>Vampire Kiss<

(@flamey: HHi :) yay you're back!)

(@flamey#2: so basically you missed pretty much the same things as yullen. Fire has two new characters, Nick and Deathwish. Julian bit Flower by accident and is freaking out right now. He's begging people to help him because he's confused right now)
(alright i figured that out xP... let's go! 3, 2, 1, action!! lol) 
-slumps down and adjusts her hood again as she pulls out her camera from her backpack and redraws the picture of the flower.. when she finished it looked like a small replica, no perfect but close to a replica and smiles

and then sees Julian, but this time he is begging people to him of his confusion and walks over to see what was wrong- Hi Julian... what's wrong -looks at him with a questioning but empathetic look-
(@flamey: well, you did ask.)

Julian turned to Clioe when heard her say his name. "Umm...I-I might have accidently...just maybe bit someone a moment ago." He replied, looking away awkwardly and poking his fangs. They were still sharp. 'Wh-why?! Why did this happen?! Again, why to Flower!? We just became friends and I was even trying to get her to like me......now she hates me! Wahh! But why has my inner vampire only reacted to Flower's blood?'
Celes blinked when she saw Julian "Shh Don't be so loud" She said as he had said that quite loudly in a place full of students "Have you really not drank someone's blood before? Were you hungry?" She asked, concerned about his desperation
Nichole and Jaden talked for a bit. Jaden said"ok seriously can you a backflip?" Nichole said"tried and failed." Jaden said" it cant be that bad!" Nichole tried and landed on her butt. Jaden said"ok whats wrong is you lose concentration and dont get high enough..."
Julian lowered his voice, calming himself down a bit. "Yeah obviously I was hungry, and yeah for the other thing too. I've never bitten anyone before. I haven't been 'outside' very long from being forbidden to leave by my parents, I've only had blood tablets up till now." He explained then added, "It was a strange feeling. Well, you know how you feel before you bite someone? Like something inside of you seems to awaken? That's what felt happened and my fangs suddenly grew. I've never reacted to blod before this way." 
(@yullen: ^^ random backflips!)
Celes knew the situation pretty well and couldn't help it but let a little smile bloom on her face, as if saying that, that was pretty normal to happen "That's your vampire instinct, Julian, though I think you may have already known that. The reason why you reacted to her like that is because you 'desire' her, that makes you, in a way, also desire her blood. Why do you think not much vampires manage to get into a relationship with humans? Only those who have real self-control manage it, it's rare, most vampires do not hold back" Once done with the explanation she then let out a sigh, well even if that was true, it didn't change the fact that Flower was pretty mad at him though..
-she looked surprised then thought: oh i wish I could show the truth in my face right now, Clioe you wouldn't be surprised if you were showing truthful faces. She looked down and sighed and then starts showing in her face her not being surprised after the girl's explanation- Well... -bites her tongue considering the girl's fact was very true and then decides to stop talking about it-
Flower had gotten a bandage for her neck. She sighed. "How to explain to father?" Yes she was mad at Julian but...she didn't want to tell her father about him. She sighed walking around a bit and kicking at the ground. "Stupid..." She mumbled.
(@flame: Is Clioe jealous?)

Julian's face grew red. He ccould tell that he was blushing. "Desire?" He repeated. "I-I mean I like Flower but I don't know her that much to like her...that much..." this was too, but also partly just an excuse. He ran a hand through his hair as he brushed his bangs back and sighed. "I just don't know what to do...........wait, Celes, you said that the blood ritual would help enhance my senses or whatever, would that help me control myself more and hold back?" He didn't want to bite Flower or anyone else. His face was still pretty red because Celes had mentioned his crush and Clioe, the girl he had met during P.E., was liistening to the whole conversation about it.
Celes couldn't help it but chuckle "Not desire in that way. You have a crush on her, that, in certain way can also be considered 'desire', you know?" She said and then raised her eyebrow when Julian mentioned the ritual "Actually I don't know, don't think so, even so it's not like the blood we are gonna use for that ritual belongs to a vampire who is well known for self control, actually it was quite the opposite" She said and then just looked at him "You will have to learn how to hold back by yourself" She added, smirking a little.
"I wasn't thinking of desire like that!" Julian's cheeks were still red. "Is it really that obvious that I like- ...nevermind about that question. So it doesn't help with that at all?" He let out a small groan of frustration. "Pretty much it only helps with the whole sunlight thing?" 
(@honey: Just fill out the form and you can begin ^^)
Flower walked around. She saw Julian and celes. She turned on her heel trying to sneak off unnoticed. She bumped into nick who turned around and looked at flower. She blinked and then looked as Deathwish also looked back at her. Nick smirked slightly and then grabbed her chin. He lifted her head up a bit. "Hey beautiful? What's wrong looks like you've seen a vampire." He chuckled and flower pushed him away.

"Great two more to add to my list. For vampires you don't his very well." She shoves him aside and nick blinks noticing her neck. He narrowed his eyes fucusing on the patch on her neck. "Ah....so she's the one...the blood we smelled earlier...how intriguing..." Nick said rubbing his chin wih a smirk.
Celes nodded with a kind of apologetic smile and blinked when she smelled the blood again. She then turned back and saw Flower, then Nick and Deathwish. Then she turned to face Julian again "There is Flower... Maybe you should talk to her.. Should you not?" She said as she tiled her head
Username: HoneyBear-Kat

Name: Azura Kingsly

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: http://www.blingcheese.com/image/code/110/cute+anime+girl.htm

Human or Vampire?: Human

Personality: She doesnt show much emotion but she isnt heartless, she wants to open up more. Shes logical and often precise. Shes offended if shes made fun of by her height. Shes innocent and sometimes to smart that she seems dumb xD (does....that make sense?)

Crush/Bf/Gf: Doesnt know yet.

Other: She has a strange fetish for misfortune. She has a thing for cookies, basically who ever gives her one..she loves and will be loyal. fear of thunder.
Julian glanced back over his shoulder, at first all he saw were the twin vampire bros but he soon saw Flower as well. He wuickly hid behind Celes. "No! Bad idea! She'll only try to hurt me again...not that I blame her though!" 
(@honey: Accepted! ^^ You can jump in whenever! Its currently lunch time at their school right now)
Celes rolled her eyes and sighed "Are you sure? Then how are you gonna get the things straight?" She said as she looked back at him "Well.. It's your call anyway"
(yay~! *glomps*)

Azura was new. She always had a straight face. She walked into the school she was intimidated but hardly showed it. Shes afraid to show emotion. "Lets see what this school is all about..." she told herself.
"I guess gettinf punched in the face is better than ignoring eachother forever....but I'll wait just a bittttttt longer." Julian sighed.
Azura noticed it was lunch time, she picked a place to sit. She looked around for a moment then sat down. She didnt eat lunch but instead she read a book. It was a blood red book with black lettering on it. The book was old and you couldnt see the words clearly. 
(not "words" i meant title...sorry :P )
Flower moved away from them all. She sat alone under a tree with her book in hand. She looked up only a few times when people passed her. She ignored the whispers unsure of what they were talking about. Flower shivered a bit. Julian had scared her...he was completely different, changing in an instant before he fed off of her. The pain in her neck and hearing him sucking the blood out of her. His eyes and his fangs, all of it truely scared her, in that moment, he'd become a monster to flower, much like her father warned her about. She blew her bangs out of her face. She didn't know if she was angry or scared of Julian. She sighed deeply the book still in her hand but hanging upside down as she rested her head on the tree. She touched the wound with a slight finch. "Man...vampires are the source of all my pain today." She said shifted he injuried shoulder as well. "How am I going to hide all this from father?" She asked herself.

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