>Vampire Kiss<

-laughs a little but her face is flushed red with embarrassment and she thinks: Darn it, I wish he didn't hear me. Well you can't change the past you can only continue with the present as Papa always told me. She looks up at him and says while studdering a little- I uh... I'm sorry you had to hear that you-you where probably concentrated on something. I-I must have knocked you off of your concentration. S-Sorry -she blushes a little bit- 
-looks away a bit since she notices he can see her blushing- Uh.. n- no it's fine really...
(@dami: Fire just created vampire twins! :3)

'Concentrating? I wasn't even doing anything. Concentrating on sitting I guess.' Julian thought and shrugged. "No, no it's fine. I was just complimenting you.just trying to be friendly." He explained. The girl still felt really shy around him, he needed to learn how to get along with regular humans if he wanted to remain in this regular world. "If I'm bothering you I can just leave...
-looks into her backpack and pulls out her drawing book and her camera and looks at the picture she took and then remembers: Oops, that isn't very considerate of me.. Clioe you idiot! Puts her camera and drawing book away slowly and looks up at him again and smiles a little bit- 
No you can stay if you want, I'm not really doing anything -smiles and blushes a little- 
(Clioe isn't a human btw xP she a vampire :P
-looks over at the game really quickly and her fangs show a little bit but then she turned her head back to his direction after 5 minutes and her fangs aren't noticeable anymore-
Nick and Deathwish came in late. Nick looked around and spotted all the girls. He smirked and then looked at Deathwish who just walked around and sat down. Nick soon followed and then smirked looking at all the girls. Deathwish ignored his brother for the most part at the moment.
(Oh yeah! xD how did I forget? )

Julian shrugged again. He sniffed her blood scent slightly, instantly detecting that she was a vampire. 'Oh cool! I can use always use more vampire friends!' he thought and remembered that he needed to go to the blood ritual at Celes's house later. Noticing that the girl didn't carry an umbrella, he wondered if she used some other sort of item too to protect her skin from the sun. A braclet or a necklace, maybe? He decided to worry about it later. "You like to draw?" He had also saw her artbook and camera. A rather artisy type girl.
Yes i do -smiles and adjusts her hood over her head (Storm: she uses her hood to protect her :P ) and makes sure the sun doesn't touch her skin at all-
(@fire: Lol x3 I like how instantly after they walk in, all Deathwish thinks is "girls". Lol I dunno why, but I find that funny!)

(@fire#2: Ooh! Another thing! Will Flower fall for Julian eventually or does she never notice his feelings for her?) 
(@flame: sorry :P I forget easily.....must remember!)
Celes stretched again as she walked back to the group of students waiting for their turn. It was sure a rather long line... Well she had already run at least a little she thought to herself as she walked a bit away from them, letting her red hair down again, damn it, she never knew how to leave it alone.

(Oh, cool! Lol I love the name 'Deathwish' xD )
hold on a have to check something okay? just a minute -turns around and adjusts her hand glove as she then pulls out her biological Mother's locket, made of gold, and takes a glance at it, smiles, and puts it away quickly and turns back around and smiles-

(storm: it's okay :P )
(@Storm Just thought about her family doing a pretty weird ritual were they say certain words in the middle of the night while they have the item drenched in blood)
(lol... hey storm.... flying tacos!!! ahh!!! lol) -feels like she is about to die for this and she should never ask anyone this because the wrong answer could get her in trouble... but she noticed he never went anywhere without an umbrella.. and then she thinks: wait woah woah woah let's no ask THAT first... just just get to know him and you first have to tell him your name okay Clioe? Holds her tongue and then slowly speaks- Soo um... -looks around for a second- My.. my name is Clioe. Wha.. What's Yours?
(@fire: So she falls for Jaden instead of Julian? Poor Julian, but still...drama!)

(@flame: lol ^w^)

(@dami: okay, that's what I thought. Ooh! Does Celes fall for anyone?)

Julian blinked once. "Julian. My name's Julian." He smiled then added, "nice to meet you."
(i guess Clioe is starting to like Julian :P ;P)

-smiles- nice to meet you too -reaches out her hand thinking they should shake hands then thinks: Is that weird? I don't know -sighs in her mind and slowly puts her hand on her lap thinking: Yeah that would be weird....- So um.. How are you doing Julian?
(@flame: oooooooooooh! :D x3 Drama!)

Julian was about to shake her hand but saw her place it back down on her lap before he could even raise his. He ignored that. "I'm fine. Tire though...I didn't get any sleep last night. How bout you?" He yawned then stretched. 
(@fire: oh okay, I hate spell check too. It just messes it up instead of helps in my opinion)
Celes sat down on the bleachers, yawning. Now that her adrenaline had gone down she felt tired again.. all the tiredness coming to her again. She laid her elbow on top of her leg and then laid her cheek on her hand, all her wavy red hair falling on her face

(@Storm Don't know, haven't thought about it yet xD )
I'm fine. I just skipped art class is all. This morning was stupid though. this guy was being a retard so I punched him in the face and gut -laughs a little- then he stopped bugging me after class.

(aww i gtg storm in a bit) last message after then urs then i gtg ='( ) 
(oooh no! drama bomb as lumpy space princess would say)

Umm so, what do you want to do after class? I mean if you are busy after class then that's fine with me...
(@flame: awww .bye flamey...well, in a second)

(@dami: lol, I was just curious if she liked anyone)

Julian smiled. "I hate jerks too. Good job beating his ass." He gave a thumbs up. 
(@flame: Was that Clioe asking Julian the last part?)
Yeah well, when someone pisses me off I'm not afraid to fight for myself so.. yeah -looks at her camera and sees the time almost time for lunch-(bye, i'll try to get on at uh... 4:00 am tomorrow xD  
(yes, bye ='( ) 
(tell me what happened or happends when I get back on tomorrow, oh and after 6:50 i won't be on until uhh... i think 5:00 or so ='( )
Julian jumped when the bell rang throughout the gym. He wasn't used to the loud ringing yet. "Well, I guess I'll talk tou you later, maybe." He said to her as he began climbing down the bleachers. "Cya Clioe." He went into the locker and changed back into his regular clothes, including the black cape. He grabbed his umbrella and raised that up.

(Aww =( bye flamey)

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