>Vampire Kiss<

Flower looked at him. "I skipped one class. I wanted to make sure you were fine. Silly to worry about a vampire. Your endurance isn't very good is it? tis...Lazy." She said and then punched him in the shoulder. "Ah...I'll have to go back soon." She said looking up one hand still on her hip.
(rose:CUTE!!) Nichole said"jaden put him down!"grabbing his arm. jaden looked down at her and saw her shaking. his eyes returned to normal and he grabbed her arm dragging her outside. "are you ok?"
"Ow! What the hell!?" Julian growled when she suddenly punched him, popping his shoulder back ino place. Having a girl be alot stronger than him feel weak...though he was pretty weak compared to everyone.
Flower looked at him - _ -' "I didn't punch you that hard....did I?" She sighed and then rubbed her head. "I only got a little while...you going to invite me in or should I just leave." She said looking away. She looked back at him and then crossed her arms.
-Clioe and Dylan looked at each other with an idea popped into Clioe's head and she leaned in to whisper to him- What if we snuck out of school, saying we had a doctors appointment and you needed a ride? -Dylan looks at her and smiles- That's a good Idea, lets do it! -they walk to the office, say they have a doctors appointment and get out free from school,as Clioe jumps into her car she giggles- We fooled them! -Dylan hops into the car and hugs Clioe and then shuts the door- We sure did! -Clioe drives to the park and puts her hood on as Dylan pulls out his umbrella from the back seat and opens it as soon as he gets out of the car and Clioe goes under it with him and stands next to him as they walked and they talked about some stuff, laughed as they told jokes and hugged sometimes but then in the end they looked out at the lake and sat together under the shade of a tree - this is nice being out here Dylan -she smiles and looks at him and he answers back- Yes, I have to agree with that! -the laugh a little then pulled out their drawing books and looked at the pictures- Oh that's really Good Clioe! -Clioe smiles- thanks -she blushes a little then looks at one of his pictures and her eyes widen by the beauty of it- Holy Crap! Dylan! -he looks at Clioe- What? -she looks at him then back at the picture- This... This is AMAZING! -he smiles and jokes- I know... I'm just kidding Clioe -she giggles- i know -they hug and then laugh a little as they told more jokes as best friends-
(rose:SO CUTE I JUST WANNA HUG EM!!!!) Nichole yelped as she was dragged out of the school. "im-im ok..." jaden said"we are leaving." nichole said"where?" jaden said"anywhere but this hell hole!" gently pulling her along.
"Oh, um, sure. Come in." Julian stepped aside she could enter. The house wasn't as dark as it appeared outside, but the lights were pretty dim for a normal home. It was rather messy too; Beer bottles (from his parents), random piles of laundry, and some blood stains were scattered everywhere. "Yeahhhh..." he muttered awkwardly because of the sight. It reeked of alcohol but he had gotten used to the strong stench.
(yullen: NO MY CHARRIES! jk ^-^) -Clioe leaned against him as they pointed out beautifully bloomed flowers and some flowers still blooming to each other, Dylan compared Clioe to a Tiger Lilly and Clioe compared Dylan to a red rose- oh Clioe, what would I do if you weren't my friend? -Clioe looks at him and smiles- I would never know since I would've never met you if you would've never met me -she giggles and Dylan laughs- see! now that is smart! Clioe you are so smart! -Clioe laughs- Since when? I am the stupidest person i know -she laughs then Dylan laughs and she looks at him- I'm kidding, you are very smart too Dylan -she giggles-
Flower blinked and then covered her nose. "Uhh..." She said feeling almost sick of the smell when she entered. She looked at him. 'You...live here?" She asked and then sighed looking at the sight. The blood stains caught her attention and she hunched over. "Ahhh....yeahhh." She said and then looked at him.
jaden pulled her up onto the roof of the school. they had security down below. then he kissed nichole. he broke the kiss and said"your mine and no one elses ok?" blushing. she nodded blushing. (now that is how you make it cuter! see hes already possessive xD )q
"Heh um...yeahhhhhhhh...let's go back outside. Inside is not a good idea." Julian smiled awkwardly and brought her back out the door, closing it behind him. He scratched the back of his neck. 

[QUOTE="yullen-chan]jaden pulled her up onto the roof of the school. they had security down below. then he kissed nichole. he broke the kiss and said"your mine and no one elses ok?" blushing. she nodded blushing. (now that is how you make it cuter! see hes already possessive xD )q

(Awwwwwww!!!! ^^l
(lol thanks storm! xD ) nichole yawned some and her stomach growled. not for her regular food for blood. she turned away from jaden her fangs hurting.
Flower looked at him. "I'm sorry. I can help you clean up, if you want. It's not a very fit place to live at the moment." She said looking up at him with a small smile. She put a hand on his shoulder. "Seriously....It's not like I couldn't miss a half of days worth of school." She said looking at him
"N-No it's fine! I mean, um no thanks. I can take care of that later." Julian moved his hair aside. He just didn't want his parents to find her. They didn't even know that he had human friend...more so a crush on one.
Flower looked at him and then looked down nodding. "Oh ok." She said and then rubbed her head. "If your sure that seems like a lot of work to do all by yourself." She said and then blew her bangs out of her eyes. "Um..." She looked down unsure of what to do now.
"I'm just afraid of you getting your human smell all over the house....it could make my parents go all crazy or blood thirsty possiblely. I'd appreciate it, but no thanks. For your safety."
Flower looks up at him. Her human scent? She looked at him and then rubbed her head sighing. "Like you haven't done that already." She said meaning about him biting her. She sighed. "Ah ok." She said and looked at him. "Hey...come on I'm hungry, you want to get some ice cream?"
"Ice cream!" Julian cheered happily and fist-pumped the air. "I want chocolate!" He was seriously such a child sometimes. He just had his moments.
Flower smiled. "Ok...I'll get cookies and cream." She said and then started walking. "This way." She said smiled walking with her hands in her pockets. She found an ice cream shops and ordered for them. Once the lady handed her the cones she formed out the cash paying for Julian as well. She walked over givig him his chocolate cone.
Julian smiled when he received his then licked a taste. He hadn't ice cream for a long time now; 48 years to be exact.

He suddenly looked down at his attire. His hair was clearly still messed up in a curly way, plus he was still wearing his spiderman pj's. He felt awkward wearing these in public. "I miss my skinny jeans and my hairbrush...." he muttered softly. "Flower...is it weird for a guy to be obsessed with his hair and wear skinny jeans all the time? Because I've been called 'gay' many times from that."
Flower looked at him just noticing and giggled a bit. She looked at him. "I wouldn't know but I don't think so. Though boy bands seem to always worry about their hair." She looked at him. "We better get you home." She said licking her ice cream as she got up.
"Haha! Take that Dad! I'm not gay!" Julian still kept fiddling with his hair on the way back to his house. He nommed down the rest of his ice cream and smiled. He turned his head to look at Flower. She seemed...really pretty suddenly. He blushed and quickly turned away when he realized he was staring.
Flower giggled at his declaration. As they walked to continued to lick her ice cream. She finished it by the time they got back to the house. She blinked and then looked at him as he turned away from her. She looked at him. "You ok?" She asked him catching a bit of his blush. She tilted her head confused a bit.
"Y-Yeah...just embarrassed still about my clothes I guess." Julian lied terribly. He placed a hand over his now-red cheeks then ears; his ears and cheeks were burning. 'Why am I blushing!? All I did was look at her!"
Flower looks at him. "You don't lie very well." She said and tried to step closer but stripped on the sidewalk and fell right into him. "Ah!" She said and then blushed a little herself. She looked up at him and then noticed how intensely he was blushing.

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