>Vampire Kiss<

-picks up her backpack and walks down the stairs of her apartment and puts her backpack in the passenger's seat and drives to school, taking her time-

-Dylan picks up his backpack and slings it over his left shoulder and looks for something to help him keep away from the sun and finds an umbrella and sighs- this 'll do just for today -grabs the umbrella and opens it to cast a shadow over him as he walks to school- (:tongue:) 
-when she reaches school, she pulls out her pen and taps it against her chin while thinking of what to draw during class then comes up with an idea-

-Dylan sees school from his view and runs to school and stops to breath when he finally gets to the school's sidewalk-
(stormy: yup :tongue: ...... since he can't be in the sun at all :P , maybe Julian and Dylan should be friends) 
-sees Clioe getting out of her red car and waves- -Clioe sees Dylan waving and smiles as she shuts her car's door and walks to the doors- 
-Clioe feels someone behind her and she jumps a little but looks at the person and sighs (who wants to be the person right behind Clioe?).....-
(like someone who was just behind her i guess.... she is really jumpy so yeah xD ) 
-jumps back and fixes her hood quickly as a beam of light hits her face and it burns her skin only a little bit, but only where she could feel it and no one would see it. It wasn't that painful on her skin and she looks at the person for a split second then looks at her jacket and keeps fixing her hood- Oh my goodness you scared me.
Jaden went home and took a quick shower. he brushed his hair and went to meet up with nichole. Nichole walked out saying"im off to school!" meeting up with jaden. she handed him a hot pocket and they walked to school...holding hands smiling. jaden was wearing a black tee, his red blazer,white skinny jeans, and his red and black trainers. nichole was wearing a cute shirt with a pikachu on the front, blue skinny jeans, a light pink jacket and her white tenni shoes.
(yup, sooo adorable, if you want to make it more adorable listen to this!!) ---> [media]

[/media] -she walks away and into the building to her locker with the sound of talking all around her- -Dylan smiles and walks to his locker-
(i knew you would ^-^ I play this song when someone or when I feel in love <3 lol it's an amazing song plus it adds rainbows! yay!) -sees Nichole and Jaden walking down the hallway hand in hand and smiles and it makes her think of Rainbow Veins by Owl City and she softly sings that song-
Julian walked slowly through the hallway quietly with a yawn, he had already gone two days withpit any rest and it was killing him. He leaned against the wall and was out like bam!
-Dylan walks to class and passes by Clioe in the hallway and heard part of the song she was singing and thinks: holy crap she is good at singing! walks over to her- Hi Clioe! -he smiles- You have a really good voice yeah know? -Clioe blushes as they walk to class talking to each other about random things and they get to class and Dylan says....- Oh my gosh how did our subject change from mushrooms to sea turtles? Clioe you are random, but in a good way -they both laugh then take a seat next to each other since they planned this in the hallway so they could talk about more stuff that was random and funny-
-raises hand- May I please go in the hallway for a moment Mr. Raisinot? "yes you may Clioe" thank you Mr. Raisinot -shortly after that Dylan asked to go in the hallway and the teacher said yes and he walks out of the classroom to meet up with Clioe just outside and they giggle very quietly-
Nichole was humming to herself she wrote down lyrics and nodded."look at that girl over there smiling without a care~" Jaden tapped his pencil getting rhythm.
-Clioe sees Julian and pulls Dylan over so she can greet Dylan to Julian and Dylan kept his black umbrella above him carefully- -Clioe says- come on! I want you to meet my friend -she smiles and pulls him slightly to Julian who seemed asleep- Hey Julian? -she tries to wake him up by shaking his arm a little bit, and as his umbrella starts to lower she pulls it above him quickly- hey Julian wake up -she shakes him a little and says that in a whisper- 
(yullen: awwwww that is just so sweet <3..... which reminds me since I'm a little stupid.... Nichole and jaden sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g. lol sorry i just had to do it)
"listen to her sing you cant even blink at how great she is when she puts her heart into it~" Jaden was amazed by Nichole's voice. so was the class. 
(lol its ok rose!)
-hears the singing but still tries to wake Julian up without having his umbrella drop at all, she keeps his umbrella from falling in the process- 
( :tongue: lololololol I am a DORK)
Flower walked over and saw two people hovering over Julian. She blinked and then walked over. "HEY." She gave him a swift kick not enough to really hurt him though. "Get up." She said. "Come on lazy bones." She said looking at him.
-she hums a little and fixes her hood and shrugs to Dylan and stands there, sighs- -Dylan whispers to her- I don't know if he's going to wake up or not Clioe hmm (gtg see yah tomorrow)
(Bye Flamey!)

Julian fell to ground when Flower kicked him, waking him up in shock and surprise. He scrambled back up onro his feet. "I-I'm up!"
Flower smiles lightly and then chuckles. "You're a heavy sleeper aren't you?" She asked and then patted his head. "What's the matter? Not enough sleep?" She asked looking at him. "I thought you vampires were tougher then this." She whispered that one that time not wanting anyone to hear her.

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