>Vampire Kiss<

Flower looked to see Julian wasn't there anymore. - _ -; she seemed annoyed with being left behind. She sighed and looked at him. "We best be getting to class." She said and then went to move past him while tugging her white hair behind her ear.
"Oh hey Flower! I have a question!" Julian waved at Flower as she entered the classroom, sitting up straight again. "Do you have Celes's number? I need to text or call her about something." He needed to discuss more about the bracelet-blood-ritual-thing.
(what did I miss? sorry i was gone I had rehearsals for the musical I am doing and didn't have time to get on, I'll just roll with it and go on i guess..) -glances over as she puts a strand of hair behind her ear and the rest flops in front of her face- Oh Hi Nichole! -smiles- How is school for you- the bell for the next class cuts her off- Oh Shoot. I gotta go Nichole, sorry -giggles- Bye -waves goodbye and says to self softly- shoot shoot shoot!

-runs through the hallways to get to history class. She sees Julian and waves as she takes her seat.-
-looks at the work and finishes it in 10 minutes as she sighs and looks at her camera while she continues on with her drawing of the flower she took a picture of-
(that is the picture she sees in the camera by the way :P )
Julian smiled a friendly smile and waved back. He pulled the history book out the desk, expecting that they'd probably need it.
He walked in and sat between Julian and Flower at the long table. "Looks like today is easy stuff." All history was pretty much a walk in the park. He noticed the girl waving. 'Hmm' He waved back knowing it wasnt for him.
-sees the guy waving and thinks: does he think I'm waving at him? blushes and then looks at her camera again and continues drawing (I think Clioe might have a crush on him but idk...... lol i wonder what would happen if it were clioe and Kiyo xD that would be weird, so werid I'm not going to think about it, NEVER MIND! lol) after she waves back at him to-
Jaden was asleep and the teacher threw a book at him. "WAKE UP!" jaden woke with a start."I DIDNT DO IT!" the class laughed and Nichole glared at them and the teacher. "shut.up." one said"aww isnt that sweet shes sticking up for her boyfriend!"
-sees what was happening and goes over to that person- HEY! Look do you think you can just say that and get away with anything you want you brat?? -glares at him with her now faintly glowing red eyes (eyes turn from orange flame color to red when mad.. they also glow faintly :P )
(badass! > :D ) The vamp scoffed"and you are?" SMACK! Nichole shook her hand some. "stop messing with my friends.."her eyes crimson. Jaden stood between them. "i dont take kindly to you being mean to girls so scoot!"his eyes a golden color.
-the guy backed off- fine.... -as I glare at him again and then walked back to my seat and brushed my hair out of my face but the few strands she pushed back falls back in front of her face and sighs as she feels eyes looking at her and she sinks down in her seat as she blushes with embarrassment and sighs and then thinks: I must be the one everyone thinks is an odd one. sighs and thinks again: Well good news is, I stood up for my friend. bad news is, I made a fool of myself. slumps down in her seat even more as she still feels eyes piercing her like a dagger in her back and her face blushes even more, her face was more red then a tomato now-
-looked up at Nichole and says faintly- No problem -sinks back down in her seat as she fixes her hood so it would stay over her face so the sun wouldn't touch her face, not even one bit- 
-then she looks over at the boy who waved to her and figures out that he saw the whole thing, everyone did, and she snaps her head back to looking at her drawing-
Julian forced himself from sighing lr complaining in anyway when Kiyo, of all people, sat inbetween them. 'Wow, thanks! Just as I as I was starting to talk to her again.'
-notices the boy who was waving at her earlier was just staring at her all the sudden and she mouths, "Um.. why are you looking at me?" looks at him all confused and then sighs and returns to drawing her flower picture from her camera and pretends that nothing happened and pretends that she didn't completely just embarrass herself in front of the whole class-
-finishes her drawing and hears the teacher call her name- "Clioe" Yes Ms. Donatella? "Clioe, have you done your assignment?" -everyone's fall directly on my and I start to feel nerves- Yes I have Ms. Donatella "good" -the teacher sits back down as I sigh and slump down into my chair and put my face in my hands and think: Stupid Teacher! Oh my Gosh! Is that the last time I'll be embarrassed or is it only the beginning? Looks over at everyone else and whisper even though no one could hear me as they stared at me- What are you looking at -puts my face back into my hands and sighs-
-looks over at Jaden and Nichole and sighs as she thinks: at least they are really good friends. Heck I barely have any friends, just Nichole and Julian. sighs once again-
nichole nodded and said"y-yea i am..." she then felt a pair of lips touch her cheek and almost fainted. jaden caught her and said"s-sorry it was an acident!" he flailed some blushing. the class laughed at them and said"a human and a vampire..scratch that a halfy che this will be fun to watch!" nichole felt tears go down her face and ran out. jaden said"nichole wait!"
-looks at them all with eyes flared faintly glowing red as she walks to the door and they say: "Oh look the princess is going to save the princess -they snicker as I notice the teacher isn't in the room and I smirk and say like it is nothing- Yah know, the teacher isn't here... right? -I look at them and pop my neck as sum of them stare at me in fear and I pound my fist against my palm- You guys better watch it. or the next thing you'll see is the hospital -smirks and walks out of the room then runs after Nichole- Hey Nichole Wait up!
jaden ran out after nichole and found her crying under the bleachers. he crawled under and sat next to her. "shh its ok.."hugging her. but she cried harder it hurt what they said it hit a nerve. she couldnt control her tears.

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