>Vampire Kiss<

Flower smiled and then went and changed. She came out and stretched her arms. She still cringed and rubbed her arm. "Ugh..." She said and then looked around for Julian. She pushed her fingers through her bangs and then sighed a bit. She started heading out anyways.
Celes jumped as well, surprised. She stood up and walked slowly to the changing room, changing at the same pace. She didn't bother to pick her hair up this time, but she at least got her glasses back on again, before walking out of the gym, not really minding the road she was walking
Julian walked outside, hissing quietly under his breath as he reentered the sunlight. He kept his umbrella close as he headed for the cafeteria. "Lunch time!" He told himself. He got his tray of food and again sat under the shady tree. Holding his head after his set the tray down, he growned. "Ow..." he had a huge headache and his fangs were aching. No wonder he felt so hungry. "No...not now....no matter what...I need to hold back"
Nick and Deathwish were next to come out. Nick saw celes and locked onto her walking over. Deathwish stayed behind raising an eyebrow at nick. Nick looked at her and smirked. "Hello there." Nick said and politely bowed. "I am nick...may I asked your name?" He said looking at her being as charming as possible. 
Flower was also over getting her food. She saw Julian and then blinked. She smiled lightly and then walked over. "Hey..,there you are." She sat down and saw him holding his head. She tilted her head. "Hey...you ok?" She aske looking at him with a worried frown.
"...y-yeah. Sure....fine." Julian lied and groaned again. His fangs were clearly visible, his blue eyes seemed to slowly fade a light shade of red around the edges. "Damn..." he scooted away from Flower. He covered up his mouth.
Celes stopped and looked up at Nick, still with sleepy eyes, seriously one night she didn't sleep and she felt so tired, maybe it was because she took a nap before that triggered that sleepiness. "Hi, I'm Celes" She said as she suppressed a yawn, she then raised an eyebrow, what a funny way of looking at people, she thought totally oblivious to the charming side.
Flower leaned over slightly and reached for his forehead. "You don't look ok." She said and then looked at him. "Man...even your eyes are dim." She said and then looked at him. It didn't even hit her that he might have been hungry...for blood. She hasn't been around vampires that log to know when or when not to be near them. However something suddenly made her nervous, like she had run. She was 't sure what it was about. 
Nick tilted his head a bit. She seemed almost none reactive to him. He wasn't use to that. Even now girls were passing him with a blush On their faces. He looked how tired she was. "Didn't sleep well huh? Tis tis...tht won't do at all." He said and then smiled. "You won't keep that beautiful face if you don't sleep."
Celes let out a smile as she stretched a little, the day was almost over, she had to at least wake up for that time "Yeah, maybe you're right" She admitted before rubbing her eyes softly behind her glasses. She then took her time to look at him and the guy behind him, twins it seemed. As she imagined they came out of the gym as all of them she guessed they were in their first year of high school as well, same year then?
When she reached to put her hand on his forehead, in a split second he grabbed ahold of her wrist tight and hissed, bareing his fangs. He smirked creepily and tilted his head slightly to the side; his bangs fell out of the way so his eyes were beaming blood-red color. "Hmm, seems like you didn't think about watching your back around me. You even knew I was a vampire." He said ans grinned wider. His inner vampire had clearly awoken. This was the darker side that had only now been released. He chuckled then said, "Now if you don't mind...I'm ready for fome blood." He leaned forward and bit into her neck.
Flower's eyes widen when he grabbed her wrist. She tugged hard and then froze when he bit her neck. She started stugglig. "Julian!" She kicked him hard in his stomach and kept jerking around. She couldn't believe he just bit her! Oh and he was probably going to pay for it.

Nick changed completely. He could see flirting would be wasted on her. He looked annoyed yet mixed with a look like she had just done something stupid. "We'll glad you agree with me." He stood up straight and brushed his hair out I his eyes and that was Deathwish sign to come over. Deathwish had a blank face on.
Celes frowned a little, she could at least definitely feel the change in him. What was wrong with that guy? And that look.. "What?" She asked yet not angry but calmly, however, her attention was diverted when she felt a scent in the air... No doubt that was fresh blood, had someone dared to bite another person inside the school grounds? That made her gulp, not because of the act, but because that smell reminded her of her own thirstiness
(@honey: Hi Honeybear! :D yeah, there's plently of room for more members!)

Julian let out a sort of groan/hiss mix when Flower's foot jabbed into his stomach. He licked the blood off his lips and blinked his eyes back to their normal shade of blue. 'Did I...did I just bite someone?! ....why?! And why Flower!?' he backed a few steps away before racing up onto one of the tree branches and hiding behind his umbrella. "Omgomgomgomgomgmomg!!!!!! I'm sorry Flower! Don't kill me! I didn't mean to!" He hugged the trunk of the tree with one arm, the other arm holding the umbrella infront of him.
Flower's hair covered her eyes and she sat there for a moment. She put her hand slowly up to her neck were he bit her. She pulled the hand back and looked at the blood on it. She clenched her hand into a fist. "..." She looked at him her glare intense like she was ready to kill. She jumped grabbing onto the tree branch and swinging her legs kicking him out of the tree. She was now on the branch. She looked down at him like a elapsed as it spots it's pray. Suddenly the blood loss hit her and she grew dizzy falling out of he tree nearly fainted. 
Deathwish and nick also smelled it. Nick looked at her. "Hey...are you hungry?" He asked and then looked at Deathwish who handed him a box of breath mints. Nick opened it up....really it was blood tablets. "You can have one." He said already knowing she was a vampire. He offered her one but didn't take any himself. Nick just smiled at her. "Oh and that's my brother Deathwish...sory if he looks scary." He said.
Julian dropped his umbrella once he got back up on his feet after being kicked off, seeing Flower fall from the branch. He opened up his large, dark bat wings aand flew up, catching her in his arms before she hit the ground. He floated.back down to the ground. He hissed quietly for the sun hurt his skin. "Ignore the damn sun...I need to get Flower to a nurse....no, I can't. The bite marks are too obvious..plus my breath probably reeks of fresh blood now." He told himself and set her down leaning up against the tree. As he shade himself from the sun with his huge wings, he held a piece of cloth up to her neck to stop the bleeding..
Celes raised an eyebrow as she received the blood tablet, once again that guy's attitude had changed.. Seriously, what was with him? "Thanks" She said as she got the tablet on her mouth and felt at least a temporary relief on her throat. The fresh blood still bothered her though. She then looked at Deathwish, well he was not particularly scary, he had a blank face on after all, that was not scary at all "Hi" She said as she looked at him, not really sure if he was going to answer back, didn't seem the type to do so.
Flower glared at him and then shoved him away. She held the cloth up to her neck by herself. She was ticked off at him and it probably was best to keep his distance. She slowly got up and went back to her tray of food and sucked down the juice with it. She moved away to get cleaned up in the bathroom but she was still dizzy and found it hard to more and keep her balance.

Deathwish didn't answer at all. Nick looked at Deathwish. "Now Deathwish don't be rude. he said and then shrugged when Deathwish only glared at him.nick looked at her and then started to move away. "We better get to lunch." He said with a smile.
Julian sighed and folded up his wings, disappearing when they touched his back. He picked up his umbrella again and sat down under the tree. He expected her to be upset yet it still surprised him. Another sigh came out when he poked his sharp fangs. "She hates me..."
Celes lightly waved at them before letting herself smile back at him "Bye, see you around I guess" She said as she also walked away. She then found herself following the scent of blood without really noticing it and blinked when she realized she was doing so, she was going to walk back away from it when she spotted Flower, she was walking kind of funny and then her eyes widened in realization as she smelled the scent coming from her. She walked to her kind of quickly, not because of the blood, but because she was concerned. Had a vampire attacked her? Where was Julian when Flower needed him? It didn't even cross her mind that he had attacked her "Flower? What happened?" She asked as she caught up with her.
Flower walked past not bothering to stop. "Julian attacked me." She said harshly and went into the bathroom. She ran the water and started cleaning the wound. The human mouth was full of germs. She stopped for a moment...but...he wasn't human. She looked down and signed. "You didn't think to watch your back around me. You even knew I was a vampire." That's what Julian said to her. He had completely changed in an instant...she was to comfortable with him. "I had this coming didn't I?" She said to herself with a hand over her eyes. "Stupid idiot." It was confusing weighed she was calling Julian that or herself. Maybe even both.
Celes blinked and rubbed the back of her head "Man... What a problem" She said in a soft voice but decided not to follow her, she seemed pretty angry enough, and maybe she didn't need a nosy vampire to go and follow her. She turned back, still with worry, but if she was strong enough to walk she would be fine, just a matter of hours. She sighed as she placed her hands inside her pockets and walked away.
Bye... -walks to lunch but didn't pick up a tray since she decided not to eat any human food today and thinks ;I wonder how humans can stand this.....-
"Celes! Celes! Celes!" Julian called out as he desperately raced up behind her. Once he reached her, he stopped to take a quick breath. "Celes you gotta help! What's wrong with me?! I bite Flower just now. I've never drank anyone's blood before!" His voice sounded a bit whiney and confused. Guilt covered the emotions on his face. 
(@yullen: Fire has two new charries, Nick and Deathwish. Also, Julian accidently bit Flower just now)
(storm: i back :P yay :P
(kk so did anything happen while i was gone? i am completely guessing no) -walks to a tree nearby the lunch room and sits down as she smiles and sings to a point where only she can hear herself sing and she adds a beautiful melody voice in her head since her Mother use to do melodies with her when she was little-

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