>Vampire Kiss<

This book was about the human body. In the back was a picture of veins and arteries, there were circles around the wrist and neck with arrows pointing to them."Why are these circled...?" she inquired. She put the book back and grabbed another. This one was about phobias, a page was missing though how strange. She realized the missing page was between pages 176 and 178, "One seventy seven" she said. She went to the index and looked for the page. When she found it she read it aloud,"Hemophobias..." Blood phobias. There was a sudden creak in the room that startled her, she dropped the book and ran out into the blinding sun. She put her hand to cast a shadow over her face as she transitioned from the dark room to the suns light.
"...I'm sorry Flower! I-I swear I would never do something like that on purpose!" Julian suddenly blurted nervously, after her father has left of course. "That's never happened to me before so I had no way of knowing how to control it. If you ever see me try to bite someone or you again, j-just stop me. No matter what, just stop me. Even if you have to stab me in the heart."
Flower blinked as he suddenly blurted out something. She looks at him and then smiles softly. "I'm sorry...I really am. I know I shouldn't blame you...of anything it was my fault. You are a vampire....and I should have been more respectful of that. You just scared me...that's all." She said and then went and hugged him. "I promise...if I see you doing again." She said and then looked at him with a smirk. "I'll beat the crap out of you." She said and then chuckled slowly letting him go from the hug.
Julian couldn't help but blush bright red when she wrapped her arms around and hugged him; His face was practically a tomato. Must vampires didn't blush or rarely ever blushed little moments of blush, but not him. He blushed allllll the time. "I-I'm sorry. I know I scared you, I don't blame you for being upset....or beating me up. I probably would have crapped myself if something like that ever happened to me." He smiled a small grin. Running a hand back through his hair, he pulled his bangs back as well, only to have them fall back infront of his eyes again.
Flower looked at him having a very small pink blush herself. "You're blushing again." She said almost singing it and then put her hands in her pockets. "You're one weird vampire." She said and then smiled at him. "Oh and I'd be careful walking alone, my father has a way of sneaking up on even vampires." she said and then chuckled.
"Alright, I'll be cautious." Julian chuckled too then continued, "And I'm not weird, I'm just so awesome that some people just can't handle it." His face was still pretty red but at least he was smiling now. "I'm almost certain lunch would have ended a while ago...unless this day is slowly going by..Wonder what time it is? What class is next?" He pulled out his schedule again, he wold have been lost for days if he hadn't received that schedule and thank goodness it also included a school map in the back.
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "History." She said and then patted his back. "Come on then." She said and then started walking to go inside. "If anything I could say I kept you up because I started feeling dizzy again." She said shrugging. She looks back at him, she started rubbing her neck again it was really aching.
"Okay. Oh hey, how's your neck btw? Still hurting by my guess." Julian asked with concern as they both began heading to history class.

(Shorty post)
Flower looks at him. "Yeah...at the time....I think I was to shocked to really notice the pain." She said and then sighed. "It still hurts like heck." She said and then sighed deeply. She looked around and then pushed her hair out of her eyes. She looked at Julian and then looked away. "Well in a sense I guess it was better to have been me then anyone else."
Julian frowned at her last comment. "Don't say things like that. True I wouldn't have liked to bite you or anyone else, but still."
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "Well not many girls can handle such a shock and keep there sanity." She said looking at him with her arms crossed. She looks at him. "Anyways....you need to be better about not revealing your vampire identity."
(Gee wiz.. I am back for good, been on spring break haven't had much time. Anyone want to fill me in on what has happened, pretty much give me a summary of the story so far? Please and thank you ^^)
(Hey glad to have you back! Anyways it's after lunch time, Julian found out Flower's father is a vampire hunter, Julian lost control and bit flower, a few of the other characters have been around exploring, and after almost beating the crap out of Julian, when he went to say sorry he met Flower's father who found out he was a vampire. After a close call with her father, Flower has forgiven him and now they are heading to history class.)
Nichole and jaden went to class. Nichole sighed and looked at the teacher when he said"ok brats do these pages and dont bother me!" nichole saw jaden was asleep and sighed waking him up. he said"um nicho-chan can you help me with this biology problem?" nichole nodded and said"the difference in meiosis and mitosis is that meiosis goes through two cycles and makes 4 hapliod daughter cells. mitosis goes through only one and makes two diploid daughter cells...." jaden said"thanks a bunch!" writing it down.
After returning from a "Hunting" trip he took his seat in History class. Kiyo has been laying low on the fact he needed to recuperate some energy. It was a long hunt. He had pretty much full energy now. He looked around the room to notice some of the familiar faces. He didn't see Flower and Julian just yet. 'Hmm their gonna be late.' He thought to himself. He stood up and walked out of the room ignoring everything the teacher was saying. He stepped out into the hall and walked toward the aroma the other vampire gave off. It was a rather girly one so he was able to find him.

Finally reaching Flower and Julian he noticed them walking side by side. 'Wow looks like he bit her.' He though to himself clearly seeing the bite mark peeking through her hair. He stepped right beside Julian. "You finally bit her huh? Didn't kill her though? What a shame." He laughed, then looked at Flower. "Since he failed why didn't you kill him?" That really intrigued him. "don't you like to fight? You can have finished him while his guard was down." He looked at her closer. "Well a pretty girl like yourself, probably too sweet to kill him huh? Or is it.. you like him?" He laughed at the idea.
Flower looked at him. "Ah so you're back to your annoying self.." She said and then grabbed him by the hair. "Don't test me today...I'm in a really bad mood still..." She said and then tried to throw his head into the wall. "I will beat someone up....but I won't kill a friend. You...I don't consider a friend so watch what you say." She said glaring at him.
He caught himself with a foot he pressed against the wall. He then would reach his hand back, grabbing her wrist popping it a little. This would leave it temporarily numb. "A shame to kill someone I like, don't test me, you got lucky when this guy bit you. Won't be nearly as lucky." He brushed his hair back down, and looked at her as nothing had happened. "So you didn't tell me how you were doing." he said, as he brushed himself off.
Flower grabbed her wrist. he was irritating her. She could never get a good hit with this guy! Just once...just once when she kicked him when he had Julian in his hands. She sighed and then moved her wrist around. "One of these days...I'll get a good hit on you again." She looked at him. "I'm fine." She said in reply to his question about how she was doing, he changed so quickly he really did confuse Flower.
"Do you have some secret desire to hit me?" he laughed. He already knew the answer, but thought it would be fun to ask. He noticed the slight change in mood when he changed his tone and question. "Just fine? Not amazing?! your alive enjoy it!!" He laughed popping his neck like usual. He looked over at her neck where the bites were. He pulled out the ointment he used before. "Let me help you." He moved her hair and gently put some of it on her neck. The wounds would quickly begin to heal. "That should do it!"
Flower blinked as her neck started to feel better. She sighed relieved slightly. She blinked and then looked at him. "hmm...thank you." She said looking away and crossing her arms. "I don't know if he would have killed me or not...all I know is a swift kick to the stomach did the job to get him off of me." She said and then looked at him.
"You know I'm not a bad guy, so don't take me as one, but a stunt like that and your able to make me one." He chuckled abit. "So it does feel better then." Examining her neck. He touched it barely. "Still hurt?" Noticing what she said. "So you stopped him? Hmmm... maybe he would maybe he wouldn't." He thought about it. 'I doubt he would have.' he thought to himself.
Flower moved her head slightly away not exactly wanting another vampire messing with her neck at the moment. "A little, but it's fine...just sore." She said and then looked at him and sighs. "..." She had no comment further on the issue. She glanced at Julian and then pushed her hair back.
He moved his hand away. "Yea your a fighter you will be just fine." He said with a bright smile. He noticed as she kept quiet. "I see." He glanced over at Julian. He was also waiting on a response to all of this.
Flower looked back at him. "Oh did you just notice." She said sarcastically and then looked around and then back at Kiyo. She wasn't entirely sure what to do now.
(Splamey: OMG you're back! :D Hi!!!)

Julian had quickly continued on his way to the classroom when Kiyo showed, he didn't want to have anything to do with him. He sighed deeply as he slumped down in the backseat, resting his feet on the chair infront of him.

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