>Vampire Kiss<

-went over to hear the crying near the bleachers and runs to the bleachers with worry in her eyes as they went back to normal non glowing green and breaths a little heavily- Nichole, are-are you alright -looks at her with concern- Look, don't listen to those low life brats -says in a kind voice-
Nichole looked up at them but her face was crestfallen. she said"thanks for trying guys...i gotta go to work..."crawling out. jaden grabbed her hand and hugged her. "nichole seriously dont listen to them they always wanna bring you down you have to prove them wrong..." Nichole hiccuped and her watch beeped. "im sorry i have to go..."
(I'm going to make a new charrie)

Username:Flame in the Roses

Name: Dylan

Age: 17

Real Age: 120



Human or Vampire?:Vampire

Personality:Quiet, Nice, a little shy, sometimes outgoing, sweet, non flirtatious

Crush/Bf/Gf: Unknown

Other: He loves music and is new to the school, Doesn't know what to expect and who he meets. Always stays in the shade and shadows and puts his overcoat over his head whenever in the daylight. 
(there we go :P a girl AND a guy :P awesome!) 
Celes snapped out of it when she realized the courtyard was empty by now, when had the bell rang? She rubbed the back of her neck as she realized she was probably already late for class and sighed. She definitely had to stop daydreaming. She let out a smile as she shook her head and started to walk to the building.

(Woot weekend is finally here! xD University was killing me x_x)
Dylan: -walks through the hallways to get to his class and bumps into Celes- oops, sorry -laughs a little but clarifies- I wasn't laughing at you at all. Sorry for that -blushes a little from embarrassment. Was he really that clumsy? He looked down on the tile floor to see that he dropped his phone- oops -picks up his phone- Sorry about that -laughs a little and walks to class- 
(I made a new charrie and the History class kids made Nichole cry, but yullen is offline =( so yeah.. the new charrie is Dylan btw :tongue: ) 
(oh yeah and he bumped into Celes) 
Clioe: -as she walked out of from under the bleachers she noticed that her phone was ringing. saying she had to go to work and she says to herself really loudly- oh crap! I'm almost late! -runs through the hallway, and gets into her car and goes to work for Le Fleur Italian Restaurant. She is a waitress.-
Celes blinked when the guy had bumped into her, but hadn't really been able to say a world as the guy had talked quickly and left as quickly as he spoke. She stood there for a moment before chuckling softly, what a strange and funny guy, he had even said sorry three times. She then walked over to her next class.
(lol I know he is strange and funny xD No judgy xD )

Dylan: -sees a girl zoom past him and to her car saying, "oh crap! I'm almost late!" and he looks at her wondering what she was late for and heads to class-
Flower looked at Julian. "Sorry no I don't." She said in reply and sat down looking at the teacher almost with a bored expression. She looked at her rest kicking her legs slightly and leaned back in her chair looking up at the ceiling.
Nichole put on her uniform and it was very busy today. Jaden said"can i help out?" the owner nodded and told jaden to fill out the paperwork. Jaden finished and put on his uniform before helping Nichole out.
Clioe: -rushes to work as she gets in the restaurant she puts on her apron quickly and gets her small order book and pen and checks in with the sign in card.- 
(me and Nichole are at our work, I made a new charrie ,dylan, and the others are in 3rd hour history) 
(I think I pretty much got all of it covered)
Celes entered her english class and sat down on a random chair she found empty, not before excusing herself from being late to the teacher, of course. She laid her elbows on top of her desk and then laid her chin on top of her hands, preparing herself from a long, long class..

(xP Never would dare to judge!)
(awww that is adorable, yah know, I think Nichole and Jaden would make a cute couple if they were to date :tongue:....... just saying :tongue:) -finishes up her shift and goes to buy an apartment since she had the money- 
Clioe:-buys an apartment that was nearby the high school and goes to her house to get her belongings since her mother was at her dentist appointment. She grabbed all of her stuff and put it into boxes. When she was done she walked to boxes to her car and placed them in the backseat and drove back to her apartment and put her stuff in her apartment- ahh there we go, now we don't have to live with that nagging witch -laughs as she takes the last thing out of the last box and takes a step back to look at it- 
Dylan: -walks to the park with his backpack left in his locker, knowing he wouldn't need it and strolls in the park with his hands in his pockets as he stays under the trees' shadows that are on the rough ground. Dylan saw a rock and kicks it around and thinks to himself: That girl I bumped into earlier must think I 'm weird. hmm I guess I'll never know unless she tells me. He kicks the rock until he reaches the lake and kicks the rock into the lake and it lands far in the lake, close to the middle of it as he sighs he sits down on a fully shadowed bench-
Clioe: -sighs as she says to herself- I'm going to go to the park -smiles and walks to the park with her hood hiding her pale but happy face- 
Dylan: -sees a girl entering the park- Who could that be -says to himself aloud in curiosity-
Jaden decided to take nichole home. they walked through the park and nichole blushed looking up at jaden. she looked down quickly as he smiled at her.
Dylan: -walks over to the girl with the red hair and dark red jacket on- Hi, my name is Dylan. -he says kindly-

Clioe: -looks up at the boy and smiles but blushes a little, it was the boy she ran past this morning and almost hit him- oh, hi -she smiles- My-My name is Clioe -blushes a little bit, with her cheeks soft pink-
Nichole saw clioe and smiled. jaden held her hand and pulled her to a bench. he sat her down and said"nichole is there anything wrong?"
-looks over Dylan's shoulder to see Nichole and smiles as she waves- that's my friend, Nichole -giggles a little with her face still soft pink from blushing-

-Dylan looks over to see the Nichole she was talking about- oh cool -he smiles- Hey wanna go over to that shaded bench over there and talk a little? To get to know each other i guess? -laughs a little and stays in the shade while talking to her-

-Clioe looks at him and smiles- sure! -walks over there with him and thinks: oh this guy is something else. But in a good way. she smiles as she sits down with him, wondering how she wasn't so nervous around this guy that was really new to her-
nichole said"im fine really jaden!"flailing blushing. jaden said"cute...chu~" nichole's eyes were wide at the sudden kiss but soon melted into it.(AWW HERES THE KISS THAT STARTED IT!!! :P )
(AWWWWWWWWWWWWW ADORABBBLLLLLEEEE!!!!!!!) So what do you like to do for a hobby Dylan? -she smiles at him like he was a long lost friend that she knew since forever ago-

-he thinks then knows what it was- hmmmm.... oh yeah! my favorite hobby is uh -whispers in her ear- art.

-her eyes grow wide and she smiles really big- SO DO I! yay :tongue: -they both smile at each other- 
(i'm going to do a one hour time skip okay?)

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