>Vampire Kiss<

He blows some air from his nostrils. "Rude." He noticed the flower drawing when she lifted it up. "Not bad, he patted her on the back." Looking now at the boy. "You a vampire?" He blurted out. (Can't see picture!)
(you can't? just type up the link in a new tab I guess so you CAN see the picture) -Dylan looks at Kiyo and nods yes- -Clioe looks at Kiyo and then writes what it was in the left corner of the paper and shows it to him- 
(it was a lilly)
Flower sighed leaning back in her chair. She hadn't been paying much attention to anything really. She was staring off outside the window. She had her hair down and behind her ear. (I am confused....so I'm just jumping in here.) She glanced as a girl completely blew off Kiyo. She smirked slightly.
(it's okay we were in class and Kiyo won't basically leave Clioe alone xD lol) -Clioe shows the picture to Dylan and he smiles, they completely forget kiyo was there and Dylan complements the picture in a whisper- wow, that is REALLY good Clioe -Clioe giggles and sighs as she smiles- thanks dude -lightly punches his arm and giggles a little bit-
(@storm:they got BUSTED!) Nichole and jaden returned to their seats when finally the bell rang. they ran out and went to their next class which sadly they didnt have together. nichole sat in fine arts kinda bored when she felt her phone buzz, the teacher really didnt care if they brought out their electronics. she looked and saw it was a message from jaden. jaden:sorry about that i didnt mean to get you in trouble nichole texted back:its ok jaden ^-^
-gets up from her chair and taps Dylan lightly a little bit- Hey Dylan. Which class do you have next? -Dylan answers back- I have art class -Clioe smiles and jumps up a little and giggles- Yay! so do I! -they both laugh and then walk down the hallway together to Art Class- 
-they laughed at jokes down the hallway- Clioe: okay okay okay, so this girl, she walks over to mcdonalds and says I love mcdonalds!, then she takes a burger and throws it at the manager and runs away -they laugh and laugh- Dylan: Wow Clioe, that's funny! -Dylan kept laughing and Clioe smiles at him- Dylan: my turn! okay so there is a blond, a brounet, and a redhead. They go to a magic well and they are being chased by the cops. So the brounet says, " I wish for pillows!" and jumps down -he continues with the joke and then Clioe ends up laughing her face off- woww, that is hilarious! -they fiinally get to art class-
jaden texted:so what are you doing? ;) nichole blushed and texted:im in fine arts survey im working with zintangles jaden texted:cool ^-^ (lol irl my fine arts teacher seriously doesnt care if we bring out our electronics)
-they walked into class and sat next to each other giggling and Dylan whispers to her with a sigh- I don't think the blondy ever learns -Clioe whispers back- I know right? I mean, the brounet wished for pillows, the redhead wished for marshmallows to land on and run, i mean why would the blondy pick iron shards to land on? -laughs a little quietly- I bet she was just asking to die, or he, depends -they both quietly laugh and Clioe pulls out her drawing book and shows some drawings to Dylan- Wow Clioe, these are amazing... How long did it take you to master this? -Clioe giggles a little then leans in to whisper in his ear- many many years is all I can say -she giggles a little then sits back upright in her seat, still laughing a little as Dylan sighs and smiles at her- 
(I love Clioe and Dylan being friends and being together they always tell jokes <3
-she starts to draw what was on the board and smiles as she finishes and shows it to the teacher- "Very good Clioe!" -Clioe smiles and sits back down and looks over at Dylan and then looks at his hand when he wasn't looking and thinks: Should I? She starts to reach out to his hand and then he looks over and she reaches over to her pencil and pretends like she was doing nothing. Dylan smiles and puts his hand on her shoulder and she blushes and he smiles and speaks- You know, you are the bestest friend a person could ever have -She looks at him with her red face and Dylan smiles and whispers in her ear- You are blushing Clioe -he laughs a little and she punches him in the arm a little, but not enough to hurt him then adjusts his umbrella kindly for him and smiles at him and whispers in his ear- Well... You are a dork -she giggles and Dylan smiles and laughs and whispers in a joking-like tone- You are one to talk -they both laugh quietly and then sigh and they both start drawing-
(@flamey: awwww! ^^ they're so cute together!)

Julian had skipped school so he could stay home and sleep allllllll day.
Flower took notice Julian wasn't here today. She wondered if she should see if he's ok. He's a vampire....why should I worry. She thought and started heading to her next class completely bored however.
-Clioe looks up from her finished sketch and onto Dylan's which he was still working on, it was a rose, but it was casting a shadow of the rose. She watched him draw till he was finished. When Dylan finished he glances over at Clioe and smiles and Clioe looks at the drawing with an amazed look on her face and whispers to him- Wow... Dylan that is amazing! I'm astonished! (picture of what it looks like ---> http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/11400000/Shadow-Rose-roses-11483866-1103-1488.jpg
-Dylan smiles and looks at it and says sarcastically- Yah its better then yours... I'm just kidding -he whispers to her and they both laugh quietly and Clioe looks at him- I don't know, we should compare them! -she puts her drawing book next to his and looks at them carefully- 
-Dylan looks closely and then leans in to whisper- I don't know, I think they both are good he looks at her while she looks at him and they both smile and they apparently say at the same time..- Yup! -they look at each other again and laugh quietly- 
-Dylan sighs, looks away for a moment then looks back at Clioe and smiles and tickles her a little and she giggles a little and whispers- Stop Dylan -she keeps giggling and Dylan stops and laughs a little- looks like someone's ticklish -they both laugh quietly once more and then sigh and start drawing again-
(Rose:totally cute!) Nichole was about to turn in her work when a random vampire picked it up. "heh pretty good for a halfy.."before ripping it. nichole felt tears go down her face.
-(<3) they both keep drawing the image they were suppose to draw, it was supposed to be an animal, they both coinsadentaly choose the wolf and start to draw and Clioe talks while drawing- so what did you pick to draw Dylan? -Dylan looks up from his drawing and looks at it again and keeps on drawing- I picked a Wolf -she looks at him with surprise and Dylan just looks at her confused- What? -she smiles- So did I -his mouth forms an O- oh wow! -they laugh a little then keep on drawing until they finish-
nichole said"why do you guys hate half vampires so much?!" crying. jaden felt something was wrong and asked the teacher if he could go to the bathroom. she let him and he ran to nichole's class and felt anger seeing her crying. (oh no they made jaden mad run for it!!)

Flower sighed and held up a paper stating Julian's address. (I'm bored so I decided to add this in lol) She walked up to the house and knocked on the door. "Hmmm I hope I'm not bothering him. Ah...It's better then staying at school and having to deal with Kiyo by myself." She said. "Although I can only skip art I'll have to go back as soon as that class is done." She said to herself.
(uh oh! call the ambulance!) -Dylan looks up randomly and sighs- Yah know, after school is going to be a beautiful day... should we go to the park again -Clioe smiles and looks at him with her Dark green eyes as a small light beam makes her eyes look like they were sparkling- I think we should -she giggles a little in happiness and Dylan thinks in his head: wow, she is just so pretty, the way she talks, smiles, or basically anything she does is beautiful! He looks at her and smiles while he thought to himself and then class ends and they head to lunch but they both don't eat anything there and they whisper to each other and Clioe says to him...- Human food is disgusting, am i right? -Dylan smiles- Yes you are Clioe, yes you are -they both sit under 2 trees next to each other with their left shoulders facing the base of the tree as they sat, talked, told jokes, and mostly... smiled-
(jaden/haou is gonna kill someone! :o ) jaden glared at the laughing vampire his eyes golden. he walked up to him and grabbed him by the throat. "wth did you do to her?!" his voice thick with venom.
(There is so much going on right now that's its difficult to understand and remember properly! xD )

Julian hissed when he heard the knock. 'Someone is at the door? Nobody ever comes here...' he thought as he slowly wadered towards the entrance. He creaked the door open, bats flying out as he opened the door. His usual straight hair was all naturally curly and kinda messed up from not using his hairbrush yet. "Yes...?" He yawned and rubbed his eyes.
(ahhhh!! like a black widow spider except worse! ahh!!!!!) -Dylan looks at her and then thinks: okay okay okay, dude, I think this is your time. All you got to do is just reach for her hand okay? that's all your doing, holding her hand. He laughs a little randomly and the sighs and Clioe looks at him with a smile then a questioning look- Is there something troubling you Dylan? or no? -Dylan looks up at her- Oh no there is nothing wrong at all! not at all! -Clioe smiles and giggles a little- you are so funny -she giggles as she then places her hand on the ground and looks out the sun, sometimes holding up Dylan's umbrella- -Dylan sighs and looks over at the sun and lowers his hand, his hand had touched Clioe's and they look at each other and blush with smiles on their faces, Clioe looks away to the side for a little bit and then looks back at him, but doesn't try to rip her hand away. They both laugh a little and they both don't try to rip their hands away at all. Dylan blushed to where his face was fully red. Clioe giggles- Dylan, your face is red -she smiles at him and then looks over at the sun again and then hugs him. They both blush again but Dylan hugs her back and they hug for 1 minute then smile as they let go from the hug but didn't let go of each others' hands entwined with each other-
Flower barely flinched. "Tell me...the bats....is that some kind of Cliché?" She asked. "Ugh never mind...I just came to see if you were alright....sleepy head." She said crossing her arms. She sighed and then pushed her hair back. She put a hand on her hip looking at him.
"I'm fine. Just tired is all." Julian replied and shooed some bats away. "Isn't there school today? Did you decide to skip too?"

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