He said the word vampire in a darker tone and glared at him at the word too. Still he walked to his house wondering if Julian would follow."
Julian hesitated before slowly following behind, making sure that was at least a few good yards between them. 'Should I really.trust this guy? Well, I don't think Flower would let him kill me if he tried....Flower....I wonder if Flower can actually cook..can't believe I'm going to her house....'
Benjamin opened the door. "Flower I'm home!" He said and then walked in leaving the door open for Julian. "Hey flower I brought your friend over for dinner." He said and flower came out. He smiled happy to see her. He patted her head and flower smiled.

"A friend you say?" She asked and then looked and saw Julian. She blinked an looked a Benjamin. "You aren't planning to kill him are you?" She asked narrowing her eyes at him and crossing her arms.

Benjamin sighed. "Not unless you poisoned the food." He said frustrated wih the fact she was friends wih the vampire. "It smells good so I guess that's a no." He said walking into the kitchen. "Come along...vampire." He said.

Flower rolled her eyes. She looked at Julian. "He means on purpose I'm a great cook." She said and then smiled. "Come on he won't hurt you while I'm here." She said.
Julian kept glancing all over the room curiously and even sniffing around some. 'So clean...no blood stains or messes, good... he sniffed the air again. 'It doesn't reek of alcohol either. Though I could have figured that out easily....the house is pretty bright. Lots of lights.' he thought, still feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Um...could we maybe turn off some of the lights or close the curtains....? I-If not I can just hold my umbrella still I guess."
Flower looked at him. "Oh sorry." She said closing the cursing and shutting of a few lights. "Is that better?" She asked her father standing in the kitchen door way with his arms crossed. He watched the boy and then looked at flower.
Julian nodded and smiled. "Phew...it feels good to finally lower my arm down." He said as he folded his umbrella up and leaned it against the wall. "Thanks. It helps." He stretched his arm, also blinking his eyes to adjust to the lighting.
Flower nodded and smiled. "We'll come in supper is ready." She said walking into the kitchen her dad sitting on the table. Flower put a pot of rice with meat in it on the table. Then she placed the green beans and bread on the table as well. She took her seat and then looked at Julian.
(aww Clioe is crying =( anyways...) -Dylan hugged her tightly until she stopped crying and shaking- -Clioe had red eyes from crying as she stopped hugging him and smiled at him- Thank you Dylan... I just hope I never encounter another vampire hunter again..... -she hugged him once more and then planted a kiss on his right cheek-
(@flamey: Awww! Aww for crying too, but Awwwwwww! ^^ They're so cute!!!!)

Julian sat down in an empty seat. He sorta leaned over the table, peeking into the pot. 'Cooked rice...and some meat...' he told himself, well in his head.
Nichole and Jaden went to the arcade.. Nichole saw the game Just dance machine and smiled. Jaden said"i challenge you a dance off!" Nichole said"your on!" they started the game and were quickly surpassing others. people watched in awe. Nichole moved her feet quickly and gracefully to the beat of the music. Jaden was catching up quickly.
(lol thanks) jaden smiled at Nichole. their points skyrocketed. Nichole twisted her hips and smiked. she hopped from arrow to arrow quickly and was having a great time. jaden gave up tired. " you are the dancing goddess!" Nichole blushed deeply. some guys crowded her pushing Jaden away and girls crowded him.(ooh sh*ts gonna go down :0)
(oh no!! fan mobs!! ahh!!! runn!!!!) -Dylan blushed a little then looked at Clioe, she had redish eyes from crying but she was smiling at him. Rose hugged him one more time then picked up her keys, they were fine- Hmm, weird right? -Dylan laughed-yeah, so so weird -he blushed and then he looked over at Rose who hopped into her car, she patted the passenger seat- You gettin in Dylan? -Dylan smiled- Yes I am! -slides across the top of the car and opens the passenger's door and hops in- -Clioe claps- wow, amazing that you can do that! -Dylan and Clioe both smiled and drove to her apartment. Clioe opened the door to her retro style apartment- http://www.mctourer.com/rides/2008/FoundersFeast/temp/apt_1.jpg

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