>Vampire Kiss<

Celes glanced at Flower and then back at Julian "As you wish.. Maybe it really is the best thing to do for now" She said, agreeing with him

(Will you? What do you have in mind? :3)
stormhawk324 said:
(I feel like I should make another character -3- I dunno, I just usually have more than two charries per rp)
(Lolz are you going to? X3 i used to do that a lot i would like....horde xD )
(for some reason when i made a boy character i made him flirtatious and sort of a play boy and i made him use his looks to get what he wanted but he was kind of a complaining baby when he didnt get what he asked for xD )
(i thought it was wierd xD thats pretty much the only thing i can do when i play as a guy...i need to work on being a guy...that sounded wierd...ahhh this is awkward! IGNORE THIS COMMENT)
(Haha I think I just made them kind of indifferent. You know that typical guy that is cold but inside is sweet? They are mostly tsunderes xD u.u)
-listens to the conversation and thinks a little disappointed but then gets her mind set straight thinks: oh... He likes her? I mean... No Clioe don't! this is how you always get pushed away after every guy you meet. You are just a new friend okay? get over it! she glances at Julian and then says thoughtfully- I think you should talk to her, maybe after school Julian. -smiles but waits for his reply from her small idea- 
(storm: Clioe isn't really jealous but she did like him a little :P )
Julian shrugged. "Maybe later......just not now." He decided. "M-Maybe one of you could talk to her...?" As you turned to look at both of the vampire girls and suggested.
Nichole and jaden walked over to clioe. "HI CLIOE!" nichole blushed and said"sorry for yelling! hi clioe! this is jaden!" jaden said"hi jaden yuki nice to meet you nichole told me a lot about you you seem like a pretty good friend!" smiling.
Flower looked up as a tall man slowly came up to her, he had green eyes and a long orange hair tied in a braid. (If any of you watch fullmetal alchemist it's like Edward elric's hair. Lol) he kneeled down. "Flower, the nerve told me you came in and asked for a bandage...she said the wound looked serious I wanted to check up on you." He said with a smile.

Flower smiled lightly at him. "Thanks dad but I'm fine I promise." She said and then stood up as he did.

"Really? May I see it?" He asked his hand reaching for his neck.

"No no it's fine really." Flower said backing away.

"I just want to see it it's ok...I'm worried that's all." He said but flower pulled away again. He sighed and rubbed his head. "Alright, fine...but maybe you should go home early. She said you seemed to have lost a lot of blood." He said looking at flower.

Flower rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah...maybe." She said looking away a bit. She glance around and then back at her father. He smiled at her and put his hand on her head rubbing it down. Flower laughed. "Dad! Your messing up my hair!" She exclaimed.

He leaned over. "Oh really? That's just patting your head, this is messing up your hair come here!" He said grabbing her as she screamed and he started wildly shaking her hair up. "Hey stop that!" Flower yelled in the middle of her screams and laughter.
Julian said goodbye to both Celes and Clioe both turning and wandering off. He let out a loud groan/sigh purposely. 'Maybe I should talk to Flower...if I run into her.'

After walking around pointlessly through the hallways, not really paying attention to what he was doing for a couple minutes, just thinking. He stared down at the ground, mumblung something quietly as if talking to himself. When he looked back up from the floor he saw Flower off in the distance. 'Now! I-I'll talk to her now......' he began speeding up in his pace as he headed over to her. "Hey, hey Flower, can I talk to yo-..." he froze in his speaking and walking too, seeing the older man next to her. This must be her father....her vampire hunter vampire. His eyes were wide. "Uh..umm, n-nevermind this isn't a good time....forget about it.." he started slowly backing away, trying not to look her father in the eye.

(He has Edward's hair?! :D That's awesome!)
(Yeah...lol! Although Edward is more blond her father has orange hair.)

Her father turned and in an instant recognized Julian as a vampire. "How does he know your name?" He asked pulling away from flower. He reached down and got out his large knife, the blood seal,<name of the knife; a vampire killing weapon. He glared at Julian.

Flower looked at her father. "D-dad?" She turned to Julian....how did he know so quickly?! She watched almost in horrior as he moved towards Julian. Flower moved quickly in front of her father. "No!" She said and then glared at him. She didn't look at Julian at all though.

He paused. "Do you know?" He asked and flower nodded. "And did he?" He asked looking at her neck. Flower looked away nodding again. He grabbed flower's shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked and flower sighed. "He's my friend...I know what you'd do if you found out." She answered and he stood up straight nodding with his hand on his chin. "So you saw...you saw what they become..."

Flower looked away. "Yeah...it was scary...and I...I really was frightened...but still...I don't want you to kill him." She said and this gave her father pause. He looked at Julian putting his knife away. "Approach!" He said.
(Lolz edwards hair)

Azura walked around the school, she wanted to explore a bit and get used to it. She had the same red book in her hand as she explored.
Julian jumped when he demanded him to step forward. He glanced at Flower a couple times as he slowly edged his way bàck over. He still hasn't said a word, he felt terrible for scaring her and also her father even knew. 'Please don't stab me! Please don't stab me!'
Celes waved at Julian before she lost sight of him and sighed, she hoped it all would be alright. There she was left again without nothing to do.. She just had so much free time. She then started to walk again, it may be weird for some, seeing her walking practically in circles, but it cleared her mind, it at least maintained her awake.
He looked at Julian. "Hmm...this weak vampire...how close we're you to him for he to get anywhere near you?" He said raising an eyebrow. Flower poked her two pointer fingers together. "Uhhhh...we were...eating lunch together?" She said and then jerked back when he glared at her. She held an arm up looking scared herself. He looked back at Julian. "My daughter...is no food of yours." He said narrowing his eyes. "You low life."

Flower glared. "Father!" She stomped her foot. "He is my friend." She said and the jerked and took a step back when he raised his voice. "Would a friend nearly kill another?" He said and flower looked away. "I will have you know I don't think that was his intention...even more so I know of quite a few vampires here would haven't laid a hand on me." She mumbled crossing her arms.

He looked at her. "More vampires?!" He asked. "What have you been doing?!"
Azura walked in the hallways in the backside of the school. No one was really around there, in fact she was almost alone. She noticed a door that looked really old. She carefully and slowlyopened the creaky door. It was so old it was sort of jammed. She rammed into it a couple times "just how old is this school.." Finally the door busted open and she went flying in and fell on the floor. Dust plumes went into the air and she coughed. She got up she had a couple of dirt spots on her face,"What is this room?" She looked around
'J-Just stop talking! Talking only makes it worse!!' Julian wanted to say this to Flower, but instead remained silent. "They have nothing to do with this. They're friends of me, that's all." He was now speaking to her father. His statement was...mostly true, he wasn't lying but...

The shadow of his umbrella hid his face by darken it a little, his blue eyes practically glowing. 
(@honey: Whoa! :o Where did Azura just enter?)
He looked at Julian and then back at flower. "Why this one?" He asked and close looked at him confused. He stepped closer. "Why this one?" He asked again narrowing his eyes and flower seemed even more confused. He shook his head and then rubbed his chin. He thought things over. "Vampire...have you drank a human's blood before?" He asked narrowing his eyes. "Have you killed a human? Do not lie...because I will know."
(Heh? Oh i entered a while ago...oh...oh! Idk im making it up xD srry i didnt understand that at first xD i was actually gonna go somewhere with it but i forgot *is tired*)
(@honey: lol xD you seem kinda tired *YAWNS* I am really tired)

Julian seemed to slouch down as he came closer, feeling intimidated by him. "No and no. No is the answer for both of those questions." He replied truthfully. He was surprisingly speaking in a calm tone..in his head he was flipping out.
The room was old and dark. It was awfully dusty. There was a single round wooden table and one chair in the center of the room. All the way in the back was a large desk and a boarded up window behind it. On the sides of the room were wall book cases full of books. A single oil lit lamp on the round table. She walked to the large wooden desk and snooped through the drawers. All she found were matches. She lit a match and used it to light the lamp. She walked over to a bookcase and pulled a random book. She walked to the table, sat down and looked through the book 
(Im tired too but i dont wanna sleep Dx)
He leaned in slightly. "Then you are not a vampire I would be after." he said and then looked at flower. "Be more careful." He said and then glared at Julian a bit before walking off. "I will see you at Home flower!" He said waving bye to his daughter. '

Flower sighed in relief. She looked at Julian and then slightly smiled. "That was...too close." She said and then looked away rubbing her neck.

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