>Vampire Kiss<

"I am too tough!" Julian pouted then continued, "I'm used to sleeping at nighttime like any other human but I missed two nights and I feel like crap." He was more whining then explaining....it made him seem more like a little kid too.
Flower raised an eyebrow. She patted his head. "Awwww is the little kid tired?" She said and then smiled giggling. "Alright you whiner...maybe you should go to the nurses office and get some sleep there...I'm sure they would let you for a while." She said looking at him.
Kiyo took a step over too see Julian whining. 'Typical that kid is always whinning' he laughed. "Hey whining again huh?" He patted him on the shoulder. "It's ok I only thought it was slightly hilarious." He looked over at flower. "Not angry today?"
Nichole worked on her math problems trying to avoid everyone's gaze. a note landed on her desk. jaden: hey you ok? Nichole wrote back: yes im ok...
Flower looks at him. "No." She said and then looked at Julian. "It's up front by the door turn left walked straight and it kind of says it right on the door." She said and then crossed her arms. "Or you can follow the nearest scent of germ-x" she said with a little giggle at her joke.
"Hmm.. Do you just dislike me?" He was caught off guard by this. He examined her again she always had this 'GTFO' stance. He shoved Julian. To see if he could rile up FLower. It wasn't a very large shove but enough to e noticeable.
Flower looked at him. "What are..." She saw him shove Julian and then narrowed her eyes at him. "Exactly what are you trying to do?" She asked looking at him. She leaned toward him not sure what was up with him today. "You have an odd way of doing things...don't you?"
He laughed." Once you get my age you try to find ways to amuse yourself." Realizing he had not even told her his age. He dusted Julian off. "You must have had a good day not to defend this guy." He narrowed his eyes back.
Nichole and jaden sent notes back and forth. the teacher intercepted it and said"no note passing are you willing to share with the class?"
Julian stumbled into the wall, too tired to even keep his balance properly. "Ow," he grumbled under his breath. He stood back up straight and yawned. He didn't really care that much, not that big a deal.
Flower looks at him. "Number one...you didn't push him that hard, number two you are purposely trying to annoy me....I won't give you the pleasure." She said and then looked at Julian. He didn't seem to care at all. Flower rubbed her head and then pushed her fingers through it.
"Hmm your probably right I do enjoy doing that." He popped his neck and back like usual then cracked his knuckles. "Good to know." He looked at them both. "Julian you seem a bit tired." Vampires had more endurance then humans so he was confused by this. "Not get enough sleep?" He laughed. "Been drinking to much blood..oh wait."" He laughed again.
-Clioe looks at Kiyo seriously- Dude, seriously? don't mess with him -eyes start to flare in a faint glow of a light fire color-

-Dylan looks at Kiyo and then whispers to Clioe so no one but Clioe could hear him- wow this guy's a real jerk -Clioe whispers back- I know. -Clioe looks at Julian and then back at Kiyo and sighs- look you can't just mess with people all day dude! -this time it was in a very angry tone, her eyes still faintly glowing like a flickering fire- Don't you have something else to do? -Clioe and Dylan both look at him with serious and angry looks no their faces- 
-eyes start to faintly glow red and she raises her hand to punch Kiyo, but then Dylan grabs her hand, motioning that she shouldn't try that or bad things would happen and she lowers her hand and glares at kiyo once more, but now with faintly glowing red eyes and says in an angry tone- Look just don't mess with him, alright?! -slowly walks away and Dylan follows behind her-
the teacher read the note. "jaden:nichole do you wanna go out after school nichole:y-yea sure..." Nichole and jaden covered their faces blushing deeply as the class laughed. they sunk into their seats.
A great grin came across kiyo's face. Someone decided to play with him. He looked at the two. The girl in particular. "Gonna hit me?" He laughed. He wouldn't hit people he just enjoyed making people hit theirselves. Before it was over she would be in pain. "By the way you might want to get that checked out,your eyes are glowing. Also it looks like you have a smart friend here." He screeched and popped his back again. "Maybe I just enjoy toying with people?" (First time I ever rp'd with you! :D )
(not first time, remember the park :tongue: earlier on ^-^) -looks back at Kiyo after she started walking with Dylan beside her and hisses as she bares her fangs and then turns her head and her eyes stay glowing faintly with dark red, she was REALLY pissed off-

-Dylan tries to calm her down but doesn't want her to get upset at him too so he decides to hold his tongue and walk with her, almost reaching to hold her hand but then thinks: this isn't a good time probably. puts his hand back down at his side and sighs as he walks closely behind her back to class- 
-Dylan winces and so does Clioe at the screech before they start to walk (oops forgot about that ^-^)- 
-walks back into class and sits down and looks over at dylan and smirks and her eys start to go back to her normal shade of dark green-

-Dylan looks over at Clioe and sees her not smiling like she always did. But notices her eyes go back to normal, and he smiles. To try and chear her up he makes a funny face, but she doesn't laugh, she stays emotionless and he leans over and whispers in her ear- Clioe are you alright? It seems like there is something wrong -he looks at her with concern- -Clioe looks at him straight faced and then leans in to whisper in his ear-I'll talk about it at lunch okay? -Dylan whispers again- Okay. -they sit back up and Clioe pulls out her drawing book and looks at a few pages and smiles a little bit and then thinks about what to draw next and then starts to draw-
-Dylan looks over at Nichole and Jaden and then at the teacher with stern and a straight look- uh.. Sir? Why are you reading their personal info in front of your class? That is their info not everyone elses -the teacher looks at him- I suppose your right... -the teacher puts the note on their desk-
Kiyo stepped in and abrupted rudely. "The rule state That you may not pass notes in class. Thus when they wrote this note they gave up all right to privacy when regarding that note." He took a seat beside the group."got a little heated a minute a go huh?"
-Clioe looks at Kiyo and sighs and rolls her eyes and goes back to her drawing- 
-Dylan looks at Kiyo with a straight face and then looks over at Nichole and mouths, "I'll try to help yah. Unless that jerk wants to mess it up" -He sighs and keeps his umbrella over him since he forgot his jacket today-
He peeked at her drawing. From his angle he wasn't sure what to make of it. "What is that?" He asked confused. He always had

This charming thing about him, he could go from being a complete deuche, too someone who came off like they cared.

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